Read Apartment 2B Online

Authors: K. Webster

Tags: #novel

Apartment 2B (16 page)

BOOK: Apartment 2B
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“I don’t know how I’ll be able to keep my hands off of you in public. Why aren’t you
wearing anything underneath?”

She shrugs her shoulders. “If I had it my way, I’d go naked. I can hardly stand for
clothing to rub my skin all day long.”

“We better get out of here before I drag you into my apartment and fuck you on the
kitchen counter. You can’t reveal to a man that you aren’t wearing anything under
your dress and not expect a reaction.”

She looks embarrassed, like she’s upset me. This in no way upsets me. It fucking turns
me on.

“Babe, it’s hot, okay? Don’t worry about it. But I swear to God, if you bend over,
I will lose control.” I wink at her and she rewards me with a grin.

Stepping away from her, I lock the door and grab ahold of her hand. She still seems
a little uncomfortable, so I stop before we make it to the stairwell. Bringing my
palms to either side of her face, I bring her forward and kiss her lips. She relaxes
under my touch and kisses me back. We’ll figure this out.



“There are so many to choose from,” she says in awe in front of the condoms. Picking
up another box, she turns it over to learn about the features. It’s quite comical.

“Here. Let’s just grab these,” I tell her.

Setting down the box she was looking at, she takes the one from my hand. “Ribbed for
her pleasure?” she asks.

I wag my eyebrows at her and she giggles. It is the cutest fucking sound.

“Well, we better pick these then,” she agrees.

We finish our shopping and head towards the checkout area. I can see her trying to
sort things in the basket.

“Don’t even think about it. I’m buying it all.”

She frowns and shakes her head. “No. I have a job now, so I can pay for these things.”

“Save your money, because I’m getting it. I plan on spending lots of time with you,
so I’ll be eating up your food anyway. I’m a big boy and have needs.” I wink at her
on the last part and she turns crimson. The clerk doesn’t notice our exchange.

After I pay, we gather our bags and load them into the back seat of Liam’s old pickup
truck. It will have to do until I can trade it in for something better. Right now,
I have other priorities.

On the way back, I can’t help but watch Sidney from the corner of my eye as she watches
the town fly by in awe. Poor girl doesn’t appear to get out much.

“So what do you do? For a job, I mean?” she asks.

“Well, now that my military obligations are over, I’ve got to figure that one out
and soon. My degree is in graphic design, so I might see about doing something with
that. I’d love to design logos and artwork for companies. But we’ll see.”

She turns and smiles at me. “That’s awesome, Lane. I know it will work out for you.”

I pull into the parking lot and find a space near the side door. After I turn off
the car, I look over at her. Her face is sad, almost wistful.

“What about you?” I ask.

She turns to look at me and furrows her brows together. The girl looks sexy no matter
what she does.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Is watching the old lady from downstairs your dream job? Surely there’s something
else you would rather be doing.”

“Well, I never really allowed myself to consider anything else. I’d love to write
romance novels like the ones that got me through some hard times while at Momma’s.
They’re so easy to get lost in. But I would need to save up for a computer. Seems
kind of silly, I guess.”

Throwing her words back at her, I say, “No, it’s awesome. I know it will work out
for you.” And then, of course, I have to add on a little extra. “And I’m going to
give you plenty of material to put in those books.” I wink at her and she flushes.

We exit the truck and collect our bags. Once we reach the landing for the second floor
and Sidney enters the hallway, I hear a gasp as she drops the bags to the floor. I
hurry up behind her and nearly lose my shit when I see that bastard standing by her
apartment door. Pushing past her, I make my way over to the asshole.

“What the fuck did I tell you? Get the fuck off of our floor!”

He laughs darkly at me and stomps toward the stairwell. Sidney is frozen in place
as he walks past her. When he reaches Sidney, he slaps her ass before tearing through
the door and up the stairs. It happens so quickly. The slap. The faint. The chase.

I burst into a full-on sprint through the door and storm up the stairs to the third
floor. He’s already slipped into 3B before I am fully into the hallway, but at least
now I know where he lives. Growling in frustration, I hurry back downstairs to Sidney.

She is no longer passed out on the floor. Instead, she is on her knees, scratching
the hell out of her ass. The glazed look is in her eyes. I can see that she is freaking
the fuck out.

“Sidney, baby, look at me. Stop it.”

She won’t quit, so I find her keys on the floor and open her apartment. Running back,
I grab up all of the bags and toss them inside. Finally, I make it over to her and
do the inevitable. I scoop her into my arms and carry her inside, locking the door
behind us. She’s flailing wildly, trying to squirm out of my arms, but I hold her
tight. Heading straight for the bathroom, I turn on the shower to cold and climb in
with her.

The shower is cold as fuck, but I know that this is how she copes. Slowly, I set her
down and let the icy spray wash away the terror. I’m trying not to shiver too much.
Sidney isn’t even fazed, but at least she’s snapping out of it. Tears fill her eyes
as she comes back down to reality.

“Come here, baby. I have you,” I whisper and pull her close. Thankfully she lets me
and wraps her arms around my waist. I’m freezing my ass off, but I don’t tell her.

“Thank you,” she says tearfully against my chest.

I squeeze her tighter. “N-n-n-o p-p-roblem,” I sputter out through chattering teeth.

She reaches behind us and turns off the water. We must look a sight completely clothed
with me shivering. Of course, now that her dress clings to her and is see through,
my dick decides that it’s warm enough to want to make an appearance.

Sidney peels off her wet dress and steps out of the shower, heading into the bedroom.
I follow dumbly after her. I’m not sure how to handle her after this episode.

“Babe, will you be okay if I run next door and change?” I ask. She emerges from her
closet pulling on a short tube-top dress. I swear this woman should wear more clothes.

“I’ll be okay. I’m going to unload the bags and start some lunch.”

“Okay, I’ll be right back. Give me twenty minutes,” I promise. Walking over to her,
I put my ice-cold hands on her neck and kiss her chastely on the lips.

I finally get a small smile from her, and it does wonders for me. Forcing myself to
leave her, I bound down the hallway and out the front door. I make sure to lock it
on the way out. There’s no fucking way I’m leaving her unprotected. Letting myself
into my own place, I make my way to the bathroom and turn on the shower as hot as
I can get it.

It takes effort to get my wet jeans off, but I eventually manage to wrangle out of
them and the rest of my clothes and shoes. Stepping into the hot shower, I nearly
moan aloud in delight. The hot water quickly warms my body. Not wanting her to wait
on me, I end my shower much sooner than I wish.

Opting for warmth and comfort, I find some old sweatpants and slide them on. If Sidney
wants to go commando, so will I. The sweatpants are missing the drawstring, so they
hang dangerously low on my hips, revealing my dark trail of hair. I yank a shirt over
my head and slip my feet into some flip-flops.

Before I head over there, I go to the kitchen table, where I last left Liam’s laptop.
Last time I was here, I used it to look up funeral homes and other things I needed
to take care of before I went back to my post. The password was easy—liambraxton.
Powering it back on, I type in the password. The words “incorrect password” pass over
the screen. I try it another time to no avail.

A creepy feeling passes over me, and I type in ‘Sidney.’ I’m instantly allowed access.
What the fuck was all that about? Could Sidney have come over and changed it? I quickly
pull up Dell’s website and order a laptop, paying the extra shipping cost to have
delivery expedited. I close down the browser, about to shut off the computer when
I see a document created a week ago called “HER” on the desktop. Once again, a shiver
passes over me.

I really don’t want to open it, but curiosity wins over. Inside the document are just
a few words.

She is everything.

She is life.

She is death.

She is the light.

She is the darkness.

She is my happy.

She is my sad.

She is my love.

She is my reason.

She is Sidney.

I slam the laptop closed and breathe heavily. For some reason, I just don’t think
Sidney would write something like that about herself. I’m sick to my stomach. Standing
on wobbly legs, I get the eerie feeling that someone is watching me. Against my better
judgment, I call out.


As soon as the word leaves my mouth, I shake my head and laugh at myself. Stalking
out of the apartment, I head over to Sidney’s. I’m about to knock on the door when
I hear voices inside. Turning the knob, I find that it’s not locked anymore. My heart
pounds as I fear that the asshole from the third floor has somehow found a way in.

As I open the door, I hear Sidney shout, “Leave me alone!” from the kitchen.

I sprint to where she hollered from, and I’m shocked to find a tall blonde glaring
at her with her hands on her hips. Both women turn to look at me in the doorway, my
chest heaving from exertion.

“Are you okay?” I ask Sidney, looking past the blonde.

She grins at me and nods. “Yes. This is my friend, Tina. Tina, this is Lane.”

Tina looks me over, eyes wide and jaw dropped. After she gives me a once-over, she
turns to Sidney. “He’s hot,” she says in a not-so-quiet whisper like I’m not even
standing there.

Ignoring Tina, I scoot past her and pull Sidney in for a hug. She melts into me, and
I just want this Tina chick to leave so I can spend time alone with Sidney.

“I don’t freaking believe it!” Tina exclaims from behind me.

I look over my shoulder at her. “Believe what?”

“This!” she gestures excitedly at us. “Sidney, call me tomorrow so we can chat about
this. Lane, it was nice meeting you.”

“Lock the door behind you,” I call out after her. She agrees that she will before
letting herself out.

When we are finally alone, I kiss Sidney like I’ve wanted to since I came back into
the apartment.

“How was your shower?” she asks.

“Would have been better with you in it,” I tease.

She giggles and pulls away. Then I realize that she’s been cooking. It just goes to
show that, when I’m around her, I sort of forget about everything else. She’s hypnotic.

“What are we having for lunch?”

She lifts the lid to show me the stir-fry that looks almost done and smells amazing.
Turning her back to me to stir the food, I drag my eyes over her body. Her upper back
is exposed since her hair is still in a bun and she’s wearing a tube-top dress. While
she cooks, I kiss her back, making sure to focus on each scar.

“It’s ready,” she says hoarsely, and I smile, knowing that I’ve affected her.

While she dishes out the food, I grab two water bottles from her refrigerator. We
sit down to a comfortable lunch where we laugh at funny stories she tells about Tina.
I’m glad Tina took her under her wing when she did.

“Want to watch a movie?” she asks as she clears the table and puts the dishes into
the dishwasher.

“Sure. Do you have a DVD player in your room? I’m kind of tired from last night. Some
hot chick woke me up in the middle of the night demanding sex,” I tease. She laughs
at me and throws the wadded-up paper towel at me after she dries her hands.

“No, but you can move it from the living room. I’m not technologically advanced, but
I can just tell by looking at you that you are.”

I nod in agreement and head into the living room to unhook all of the wires. Once
I unplug the right ones, I carry it back to her bedroom and hook it up to that TV.
She hops on the bed, arranging the pillows so we can sit up and watch the movie.

“What do you want to watch?” I ask.

“Let’s just watch whatever’s in there already.”

The look on her face is one of feigned innocence, and I bite my cheek to keep from
laughing. I’m dying to see what movie she wants to watch so badly that she would stoop
to such low levels. After I hit play, I crawl into the bed beside her. Her dress has
ridden up, distracting me already from the movie that hasn’t even started yet.

As soon as the intro credits start, I know that it’s Dirty Dancing. I glance over
at her and she’s absolutely fucking mesmerized by the movie. Reaching over, I grab
her hand, threading our fingers together. She gives me a brief smile before turning
back to the film. The entire time she watches it, I just stare at her. I’ve seen the
movie several times, so I’m not missing anything.

BOOK: Apartment 2B
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