Anything but Vanilla (22 page)

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Authors: Madelynne Ellis

BOOK: Anything but Vanilla
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‘No sign of Ric yet?’ she asked. She’d phoned from the Bunker and told him she’d found Zach and that his van had broken down, but had omitted the details about the brush with death. No sense in being alarmist, or getting the evening off to the wrong start.

Zach shook his head.

Kara trekked over to the landing window and glanced out regardless. She didn’t put it past Zach to leave Ric standing on the doorstep. He might profess to love Ric, but that didn’t change the fact that he was pissed off at him, and presumably considered him at least partially responsible for the tragedy of the ice-cream van. She could hardly blame him. The fact was if Ric hadn’t come over and fucked her, then Zach wouldn’t have gone off in a huff, and he wouldn’t have ended up stuck in the middle of the causeway while the tide rolled in.

‘I unfastened the latch,’ Zach said, coming up behind her. His arms encircled her waist. ‘I might not have opened the door for him, but I do want him to come in. Though I’ve still reservations about whether this will work.’

‘It will,’ Kara reassured him. ‘Give it a chance.’ She looked at his reflection in the rain-streaked glass. Worry-lines creased his brow. ‘I could just leave you to talk if you prefer.’

‘Talking won’t work. It never has. No, you’re right. We need to come at this from a different direction.’

Perhaps her biggest reservation was the fact that Zach had been so easily persuaded to give this a try. His desperation made her uncomfortable, but she was also confused by his continued shows of affection for her. Zach, she decided, simply craved affection of any sort. Ric, it seemed, had a lot to answer for.

‘I don’t want this to start with a row,’ Zach said. ‘If we’re just standing around waiting for him when he arrives it’s going to be awkward.’

‘What then?’

He forced a smile out of nowhere, before turning her around. ‘You’re joking, right? We have a whole world of entertainment available at our fingertips.’

‘Don’t tell me you’ve found that mouldering set of Scrabble, and you’re just desperate for a game.’

He wagged his finger at her and then pushed his nose in the air. ‘I could be quite hurt. I flaunt my nakedness at you, and you suggest I’m only interested in playing word games. How many other men of your acquaintance dress exclusively in bath towels for your entertainment?’

‘It is a good look,’ she admitted. ‘Although it’s not really the towel that does it for me. It’s more what I can find hiding beneath.’

This was more like it. They were headed in a fun direction, rather than wallowing in seriousness or dredging over the issue of what would happen to his van.

Kara rested her hand upon his thigh, and then stroked upwards under the terry until her hand rested near the top of his leg, where the hair grew more thinly. Silky smooth skin surrounded the area just shy of his groin. Kara gently explored the area while holding Zach’s gaze. Anticipation danced in the heart of his pupils, until at last her fingers teased the curve of his balls. Immediately he stood a little straighter, bringing his shoulders up and back. He inched his thighs a fraction further apart, giving her space to more thoroughly explore him. ‘Do word games not do it for you, Zach?’ she asked, returning to the idea of them both hunched over Scrabble. ‘Shall I try a few and see how you react?’

He merely flicked his eyebrows up towards his hairline.

‘Cock,’ she said giving the syllable particular emphasis. ‘Shaft.’ Her hand swept upward to where his cock was beginning to swell. ‘Pussy. How would you like to put your cock in my pussy? How would you like me to suck your nice big cock?’

That one prompted a faint but discernible mewl in the back of his throat. ‘Is that right, Zach, do you want me to get down on my knees and suck your cock?’ That would certainly make things interesting when Ric arrived.

She tugged on the towel, causing the knot at Zach’s waist to unravel. The edges fell apart revealing the glory of his swelling erection. Kara gave him a playful squeeze. The towel landed on the carpet behind him.

‘You know I mean to have my wicked way with you now. If you’d just back up a way, I’ll give you something nice to hold on to.’ She backed him into the master bedroom and up against the footboard of the bed, which she ordered him to grasp hold of. The iron frame meant he could lace his fingers around the bars.

Kara bent her head. ‘I’m going to kiss your cock first, and tease my tongue over that pleading little slit.’ She dabbed her tongue against him as though she was tasting ice cream. ‘Are you weeping a little for me already? Gosh, yes, you are.’ Zach immediately groaned, and a drop of pre-come seeped from the little hole. Kara collected it with her tongue. She liked the taste of him, always had. Slowly, she opened her mouth and allowed him to fill her. She encompassed the lower half of his shaft with her hand and worked with the roll of his hips, allowing him to fuck her mouth for several strokes before she pressed a hand against his stomach to still his motion.

‘Not so hasty. I think I ought to make this a thorough exploration.’ Her attention turned to his balls. She cradled them, and ran her tongue along the split between the two sacks. ‘Open your legs wider.’ He did so, and Kara shimmied between them, so that she came up behind him, sandwiched between the footboard and his deliciously muscular arse. Her tongue explored the underside of his balls, then the smooth piece of skin behind them that led towards his anus. Zach danced on his toes as her tongue explored the knotted whorl of muscle. He really was sensitive there, although he didn’t start cursing her this time. Instead, he groaned long and piteously when her tongue-tip teased open the puckered entrance to delve inside and awaken all the nerve-endings there. He pressed back, squirmed a little against her face as though he wasn’t quite sure if he ought to protest or beg for more.

‘Easy now.’ Kara steadied him by placing one hand firmly against his arse. ‘Shall I tell you what I think of the plan, Zach? It’s dodgy, but it’ll work. But only if we believe that it’ll work. We have to not hold back, but allow ourselves to be who we are. You have to relax and be accepting, not wary of what’s going to happen next.

‘For my part, I can’t wait to see Ric fuck you. I want to watch him slide his cock between your cheeks and into this delicate little hole. I know how it feels, and I’ll imagine it as I’m watching him sink into you right up to his balls. I think I might even suck you while he’s doing it, or better still have you fuck me at the same time. There are so many wonderful possibilities. That’s why it’s going to work.’

She grasped hold of his cock again, and began to masturbate him as she continued to dab her tongue into his back entrance. Zach might claim to be in love with Ric, but he sure responded to her touch. Pre-come leaked over his glans and wetted his shaft, making the slide of her palm super smooth.

‘I want you to understand why I’m doing this before we begin, so that there’s no misunderstanding. I’m not really looking for commitment. What I want is a threesome with you and Ric. I want to know what it’s like. I want to know how it feels. The idea of having you both, it turns me on. It’s not that I don’t care how it is between you and Ric, I want you both to be happy, but my motivation isn’t security or love. It’s experience. It’s lust.’


‘We can try and make him jealous. We can try to get him to admit to his feelings, but there are no guarantees, OK?’ Well, not besides the obvious sexual gratification. ‘Just remember I’m not in love with him like you are.’

The sound of the doorbell echoed through the house. Kara scooted between Zach’s legs again, but she didn’t head for the stairs to answer the door. Instead, she took Zach’s cock in her mouth again. Ric would come up and he’d see them. It’d be the first test. She really wasn’t sure how he’d react. If he did a Zach and about-turned, she’d have to have a serious rethink.

Zach whimpered again as she introduced a finger to the place where her tongue had so recently delved. His muscles quickly relaxed, sucking the digit deep. She added another, stroking him quickly and finally a third. His desperation soon began to show in the roll of his hips and the taut stiffness of his cock. If she didn’t go easy on him, he might actually come just as Ric happened upon them, which might prove that she was good at giving head, but probably wouldn’t benefit them in any other way. If Zach was spent, she suspected Ric would see that as an excuse to take advantage, and she didn’t want them splitting off into couples; they needed to do this together.

As the chime of the doorbell faded from her ears, Kara caught the sound of the front door being opened. Anyone else would have called out. Not Ric. He made a quick sweep of the downstairs rooms then tramped up the stairs to find them.

If it was possible to hold her breath around the girth of Zach’s cock, then she did it. Kara’s nipples tightened in excitement, so that they strained against her thin nightshirt. Her clit nagged her for a touch as her anticipation built. She really, really wanted this to work. It had to work.

Finally, Ric stood in the doorway. She knew he’d arrived because every muscle in Zach’s body tightened. His legs locked straight and the muscles in his arse squeezed her fingers. Despite that, his cock didn’t flag a bit; if anything it stood a little more proud.

What surprised her was that Ric didn’t make any remarks. She’d half expected to hear something scathing fall from his lips. Instead, as far as she could tell, he simply leaned against the doorway watching them.

Zach began to fuck her mouth with slower, steadier strokes, like he was almost there and determined not to lose it just yet. He was making a show of it, like he was performing for the camera.

Eventually, Ric stalked forward, treading quietly on the balls of his feet. He came right up to the bed, and stood just behind her.

Kara itched to turn around, but she didn’t. She kept on sucking Zach and working her fingers in his now rather tight hole.

‘Mind if I take a picture?’ Ric asked. Before either she or Zach had a chance to respond, the flare of the camera flash lit up the dingy room. ‘Very nice. Very nice.’ He bent to whisper in her ear. ‘I’ll bet you’ll want a visual record of this, won’t you, Kara?’

Lord knows why the devil had his camera with him. She couldn’t recall seeing it earlier, but it was possible that Ric had been carrying it with him. Maybe he did so on most occasions. That seemed the sanest explanation. She didn’t want to think too hard about what it would mean if he’d gone home to collect it before coming here. He couldn’t know that this was what he’d walk into. Then again, was it so very difficult to predict? They were all playing games with each other. He knew she was intrigued by the idea of them all getting it on together. What other conclusion would you reach?

‘Where do you keep your stockings?’ Ric asked.

Like she was in a position to answer with Zach filling her mouth!
Not that it mattered. Ric found them quickly enough himself. He used two of them to tie Zach’s wrists to the bed, but not without a fight. Zach squirmed, trying to fend Ric off, but unable to move very much without dislodging her hold too.

‘Calm down, Zach,’ Ric coaxed. He stroked his hand across the stubbly line of Zach’s jaw. ‘You’ll upset the lady, and from what I can see you owe her a thank you, not a tantrum. Stand still and let her use you. Now, what’s my intended part in this, official biographer? Or were you thinking of something more involved, Kara?’

He’d obviously decided the set-up was her doing. In part it was, but it was a mistake to believe that Zach had been cajoled into this, or forced into this position under duress. She hadn’t coaxed him here so they could all play nice together and prove that there were no hard feelings about the fact that they were all fucking each other. Rather she’d agreed to help him shag Ric into a state of emotional vulnerability in the hopes that he’d open up and admit to feeling something a little more enduring than lust.

Ric climbed on to the bed. He knelt behind Zach and then reached around him to explore his tightly puckered nipples and the washboard planes of his stomach. He no longer held the camera, yet its flash still lit the room at regular intervals. Ric’s fingers scissored around the base of Zach’s cock, so that her lips kissed the digits as she sucked him.

Kara sat back on her haunches for a moment to look at the two men together. She’d not yet seen them properly intimate, despite Ric having given Zach a blowjob in her presence. ‘Either do him or me. I’ve no preference over which.’ That was a lie. Right at the minute, she wanted to watch.

‘What about you, Zach?’ Ric tickled the shell of Zach’s ear with his tongue. His words were husky and low. Kara felt their vibration through Zach’s body. ‘I’m guessing by your earlier reaction that you’re not so keen on me getting my kicks with Kara. On the other hand, you wouldn’t have invited me here to stumble upon this little rendezvous without anticipating me joining in.’

‘You gave me your word,’ Zach grumbled.

‘What can I say? She’s hard to resist. Almost as hard to resist as you are.’ Ric pulled himself closer to Zach, so his chest aligned with Zach’s spine. Although he unzipped his fly and exposed his cock, there was no way he could easily penetrate Zach, because of the position of the footboard to which his lover was tied. ‘I guess this isn’t going to work. Besides, we ought to establish certain things from the start. Like the fact that I’m going to fuck Kara and you’re going to have to deal with it, same as I’m going to have to deal with her fucking you, if we’re going to turn this into the threesome Kara so desperately craves.’

Ric returned to the floor. He left his fly undone and continued to stroke his rapidly thickening shaft as he looked around at the room. After a moment he smiled, picked up the dressing-table stool and moved it alongside Kara. She released Zach in order to lie on her stomach across the cushioned pad, from which position she could still reach Zach and did.

Zach’s generous lips were pulled into a tight moue. He seemed trapped and slightly bewildered. ‘Zach,’ she coaxed. ‘Relax, it’ll be fine. Let him have his way – for now.’

He gave the briefest nod. Tension still ran through his muscles as she returned her fingers to his arse and applied her tongue to the task of relieving his frustration. She tried not to give Ric too much thought as he positioned himself between her spread legs. She couldn’t help smiling, though. Hell, she was getting what she’d been fantasising about ever since he’d shown her those pictures her first evening on the island.

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