Read Apprehension Online

Authors: Yvette Hines

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

Apprehension (14 page)

BOOK: Apprehension
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"For now, but I don't have plans to be here alone for long."

Stepping up behind her, he slipped his arms around her waist and began to kiss the curve of her neck. He rubbed his hard length against her backside as he continued to nibble along her skin.

That was one of her sensitive spots. Closing her eyes, she relaxed against him, willing herself to push aside his words. She 99


didn't believe they were anywhere near the forever after point and she didn't want to think about anyone else making a home with him here.

Turning her head, she kissed him on the chin. "Set the table and I'll try to figure out your cabinet order."

Swatting her on the butt, he said, "You got it." Opening a cabinet to the right, he removed plates and left the kitchen.

Her butt tingled under the material of her leggings from the smack. Leaning against the counter, Danielle took a deep breath.

I shouldn't have come here
. Being in Robert's house with him and soon making love under his roof was giving her a yearning to make their relationship permanent. The thought of filling some of the rooms with their babies made her eyes burn. Her insides were trembling with need and nerves.
Get yourself
together, Danielle. Keep it simple. You and Robert have
pleasurable fun, nothing more. It can't be more

Opening and closing doors and drawers to distract herself, she finally discovered everything she required. Keeping her hands busy while Robert came back and forth to place the platters of food on the table, she regained her composure.

"Did you pick up the wine?" she asked, holding two wine glasses in her hands and heading to the dinning room.

"I sure did." He opened the refrigerator and followed her out with bottle in hand.

Opening the wine, he filled their glasses, and then set it inside a soapstone chiller in the center of the table. Moving around the side, Robert assisted her in her chair, then claimed the seat at the head of the table beside her.

Looking around, he said, "Everything smells delicious, Danielle. You've surely entered my heart with your cooking."

His heart.
Her hands began to tremble. Did she want Robert to give her his heart? He'd claimed hers years ago.

"What should we toast to?" He lifted his wide bottom glass and smiled.

The same sexy boyish grin he'd shown her at the high school dance the spring they'd met made her pulse accelerate.

Rubbing her thighs under the table, she forced herself to relax.

Reaching out, she picked up her own red wine and was glad for her cop training that kept her hands steady.



Leaning forward, she purposely spoke in a breathy voice,

"How about to wonderful wine, good food and great sex without boundaries?" She was taking the advice of her inner voice. Sex was hot, but simple.

His eyes traveled the lines and angles of her face before he spoke. Returning his hazel gaze to her brown one, he said, "I can drink to that. Of course my list would have been in the reverse order."

They were back on track. She sighed, clinked her glass against his, then sipped her drink. Its dry but rich flavor smoothed its way down her throat. Relaxing, she enjoyed her meal and company.

* * * *

Glancing around the spacious bathroom, Danielle took note of the 'his and hers' pedestal sinks with matching cabinets. One held all of Robert's male toiletries while the other was bare with the exception of an Ivory soap bar and a toothbrush, still in the wrapper. As she undressed, thoughts and images of her and Robert making love under the large stone-tiled waterfall shower made her breasts become heavy and her nipples tighten.

Grabbing an item from her purse, she opened the door. She stepped into the master bedroom and was enveloped by warmth from the blazing gas fireplace in the wall across from his navy blue and white covered bed. The air conditioner and heat warred against each other in the largest room in the house.

"I'm in here, sweetheart!" Robert called from the bonus room that sat on the other side of an archway.

Moving past the bed, she wondered if a time would ever come when she'd be able to sleep all night in the bed with him.

Her feet sank deep into the plush carpet as she added more swing to her hips, accentuating the part of her anatomy that Robert adored the most and crossed the threshold.

"The sight of you never stops taking my breath away,"

Robert spoke in low tones, his eyes caressing her nude length.

"You're beautiful."

Heat progressed up her neck and into her face. "Robert,"

was all she could say. The man had a way of making her speechless. Only dressed in dark gray boxer briefs, he made her mouth water. She may run to keep herself lean, but Robert spent 101


time in the gym honing his body. He wasn't overly muscular like a bodybuilder, just chiseled deliciously.

"Did you bring them?" He beckoned her to him, where he stood beside some sort of chaise lounger with handles on both sides of the foot and head. Next to it was a small half-moon shaped wooden console table. The only thing on the table was a square frosted glass candle with its soft light flickering, complimenting the low burn of the ceiling lights.

Moving to the center of the room to him, she noticed the air in the room was cooler than in the master suite, making her nipples bead further. Opening her hands, she presented him with her handcuffs.

"Perfect." He claimed them and the key out of her hand.

This was not the first time they used her handcuffs to play.

Two months ago, she had offered to buy him a set, but he told her it turned him on to use her official restraints on her. It heightened her own desire as well.

"Where do you want me?" She stepped toward him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

He squeezed her against his chest, then instructed her to kneel in the center of a towel facing the high end of the long chair. "Rest your arms on the top. That way your sweet ass is high in the air."

The wide cushion gave her elbows a comfortable spot to rest on. Seeing another handle across the back, she took hold of it. "Like this?" She wiggled her hips.

"Good girl." Robert trailed his fingers from her butt to her shoulders as he rounded the lounger. Facing her, he snapped one of the silver bracelets onto her wrist. Bringing the small link chain under the wooden bar, he then seized her other wrist.



Robert kissed her. Holding the back of her head, he took possession of her mouth. Slanting his lips, he sent his tongue into her waiting mouth. They sparred and she allowed him the lead, it was what they both wanted, him to consume and dominate her.

Her excitement rose even higher. The lips of her sex throbbed with desire, making her thighs slick with her own cream.



Breathing heavily, he stepped away from her. "Are you ready, Danielle?" Dropping the key on the table, he picked up the candle.

Curiosity drew her eye the glowing glass. "Always," she said without apprehension.

Rewarding her with a kiss on the curve of her shoulder, he lifted the glass and blew out the flame. Smoke curled in the air, making a sweet earthy scent of oak and peaches permeate the air.

It reminded her of Georgia, home and Robert.

Still with candle in hand, he approached her round bottom.

With a moment of caution, as she realized what he planned to do, she asked, "That's not some grocery store candle is it?"

Intense and dark, his hazel eyes met hers. "Horny and freaky, yes, crazy, I'm not." He chuckled. "It's a specially made massage oil candle." As he alleviated her fears, he tilted the candle over her back.

The first drip made her gasp as it pooled in the center of her back. The hot sensation on her spine made her toes curl.

"Nice?" he asked.

"Mmm," she responded.

More of the molten liquid met her flesh as Robert dribbled it down toward her backside. Without prompting, she arched her rear and spread her thighs, a silent plea for him to continue.

Robert used the melted wax to tease her, pouring it over one brown globe, then the other. She whimpered, biting her lip to keep from yelling at him. She knew it would only delay the pleasure she wanted. Her clit, swollen with need, throbbed for attention, whether by hand, mouth or oil.

"Such a delectable and lovely ass."

Finally, heat slithered between her butt cheeks coating the puckered sensitive skin on its way to her sex. Bowing her head, she relaxed and relished the sensation as the rapid droplets traveled along her slit, coated her lips and tickled the kernel of her desire.

A frisson curled in her belly and radiated between her legs.

"That feels

Her eyes were now closed, but she detected the sound of the glass being placed on the table, then Robert's magnificent hands touched her.



Sliding through the wax on her back, he smeared it down on her shoulders and around her waist. His slippery hands palmed her breast, pinching and plucking her erect nipples like a musician's instrument.

She pressed herself into his hands.

Continuing on, he massaged her ass and used that oil to paint her thighs. Moving up between them, he reached her pussy and mixed her cream with the liquid. His strong fingers played between the folds and circled her clit. She trembled as he repeatedly fondled her slick bare flesh. Slipping along her slit, he dipped inside of her core with one finger, then two, then down the susceptible folds and around her peak once more until she could no longer hold back her orgasm.

Her climax continued for long minutes as Robert's mouth captured her clit with his lips and drew it into his mouth. When his tongue followed the same path as his hand, adding rapid taps on her sensitive tip, she came once again. The scent in the room changed, as the oily aroma mingled with the spicy blend of her sexual juice.

"Robert, I need you." She cried. Having multiple orgasms was great, but they were nothing without him joining her.

His underwear landed on the floor, moments before he spread his legs over the sides of the lounger and rose above her.

The thick length of his cock brushed between her cheeks, covering them both in the lover's massage oil. "You have me,"

he said in a husky voice, as the broad head of his shaft kissed her furrowed hole, then burrowed inside of her tight flesh. Pulling back, and pushing forward again, he coaxed her muscles to allow his entry, the slick oil aiding his penetration, turning it into an intense glide.

Digging her knees into the fabric, she pressed her hips back taking him deeper. The wicked position was a favorite treat for both of them. Her hands gripped the bar as fireflies glowed erratically behind her lids from the fierce pleasure.

* * * *

Robert felt like his balls were going to burst. Flames licked at his spine with the need to come. Being inside Danielle's plump luscious tight ass was only second to her enchanting pussy. Her taste was still on his tongue and her smell infused into his senses.



She continually rocked her hips back and forth, taking his full length inside of her. His Danielle was a giver in so many ways when it came to her body. Whatever he proposed, she was eager to try. But, her heart was another matter.

Gripping her hips, he met each of her undulations until her bucking became wild. His thrusts became more forceful, causing a slapping sound to echo in the room as their thighs made contact. Reading the urgent message of her body, he reached around and stroked her engorged clit. The little kernel was easily accessible, protruding from her swollen lips.

"Yes!" She tossed her head back. "More, Robert," she begged.

Answering her request, Robert pumped and fondled her until she tensed. Her body shook with her release as her creamy pleasure ran down his fingers.

The contracting of her ass muscles took him over the edge.

His orgasm was a painful euphoria as he came with a hard force, erupting inside of her, barely aware of Danielle's body going limp against his arm around her waist.

Pulling out from her, he chuckled as her body collapsed to the chair. He understood how she felt, thoroughly pleasured.

Leaning over her, he placed his hands on the high back of the chaise and took cleansing breaths until the world righted itself.

With only a slight tremble left in his legs, he moved to the table and picked up the keys, unlocking the cuffs. "Put these up before you forget them and have to explain to your office where you left them."

Rolling over on her back, she said, "Even better, I'll just tell them what I was doing with them. I'm sure they'd get a kick out of that."

"Maybe. I know I did." He winked. "Come on, join me in the shower."

Springing from the couch, she raced past him. "I thought you'd never ask."

Laughing, he chased her into the bathroom. By the time he caught up with his sexy little runner, the waterfall in the shower was flowing.

They played around in the water, splashing and cleaning each other until they were both panting with desire once again.



"I've had ideas about this shower." Standing behind him, she stroked his hard cock as water cascaded down his chest.

"Hopefully, they were the same ideas I've been having," the words came out hoarse. Her talented hands were turning him inside out.

"That depends on what you were thinking."

One of her hands cupped his sacks. "This."

Unable to take any more torture, he pivoted them around until her back was against the stone covered wall.

Her eyes were bright with excitement as she squealed in delight.

Sipping water from her breast until she was squirming in his arms, he dropped to his knees before her. Pressing her thighs wide he eyed the streams of water creating a pattern around her swollen clit. Feeling aroused and thirsty, he leaned in to drink from her nectar. Each droplet was a delicious blend of water and Danielle's honey. Dipping his tongue between her folds, he tasted more as he slid against her slick cream. Pushing inside her tight pussy with his tongue, he tickled her walls and felt her squirm against his mouth. Her thighs began to quiver in his hands as he played her like a well-tuned instrument.

BOOK: Apprehension
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