Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin) (5 page)

BOOK: Another Way To Bleed (Midnight Assassin)
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Chapter Eight


Luka's voice resonated through Cassie, a huge wave of relief washing over her. It meant she was still in there somewhere.

Yeah, Luka, I'm here - wherever here is. What's happening to me?

I think she has somehow given your demon half a voice for now... Why I do not know. Try and hold on for me, Cassie ... can you do that

Cassie knew that things had gotten royally screwed now... It was only when she was up to her ass in trouble did Luka ever
call her Cassie.

I'm not that hard to kill, boss... just try and get me out of here. I hate b
eing stuck in my own head.

She could see everything that was going on, but could do nothing to move or speak as herself. Archer had turned ghostly pale, wit
h his hand firmly grasping his Glock. Luka confronted the Queen, his voice strained. “Lilith, what have you done to Cassandra? You have disrespected me by harming one of my people. I could have you evicted from my city, as is the law.”

Meeting Lukas eyes with a steel look of her own, Lilith replied, “Luka no harm has come to Cassie. As soon as I have spoken to the minion, she will return with nothing more than a headache and need for sleep. I have just given her demonic essence a voice for now. Can you not see that she is starving that side of her? It is dangerou
s! She could kill herself.”

That was definitely news to Cassie - what did she mean starving that side of her? She didn't feel any different since she had been forced to awaken her demonic side. More tired when she used her powers, and maybe a little hungrier. So what did Lilith
mean about ‘starving herself’?

“My child, will you explain to these gentlemen why you are being starved?” Lilith addressed Cassie's body. “While you have the chance to spe
ak, help us help Cassandra.”

The red eyed version of Cassie nodded slightly and began to speak. “The witch does not like to use me to her advantage, my Queen. She relies on human weapons and white magic to defeat enemies. She suppresses her anger as much as possible, making it hard for me to seep through. She wishes more than anything that she was not a demon, and that she w
as normal.”

Hey!! Those are my thoughts, you Langer. If I wanted share time, then I’d see a therapist! The shout was so loud that Cassie's body staggered. Take that, demon bitch; I can spill m
y own damn secrets.

The hint of a smile flickered on Luka's face before becoming expressionless once again. Lilith frowned at the stagger and motioned for the demon to continue. Cassie did not want the demon to give anything else away. She concentrated very hard, closing her eyes and willing her mouth to speak. “LUKA? Please, please
no more.”

Everyone was shocked into silence, even Cassie. Lilith's eyes opened wide as she regarded the men in the room. “She is more powerful than I expected. No one should be able to break that spell, no one... Hurry, demon before the
witch takes back her body.”

“Yes, my Queen,” the monotone voice returned as Cassie cursed. “It is the human emotions that debilitate her the most. She wants to protect those around her, the vulnerable. She constantly questions her worth and whether she should have died th
at day along with her mother.”

! Cassie screamed in frustration as Luka couldn't mask the rumble of a growl low in his throat as the zombie Cassie continued. “Sometimes she yearns to die, mostly when she is alone. She fights me to no end, and she has only one reason why she has not fallen in battle as of yet.”

NOOOOO! SHUT THE HELL UP! This time the shout was so strong that even Luka stumbled. “My personal thoughts are none of your business, demon bitch.” Cassie bit out her mouth before
she shrank back inside. Lilith ignored Cassie and indicated for the demon to continue, but Luka spoke up “Lilith enough I want this to end now.”

“But why, Luka? Do you not want to hear the rest? It's j
ust about to get interesting.”

Luka frowned. “If Cassandra wanted us to know, then she would tell us. Finish this, Lilith or I will.”

Lilith waved her hand in dismissal and nodded at demon Cassie.

“My Queen, the only thing that anchors her to her humanity is her attachment to the Vampire.”
Oh hell. “
She feels alive when he is near, our blood races and the last couple of months, her heart has broken a little ever since he stayed away. She thinks she may-”

The demon stop
ped abruptly, her eyes closing.

Cassie fought with all her strength to take control of her body once and for all.
Goddess, please aide me now. Grant me your blessing.
With a thump, Cassie felt herself drag her body forward, and her eyes flew open. Her arm recoiled and her fist met with Lilith's face as Archer raced forward to grab hold of her. “You bitch, you absolute bitch. My thoughts are my fucking own, and I'll say what I want, when I want. Don't ever invade my mind again, or so help the goddess, I
kill you.”

Lilith looked up at her from the floor stunned. Darius helped her to her feet as she wiped the blood from her nose. They stared at each other for what seemed like forever before Lilith looked away. Cassie pushed Archer away yet again. She was so angry that she could feel it radiate from her skin and didn't want anyone to touch her. She had been violated. Disgusted, she couldn't meet Luka’s eyes when she fe
lt his gaze land on her.

“I need to get out of here and away from her,” she announced.
Hell, I need a drink.

“Princess, just hang on a sec, we are not finished here,” Archer spoke in her
ear and she stopped.

Lilith composed herself, smoothed her clothes but made no effort to come stand by Cassie again. Rather, she clung to Darius' side. “Cassandra, I meant no harm, but you need to realise you have to
use your demonic powers or you will become quite ill. Let me guess - you feel anxious, fidgety and have other
that you don't understand? It is all a result of your lack of usage. The residual power is using your emotions to release itself. If you’re not careful, it will swallow you up and you will be of no use to any of us then.”

Shit, maybe that’s why I'm constantly horny.
The thought appeared in her head abruptly, and Cassie couldn't help but smirk as Luka gave a strangled cough.
Ha, that'll teach ya, vampire.

Archer faced Lilith, his hand back on his gun. He sized her up before he spoke, “I will teach Cassie to control her powers. She was remarkable this evening, and I suspect she will get a handle on them quickly, so there’ll be no need for you
to use your trickery again.”

Cassie walked over to Luka's chair and sat down, afraid if she didn't, then she was going to fall flat on her ass. Again. She closed her eyes, inhaled and separated the scents in the room, latching onto Luka's for dear life.
Breathe, Cassie just breathe.

“Don’t worry, Lilith. I'll still go find your son, but I don't want to be near you right now, so get the

Luka placed his hands on the back of the chair, his no-nonsense keeper-of-the-city tone returning. “Yes, Lilith, please go. I will send a messenger tomorrow night when we have d
iscussed our plans.”

Lilith nodded and snapped her fingers at
Daruis who followed her like a little puppy. She paused at the door and looked back at Cassie and Luka. “It’s funny, Helena once painted a picture of you like that... all that is missing are the crowns. Enjoy your dream today, Cassandra. I hope it brings you some answers that you so desperately seek.” And with that, she sashayed from the room, slamming the door behind her.

“Well this night couldn’t get any freakier, could it?” Cassie retorted suddenly exhausted. She wanted to curl up on the chair and go to sleep, but the promise
of Lilith’s dream scared her. Feeling Luka's hand on her shoulder, she tensed. A lot of things happened tonight and revelations galore. Her head was spinning and her body was trembling. Archer bent down in front of her as he asked, “Hey, Princess, you doing okay? You’re not looking too good.”

“You sure know how to charm a girl, Archie. You really do.” Cassie's speech had become slurred and she felt her body begin to shut down. Peeking at Luka through heavy lids, she rubbed her
hand across her forehead. “I don't feel so good, dudes. Think I’m going to cras...”

Her words were cut short as her eyes lolled and she convulsed, both men reaching for her before she fell. Strong arms lifted her up and she rested her aching head against Luka’s chest. She felt the rush of air and it felt good against her boiling skin. A door was swung open, and Cassie felt herself being lowered onto a soft mattress. She groaned, not wanting to be released from those arms. She felt the tingle as cool-as-ice lips pressed against her forehead. She sighed, content, the darkness looming to take her under. She was too tired to resist. As she welcomed sleep, she heard that velvet
voice as he whispered to her,
Shush, Cassandra, it’s alright, sleep now.
And she did.

Chapter Nine

The soft sand brushed over her feet as she walked along the shore. Waves lapped deliciously close and the smell of the salty air was peaceful. The moon was high this evening as Cassie sank down, letting her feet dangle into the ocean. She ran her fingers through the sand, smiling at how content she felt. Not a sound could be heard except for the crashing and the swirling of the water and chirping of crickets. As she lay down, Cassie closed her eyes knowing that if she died tonight, she would die happy. She scented him before she felt his hand on her waist, and arched her back in response. Soft lips brushed her own before she opened her mouth to deepen the kiss. A moan escaped her throat as the full weight of his body was lowered onto hers. Opening her eyes, Cassie stared into those intense green eyes and shivered. ‘Mine all mine.’ Luka raised an eyebrow and his face broke out into the most enticing grin. He kissed her again rolling over, so she was now straddling him.

“I think I would have you welcome me ev
ery time like that, Cassie.”

Cassie laughed and ran her finger over his lips before tracing his face. “If you think that was all about making you happy, then I would be afraid to hurt your feelings by saying otherwise!” She lent in for another kiss and w
as not disappointed.

“And if I had known that you were into getting down and dirty, as they say, on the beach, then I would have brought you here so mu
ch sooner, oh wife of mine.”

Cassie swatted at him before she rose and he groaned. They stood, looking out at the blue-black sea, her husband’s arms wrapped around her. She felt utterly at ea
se, calm and deliriously happy.

‘Don't you think we should make use of what little free time we have, Cassie, before we get interrupted again?’ Cassie nodded her head and held out her hand. Having Luka hold her hand as they walked along the beac
h was a miracle in itself.

Luka paused abruptly and inclined his head down the beach. A vision appeared before her, ringlets of curled midnight hair raced toward her, the girl’s her tiny feet barely touching the ground beneath her. Her green eyes sparkled with glee as soon as she spotted the pair standin
g in front of her.

“Mamma, Mamma, look what I found on the beach, when you put it to your ear, you can hear the ocean. I'm going to take it home with me
and keep it beside my bed!”

With that, the ecstatic five-year-old leapt into her mother’s arms and squeezed. Cassie's eyes filled with intense and pure love; she adored this little girl, her miracle. She thought she knew love with Luka, but nothing h
ad prepared her for this. Luka ruffled the little girl’s hair and spoke with such affection that it melted her heart.  “Saoirse, pet, why don't you go and collect more shells before dinner, and your mother and I will call you when it's ready.”

Saoirse kissed her father’s cheek and jumped down fro
m Cassie's arms. “Of course, Papa... But Papa, I think I need a beach of my own at home... just for my shells, and maybe a seahorse!” the little girl exclaimed, her smile wide, her fangs glistening in the dark. Luka curtsied before her causing her to giggle. “Of course, anything for my favourite daughter. I will order you a beach as soon as we go home.”

“What will I do with the pair of you, huh?” Cassie sighed, her voice full of joy. “Hey
, Saoirse, why don't you do as Papa says? Tell Uncle Archer to go and pick shells with you for a little bit, 'kay?”

“Yes, Mamma.” The little girl bounced away before turning back. “Love you, Mama… oh, and yo
u to, Papa.”

As they both laughed, a thought flashed into Cassie's head
, not as much as I love you. She watched silently as Saoirse caught up with the ever handsome angel and scooped her up before flinging her high in the air as she squealed. Her family meant the world to her, whether they be blood or chosen. Archer caught her eye and mouthed, ‘Evening, Princess,’ laughing as she flipped him off.

“Well, wife of mine, will we leave now, or do you want to tease the angel some more?” His arms were around her again, this time, his hands placed firmly on her stomach. The life growing inside her stirred at his touch, and she smiled. “Nah, our daughter does that enough for the both of us. He’ll have hi
s hands full with her.”

She turned to face him, stretching on her toes to kiss him. “Besides, when this one arrives, we won't get any alone time, so we better make the most of it.” Cassie found herself being lifted up into his strong, safe arms as his eyes blazed black with hunger.

“As you wish it, my Queen.”

Cassie stole a glance back at her daughter, who was now kneeing in the sand with her angel, and thanked the Goddess for giving her so many blessings in her life. Her daughter truly lived up to the meaning of her old Irish name. When Cassie had given life to Saoirse, she was most certain she had b
een granted her freedom.

Cassie woke with a start, sitting up dead straight in the bed. Her chest hurt, ached really, and her hand shot to her stomach. “Oh, Goddess, a dream. It was nothing but a dream,” she mumbled to herself. Despair descended on her and tears cascaded down her cheeks. She wanted so much to look toward the door as it opened and have that beautiful girl run towards her with her face full of love. Cassie felt as if a knife was lodged in her heart a
nd it would never be removed.


She heard her name being called but could not stand the pity in his voice. She wanted the man from her dreams to hold her and tell her everything would be okay, that this was the future he had planned for them, not just a silly fantasy in her head. Cassie couldn't help herself as she sobbed out a frustrated cry. She felt Luka come to sit on the side of the bed, cautious as he inched closer. As he took her in his arms and kissed her forehead, he didn't speak aloud, but his words echoed in her mind.

Shh, Cassie, its okay... everything’s going to be okay... I'm here.

She clung to him, her hands pressed tightly against his chest. She yearned for her baby girl to be sitting beside her. Maybe... maybe I...we could still have her. Without another thought, she tilted her head to Luka and pulled him down to her. He remained still for a moment then responded. She pushed him down on the bed running her hands over his firm muscles, as the kiss became heated. He
pulled her top over her head before his hands gripped her waist. I want this... I need this... I need to know that little girl is mine. Her thoughts were jumbled, but Luka was suddenly still. When she went to unbuckle his jeans, he caught her by the wrists.

“Cassie no, not
like this... Not when you’re hurting.”

Trying to fill the empty space in her chest, she bent down to kiss his throat, a low rumble emulating from his chest. “You can't tell me you don't want this. I can feel how much you want this. It’s going to happen; Luka
... might as well be now.”

With a little force, he pushed her away and shot from the bed. He leaned his forehead against the cold wall and clenched his fists. She could see the rise and fall of his shoulders as he panted, as if he were struggling to control himself. Cassie was trembling from head to toe and she feared that the last shred of her sanity w
as about to be torn apart.

“Luka... I'm...shit...
I don...” she stammered.

He spun round on his heels and in a blur was in front of her, his eyes burning. “Do you not think that I want what you saw, Cassie? That I don't want you to look at me like you did on that beach? Do you think that because I've been dead for centuries that I can't fucking feel – is that it? For fuck sake, Cassie, I crave you more than I crave blood..... But I won't be with you like this, when it feels you don't want me as much as a dream because that is
all it was... a bloody dream.”

They just stared at each other, neither of them speaking. The tears that had dried up now sprang free again. Goddess, she felt like such a bitch. She wanted to reach out and touch him, but after flinging herself at him, she didn't dare. It wasn't the scent of anger that radiated from his skin b
ut pure frustration.

“I should go.”

“Please Luka, stay. I don't think I could stand to be alone right now. I promise I'll behave and keep my hands to myself.” Cassie smiled weakly at him. Checking the time, she saw that it was just after 1pm, so there were another few hours before they would be able to leave the house.

“Could we just watch a movie or something lik
e the old days? I miss that.”.

He folded his arms across his chest and waited. She went back to the bed and sat up pulling the covers over her knees. She tried not to think of the dream, or that it was probably never a possibility, or that Lilith was trying to mess with her head. She reached over for the remote as Luka put his hand on it also. She looked up into his
sad, green eyes and smiled. He settled into the bed beside her, pulling her against him and she relaxed. “We can watch a movie, but it's my pick.”

“Oh hell, so it's
Fast and Furious
again, I suppose?”

“Well, it beats having to sit through another tasteless vampire flick. You see enough of us around you, so I can't figure out how you lo
ve those movies,” he mocked. She hit him gently with a pillow.

“Hey, before I knew you
really existed, I loved the supernatural. It was mysterious and had hot men... what more could I want?”

Luka chuckled and Cassie knew that the air was become clearer. They could go back to dancing around their feelings with just an en
ormous elephant in the room.

“So, just like real life?  All you need is a handsome vampire?” He gestured at himself cau
sing Cassie to snort.

“Ahh, still an arrogant asshole I see! Shut your fac
e boss and put on the movie.”

Pushing the button on the remote, he snuggled with her. She breathed in his scent as the dark room was flooded with the brightness of the screen. As the bass kicked in on the surround sound, Luka stroked her hair, but his eyes were firmly fixed to the screen. Her eyes began to droop and tiredness swamped her. Although she still felt that ache in her chest, she felt safe in his arms and finally gave into sleep, praying to the Goddess that she did not dream.

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