Read Aquatic Attraction Online

Authors: Charlie Richards

Tags: #shapeshifter, #fantasy, #romance

Aquatic Attraction (2 page)

BOOK: Aquatic Attraction
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Chapter Three

Niall paused on his walk back to the reception area to get his breathing under control, but he couldn’t do anything about the desire pooling in his groin, causing his pants to feel too restrictive. He knew from the smirks on his friend’s faces that they knew exactly what had happened in the conference room as well as the pain he was experiencing from the encounter. He didn’t care because he’d be seeing Carlye in a couple hours. If everything went according to plan, Niall and Carlye would ease each other’s body’s tensions later.

Branson and Drew followed him into the elevator. The three remained silent until they were enclosed in the BMW and enroute to Drew’s house. Focusing his mind on their task, he said, “Those pictures were way too close to home. We’ve got to shut this project down.”

“That means we’ll have to find a problem with the area they want to drill in, or offer a better location,” Branson mused.

Drew grinned coldly. “Sabotage the project. Scare away the other investors.”

Niall nodded. “That’s good for the short term, but for long term we need to figure out a way to shut that section down altogether.”

“Prove the area is a bust for drilling,” Branson muttered.

“Right.” Drew’s smile warmed. “Maybe you can pry more information from that sexy scientist.”

A flair of irritation shot through Niall, and he glared at Drew. “I’m not using her like that,” he growled. A voice in the back of his head reminded him that using Carlye for information had been his original plan. What had changed? The kiss. Niall could still taste her. He wanted to bury himself in her scent and not come up for air for days. He wanted to…he jerked his mind back to the present.

Drew’s brows lifted in surprise, and Branson leaned forward from his place in the backseat. “And just what is this about then, Prince? Just pleasure?”

Niall’s lips pressed into a thin line. His anger was irrational and he knew it. What was it about the woman that affected him so? Running a hand through his hair, Niall shrugged. “I’m not sure,” he admitted. “But there’s something…” he let the thought trail off.
Adelfi Psychi.
The words surfaced from nowhere. Impossible, Niall thought.
A Briny Nix couldn’t have a human soul mate.

Drew and Branson exchanged an amused glance. He glared at them. “Just forget it. I’m picking Carlye up at seven. If she brings work charts with her, fine, I’ll ask her. If she doesn’t, I probably won’t mention it.”

“And how are you picking her up, and where are you going?”

“I’m borrowing your BMW, of course, Drew.” He laughed at the man’s panicked expression. Niall knew that this car was Drew’s baby. His old friend had lived on land as a liaison with the humans for the last twelve years. He acquired papers and made certain every
Briny Nix
had proper identification while on land. He organized security and headed the team that tracked their people’s movements while amongst humans. And he loved his car.

Niall settled an amused look on his face. “Relax. I’ll take good care of the old girl. And since I know you won’t let me out on my own,” that fact more than irritated him, it cramped Niall’s style, but he knew Drew’s orders came from the king, “I need you to follow on your bike.”

At that, Drew frowned. “Fine,” he grumbled. “Use tonight to get this woman out of your system. We have a job to do.”

Forcing back an angry retort, Niall allowed a small smile to curve his lips. “I have not forgotten.”

* * * *

Carlye stared at her reflection in the mirror.
What am I doing?
Dating a client was wrong, against policy, but wow, could the man kiss. Just thinking about the way his lips moved over hers, the stroke of his tongue, the feel of his chest against her breasts, had heat coursing through her veins again. Struggling to slow her pulse, she glanced at the clock. “Almost seven. This is not good.”

After getting home at six o’clock, she’d hurried through a shower, fixed her hair and make-up, and promptly realized she had nothing to wear. Now half her wardrobe lay across her bed, and she gnawed her bottom lip as she stared at the dark blue cocktail dress she’d decided on. She liked the way it flowed over her slender frame, but felt it was too short as it just reached mid-thigh. Carlye couldn’t remember why she’d let her sister talk her into buying it two months ago. It had hung in her closet ever since, but now she felt desperate enough to give it a try. She had no idea where Niall planned to take her, leaving the choice to him was probably a mistake, and from the look of his expensive suit, she didn’t want to risk wearing jeans. Which brought her back to the dress she wore. Sighing in frustration and defeat, Carlye grabbed a pair of matching stilettos and tried not to feel overdressed.

The doorbell rang. How’d he know her address anyway? Of course. A powerful executive like him, he probably got some underling to pull up her information.

Grabbing her purse, keys, and a file filled with paperwork, Carlye made it to the door just as the bell rang a second time. She yanked open the door and her heart just about stopped. Niall wore charcoal grey slacks and a matching polo shirt. His hands were shoved into his pockets, and as he stared at her, a slow, appreciative smile formed on his sensual lips.

“You look stunning. If I didn’t already have reservations, I’d insist we stay in,” he said in his low, sexy-as-sin tenor.

Niall took her hand and pulled her forward two steps, closing the distance between them. She felt his heated caress along her ribcage as his hands slid around her. When his lips settled over hers in a deep, exploratory kiss, Carlye melted into him and slid her hands over the hard muscle of his chest.

After several moments, Niall lifted his head. “Damn, woman, I could kiss you all day.”

Pleasure shimmered through her at his admission. “But then I wouldn’t get my dinner,” she teased.

Chuckling, Niall eased away. He left one arm wrapped around her waist and led her to a BMW parked on the curb. He opened the passenger door, and she slid into the leather seat. After he’d pulled away from the curb, she turned to him and asked, “This doesn’t look like a rental. Who’s car is it?”

Niall flashed a grin her way and said, “My friend Drew grudgingly loaned it to me. He lives here in Seattle.”

“Really? Was he the shorter man or the one a smidgen taller than you?”

He lifted a brow, surprised by her question. “You are observant, vixen. Drew was the latter. Branson is the shorter, just don’t let him hear you say anything about it.”

“Goodness, no. Compared to most, he still falls well into the tall category. And with his broad shoulders and well-muscled…” when she saw Niall’s sharp look, Carlye trailed off. “Sorry. My mouth runs away with me sometimes,” she murmured.

“Is that your scientific mind? Always classifying and cataloging the things around you?”

Carlye couldn’t stop the blush. “You caught me.”

Niall reached over and gave her hand a squeeze. “I guess I’ll just be straightforward then. I have no desire to discuss what you think of my associates’ bodies while we’re together.” He eased to a stop at a red light and leaned toward her. “Of course, if you want to discuss our bodies, I’d be more than willing to do so.”

He gripped the nape of Carlye’s neck and pulled her into a short, hot kiss. Niall pulled away when a horn sounded behind them. As they started forward again, she glanced over her shoulder and saw a pair of men on bullet bikes. One was motioning for them to get moving while the second shook his helmet-covered head. “You really need to stop doing that,” Carlye said, not liking how breathless she sounded.

“Kissing you?” Niall replied with a chuckle. “I can’t see that happening any time soon. Besides,” he added huskily, “I’m not doing anything we both don’t want, darling.”

Snapping her jaw shut, Carlye struggled to keep the flush from her face. How did he read her so easily? And why did her pulse race and skin tingle every time he gave her a heated look? This made no sense! Carlye couldn’t remember the last time she felt this turned on. She was acutely aware of Niall’s hand on her thigh, lightly caressing her skin through the fabric of her dress.

After leaving the car with the valet, he helped her from it and transferred that hand to the small of her back. His long fingers curved around the side of her waist, and he guided her into the restaurant. Carlye glanced around, taking in the high-end restaurant, suddenly glad she’d sucked it up and donned the cocktail dress. “This place is nice,” she whispered, after the maitre d settled them at a table. “I hope I don’t embarrass you by forgetting which fork to use.”
Crap! Why did I just say that? Stupid, stupid…

“Are you kidding? I was hoping you’d give me pointers. Remind me not to take Drew’s suggestions again.”

Relief flowed through Carlye, glad she wasn’t the only one uncomfortable. Then he reached under the corner of the table and squeezed her thigh. Heat blossomed from the point of contact through her system, and she barely registered the appearance of the waiter.

“We haven’t ordered yet,” Niall said when the uniformed man placed an appetizer in front of them. The waiter said something to Niall in French, which Carlye didn’t understand, but evidently her date did, because a broad grin broke out over Niall’s face. “Merci beaucoup, Monsieur.”

After placing drink orders for both of them, Niall slid the plate toward her, offering her some of whatever was on the plate, which she couldn’t hope to identify. Swallowing her pride, Carlye leaned forward and asked, “What is it?”

“Remember I said Drew recommended the place?” After her nod, Niall continued. “Well, he made the reservations. Evidently, this place has the best frog legs in the city, and he knows they’re a favorite of mine.”

She felt her eyes grow big as she stared at the food. Swallowing hard, Carlye shook her head. “I don’t think so.” Adventurous, she was not.

Niall lifted an amused brow. “Are you sure?”

She nodded emphatically.

He smiled and winked, “More for me.”

She watched him devour the plate of food as only a gentleman could. A couple times, he tried to feed her a bite, but she couldn’t bring herself to try it. During that time, he translated the menu for her, ordered her food, and carried on a conversation, asking about her schooling, why she decided to become a scientist, and how she’d ended up doing geology for the oil drilling company.

Before Carlye knew it, they’d eaten their meal, declined dessert, and the check had arrived. A glance at her dress watch, this one working, told her that nearly three hours had passed. Niall helped her to her feet and back out to the valet, who quickly retrieved their car.

Once she’d buckled her seatbelt, Niall slid his fingers into her hair and drew her close. He sealed his lips over hers and delved into her mouth.

When he pulled away, he grinned. “I’ve been wanting to do that for far too long. I’d like to take you back to my place and seduce you. Will you let me?”

Surprised at his straightforward boldness, she knew she should say no, but it had been so long since she’d had a lover. The man was only going to be in town for a few nights, right? So what could it hurt? Carlye smiled tentatively. She fisted her hands in her lap to hide the trembling. “Okay.”

Chapter Four

“I’ve got a problem.”

“I’ll do everything in my power to help, my prince. You know that,” Branson replied solemnly.

Niall took the cup of coffee his bodyguard offered and shook his head. “You shouldn’t call me that. I left Carlye in bed, but she may still overhear.” He didn’t know how sensitive a human’s hearing was compared to their own while on land.

Branson froze. “She’s still here,” he hissed. “Why?”

How had this happened? Why would Fate do this to me?
Sure, he wasn’t next in line for the throne or anything, but Niall was close enough that the king would shit crabs when he found out about this. “Carlye Layton is my
Adelfi Psychi
.” At first, Branson just stared at him. He knew the news wasn’t easy to take.

Finally, the merman blinked. “What?”

Niall scoffed. “You heard me. My
Adelfi Psychi
. My soul mate.”

“Who’s soul mate?” Drew asked, entering the room. At first, no one answered him as they stared each other down. After pouring himself a cup of coffee, Drew looked between them. “Uh, what’s going on?”

“He says Carlye is his soul mate,” Branson whispered, barely able to voice the thought.

Drew coughed, choking on the coffee he’d just swallowed. “Bloody hell!” he grunted. “Are you sure?”

Niall nodded. “She’s in my bed. I’m pretty damn sure. I suspected it when we kissed in the conference room yesterday. Now I’m sure.”

“What are you going to do?” Drew asked.

“Go for a boat ride,” Niall said.

Branson frowned. “I’m sorry?”

Setting down his cup of coffee, Niall ran his hands over his face. “What would you have me do?” he growled. “My other half is a human working for a company that could destroy our people. She’s a scientist. I show her the facts and explain the situation. She has a good heart. She’ll make the right decision.”

His bodyguard shook his head. “You’re putting a lot of faith in a woman you just met,” Branson muttered.

Letting out a slow breath, Niall nodded. “I know. But Fate gave me her for a reason, and I think it’s to help us. I have no choice but to try.”

“Then perhaps you should give the choice to another,” Drew murmured.

Niall jerked his hands down and glared at Drew. “We may be in the United States right now, Drew, but you still answer to me. This is my decision, and I will not shirk my duty. The oil drilling will be stopped. One way or another.”

Branson and Drew took a step back, both men nodding. “Yes, Prince,” they murmured as one.

Niall continued to stare the men down, but neither was willing to meet his gaze and incur his wrath. He nodded once, letting them know he accepted their apology. “Ready our smallest yacht.”

A throat clearing had all three turning toward the hallway. Carlye stood in the hallway, wearing the button-down shirt he’d worn the night before and possibly nothing else.

She had her arms wrapped around her waist and shifted her weight uncomfortably from bare foot to bare foot. “I’m sorry, Niall. I didn’t realize you were staying with your associates. I…”

Possessive heat flooded Niall’s system, and as he glanced at the wide-eyed men on either side of him, he let out a soft growl. Both men averted their eyes, grabbed their coffees, and headed out of the room, murmuring a good morning to Carlye as they went.

“It’s no problem at all, baby,” he assured, crossing to her. He wrapped his arms around Carlye, loving that something of his clothed her body, and settled in for a deep morning kiss. When Niall finally came up for air, he grinned. “Now that’s a wonderful way to start the day.” A smile curved his woman’s lips, and he caught her blush right before she ducked her head.

“How about some coffee?”

Crooking his finger under her chin, he tipped her face back up to meet his. “Of course. I’ll make you breakfast, take you back to your place to get some clothes, then we’ll head out on my yacht.” He saw her open her mouth to object, but he shook his head. “You work with a company that exploits the riches beneath the ocean. How often do you get the opportunity to see the beauty of it?”

After giving him a strange look, Carlye nodded. “Okay.”

“Is everything set for us?” he asked into his cell phone.

“Yes, Niall,” Branson answered back.

Niall heard the concern in his bodyguard’s voice and waited. It didn’t take long.

“I’m sorry to sound like I’m questioning you, but are you certain this is the best way?”

He smiled, feeling at peace for the first time since he’d seen the photos the day before. “Yes, Branson. This is the right course of action.” Seeing Carlye’s door open, he said, “I gotta go. We’ll be there soon.”

Niall watched Carlye descend her apartment’s porch steps, taking in the short jean shorts showing off the long tan legs he’d had wrapped around his waist the night before. Damn, that had been wonderful. He hoped he could talk her into a repeat performance tonight. And for the rest of his life. As she approached the car, he lifted his gaze higher, glancing over the yellow halter-top outlining the curve of her breasts to perfection. He hopped out of the car, opened the door for her, and snagged a kiss before letting her get into the car.

After easing back behind the steering wheel, he reached over and brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face that had escaped the ponytail tucked through her matching yellow ball cap. “Beautiful,” he murmured before tasting her lips again.

He put the car into drive and headed away from the curb. Nearly an hour later, they piled into a small yacht and Drew and Branson eased the large boat away from the docks. Niall wrapped his arms around Carlye from behind as they stood on deck. He rested his chin on her shoulder and nuzzled her neck.

It took nearly an hour and a half for them to get to the edge of his people’s territory. In that time, Niall alternated between holding Carlye, enjoying the ocean breeze, chatting and laughing with Carlye, and taking her into the cabin below to watch the myriad of fish and marine life in the area through an underwater window. They dined on wine, sliced cheeses and meats. Niall couldn’t remember an afternoon he’d enjoyed more.

A thump on the cabin door where they were again viewing the marine life caught Niall’s attention. “We’re here,” Drew called.

“Where?” Carlye asked, climbing to her feet.

“Come on,” Niall answered evasively. Once they’d reached the deck, he asked Drew to drop anchor and pointed to a large rock formation near shore. “Do you recognize that?”

Carlye frowned. “Should I?”

“Think of how it would appear on a chart,” he murmured, resting his hands on her shoulders.

She cocked her head to the side.

Niall could almost see her analytical mind cataloging everything in front of her.

“This is near the edge of the charts, isn’t it? I didn’t realize it was so close to public shipping lanes.”

“It’s not,” Niall admitted. “We used the currents and made really good time.” And used magic, but that didn’t need to be shared yet.

“Why did you bring me here?”

He settled onto a bench seat and pulled Carlye down next to him. It was now or never. “Have you ever heard of Nixies?” he asked.

Carlye frowned, her gaze dropping.

Niall could imagine his amazing mate’s brain rifling through files of information.

“Do you mean water spirits?” she asked hesitantly.

Smiling, Niall nodded. “Right. Well…”

“You did not bring me to the middle of the ocean to regale me with those horrid tales did you?”

He heard Drew choke back a laugh as Niall oh, so eloquently said, “Huh?”

She rolled her eyes before smirking. “Come on. Can you think of one where it ended well for both the nixie and the human? Between the tale of The Water Snake from Russia and the story of The Three Chests from Finland, it’s a wonder humans ever got past their fear of water and managed to figure out what hygiene is.”

This time Drew didn’t hold in his laugh. “I really like her.”

Niall rolled his eyes. Frowning at Drew, he told the man, “Well, why do you think we stopped revealing ourselves to humans. We just couldn’t seem to get along.” Niall turned back to Carlye and grimaced at her confused expression. “I see your point. Although Wetehinen got what he deserved, the manipulative bastard, there’s no way Osip deserved to have his head chopped off, even if how he got his wife wasn’t exactly ethical. He did make the girl extremely happy for the three years they were together. Osip’s kin took revenge on the old grandmother by wiping out the village. They took Osip’s wife and children back into the lake with them and took good care of them. Although Osip’s wife never remarried, the children eventually chose nixie mates.”

“Ooookay, I don’t remember that part of the story,” Carlye said slowly.

He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and said, “That’s because it wasn’t written down by the humans.”

Chapter Five

Carlye stared at the man, trying to follow him. “I’m sorry. By the
? You don’t actually believe those stories, do you?” He didn’t have to answer. She could see the confirmation in his eyes as he exchanged a quick glance with Drew. Carlye couldn’t help it. She laughed. “You brought me all the way out here to tell me you’re worried my company’s drilling will harm mythical creatures?”

Suddenly another thought occurred to her and her chest tightened. She pushed to her feet and strode several paces away before turning back to him. “That’s why you invited me to dinner? And last night?” She felt like her heart had been crushed as she realized she’d been played.
Damn! When had I begun caring for him so much? This was supposed to be a fling!

Niall jumped to his feet. “No, baby, that’s not true. I admit that I went into that meeting looking for a way to get the drilling shut down, at least in this area, but…”

“You need to take me back. Now,” she commanded coldly. How dare he think she’d let him play her for a fool a second time. There was no way she’d listen to any more of his lies.

“She needs proof. Scientist, remember?” Drew murmured, coming to stand next to Niall.

Oh, this ought to be rich
. “Proof? You can’t prove this,” she interrupted scathingly.

“Prince,” Branson yelled, running from the cabin below them. “We’ve got problems.”

Prince? What the hell?

Niall’s eyes never left Carlye’s. “What is it?”

“That!” he yelled, coming to a stop next to them and pointing.

Carlye turned and gasped, her heart nearly stopping in her chest. From the rocking waves appeared a massive yellow head, at least eight feet in length from snout to crest, on a long scaly neck. When it opened its mouth and bugled an ear-splitting cry, the creature showed off rows and rows of jagged teeth.

Her analytical brain shut off, and Carlye screamed.

Niall launched at her just as the creature turned and lunged toward her, jaws gaping. He wrapped his arms around her and took her to the deck, his large body rolling them sideways and away from the beast’s snapping jaws.

Lifting his head, Niall’s blue eyes glared. “Branson! Permission to reveal granted!”

She didn’t know what that meant, but couldn’t contain her shock when the man nodded, shed his clothes, and dove into the sea. “No!” she squeaked, barely able to believe the man had just jumped, weaponless and naked, into the water with the beast.

Struggling, Carlye tried to rise, but Niall refused to budge. “Stay down, Carlye,” Niall commanded. “Branson will handle this.”

“How could he possibly…” Her voice died away as another head appeared above the side of the boat. This one was about the same size, but green with six-foot black horns. It didn’t even spare them a glance, but focused on the attacking yellow beast, opened its jaws and struck at it.

Once the green one drew the other one’s attention away, Niall helped Carlye to her feet, wrapped a strong arm around her waist, and turned to Drew. “Get us clear.”

“Yes, Prince.”

The man disappeared below and, seconds later, the boat started moving.

“Wait,” Carlye cried out. “What about Branson? We can’t just leave him!”

Niall finally glanced her way, giving her a grim smile. “We won’t. Come on.” He led her down to where Drew steered the boat slowly away from the churning waters created by the battling creatures.

“What is going on? What are those things? Where’s Branson?” Carlye asked, yanking her arm out of Niall’s grasp and running to her bag. From inside, she grabbed her phone and punched a few buttons. Niall tried to reach for it, but she stepped away and held the phone up to record the creatures. “I’m waiting for answers,” she growled.

“The yellow sea monster is an enemy of the
Briny Nix
. If you could see most of it, you’d see an animal that looks a lot like what you humans call the Loch Ness Monster, except with webbed claws instead of flippers. Branson turned into the green sea snake. His kind are protectors of
Briny Nix
. He’s assigned as my bodyguard while I’m on land. I’m one of nearly a hundred princes in my people’s society.”

BOOK: Aquatic Attraction
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