Archangel Down: Archangel Project. Book One (32 page)

BOOK: Archangel Down: Archangel Project. Book One
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Noa slipped past him, pistol raised, and then gestured for the people behind him.

“Not clear back behind us,” Gunny whispered. “We’ve got four incoming, 725 meters. Tunnel from the left.”

“We’re almost there,” Noa whispered. “We’ll make it.”

James focused behind them. He heard the splash of footsteps, but couldn’t detect the exact location or the number of men. Gunny must have had more sophisticated augmentation. It made James jealous—and that was ridiculous. He was a history professor; he wasn’t supposed to have sophisticated locator apps.

The team walked a few more meters down the new tunnel. It was cooler in the tunnels, now that it had rained; their clothes were drenched. James felt a tightness in his skin, and knew that if he looked he’d find his bare arms to be as pale as bone. He found himself wishing he’d had a chance for a snack. He had the sensation of his vision and focus tunneling, as it did whenever he was hungry. The footsteps trailing the team faded out of his consciousness, and then he was aware only of himself and Noa. She was slinking through the darkness beside him with amazing stealth. Her breathing was no longer raspy, and her movements were fluid; she wouldn’t need his arm this time. At that thought, he nearly tripped over his own feet.

Noa’s eyes met his in the darkness. He shrugged, trying to convey
nothing to worry about
. He blinked, and remembered he had a snack on him. He pulled out half of a protein bar and started to munch. His vision cleared and his focus expanded. Beside him, Noa drew her head back, and then looked heavenward. He recognized the gesture from their time in the freight car, and remembered the words that normally went with it. “Eating again?” she would say.

He shrugged again, and put the tiny remainder of the bar back into his pocket.

A slight red glow fell on his shoulder. He spun, pistol raised, and found himself staring at a tiny blinking red light at the side of 6T9’s head.

Staring at the muzzle of the pistol, Eliza gasped. 6T9 made no indication that he noticed the weapon. In a mechanical voice the ‘bot said, “I am no longer able to assist.” He set Eliza gently down and then started to waver. Before James’s brain had caught up to what was happening, Noa, Manuel, Chavez, and the engineering students were grabbing the ‘bot by his arms and were easing him to the ground. As they settled him down, 6T9 said, “Thank you.”

Hand to her mouth, Eliza leaned over him.

“Low on power,” 6T9 said, thankfully quietly.

“Leave him here,” one of the engineering students whispered.

“That might be wise,” said 6T9.

“No!” cried Eliza, putting her hands on the ‘bot’s shoulders. “If he stays, I stay, and there goes your mission bankroll.”

“6T9, will you be able to walk another 600 meters?” Noa asked.

“Of course he will!” said Eliza, her voice too shrill.

One of the engineering students put a finger to her lips.

“I cannot walk any farther,” said 6T9.

“You can, you can,” Eliza said in a trembling voice. “Get up!”

“I cannot walk any farther,” 6T9 repeated, not moving from where he sat.

“Shixty,” said Oliver, drawing James’s attention. The toddler was rousing, poking his rumpled head over his mother’s shoulder.

As his mother hushed him, Eliza said, “He just needs power. There wasn’t an adequate charger at the Manuels’ home.”

Under Eliza’s hands, 6T9 slumped forward like a doll, and the light behind his eyes went out. Eliza gasped.

“Shixty,” sniffled Oliver, as Hisha slipped an injection of something into his arm.

Taking advantage of the delay, James pulled out the rest of his protein bar.

“We should leave him,” said Gunny, as James popped the last of the protein bar into his mouth.

“No, Noa!” said Eliza. “I’ll need him to carry me later. I can’t make it on my own.”

Licking the sheen of fat from his fingers, James said, “Ghost has ‘bot parts. He could probably put one together for you.”

Eliza’s face fell. “I don’t want just any ‘bot! I want 6T9.” She turned to Noa. “The deal was, you took him and me!” The volume of her voice was rising.

Noa put her hands to her lips in a sign for silence. Somewhere in the distance, James heard a shout. They were so close to Ghost’s home and safety. Were Eliza’s hysterics going to get them shot down anyway?

Noa sighed. “You’re right, I promised you passage.”

“I’m not carrying him,” said one of the engineering students. The young woman drew back.

Hisha and Manuel were quiet.

Gunny said softly, “It would be better to leave him.” He closed his eyes and put a hand to his data port. “They’re closing in on us.”

Chavez’s gaze was darting between all the other members of the team. Eliza started to cry, her sobs echoing through the sewer tunnels.

“Shhhh … ” said Noa.

“Do you have more sedative?” Manuel whispered.

“I’ll scream!” Eliza hissed.

Noa’s eyes went to 6T9 and back to Eliza again. She eyed the team. “I did promise Eliza—we can make this work.”

James noticed the ‘team’ shifting on their feet.

“He’s not just any ‘bot,” Eliza interrupted. “If he was human, you’d bring him.”

His eyes slid to Noa. Her jaw was set, her shoulders squared. She wasn’t going to leave 6T9. James could see it already.

“We have to leave it!” Hisha said.

James felt his nerves spark beneath his skin at the word ‘it.’ Noa’s stance … that word … before he knew what he was doing, he was sitting on his heels beside the ‘bot.

Someone whispered, “What are you—”

Pulling one of 6T9’s arms over his head, James swung the heavy ‘bot over his shoulder. Standing up, he found all eyes on him. “Move!” he said. He wanted to frown, but he could only manage to shift his jaw. “We don’t have time to argue about this!”

Gunny’s eyebrows were at his hairline. Manuel’s jaw dropped. “Do you know how heavy those things are?” the engineer asked.

Before James could respond, Noa said, “Move out. The longer we’re here, the greater the danger we’re in.”

No one argued this time. The young woman and one of the men went to help Eliza. There were echoes and shouts in the tunnel—but the voices were confused. They weren’t sure where the team’s voices were coming from in the maze of tunnels, so they were traveling more slowly than James’s team. He would have felt more satisfied if …

“I’m hungry again.” The words were out of his mouth before he’d thought of them. He couldn’t care if he was overheard; his vision was tunneling in again.

,” Noa whispered, slipping James a protein bar. She’d been feeding them to him, like stoking a furnace, since he’d heaved 6T9 over his shoulder. But he could eat all of it, as far as she was concerned. He’d saved her neck, and her authority, and the sorry excuse she had for a crew, by hauling 6T9 up on his back. She took a deep breath—for once, not because she was exhausted—but to keep her anger from boiling over. She told herself that Gunny would have been right, under ordinary circumstances. 6T9 was a waste of resources. But these weren’t ordinary circumstances. Eliza would need the ‘bot to care for her aboard the Ark. Noa had heard 6T9 talk knowledgeably about Eliza’s ailments. He had some expensive apps to augment his native programming. And she’d seen the way he cradled her gently in his arms and took her hands with the utmost care––that was knowledge that would have been integrated in the circuits of his titanium bones and synth muscles. Even if they were to install his motherboard in one of Ghost’s ‘bots, not all of 6T9’s working knowledge could be transferred with the motherboard.

A light went off in her mind, and she drew to a halt. Craning her neck, she looked up at the place her locator app told her was the entrance to Ghost’s lair. It looked no different from any of the ancient cement surrounding it.

“My coordinates right?” she asked James, keeping her voice a low whisper.

“Yes,” he said as the others caught up to them.

Noa held up a hand for a halt and silence.

“Leg up?” she whispered.

James slid 6T9 from his shoulder. Before he lifted her, Noa put a hand on his shoulder. Inclining her head to the ‘bot, she asked, “You’ll be fine hoisting him up too? Should I get some rope?”

James cocked his head. “I believe … yes, I will be fine … save the rope for Eliza.” He cleared his throat. “Although another protein bar would be helpful.”

Noa gave him her last one. He stowed it in his pocket and wove his fingers together. Noa gave a last look to the ‘bot lying like a discarded doll in the middle of the sewer, a trickle of runoff pooling at the small of his back. And then she slipped her foot into his linked hands and said, “On three.”

“What?” said Manuel.

Noa was already leaping up to the seemingly cement ceiling. As she expected, she passed through a hologram, into the vertical shaft below Ghost’s abode. She caught the rung of the ancient metal ladder and looked down. Her legs were swinging through a shimmering floor of light. She heard hushed cries of surprise. Ghost had disguised the access tunnel to look like the rest of the sewer. She looked up and saw another shimmering veil of light between her and the grate above. The ancient metal door to his abode was gone. There was just the appearance of crumbling cement in front of her nose. Understanding hit her in a flash. Ghost was going through extra trouble to hide his dwelling. He was concealing himself even more than before … and he had been well-concealed before.

She shook her head, reached out, and felt the door. It wasn’t locked. “Send Manuel up next,” she whispered. After crawling into the tunnel, moments later she reached Ghost’s lair. This time there were no holos of the Ark’s engine room. It was just his place—the bed, the dirty kitchenette, the clutter of electronic bits and parts—among them a sex ‘bot splayed out in a chair, arms and legs missing, eyes open to the heavens. It was dark even though the geothermal unit was still on. It was humid and too warm.

There was no sign of Ghost.

in the relative safety of Ghost’s abode, James bent into the crawl-way entrance and pulled on 6T9’s shoulders.

“Thank you so much for doing this,” Eliza said, already in the room, just behind him. “I won’t forget it.”

“Where is Dan?” he heard Manuel say.

“I don’t know,” Noa replied. “But he left the holos on to cover the back entrance, so he must be coming back.”

James gave one final tug and pulled the ‘bot out onto the floor. Hovering behind him, Eliza said, “The geothermal unit has chargers. It will take him a few hours to completely recharge.”

James only grunted. He was exhausted, hungry … and cold. Slipping through the tunnel after the ‘bot, Chavez said, “A geothermal unit? I can recharge my legs, they’re starting to die on me.” She began tearing off the plastic bags covering her prosthetics, revealing metal knee joints and plastic. At the juncture of plastic and flesh, there were bands of fresh duct tape. “Hisha put that on so water wouldn’t get into the connections.”

James saw one of the young men roll his eyes at the sight, and another turned up his nose. James blinked. He didn’t find the sight off-putting, but a memory came back to him of eyeing a woman walking in front of him wearing her prosthetics unabashedly. He had said to a friend, “If you can have synth flesh and look perfectly normal—why wouldn’t you?” He clearly remembers being repulsed. He looked at Chavez’s legs again. The duct tape, the metal, and the plastic––he didn’t find her more or less attractive for it. His eyes went to her face. She winked one of her startling blue eyes at him and grinned. “Where did the Commander find you?” Her Luddeccean accent was thick. He noticed a crucifix hanging at her neck. “And are there any more like you?”

One of the engineers coughed behind his hand. Another scowled at James.

It took a moment to realize she was flirting with him. In another life, would he have smiled at her … or would he have recoiled at the sight of her legs? Would he have turned up his nose at her accent? Would he have looked down on her because she was like Noa, too earthy, too brash, and too loud? Something in him went still and cold. Noa didn’t flirt. Sometimes she recoiled at his touch.

His vision tunneled to the point where he saw only his hands. Hefting 6T9 up like a potato sack, he carried him to the geothermal unit. Setting him down without bothering to be gentle, he let Eliza plug the ‘bot in.

Chavez gingerly picked up a duplex charging wire from a pile of equipment, plugged the single end into an outlet, and the double end into the backs of her prosthetic legs. James’s eyes slid to the kitchenette. On the counter was a jar of peanuts. He looked at the geothermal heater—it felt so good to be close to it. It was so warm, but the peanuts looked delicious. He looked at the wires attached to 6T9 and Chavez and sighed. “I wish I could recharge so easily.”

Rocking on her artificial limbs, Chavez gave him another grin. She was pretty. Her features might be unusual, but they were open and … he tilted his head … symmetrical. She looked healthy and energetic. He remembered a few of his other self’s short encounters. He’d pursued far less attractive women for brief flings. And yet he wasn’t drawn to Chavez at all.

Lifting an eyebrow at his own musings, James retrieved the peanuts, but then immediately returned to the geothermal unit and the halo of warmth around it.

With his first mouthful of food, the conversation around him began to come into focus.

Eliza was clucking at the dismembered ‘bot.

Hisha had taken Oliver out of his carrier, and was gently rocking him while eyeing the same ‘bot. Her nose was wrinkled in disgust. “That is so distasteful.”

Farther away, Manuel was saying, “How long should we wait for Dan?”

Noa answered, “If he doesn’t return, we’re pretty much dead in the water.”

“We could shoot our way up to the Northeast Province,” said Bo excitedly.

Gunny, Manuel, and Noa all looked up at him, and then back to each other.

Manuel said, “If Dan doesn’t get back—”

“I never left!” The buzz of conversation stopped. All eyes went to the door that led to the hallway. Ghost was standing there; he had his hologram projecting necklace on, the glow of it seemingly illuminating perfectly chiseled features.

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