Arizona Skies: The Muse (15 page)

BOOK: Arizona Skies: The Muse
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I’d never stayed the night with anyone I fucked, but I wanted to with her. After experiencing that incredible sex, I didn’t want to let her go.

I asked her if she wanted me to stay, thrilled when she said yes. After that experience I wanted to hold her in my arms, keeping our connection all through the night. I sat up to grab the sheets at the bottom of the bed, noticing the blood on her thighs. A reminder of her virginity was also on the sheet that I pulled up. She was watching
me look at the bloodstain on the sheet. What do you say to someone at a time like this? She was my first virgin. Nothing needed to be said, I smiled, kissed her softly and turned out the light, tucking her into my arms, completely sated and happy.

Here was another first: staying all night with a girl I’d just had sex with. I wondered if my firsts had trumped hers yet.

Sex for me had always been an act that I performed. Yes, I enjoyed it, but I didn’t feel anything for my partners. I talked dirty because that turned me on, but I didn’t need that with her. Most of the time, I was rough, hurrying my partners into climax so I could do whatever I pleased with their bodies until I was sated. I was insatiable and pounded them into the mattress with force, chasing my orgasm without caring if they held on to me or not. I didn’t need their arms around me or skin-to-skin contact except for my groin area. I was cold and uncaring, never wanting any of them for a return performance.

I was attracted to the pretty girls with lots of experience, learning from them how to pleasure a woman. They taught, and I learned. A girl a few years older than me worked for my dad, and she taught me a lot; she was my only repeat fuck. We went at it over and over again until I got skilled at bringing a woman to climax. Then she got clingy, and I panicked. She started showing up everywhere our band played. I’d avoid her and kiss any random chick, but she didn’t get the message. She stalked me, waiting for our break to pounce on me and hang around when I was talking with my friends. I’d pick any random girl and kiss her and walk away with her just to piss her off, but she would show up the next time we performed.

To be quite frank she was scaring me. I tried to recall the times I’d taken her to bed to make sure in my drunken; fucked up world I hadn’t told her I loved her, or some other stupid shit in the heat of the moment. Nope I never remembered saying those words to her; she was just a convenient fuck, always ready and willing. I tried very nicely to let her know I’d moved on, but as pretty as she was there
wasn’t much going on upstairs, because she never got the hint. I even out right told her on no uncertain terms that I never wanted to fuck her again, we were done.

She told everybody I was her boyfriend, and just kept coming back. I’d be up on stage singing and see her walk in the door and start to sweat. Lust was the only feeling I ever felt for her, or for any of them. I finally pushed her off on Josh one of my friends and they seemed to click. I told him she was pretty and easy and he jumped at the chance to have one of my leftovers. Last I knew they were still together, thank God!

Women were a dime a dozen, once I was satisfied, I moved on, not caring if their hearts were broken or if I ever saw them again. I was a coldhearted bastard, I realized that now. I had women offer me money, tell me they loved me, beg and plead for my attention. I took what they offered and called it a night, never holding them or cuddled with them after sex; it was just too intimate.

But Bailey was different; I needed it from her.



was awakened by what felt like a dog licking my face. I reached up to swat it away and heard laughter. I opened one eye to see green eyes staring down at me.

“Morning, sleepyhead, time to get up,” Jesse said, smiling those dimples down at me. I looked at the clock; it was seven in the morning. I reached up and pulled him down to me, holding him tight. What a way to start my morning, Jesse naked wrapped in my arms. I breathed in his scent.

“Let’s take a shower and get some food; I’m starving,” he said in my ear. “You drained me of all of my strength, baby; I need nourishment.” He chuckled.

“OK, I’m awake,” I said, pushing him away to get out of bed.

“You’re not one of those cranky morning people, are you?” he asked, looking at me with a sexy smile.

“Put your dimples away, and let’s get that shower; I feel yucky,” I said.

“Yucky! Thanks a lot; I’m crushed,” he said, holding his hand over his heart and falling back on the bed.

“I mean yucky in a good way,” I said, looking down at my bloody thighs.

“Oh, OK, let’s go wash that nasty, yucky stuff off you.” He smiled as he turned on the shower and held his hand out for me. I took it and stepped in, standing under the warm water. Looking down at the
bloodstains, I knew I was now officially a woman, as Shelly so delicately put it. I washed my hair and put in conditioner to soak while I grabbed for the body wash. Jesse was way ahead of me, holding up soapy hands with a big smile.

“I want to wash you, sweetheart,” he said, putting his hands on my arms and rubbing in the lather. He carefully washed every part of my body, then turned me around to rinse off. I decided that I would return the favor, so I shifted places with him and handed him the shampoo. He washed his hair as I put body wash on my hands and began rubbing the soap all over him. This was my chance to enjoy looking at him as I concentrated on touching every inch of his body.

I walked him backward to stand under the shower to rinse; then he turned us so I could rinse out my conditioner.

Reaching to shut off the water, I was greeted with a soft, fluffy towel being wrapped around me. He grabbed another towel and put it around his waist, covering up his manhood as he helped me out.

“That was fun,” I said, drying my long hair as I watched him dry off his incredibly sexy body.

“Oh, we can have more fun than that in the shower, but right now I need nourishment,” he said, leaving the bathroom to get dressed. That got my curiosity going as I dried myself off and went to put on some of my pretty underwear. I wasn’t embarrassed to walk around in my bra and panties with him; somehow it seemed natural after what we’d experienced last night. I could see why Shelly was so comfortable with her sexuality—I needed to cut her some slack. Jesse had his clothes back on and was running his fingers through his hair, looking sexy as hell.

“I’ve got to go and change my clothes; will you meet me for breakfast in forty-five minutes? Does that give you enough time to get ready, sweetheart?”

“Yes, it doesn’t take me too long,” I said, wrapping my robe over my underwear just as that familiar knock was on my door.

“Should I be worried about who’s knocking on your door so early in the morning?” he asked with raised eyebrows and a sinister look on his face.

“Don’t be silly; it’s Shelly,” I said, laughing at him.

He wiggled his eyebrows as he rubbed his hands together and pulled the door open with gusto, just like she always did. She shrieked and jumped back. “Ah ha, got yah!” he said, laughing at her.

“Jesse, you scared the shit out of me,” she said, her hand on her heart as she barged into my room.

“Come in Shelly,” he chuckled as she blew past him. He winked as he shut the door, and just like that, he was gone.

She was looking at me half-dressed and him answering my door so early in the morning. I stood there waiting for the light bulb to go off.

“Did he…did you…oh my God, Bailey, it finally happened,” she said giddy with excitement as she marching over to inspect the bedding for any telltale signs of sex.

“You did it!” she said, holding up the bloody sheets.

“Shelly, for God’s sake, will you please stop that?” I said, stomping over to grab the sheets from her. “You’re unbelievable, you know that!”

“Way to go, girlfriend,” she said, holding her hand up for a high five.

I slapped her hand, unable to hold back my grin any longer. “You are the most exasperating woman on earth,” I said, sitting on the bed next to her.

“Yeah, but you love me—admit it; I know you do,” she said. “So spill, girlfriend; how was it? How was he?” she asked, looking at me differently, like I’d grown a beard or something.

“Mind-blowing,” I said, using Jesse’s words.

“See, now we can talk about sex without you getting all hot and bothered.” She fanned the air in front of my face to make her point. “I want to hear all about it later, I need to know if he’s as good as
he looks,” she said with raised eyebrows. I chuckled trying to keep myself under control. “OK, sex talk over for now. Come on get ready; I want to go ashore and explore this island,” she said, changing the subject so fast my head was spinning. She was dressed in a pretty yellow sundress, looking all cute and sweet.

I got up and put on my white, flowered sundress that tied with crisscross straps in the back. Shelly put my hair up in a messy bun, with some long tendrils hanging down. I chose to wear my silver hoop earrings and my new ankle bracelet. After putting on sunscreen and grabbing my large bag, I was ready.

We could hear the guys before we stepped into the dining room, laughing at something Scott was saying very loudly.

“Does that man ever talk in a normal tone of voice?” I asked Shelly.

“Yes, when he’s making love to me, he speaks very softly,” she said with pursed lips. “But he’s loud when he comes,” she added with raised eyebrows.

“Oh my God Shelly, I can’t believe you just said that.

I burst out laughing at her remark. I didn’t have a comeback as I laughed at her. She shrugged her shoulder and opened the door to find Jesse and Scott waiting for us, looking curious as we laughed our way into the dining room. Jesse looked over at Scott and then down at him, trying to figure out what was so funny.

“OK, I give; what’s so funny?” Jesse asked.

“Shelly—she doesn’t have a filter on her mouth, so I never know what’s going to fly out of it,” I said, trying to calm down.

“She’s all yours,” Jesse said, pushing her toward Scott. “I’ve got my girl! Let’s go sit down, honey; I’m dying for some coffee.” He took my hand. John and Keith were already drinking coffee, watching us with sheepish grins on their faces as we approached the table.

“Morning, Bailey,” they said in unison, smirking.

“Morning,” I said, blushing at their knowing smiles. I felt quite uncomfortable as Jesse smirked while he pulled out my chair.

“Somebody didn’t come home last night,” Keith said, raising his eyebrows. “Any idea where our boy might have been?”

I blushed and ducked my head as Jesse started to laugh. “Hey, you guys, leave her alone,” Jesse said, grabbing my hand to kiss my knuckles.

“Did you tell?” I whispered to Jesse.

“Honey, I didn’t say a word; just ignore all these ignoramuses,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, ignore them, Bailey,” Shelly said, sticking up for me.

“We love you, Bailey; you’re so sweet and fun to pick on. Well, maybe not so sweet anymore,” Scott smiled with wiggly eyebrows. I couldn’t help but laugh at his face. I took a deep, calming breath and let it go. The usual funny banter went around the table, and my embarrassment was soon forgotten. We enjoyed eating and talking with each other. Jesse couldn’t keep his hands off me, and when both hands were busy eating, his leg rubbed against mine, never losing that connection we both craved. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders as I joined in on the conversation.

John leaned over to me and nodded in Jesse’s direction. “Bailey, he’s been writing like crazy, and I have you to thank for that. I’ve never seen him so happy. He used to make fun of me for not going out because of Natalie. I told him he’d understand when he met the one, and, honey, I think you’re it,” he said with a smile.

“Hey, quit making time with my girl,” Jesse said, noticing us talking with our heads together.

“Just explaining the facts, man,” John said, winking at me.

“Whatever he said, don’t listen; he’s probably spreading shit about me,” Jesse said.

“Jesse, give me some credit; I would never ruin what you and Bailey have together. I’m glad you two found each other; now we can concentrate on our careers,” John said, drinking his coffee.

I looked at Jesse as he drank his coffee; he was jealous, and I loved it. He saw me staring at him and reached for my hand. “Hey,
I’m sorry. I just found you, and I guess I’m a little territorial,” he smiled.

“I can’t wait for you to meet Natalie; you two are going to get along great,” John said, leaning close to me, ignoring Jesse.

“I can’t wait to meet her too; I’m sure we’ll be good friends,” I said, smiling at him.

“I want you all back on the ship by five o’clock today,” John said to everyone around the table.

“Well, he’s back to manager mode again—the man needs to relax once in a while,” Jesse said with a smile.

“OK, let’s hit it,” Scott said with a big whoop, startling many of the people around us who were trying to eat a peaceful breakfast.

Shelly just laughed at him as we all got up to leave the dining hall so we could watch our ship pull into port.

“I’ll see all you folks at the Green Room tonight at eight,” Scott said, pushing the swinging doors open as he sauntered out. Shelly was close on his heels, and he pulled her out the doors onto the deck.

“He’s not shy at all,” I giggled at him.

“Neither is your friend,” Jesse reminded me.

“They’re the perfect pair,” I said, following him out the door.

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