Arizona Skies: The Muse (40 page)

BOOK: Arizona Skies: The Muse
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“Open your eyes, Bailey; I want to see you,” I said. She looked at me as she slid her arms around my shoulders and stroked my hair. “Move, baby,” I said impatiently. She rolled her hips, rocking back and forth on my cock. Now it was my turn to moan as I watched her stomach roll and her breasts bob up and down. I ran my hands up across her tight stomach and cupped her breasts, letting her take me at her own pace. I let her take her time, knowing it would be over in a hurry if I took charge. Surrender Sex was tough.

My toes curled, and my body was on fire. I wanted to completely dominate her, but I resisted the urge and submitted to her. She wasn’t in a big hurry, and I suspected she was savoring every moment we had together. I watched her stunning body moving against mine; it was beyond any erotic dream I’d ever had. She rolled her head and picked up her long, brown hair, holding her arms above her head as she moved faster.

“That’s it, baby; do what feels good,” I encouraged her.

“Mmm…” she moaned with a slight smile.

That did it; I finally couldn’t stand it anymore and grabbed her hips so I could grind my pelvis against her clit. She screamed as she came. I wrapped her in my arms and flipped us over. I’d held on enjoying the show as I watched her writhe and pump her body into climax. But now, it was my turn.

“Tell me,” I said. “I want to hear you say it.”

“Fuck me, Jesse,” she said in a breathless voice. This time she didn’t hesitate; she knew I needed to hear it, and her voice didn’t break.

“Yes, ma’am,” I smiled at her.

“Well, get to it,” she smirked.

“Yes ma’am; where did my shy Bailey go?” I chuckled.

“She wants her incredibly, sexy, hot, rocker boyfriend to get down to business, or do I have to do it all by myself?” she said, looking directly into my eyes. I liked this version of my angel.

“No…you…do…not!” I said, kissing her between each word. She always surprised me. “I love you, Bailey Harris,” I smiled.

“I love you, Jesse Greene,” she said, kissing me.

This was going to end all too soon! A tear ran down my cheek as I nestled my head in her neck and started thrusting. She smelled of sex and orchids, and I wanted that smell all over me. The feel of those long fingers softly stroking my back and her hips rising to meet me with every thrust was pushing me into another explosive orgasm.

She started talking to me just like I did to her, telling me how good I felt and how much she loved me. The dirtier she talked, the more I responded. I wanted to know everything she was feeling, and she told me.

“Jesse, I’m close,” she whispered.

“Me too, baby; hold on,” I groaned as I ground my pelvis into her, knowing that would give her that much-needed stimulation to climax.

“Oh, Jesse,” she moaned.

“That’s it, baby; let go,” I whispered.

“Keep going,” she groaned.

“Come for me, baby,” I said as she stiffened in my arms, her breath short and raspy, her nails digging into my back.

“You feel so good,” she moaned.

That slight bit of pain from her fingernails was what I needed to send me over the edge with her.

“Bailey, you’re so incredible,” I groaned as she held me tight, pulsing and squeezing my cock for what seemed like an eternity. I collapsed on top of her.

“So are you, Jesse,” she said, looking into my soul with those brown eyes. “I like Surrender Sex,” she moaned.

“Any kind of sex with you is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced,” I said, kissing her.

“Jesse, this felt more like Good-Bye Sex,” she said with tears in her eyes.

…I’m never saying good-bye to you, honey.” I held her close while she cried, letting a few of my own tears fall as I kissed and nuzzled her neck. She was right; that was Good-Bye Sex; she knew it and I knew it.

A cold shiver ran down my spine as reality crept in, and I realized she was right.

“I love you, Bailey” was all I could say. This was it, the end!



esse and I took our last shower together, taking turns washing other. We took our time, savoring the last few minutes we had left. We didn’t talk very much—we didn’t have to; we’d said everything we felt in bed last night. I was never going to be the same because of him, and my heart ached with sadness realizing that this was our last time together.

I dried off and dressed in one of Jesse’s T-shirts and shorts. They were big, but I didn’t care; they smelled of him. I had to go back to my room to get packed. He walked me back to my room with his arms full of my packages.

“I’ll meet you for breakfast, sweetheart,” he said, stroking my face. I nodded, too choked up to speak. This was the last time we’d all be together; I was going to miss every one of those guys. He kissed me and quietly left my room. I slipped into some clean underwear, and just like clockwork, I heard that familiar knock at my door.

“Shelly, come in,” I yelled, pulling out a pair of jeans.

“Hey, you all right?” she asked, sitting on my bed.

Her eyes were red, and her spunky side was subdued this morning. She was feeling sad too.

“No, not really,” I said, wiping a tear.

“Bailey, we have to be strong,” she said, swinging her feet back and forth. “Scott was a mess when he left me this morning, and I don’t want to cry anymore,” she sniffed.

“Shelly, this is so damn hard,” I said.

“Bailey,” she said, wrapping her arms around me. We both started to cry into each other’s shoulders. My heart was broken.

“I’ve never been in love before, and this hurts so much,” I cried.

“Me either, I feel like my heart is going to break in two. Honey, we have to hold each other together. Once we get home, we can drink ourselves into an alcohol-induced coma,” she said, sniffing and wiping her face.

“Are you going to hold my head while I puke?” I smiled.

“Honey, I always do. Listen, I’ll get packed and be back in half an hour to do your hair before we go for breakfast,” she said, wiping a tear.

“OK, I’ll be ready,” I said, trying to give her a weak smile. I decided to keep Jesse’s shirt on because it smelled like him, so I knotted the front of it so it fit and just a little bit of my abdomen showed. I decided I wanted to keep the shirt as a reminder of our time together. I had to dry the front because Shelly got it all wet with tears, so I took out my hair dryer, blew it dry, and then dried my hair.

I packed my suitcase with all the things he’d bought for me and zipped my beautiful gowns into my garment bag. I didn’t put a lot of makeup on; my eyes were already red, and I knew I wasn’t done crying. I’d probably never be done crying after today. My whole body ached with my need for him already. How was I going to survive being separated for the next three months? I wandered around my room making sure I had everything. I put my plane ticket in my purse and pulled my jacket out of the closet to carry with me, because it was going to be cold when we landed in Philly. I sat on my bed in a fog when Shelly opened my door and slid back. Putting her hand on my shoulder, she startled me; I didn’t even hear her come in. She could be quiet when she wanted to. Taking my hand, she led me into the bathroom and put a few curls in the end of my hair. “How do you want it?” she asked.

“Nothing fancy, just out of my face,” I said. She pulled the front back and secured it with my silver comb. I put in my turquoise studs and my necklace that Jesse got me. Sliding into my flats, I was ready. I piled my luggage on my bed and took one last look around the room before we left to go eat breakfast. There was a lot of memories in this small room.

Shelly understood how I was feeling as I stood there looking around the room. She smiled her sad smile as we walked on deck toward the dining hall. Of course, Jesse and Scott were waiting against the wall for us. Scott wasn’t doing his usual crazy antics; he smiled and took her hand, quietly walking hand in hand to sit with John and Keith.

“You OK, baby?” Jesse asked, hugging me. “My shirt looks good on you,” he smiled. I nodded, too upset to talk as he took my hand and I followed him into the room. John looked up from his coffee, smiled, and winked at me as I sat down across from him.

Liza was sitting with Keith looking sad. The mood at the table was somber, no joking or laughing like I’d become used to.

“Listen, I have good news,” John said once everyone was seated.

“I could use some good news,” Jesse said, stroking my knuckles.

“Our producer loved your new song, Jess; he wants to make a music video and get it released before our album comes out,” he said, smiling.

“John, that’s great, and it’s all because of Bailey.” He smiled at me.

“Jesse, that’s wonderful news; I can’t wait to see it,” I said.

The mood at the table lifted a little after that news. I could tell that the guys were proud of Jesse.

“We’ve got a lot of work to do when we get home, but we’re on the right track, and I couldn’t be happier,” John said, smiling at us.

“To the muse,” Scott said, winking at me. Everyone held up their coffee cups to toast me. I felt my face flush, but I was glad that I’d had such a profound impact on Jesse that he was composing again. The conversations started around the table, breaking the sadness
that I’d been feeling. I relaxed and enjoyed our meal, listening to the guys bouncing around ideas on which songs they should put on the first album and what it was going to be like to be in a music video. It was exciting, and I was happy for them, especially for Jesse.

I was going to miss this.

An announcement came over the loudspeaker that we were approaching the port of Miami. We decided to go on deck to watch the ship pull into port. As we stood at the railing, the trees and landscape came closer and closer. I had this lump in my throat, knowing what was coming. Jesse’s hand tightened around my hand as he put his arm around me to hold me close. Looking down at me with a sad smile, he kissed my forehead. Shelly and Scott were wrapped around each other, totally brokenhearted with our pending separation.


opened my eyes at six a.m. with my arms tightly wrapped around Bailey. We’d had a night of lovemaking and expressing our feelings for each other. It was a soul-cleansing experience that I’d never had before. I’d laid it all out there; every word I spoke I meant.

Today was going to be hard. I wanted to have one more shower with her and commit her body to memory. Of course, I had a few pictures to look at, but it wasn’t going to be the same as touching real flesh. I kissed her to wake her up with my need to see those beautiful, brown eyes. I turned on the shower and helped her in; washing her gorgeous body was something I enjoyed immensely. We took care of each other until our skin was pink and puckered. I dried her, lathered body lotion from the spa on her, and put some on myself so I could smell her all the rest of the day.

She’d had that red dress on last night, so I handed her one of my T-shirts and a pair of shorts that immediately fell down her slim
hips. She rolled them at the waist and tied the string tight so she would be covered in the hallway on her way back to her room. When we got to her room, I handed her my presents and that stunning red dress, and her shoes. I kissed her before I left to go back to my room to pack.

She stripped, handing me the shorts and T-shirt.

“You keep the shirt, sweetheart,” I said, taking the shorts. She had a sad smile on her face as she watched me leave, holding that damn shirt close to her heart. That tore at my heartstrings as I closed her door and walked away, fighting back my own tears. I was a broken man, afraid I was going to lose it any moment. I walked around my room in a fog, picking up my clothes and stuffing them into my suitcase. Everything I picked up was a memory. I wiped the tears that fell and finally succumbed to my grief as I sat at the desk to write some lyrics of just how I was feeling at that moment.

I realized that no matter what happened next, my life would never be the same. I wasn’t the same! Hell, I wasn’t sure what I was, but something was definitely different. I wrote like a possessed man all the emotions I felt at that moment. When I heard scuffling outside my door, I knew it was time to go. Scott knocked and walked in. “Jess, it’s time; let’s go meet the girls,” he said. I looked up into sad, blue eyes, nodded, and put my notebook in my bag. “This is it, man,” he said in a choked voice.

“I know, Scotty,” I said, patting his shoulder.

“I don’t think I can do this.” He crumpled in my arms. We stood there consoling each other. I wanted to crawl in a hole and lick my wounds, but I realized my best friend was hurting as much as I was. He wasn’t afraid to openly show his emotions; I showed mine in my songs. I didn’t feel uncomfortable holding him while he cried; he had the biggest heart in the world, and he needed me at that moment.

“Scott, it’s only going to be a couple months, and we’ll be picking them up at the airport. Shelly will be talking your ear off, so enjoy the silence while you can,” I chuckled. He looked at me with a smile.

“Yeah, you’re right. Besides, we’re going to be so damn busy, the time will just fly by,” he said.

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