ARC: Assassin Queen (13 page)

Read ARC: Assassin Queen Online

Authors: Anna Kashina

Tags: #fantasy, #Majat Code, #Majat Guild, #romance, #magic, #war, #Kaddim

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She only shook her head. Despite everything, she felt so relieved to see Mai. She thought just this morning that she would never see him again. Thinking of betraying him had been unbearable. And now, she was grateful that all the important decisions could be postponed, at least for the time being.

Mai beckoned for the local men to approach.

I didn

t have a chance to thank you properly. You

ve done an exemplary job, and I am deeply grateful for your help.

He glanced at the fallen horse Kara tried to use for her escape, then signaled to one of the Jades, who counted out coins from a small bag.

I hope this gold can compensate for the loss of your mount.

The men bowed, but made no move to take the money.

Are you Aghat Mai?

their leader asked.


Lord Garet gave us special instructions. We are to aid you with everything we can, including our lives. I

m certain it wouldn

t go well with him if we took money from you.

Mai smiled.

Lord Garet is most kind. But I

m sure I can persuade him to change his mind.

The men bowed.

With all due respect, I doubt it, Aghat. Lord Garet was very insistent. He also asked us to relay a message. He is on his way here, in the hope to personally bid you his greetings.

Mai briefly inclined his head.

My men are setting camp near the port. It would be an honor to welcome Lord Garet as my guest.

Kara watched, wide-eyed. Who in the world was this Lord Garet, the man that apparently commanded such an enormous influence in these parts? And how did he and Mai know each other so closely? She glanced at Mai with question, but he merely smiled in response.

We didn

t bring a horse for you,
” Mai told her. “You

ll have to ride with me.

He mounted and reached down to help her up in front of him.

Their party kept to a slow trot over the newly formed trail that marked the Majat comings and goings. Kara kept her eyes half-closed, leaning back against Mai

s chest, enjoying his closeness and the absence of pain in her head. She and Mai rode in the front, and she knew that as soon as they arrived at camp all eyes would be on both of them. She wanted to save the strength for the show.

She had no idea what was happening to her. For the moment, her Kaddim link seemed dormant, but she knew she could never trust her own judgment after the absurd decision she had made today. Something was changing inside her

the way she had passed out and gone berserk without a visible reason, the way her head throbbed every time she tried to still her mind. Worse, the frightening visions she saw simply wouldn

t leave her head. Were the voices she heard in her unconscious state, the sight of the man rotting alive, truly coming from the Kaddim fortress? Were these visions related to the man who was controlling her link?

Her heart raced. She knew that with every passing moment she was becoming more and more of a tool, a weapon that could bring about the downfall of the Majat. Worse, she seemed powerless to do anything at all about it.


Southern Lord


s knees weakened with relief as he watched the Majat ride into the camp. Kara looked calm as she sat on the horse in front of Mai, so close to him that every inch of their bodies seemed to touch, his arm clasped possessively around her waist. She seemed unharmed. Yet, Kyth noticed the disarray in her clothes, the stems of grass tangled into her hair, as if she had been rolling over the ground in a fight. Mai

s clothes showed rips and stains too, as well as Lance

s. Did they have to fight and subdue her? Or did they encounter something else? Kyth knew he probably would never know. At least Kara didn

t act like a captive, indicating that her return to camp was unlikely to have been achieved by force. Kyth dismissed his doubts, focusing instead on his relief at seeing her, on her calmness and grace as she dismounted, on the smiles she exchanged with her fellow Majat lined up to greet them near the command tent. Mai leaned forward and said something to the Emerald guards at the entrance, then led her inside.

Kyth turned to Ellah and Alder, bustling around a simmering pot hanging over the fire. Smells of spices wafting his way reminded him of his childhood in the Forestlands. Mistress Marfa back in Swamptown Inn used to cook this mushroom soup, spiced with ginger, mint, and pine tips. Now that they found all the ingredients, abundant on this side of the lakes, he hoped they could finally get the recipe right.

He tried to concentrate on the meal, but his thoughts kept returning to Kara. Before their recent breakup, it would have been his prerogative to be the first to greet and comfort her. And now, she didn

t even glance his way as she entered the Majat command tent. More, despite her outward calmness, he couldn

t get rid of the feeling that something was off about her. Perhaps it was the way several Diamonds crowded behind her, as if she needed the top skilled guards to watch, rather than protect her? Or was it the way Mai

s words sent one of his Emerald guards running through the camp to bring over Magister Egey Bashi? The frown on the Keeper

s face as he followed the guard to the command tent made Kyth

s heart race in alarm.

He glanced at Ellah who had turned away from the cooking and was also watching the scene intently.

Did Kara seem all right to you just now?

Outwardly, yes,

Ellah said.

But I sensed a lot of uncertainty from everyone around her.

Uncertainty about what?

Ellah sighed.

I know it

s hard not knowing, Kyth, but you must trust that they will tell you when they can.

Like hell they will.
Kyth lifted his chin. He was a prince, and formally one of the leaders of this march, with men under his command and a crucial part to play in the upcoming battle. He could grudgingly understand Mai

s reluctance to share extra information where Kara was involved, but like it or not, Kyth cared too, and Mai knew it very well. If the Majat felt uncomfortable about it, too bad for him.

Kyth abruptly rose to his feet and strode toward the command tent.

Where are you going?

Alder called after him, but Kyth ignored him.

Light steps rustled behind him as Ellah hurried to follow. Alder made a move to go as well, but apparently thought better of it and returned to his cooking.

Two Emeralds guarding the tent exchanged uncertain glances as Kyth and Ellah approached. Kyth looked past them and raised his head haughtily, lifting the door flap to step inside.

It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the semidarkness and take in the scene. Kara was seated cross-legged in the center of the tent, with Egey Bashi kneeling beside her next to his medicine pouch. The rest of the Majat formed a circle around them, watching the scene intently. Their gazes instantly locked on the newcomers with a nearly palpable threat. Kyth ignored all of them as he approached Kara and lowered to the floor beside her.

She seemed calm, but Kyth could see the paleness of her drawn face that made her brown skin seem grayish. Her weariness was visible in the drooping set of her shoulders, in the way her eyes seemed unfocused as she stared into the distance. The taint of the Kaddim power was unmistakable on her. Kyth sensed it as an aftertaste, a lingering scent of burning in the air.

Are you all right?

he asked.

Her face held a mix of dismissal and uncertainty, covered by a mask of calmness.

Do you sense it on me?


She nodded, as if Kyth had just acknowledged a well known fact. Her eyes briefly darted to Mai, tense like a tightly coiled spring as he watched the conversation. Kyth smirked inwardly.
Don’t like me sitting closer to her than you? Well, now you know how I feel all the time.
He willed himself to look away, not to meet the challenge in Mai

s gaze. Even with all the resentment he felt, this wasn

t the time for a cock fight.

The tent flap lifted again, a beam of sunlight momentarily cutting through the gloom. A young Majat warrior slid inside and said something to Mai in a hushed voice. Mai flicked a hand sign, which sent his entire Diamond entourage out of the tent.


re about to have company,

Mai said. He wasn

t looking at anyone in particular when he said it, but Kyth felt the need to respond.


A local lord.

Is he the one you asked for help this morning?


How do you know him?

Mai tossed his head impatiently, but his answer came out level.

An old acquaintance.

Kyth looked at him in disbelief. Mai was only six years older than Kyth, hardly old enough to have any


t you going to tell us anything about him?

Kara asked.


s impatient look made Kyth feel like an intruder.

I worked for him on my first assignment.

Kyth looked away. He hated how this simple statement seemed to clarify everything to Kara, while only raising more questions in Kyth

s own mind.

I assume this lord has a name,

he said.

Lord Garet von Eyvern.

Von Eyvern.
The name seemed familiar, even if Kyth did wish right now that he had been more attentive in his classes on the political situation in the south. To his memory the prefix


came from Bengaw and meant something important among their nobility. He also remembered hearing that the Eyverns were obscenely rich and influential, which made them operate more like the allies of the Tallan Dar king than the direct subordinates they were supposed to be. He wasn

t sure he was comfortable with the idea of meeting one of them out here in the near-wilderness with only a minor military force to his own name. But worse, the fact that Mai apparently had a close connection with the man, enough not only to expect personal favors but to also have the lord go to some lengths to seek an audience, made him feel even more uncomfortable. Up to now he had been trusting Mai unconditionally when it came to his personal safety. But now, for the first time in this campaign, he found himself questioning the wisdom of it.

Another Majat entered the tent, flicking silent hand signs. Mai and Kara rose to their feet in near unison.


s here.

Mai flung his formal Guildmaster

s cloak over his shoulders and strode to the tent entrance.

After a hesitation, Kyth fell into step beside him. Ellah shuffled her feet to keep closer to Kyth

s shoulder.

Mai is telling the truth,

she said quietly, only for the Prince to hear.

He hasn

t tried to hide anything from you. He did seem annoyed at some point, but I didn

t sense any problems, not even a hesitation.

Kyth felt only partially relieved. Until recently, Ellah had a crush on Mai, which precluded her from sensing the truth where Mai was concerned. She had since overcome these feelings

or so he believed. Yet, Kyth felt he could never fully trust Ellah

s gift when it came to Mai.

After the semidarkness of the tent, the sunlight outside seemed blinding. With narrowed eyes, Kara watched a large group of riders at the edge of the camp, their black cloaks adorned with silver embroideries of the crossed sabers

a lavish choice of thread that sharply contrasted the practicality of the rest of their outfits. Lord Gareth must be very rich, which made the fact that he was willing to ride an extra distance to meet with Mai even more unusual. Was he expecting a major favor in return for his help in apprehending Kara? The thought lingered at the back of her mind as she watched the lord dismount and approach Mai in long strides.

Lord Garet looked to be in his late forties, a wiry man with a long, expressive face. His piercing gray eyes sank into deeply etched lines that started underneath his bushy eyebrows and linked with other creases and clefts all the way to his mouth. They crinkled as he talked, as if harboring a smile. Watching him, the way he looked over Mai with father-like pride, forced down some of Kara

s worries. He seemed to be genuinely pleased at this reunion.

“Aghat Mai!”
Lord Garet extended his arms for an embrace, but the Majat of Mai

s suite closed around him protectively, forcing a change to a long handshake instead.

Kara smiled at the lord

s perplexed expression. Mai

s guards knew their jobs. An embrace made it too easy to sneak an attack

an unallowable risk for a man as important as the Majat Guildmaster.


s a joy to see you, Lord Garet,

Mai said. He too was smiling, piquing Kara

s curiosity. Mai must have been in his teens during his assignment for this lord, a boy young enough to be his son. What kind of a bond could these two possibly develop?

Lord Garet stepped back and ran another appraising glance at Mai.

A Guildmaster, eh? I always said you were destined for greatness. And, you

ve grown even more attractive, if you would forgive the old man for saying it.

Mai laughed, and Kara was surprised to see his cheeks light up with a faint blush.
More attractive?
She felt more and more curious.

Please accept my utmost gratitude, Lord Garet, for the help your men provided to me this morning,
” Mai said. “
Their service was exemplary.

Lord Garet shook his head.

No trouble at all, Aghat Mai. I was glad to be of assistance in recovering your, um, missing companion.

His sharp eyes sought out Kara, and over all this distance she imagined she saw him wink.

She kept her face impassive, stepping away deeper into the crowd of the Majat as she watched Mai introduce Lord Garet to the rest of the command group. Kyth was watching the lord with a guarded expression that made her wonder. She assumed Lord Garet was a vassal to the crown, but here in the wilderness these loyalties seemed distant compared to the day-to-day reality. Was Kyth feeling threatened by the lord? She hoped not, yet she couldn

t blame the Prince for his insecurity. His main protection on this march came from the Majat, and the way he and Mai kept arguing every time she was around didn

t help at all.

The procession moved toward a large area set with logs and blankets around a large campfire. She slid between Lance and Raishan, doing her best to keep a low profile.

Mai settled into his seat with the ease that made the log he was sitting on seem as relaxing as a soft armchair. Lord Garet clearly did not share the same ability to blend into any surroundings. He winced as he shifted around to find a more comfortable spot, smiling with gratitude as one of Mai

s guards offered him a rolled-up blanket as an additional cushion.

Forgive us for being unable to offer you the comforts you are accustomed to, my lord,
” Mai said.

Lord Garet smiled.

Think nothing of it, Aghat Mai. Sharing the simple joys of a campsite meal surely brings back memories, eh?


s smile mirrored the lord

s, his eyes gleaming with merry sparkles.


ve heard of your current campaign against the Kaddim Brotherhood, Aghat Mai,

Lord Garet said.

Mai went still, a barely perceptible change that did not erase the easygoing smile from his face. Only those familiar with him could tell how surprised he was at this statement.

You have? How, if I may ask?

I have my sources.

Mai glanced around the assembly.

I suppose we haven

t made a big secret of it. Everyone by now must have heard of our last battle. But I must say, I didn

t expect the news of our march to precede us.

Lord Garet smiled.

Oh, they didn

t precede you, Aghat Mai. I made inquiries only this morning, after I received your request for help.

Still. Your sources must have been exceptionally well informed to make the connection so quickly.

Indeed they are. But I can give you my assurance that the news will spread no further than this gathering

unless you want it to, for any reason.

I appreciate it, Lord Garet,
” Mai said. “
In our march, we are not exactly counting on a surprise, but I prefer to be the one calling the shots.

Of course.

Lord Garet laughed.

Some things never change, do they?

Mail laughed too, his look stirring up with the warmth of a shared memory. Kara hoped to be able to learn the story one day.

The food arrived, travel rations of smoked meat and dry flatbread creatively mixed with fresh vegetables and herbs that must have come from the local market. The apple brew served with the meal went to the head far too quickly, but Kara gulped it down anyway. With all the excitement of today she had managed to completely neglect food. And now, she devoured her meal as she listened to the conversation.

Apart from the pleasure of seeing you again, Aghat Mai,

Lord Garet said,

my visit has another purpose. I

m here to offer you any help you need in your campaign.

A smile briefly touched the corners of Mai

s mouth.

I am grateful for this, Lord Garet. But as a friend I must warn you that it

s not something to say lightly. Not to a Majat Guildmaster.

I would never say this lightly, Aghat Mai. Especially not to you.

Lord Garet pecked at a stem of basil on his plate, then put a strip of meat into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully.

I also harbor no illusions about the way my military force compares to yours. Being a realistic man, I will not insult you by offering my troops. I believe I have something better to offer.

Mai looked at him with silent question.

Perhaps you still remember from our prior acquaintance how I came by all my wealth?

“Yes, I do,”
Mai said slowly.

The mine on my lands supplies no less than half of the kingdom

s Algarian-grade ore. Chances are, some of your Guild

s recent weapons are forged from the steel we produce. I know one could never have enough. So, here

s my offer. For this campaign, we

ll give you as much as you need.

Mai lifted his head.

When you say


, you mean

Give freely, without expecting anything in return.

Mai hesitated. “
This is a generous offer, Lord Garet. Especially after the favor you already did for me today.

Lord Garet chuckled.

What happened this morning was nothing, really. No more than a small distraction for my men from the boredom of their daily patrolling duties.

Mai held his gaze.

It was more than that, Lord Garet. Your men risked their lives. And, they also lost a horse.

Lord Garet waved his hand dismissively.

Think nothing of it, Aghat Mai. It was my pleasure to help.

I appreciate it, Lord Garet,
” Mai said. “
And, as a friend, I feel obliged to tell you that your men

s help today meant more to me than you could possibly imagine.

Once again, Lord Garet glanced at Kara with curiosity. This time, she didn

t try to hide as she returned his gaze. She felt dumbfounded. Mai had just publicly acknowledged that her return meant more to him than free supply of the Algarian-grade weapons, a resource some kingdoms would go to war over. She noticed Raishan

s smile, and Seldon

s deep frown, followed by a stir among the Diamonds that died out at Mai
’s quick look.

Lord Garet observed the activity with amusement.

As I said, Aghat Mai, while the knowledge that my men

s service to you has been satisfactory fills me with joy beyond measure, it meant nothing to me. What you are setting out to do is far greater than simple favors like this. Besides, I would be an ungrateful man if I did not acknowledge that I owe you not only all my wealth, but also my life.

“You owe me no gratitude, my lord,” Mai said. “You

ve paid for my services in full. The Majat Guild holds no debt to your name.

The lord shifted in his seat, his face crinkling with laughter as he took a long swig of brew from his mug.

m sure you know, Aghat Mai, that some kinds of debt can never be repaid.

I wouldn

t say such a thing to a Majat Guildmaster, Lord Garet.

Just like the Majat Guildmaster probably should not have said all those things just now to a wealthy lord offering his help, Aghat Mai. It is good that we are talking merely as friends, isn

t it?

Mai grinned as he glanced at Kara. She felt a warmth run down her spine as she met his gaze.
He said all this for me. He wanted me, and everyone else listening, to know how much I mean to him.
The fact that by making this confession he was also risking an offer of unimaginable wealth filled her with concern. Yet, Lord Garet

s reaction, his expression as he continued to look at her thoughtfully, told her that the nobleman understood this too, and that his offer wasn

t going to change because of Mai

s words. They were lucky to have such an ally, and she knew that nearly everyone here

except Seldon, perhaps

trusted Mai to achieve the best in this conversation.


s get down to business, Aghat Mai,

Lord Garet said.

My sources informed me that while your own people are sufficiently outfitted, you are leading an allied force that may as yet grow in numbers and is significantly inferior to the Majat in weapons.

Among other things,
” Mai said.

Lord Garet

s brisk nod looked very businesslike.

I feel fortunate to have resources at my disposal to supply them with top grade weapons, including Prince Kythar

s men and any new allies you may recruit on the way. If time permits, I will send a delivery wherever you need me to.

Mai held his gaze.

This offer is more generous than a king

s, my lord.

Lord Garet

s brief smile spoke of how pleased he felt.

Consider it a personal gift. You may, of course, keep the weapons after your army emerges victorious

as I expect will be the case.

I can only wish our enemies share the same expectations, my lord,
” Mai said. “
In fact, this type of thinking could save us all worlds of trouble.

Lord Garet chuckled as he reached into his pocket and produced a folded parchment glinting with an elegantly engraved seal.

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