Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35 (41 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Around the World in 80 Men

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Boxed Set 31-35
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mothafuckin' welcome. Now go play kiss the bitch with my Stick, and
call me tomorrow. I need words, Finny Stick. All the words. A bitch
can't be left with that kind of shit and not know what's going on.


couldn't sleep, no matter how much he'd tried. It was still early in
the evening, but he was exhausted. Still, his mind raced as it always
did when he started a new job, and he forced himself out of bed.
“Looks like I'm working tonight.” He spoke to the empty
room as he got dressed. It felt good to be clean, and to be back in
his jeans and boots. “I think it's time we have a private
chat.” The hospital would be his first stop, and visiting hours
weren't going to deter him in making a call.

minutes later, John called the hospital and demanded to talk to their
patient, claiming that he was part of Mustafa's legal team.

but telling the truth probably wouldn't have gotten me too far.”
Mustafa laughed and nodded as he answered the call.

He held up his handcuffed hand as much as he could and laughed.
“They're a little strict around here.” John nodded and
quickly got to the point.

don't know how much time I have until they end this call, so we need
to go over a few things if I'm going to help you.” Mustafa's
brows came together in confusion.

me? You really want to help me?” John nodded, then explained
quickly how Mustafa had told them about his situation after he'd been
medicated, and that Finlay hired him to find the real killer. “I
don't... I don't know what to say. Thank you.” His voice
cracked and John gave him a few moments to collect himself, then
continued to speak.

the beginning. What did the man look like? Had you ever seen him
before. Tell me anything that you remember about the guy who shot
your parents.”

leaned his head back to the pillow and stared at the ceiling. He
could remember every detail, but nothing that had helped him with his
lawyer. Then again, he thought, his lawyer hadn't exactly been trying
to help him. “He was young, maybe late teens. Thin, about my
height. He wore one of those full ski masks, so I only saw his eyes.
Oh, and a tattoo of a red headed woman. One of those.. damn... what
are they called? Pinup girls, with a sailor dress on.” John
wrote notes as he listened to Mustafa describe the shooting. Some of
which John already knew, but he listened to everything. “A
housekeeper was the first one to get to the office after it happened.
She must have been close, because she was there within seconds. She
screamed, and started shouting that I killed my parents. I was in
shock. I didn't pay much attention to her right then, but the police
were there another few minutes later, and I was in cuffs. For the
first two days, they held me in jail. They said it was for my own
protection in case the killer would come after me, but then....,”

assumed the rest. They kept him there and charged him with a double
murder. “I know the judicial system is different here, but they
at least need to have a murder weapon to charge you.” That was
the one thing that John couldn't figure out.

laughed and shook his head. “Then you don't know our system at
all.” John nodded. It was true, they would try to get away with
a conviction if the one that they were charging couldn't defend
themselves. “My attorney, it turns out, is a money hungry
drunk. I don't think he was in on it, I think he was just a lousy
lawyer. He was my dad's lawyer for years, so I trusted him. I guess
doing wills for a living is a lot different than defending a
John couldn't believe the string of bad luck, and poor choices, that
landed Mustafa in his current position. The good news was, if John
could find proof that someone else did it, and let it be known that
the international community could get involved, then Mustafa had a
chance at being free.

more question. The maid that ran into the office right after, was she
cleaning nearby? Or is there a supply area that she might have been
going to close to the office?”

In fact, that whole wing was private. My parents had a home, of
course, but they also had that whole back side to themselves. Two
bathrooms, a kitchen, their office and a bedroom. They stayed there
often, and my mom cleaned it herself.” John had his first lead.
It wasn't solid, but it was something to look into for the night.

was the maid's name?” Mustafa answered quickly, as he knew the
person quite well. “Marisol. Young girl, maybe seventeen. Her
parents work there as well. My dad grew up with her dad, and my
parents had a cottage built behind the resort for their family. She
knows I would never hurt my parents. I think she was just in shock...
I guess I would have been too."

you know every person on staff?” Mustafa shook his head. He
explained that he knew most of the people that worked there, but his
dad had hired a few workers earlier that week that Mustafa hadn't met
yet. “Okay, I think I have enough to go on.” John stood
and was about to end the call. “I'll do all I can.” With
that, he started on his quest for the truth.


still have sand in some of my parts.” Morgan giggled as she and
Finlay walked through the door to her hotel room. She was letting him
know, in her own drunken way, that another shower was on her
immediate agenda. He laughed and picked up her clothes as she shed
them on the way to the bathroom.

be the death of me, Morgan Holland.” She giggled and tossed her
bra behind her, which Finlay caught in midair. “But I'll die
happy if that's the case.” He took all of her clothes and
placed them in a pile beside her suitcase. Her naked body filled his
mind and he tried to shake it off for the time being. She was drunk,
and he was no better off, so making love right then probably wasn't
the best idea. Not to mention, he reasoned, that she probably wasn't
in the right frame of mind to think of anything like that right then.

you coming?” Morgan peeked her head out of the shower for just
a moment, and then ducked back in. She wanted to laugh, cry, shout,
giggle, question, sort, and sleep. What she needed, however, was
Finlay Campbell.

His smile formed as quickly as his shirt was removed, and he stepped
out of the rest before he made it to the bathroom. His mind had been

said... oh!” Finlay opened the curtain and was beside her
before she could announce his most recent 'aye.' “I learned
recently that in an awkward situation... people can just pretend that
it isn't awkward. So... can tonight just be us? Nothing awkward or
weird?” Finlay's face grew serious, and his hands moved up to
hold Morgan's face gently.

we're never awkward. No' ever. Life is hard sometimes, Morgan. But
what we have is easy. Aye?” She smiled and dropped her forehead
to his chest.

His hands moved down to her shoulders, then waist. Her body against
his was something that he could only dream about of late, but right
then, his world was put right.

me get all of yer parts.” Finlay spun her around and smiled as
Morgan giggled. She couldn't remember a time, even knowing that the
wine was helping, that she felt more like herself in the last few
months. Yes, being with Finlay was exactly what she'd needed, and she
would let Julianne know that she had been right all along.

spent the next fifteen minutes slowly washing Morgan's body. Feeling
every inch of her soft skin was intoxicating, and it pained him to
finish and turn the water off. “Let's get ye te bed.”
Morgan moaned in protest as he wrapped a towel around her warm
body,at the loss of his touch.

refuse to move from this spot.” Morgan cuddled against Finlay's
body and gripped her towel around her chest. He was too perfect to
leave, and she stood her ground by kissing his chest slowly.

I said, let's get ye te bed.” He stepped out of the tub and
turned around, picking Morgan up easily and cradling her in his arms.
“And ye don' need this.” He grabbed the towel and pulled
it from her body, tossing it on the floor in their wake. Morgan
easily surrendered the towel, and held tightly to his neck as she
planted one kiss after another on his shoulder and chest. Finlay
placed her in the center of the bed, then stood and looked down at
Morgan's naked body. “I've missed ye so much, Love. So verra
much.” Morgan sat up on her elbows and smiled up at him.

it.” Finlay dropped to the floor and grabbed Morgan by the legs
and her waist, pulling her closer to the side of the bed. His mouth
closed in on her nipple and his body tensed sweetly at the sound of
her quick intake of air. It's something that he had grown used to
with Morgan, and couldn't get enough of. His teeth scraped her
hardening nipple, bringing it fully erect and begging for more of the

my god, Fin. Fuck.. I've missed you.” His mouth moved to her
side, licking each rib, all the way to her hip bone. His teeth moved
along her sensitive flesh, causing Morgan to squirm closer. “Don't
stop.” Finlay grabbed her legs again and turned her, bringing
one leg on each side of his head. Her center lay on display before
him, and his head moved down slowly to take her into his mouth as
he'd wanted to for so long. “Mmmmm.”

sounds of pleasure fueled the raging fire that he fought, and his
tongue moved from her tiny bud to her core, back and forth, driving
Morgan mad with need. Her hands moved in a frenzy to find him, but
his lower body was too far for her to touch. Knowing what she needed,
Finlay reached up and pushed her back to the center of the bed, and
quickly brought his lower half to her reach. Her head faced his
beautiful cock, and his head remained fixed on the sweet sensitive
area that was close to exploding against his lips.

took as much of him as she could between her lips, and moaned as the
wonderfully familiar taste of the man filled her senses. She sucked
him gently, pulling him further into her mouth each time she took him
in. He tried not to push, to find a rhythm that would bring him
closer, and sucked her swollen part as he felt himself being pulled
deeper into her mouth.


didn't want him to finish, not yet, and she grabbed his dick in her
hand as her mouth moved lower to suckle his smooth warm orbs. Her
hand moved slowly as her mouth remained under his cock, the scent of
man filled her small area and forced her hand to move more quickly.
Finlay flipped to his side, taking his cock from her grip. Morgan
smiled down at him, and with the movement of one crooked finger, she
had the man's entire length covering her body.

love being surrounded by you.”
Finlay looked into her eyes
and kissed her deeply. Their sweet kiss turned into a frenzy of need
as their heads turned and their mouths grasped for the other one.
Morgan wrapped her legs around his ass, pulling him closer, and
Finlay plunged inside of her. It wasn't gentle, it wasn't loving, It
was perfect.

held her wet head in his large hands and his fingers were instantly
tangled in her hair. He pulled out and pushed again, going even
deeper. His hands tugged on her hair as he lifted his body to take
her again.

arched, needing it even more. Her movements told him that she needed
it that way too. Don't be gentle. Don't take your time.

moaned loudly. Her small body squeezed him tightly with each hard
thrust. She wanted more, and he gave her all he had. His body pushed
all the way inside of her, filling her with the sweet pleasure of
pain. “Harder.” Finlay sat up and stared down into
Morgan's face as his body took over. He didn't hold back, and he
watched the pleasure wash over Morgan's face with each forceful
thrust into her body. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down
to her face. Her mouth latched on to his shoulder and her teeth bore
down into his flesh as their bodies exploded into one another.

cock jerked hard inside of her as her hard waves of pleasure crashed
violently against him. Their shared climax could be heard several
rooms away, and neither of them cared.


John crawled through a narrow window instead of using the front door.
His plan was to gain access to the office that was the crime scene
for Mustafa's parents. It looked as if it had never been a place of
tragedy, but it certainly needed a good cleaning. “Really?
Banana peels?” The discarded peels were on the desk, and on a
chair close to the door. Also, the entire office had the aroma of a
wet dog, something that John was quite familiar with as he grew up
with several dogs in the family. “So the new owners like
dogs.... and bananas.” He didn't think the new owners had
anything to do with Mustafa's situation, but anything to get him
closer to the truth would be checked. The one thing that he did want
to check was a copy of the employee schedule, which he found on the
wall easily enough. “Looks like you'll be working until
midnight. Good.”

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