Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (114 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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the first time in months, Morgan didn't think, she just felt. She
felt his breath against her shoulder, his hands holding tightly
around her waist, his legs that would press against hers every few
seconds, and his hard beautiful part that filled her completely.
Morgan felt...everything.

gripped the wall tightly and closed her eyes, the only sounds shared
between them was the soft whimper of Morgan's moans, and his wet
flesh hitting her own. It felt primal, exotic and perfectly right.
Manuel's hands moved to her hips and he pulled her harder against
himself, deeper, until her moans turned to shouts of pleasure that
echoed around them against the cool stone.

moved one hand to the back of Manuel's neck, and allowed her head to
fall back on his shoulder as he moved his own hands from her hips to
the wall. His lips came down on her neck, then to her ear. She felt
his hot breath tickle against her skin, and pushed herself hard
against him as a new wave of desire crashed through her body.

feel so fucking good.” Manuel whispered in her ear, and Morgan
bit down on her lip as his hands moved back to her hips.

turned her head and curled her fingers around his neck. “I want
to feel you come.” Morgan placed her hands back on the wall and
leaned forward, allowing him to go even deeper.

yet.” Manuel slowly slid himself all the way of out Morgan,
then even more slowly, back in. That rhythm continued a few more
times, until she heard a low groan that vibrated against her skin,
and all movement ceased.

remained inside of her for a moment, as he kissed her back, then
slowly pushed her ass forward, sliding her slippery center from his
body. Morgan turned around quickly, and took a step backward, and
lifted herself onto the small ledge her foot had been on.

here,” Morgan motioned with her finger, and slowly spread her
legs, welcoming Manuel to the new position. His full lips curved into
a small smile and he took a step backwards, then reached down and
grabbed the soap.

took the two small steps toward Morgan and stood between her legs.

Morgan's hands went to his chest and her eyes moved down his body.
“Unless you want to fuck my belly button, I guess this isn't
going to wo...” Her words were cut short with a kiss, and her
legs instinctively wrapped around his body as she pulled him closer.
When his mouth landed on hers, Morgan smiled, and tried to speak
again. “I could just...” Again, she was cut off with his

He pressed a finger to her lips and kissed the top of her head. “Wash
me.” Manuel handed Morgan the soap and she nodded.

thing Morgan always hated, was the ability of others to read her
every emotion. Probably because she always wore her feelings on her
sleeve, or in most cases, her bright green eyes told anyone anything
they needed to know. The moment Manuel cocked his head to the side
and took a finger under her chin, she knew he'd

not you,” Manuel smiled and shook his head. He sighed and moved
her soapy hand to his chest. She nodded and smiled briefly as her
hands moved in slow circles of his hard body.

He placed one of his hands over hers and slid it down his abdomen,
then stopped when her small hand was wrapped around his erection. “I
wanted to come the second I felt you around me.” He kissed her
softly. “And I waited too long.” Manuel kissed her again
and Morgan smiled. “And it's fucking cold!” Morgan's
smile turned into a giggle and she turned Manuel around to wash his

a moment, she thought he hadn't enjoyed it, and she felt foolish for
letting him see that fleeting thought. “Yeah, it is pretty
fucking cold.” Morgan laughed again, and so did he. Her fingers
moved to his shoulders, where she massaged the lather onto his warm
skin and his moan of pleasure kept the massage going down his back.

stood and guided him to the water fall to rinse off. “Just be
warned, Morgan, I'm not holding back next time.”


feel amazing!” Morgan took a few side steps, skipping her way
down the trail, while holding Manuel's hand. The man laughed at how
easily Morgan lived her life, and squeezed her fingers to let her
know that his mind was only on her.

look amazing, Morgan.” He loved her almost dry hair that swayed
behind her as she moved, the glow of her freshly washed skin, and the
smile that only a perfect morning could bring to a person. A morning
that he greatly enjoyed as well.

two never let go of one another as they walked back to camp. They
talked about Manuel's mom, dad, and even a few former family pets.
They were nearly to camp when Morgan announced that she needed to use
the closest
ladies room.
“I'll be right back.”
Morgan giggled as she pulled the small travel bathroom tissue from
Manuel's bag, and ran toward a shower house that sat on the far edge
of the vast campground.

your time.” Manuel walked to a nearby boulder and sat as he
watched her run through the tall grass. She was unlike any woman he
had ever met, and he didn't plan on parting ways with Morgan without
her knowing that. “A woman who actually....lives.” He
shook his head and smiled at the fact that Morgan herself didn't even
seem to know how special she was in that regard. “But you
still need a few pointers on your wardrobe choices.” He laughed
again as his eyes scanned her bright green tank top and white shorts
that she was then wearing after their shower. It wasn't the top or
shorts, exactly, as much as it was the bright pink flip flops that
didn't match anything on her body. “ just don't care,
and that makes you amazing.” He was still talking to the silent
breeze that was beginning to grow stronger when he heard a shout
coming from the shower house. “Morgan?!” He was already
running in that direction before waiting for a reply. “Morgan!”
He called for her again, but was still twenty feet from the door.
Images of the two rattlesnakes that they'd already encountered, made
his feet move even faster in fear for her.

fine!” Her answer stopped him as if he had hit a wall. Relief
rushed over him as he bent at the waist to catch his breath. He also
realized that he would rush the door to the ladies room if he had to,
but was happy to be excused from the task.

catching his breath, he asked, “was that you? What happened?”
He heard a giggle from within, and he finally let go of all concern
for her safety.

few moments later, Morgan walked out of the small building, with what
appeared to be something cupped in her hands, and a devilish grin on
her face. “It was this little guy. Perving on me in the
bathroom...” She lifted the top hand, revealing a small brown
toad in the other.

Manuel poked a finger gently on the toad's head, forcing it to blink
dramatically, “I don't exactly blame the little dude. But holy
hell, Morgan. You scared the shit out of me!” When he'd heard
her scream, his one and only thought was that one of the snakes had
attacked the beautiful woman.

fine.” Morgan giggled and nudged his arm with her shoulder as
she walked past him, and toward the water's edge. She thought it was
sweet, how quickly he'd responded, and she knew she was as safe as
she could be in his company. “But I'd spy on you t...”
Just as she was setting the creature back on the ground and safe from
death by flip-flop in the ladies' room, the two of them heard a woman

what I heard! I...” Manuel looked at Morgan, then off into the
distance where they heard the shout. “I thought it was you.”

I did yell, but...” Another shout. “Um...” They
both began walking toward the noise as another yell echoed in the
woods. “I don't think anyone is in
” Morgan
coughed back a laugh as the
became more frequent, and
more clear as to what was going on.

like someone else is having a good morning,” Manuel caught up
to what was going on. They were still walking toward the action, when
Morgan pointed it out.

should just give them their privacy...”

you say that with a straight face this time?” Manuel grabbed
Morgan's hand, and the simple touch sent heat through her body that
made her blush.

yes.” Morgan put on her best straight face, but failed.

why are we still walking?” Manuel's smile was enough to make
her sweat.
But ladies don't sweat. We glisten.
Morgan smiled
at her thought and shook her head.

you're a perv. Just like that little horny toad.” Morgan
laughed and walked in front of Manuel, and to his other side, pulling
him in the direction back to camp.

pretty sure it wasn't a
toad.” They looked over
their shoulders as several more loud moans, followed by a long, loud
sigh sounded behind them, and they knew the action was over.

burst out in laughter, mostly by how sincere he sounded defending the
toad, but also at the performance of the stranger. “Holy shit!
Isn't that a little...over the top?” Manuel laughed too, and
shrugged his shoulders.

it was good.”

can promise it wasn't as good as,” she pointed a finger up and
down his body, then stepped in front of Manuel and placed her hand
over his zipper. Her silent reference was understood. “And I
don't have to scream like I'm in the Swiss Alps, yodeling to the
village below.”

Manuel pushed some hair behind her ear, his eyes piercing into hers,
“I'll make you scream so loud the whole park will hear you
calling my name.”

turned and laughed as they continued to walk, “well, let's hope
it isn't
too cold

you didn't go there!” He grabbed for her, but Morgan was too
fast and he ended up chasing her all the way back to their site.


the fuck did you and what's-her-ass have to roll around in every
grain of sand there was?” Angel spoke to an imaginary Gio as he
sorted piles of laundry that would take him days to finish. “I'm
going to have my own mothafuckin' beach in the backyard by the end of
the week!” He had taken every article of clothing thus far to
the yard and shook it clean of sand, before putting anything in the
washing machine.

was always happy to help with the chores. “Mothafuckin' beach!
Mothafuckin' beach!” Although, Angel was in no mood for his
at the moment.

had taken another small trip to the coast
upon their return, leaving Angel alone to get their lives back to
normal. He was on his third load of laundry when his phone rang from
his back pocket, and made him nearly jump over his four stacks of
previously sand covered clothing.

me sideways and call me, Dale! Why do you fuckers have to bother me
when I'm busy?!” He got his heart under control and yanked the
phone from his pocket, making a mental note to turn the volume down
so that he doesn't get
heart rhythms
if it should ring again
while his mind was elsewhere. “What?” His typical
cheerful self could be hear loud and clear.

This is Kala. are you?”

the fuck's a Koala?” Angel was about to toss the phone to the
top of the dryer and get on with his day, but the voice continued.

We met through Morgan, at her Birthday party. I'm...Kole's brother.”

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