Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 (118 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20
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they got near the Grand Place, Jordy stopped the car very close to
the same spot the taxi had stopped, then he ran around to her side.
He grabbed her crutches from the back seat first, then held them in
place as he helped her to her foot. “Thanks,” she told
him, feeling embarrassed of her situation. “I hope I'm not too
much of an eyesore...”

you kidding me?” His hand hovered over her back, then he
brought it back down to his side as she hopped a step further.
“You're gorgeous.”

you can't even,” she hopped another step, “touch me.”
She'd seen his little move, even though he'd tried to play it off as

fuck this,” he laughed, then walked in front of her and lowered
his body so his back was parallel with her chest. “Get on,”
he jerked his head to the side, telling her to climb on his back.

can't carry me all day, Jordy, I'm fine.”

on,” his voice held more authority than before and she found it
rather sexy. Just to hear him again, she stood as straight as she
could on one leg and shook her head with a sideways smile, daring him
to speak. “I'm not going to ask again,” he told her,
realizing her little game and stood back up to his full height.
“Okay, that's fine. I'll bring you back some chocolate.”
A few steps and she was left near ten feet behind him.

Okay, okay, come back!” She hopped forward as quickly as she
could, then asked him for another chance. “Carry me...please.”

what I thought,” he laughed again, then got back in front of
her. She climbed on and wrapped her arms around his neck and her
legs around his waist, then he dipped his arm into her crutches and
slid them up to his shoulder before grabbing her hands around his
chest. He carried her with ease, as he always did. Morgan felt
guilty, but in all honesty, he didn't seem to mind at all. By the
time they reached the center of Grand Place, fifteen minutes later,
the pills Morgan had taken before she left had started to kick in and
the giggles were about to break the surface at any minute.

there!” She pointed to the chocolate shop ahead of her, then
brought her head to his shoulder for a better view...of both him and
the store.

he told her, then set off that way. When they got to the store, he
lowered his body again and she slid from his back to the ground.
After a quick adjustment of her coat, she grabbed the crutches from
his hand, then followed him into the store.

hope you didn't buy much here...” Jordy turned around to tell
her as the door closed behind them. The confused look on her face
made him laugh and he walked away without explaining himself.

few hops and she caught up with him. “Why not? I mean, I
bought...” she looked around, “a few of these and...oh,
those. Are...are they bad?”

chocolate in Belgium, Love.”

why shouldn't I buy anyth....OH!” She gave him a good whack on
the arm when it all came together. “This is yours?”

and others,” he shrugged as if it were no big deal.

that case,” Morgan smiled and looked around her new favorite
store. “I'll take one of each.”


didn't actually have one of each, but she did enjoy more than she
should have. “I fear I've taken advantage of your generosity.”
She licked a bit of chocolate from her thumb, and they both laughed
at her ridiculous attempt at his beautiful accent. She was just
about to take care of a bit of caramel on her index finger, when
Jordy wrapped his fingers around her wrist.

me.” Their eyes locked as he brought her hand to his face,
then ran his tongue the entire length of her palm. Morgan's eyes
dropped slightly to watch him suck her finger into his mouth, and
moaned quietly when she felt his tongue flick against her skin. She
had suddenly remembered that they were standing in a store filled
with people, and she cleared her throat as she pulled her hand from
his warm mouth. “What's the matter,” he leaned in and
pressed his lips lightly against her cheek, “afraid someone
will know that you're feeling pleasure?” She felt her body
warm with his words, but she still nodded in response. With his
mouth still against her, he whispered again. “Then let's go
someplace where it would be more difficult for them to see us.”
Once again, she nodded.

turned around awkwardly on her crutches as Jordy moved to the front
door and opened it for her. They were safely outside when the man
took her crutches again, and picked her up, cradling her in his arms.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes as she
leaned her head against his chest. His thick black coat was cold
against her cheek, but it quickly warmed before they reached the
middle of Grand-Place.

lifted her head when she realized what had just happened, his car was
in front of the building and the man was carrying her in the opposite
direction. “Did you forget that you drove here?” She
pointed a thumb behind her, but he just smiled and continued walking.
“Oh, it's like that? You have secrets, huh?” He
laughed..... and kept walking. Morgan smiled at the strange man and
tucked her head back into the warm spot on his coat.

area began to look familiar and she put her head up again to look
around. The street had narrowed, and the red brick under his feet
produced a dull thud with each step that Jordy took. It was the area
of the Market that Morgan had first gone to, where she had enjoyed
breakfast courtesy of one of the outdoor vendors. She was just about
to point to the bakery, to announce that she'd had the best croissant
of her life there, when Jordy turned and carried her straight to it.
The men working that morning smiled at the man and gave him on overly
friendly greeting as he nodded in their direction and carried Morgan
behind the tables and into a small room that held a surplus of baked

placed her back on the ground, and held her there until she
readjusted with her crutches, then he excused himself for a moment.
There were a few things that Morgan knew right then; Jordy owned the
little outdoor shop, and that was the place that he must have thought
would be a little more private. His home, she thought, was more

room was open in the front, and it had a window counter that was most
likely used during bad weather. That day, and like the day that she
was there prior, the vendors placed their goods on a table in front
of the building, and used the small room for storage.

returned, and closed the door behind him. There was no mistaking
what he intended to do, and her body was all too willing to
accommodate. Her mind, on the other hand, was still sorting
questions about how that would happen. She looked out toward the
street, and noticed the two employees were standing at the table with
their backs to the window, like soldiers standing guard. “Wait?
They know?” Jordy walked behind her and put arms around her
waist as he nudged the crutches away from her body until they dropped
to the floor. He kissed her neck lightly as he answered her.

do.” She closed her eyes and leaned her head back onto his
chest as his warm breath tickled her neck as he spoke. She had no
idea how she felt about the situation, but his hands moving down to
her hips had slowed the need to ask more questions. “I've
never brought a woman here, if that's what you're wondering.”
Morgan nodded slightly, but she hadn't really thought of that
question yet. “I've told them to keep customers from walking
to the counter, if that's what you want to know.” His hands
raised again to her waist, and she heard the button and zipper to her
jeans being opened.

eyes opened and she looked straight ahead again. The two men were no
more than seven or eight feet in front of them. The open window was
at least four feet across, and three feet high, which meant that any
person walking by could see her just as clearly as they could see the
two men standing guard in front of the table. She started to turn
and face him, to find a place in the room where they could continue,
but Jordy's strong hands returned to her hips and held her still.

Right... here?” She felt his answer against her ass as his
hard body pressed against her. “Don't you want to go...”

He gripped the top of her open jeans and dropped low behind her as
he pulled them, and her panties to her ankles. He was careful with
her foot as he removed her shoes, then pulled her jeans off entirely.
The cold air made her shiver, and he stood quickly and held her
against him. She felt his hand between their bodies, and the sound
of his zipper opening as well. The feel of his movements behind her,
knowing that he was pulling off his own pants and briefs, had brought
a heat through her body that made her press against him when he stood
upright again. “Keep your eyes open, baby, and no one will
know.” Morgan opened her eyes quickly and looked straight
ahead, and nearly pulled away from the man when she noticed the
market had already began to fill with more shoppers in the narrow

I don't...know...if,”

words were cut short when he reached down and pulled her leg up
against the shelf of the metal counter in front of them. She moaned
briefly before catching herself when his warm hand raised to her ass,
then slowly moved between her legs. “Shhhhh.” His lips
brushed against her ear as his fingers found her moist pink folds
from behind. She watched nearly a dozen people pass in front of the
stand, not knowing that Jordy's fingers were sliding inside of her
tight body. “Mmmmm you're ready for me, Morgan.” His
low voice vibrated in his chest, and sent another wave of heat
through her body. She had been ready for him all morning, so all she
could do was nod in response.

put his arm around her waist and lifted her slightly as he propped
her other leg on the metal shelf. She felt him dip lower against her
ass, and she moved her knees further apart when she felt him against
her wet opening. Jordy put both hands on her hips and held her in
place before pushing himself all the way inside of her willing body.
“Shhhh.” Morgan's loud whimper was stifled when she
pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, holding it with her teeth as he
pulled out and pushed inside of her again.

sounds that she made, and the sounds that she tried to control, were
as exciting as the act itself to the man, and he began to move faster
inside of her. He knew that he was in the shadow of the room, and
the people on the street had no idea that he was even there. His
only way of making sure they wouldn't be noticed was to hold her body
as still as possible as he impaled her not feet from where they

couldn't remain quiet much longer, his large cock filled her body to
the point of almost painful, and she wanted even more. She tried to
arch her back and raise her ass with each thrust, but he held her
body so tightly, she couldn't move at all. He had leaned back away
from her and held her hips at a perfect angle, and she knew that in
doing so, he was also out of sight from those walking by. She wanted
to drop her head to the counter and raise her ass even more, but all
she could do was bite her lip and grip the counter as he fucked her
hard in the public shopping square.

hands gripped tighter at her hips. Morgan tried again to push
against him as his thrusts quickened even more. She heard his
breathing behind her, loud and sporadic. He was going to come, and
she knew it. He pushed hard inside of her, and she closed her lips
tightly as he pushed again, and again. A loud quick intake of air
sounded behind her, and she dropped her head slightly as she felt his
cock pulse inside of her, and white hot liquid fill her core.

pulled out of her slowly, then bent down and grabbed her panties and
pulled them up, then did the same with her jeans. “See, no one
saw a thing,” he whispered in her ear, then she heard the
zipper of his own jeans going back up.

if they had?”

I'd have to charge money for the show.” She turned around and
gave him a questioning look, then he laughed and dipped down to put
her shoes back on her. Like a glass slipper, he took extra time
putting her shoe back on her injured foot.

how much would you charge?” she asked when he stood back up. He
held out her crutches and she put them back under her arms, getting
into position.

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