Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 (60 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Boxed Set 21-30
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really hope you're Vau...” Again, he used his body to make her
move and she was forced to back into the room.

looked up to meet his face and her stomach tightened at the intensely
beautiful, and overly sexual gaze that she found. He wasn't joking
like Tanner had, nor was he a low life who wanted a quickie like
Carlos. No, he was different, and Morgan finally had at least an
idea of why Julianne had chosen him.
Because you like sex... a
lot. Fuck me.. what did I get myself into?

on the bed.” His voice was low, but held a threat that she
wasn't sure she was comfortable with. She backed up slowly as she
watched him remove his coat, and drop it on the floor. “Sit.”
Morgan dropped to the bed when the back of her knees met the
mattress, and gripped the bedspread at her sides as he unbuttoned his
black shirt slowly. “You like to watch? Maybe I'll let you.”
His eyes never left hers as he spoke, then the silence allowed her
to look down and take in the upper half of the man. He was perfect,
and a warmth spread through her body that she tried to ignore.

didn't know him, she hadn't even had a proper conversation with him,
and she was moments away from doing whatever the hell it was that he
would demand next. Could she go through with it? An absolute
complete stranger? Her answer never came from the death grip that
she gave the blankets, and in that, she also realized that a
resounding 'no' didn't come forward either. It was her job, but much
different than the way she wanted things to go. “I... could

down, on your stomach. Look the other way.” She started to
shake her head but he stepped forward and stared into her eyes.
“Lie. Down.” She reached down to take her boots off and
he leaned down as well to grab her wrist. “I'll do that. Lie
down.” She nodded slowly and felt herself warming to his
touch. It was gentle and strong at the same time, and that
combination was surprisingly attractive.

scooted backwards until her feet were on the bed as well, then slowly
stretched to her side. He stared at her, not moving, and with her
final turn, she was on her stomach, looking in the opposite
direction. She held her breath, trying to hear his movements, but
there wasn't a sound. Her breath was finally released when she felt
his hands at her feet, removing her boots as promised. His wrist
gripped her ankle tightly as he pulled, and the soft thud of her boot
hitting the floor made her want to turn and look down. “Don't.”
She closed her eyes at the sound of his voice, and waited for her
other boot to be removed. Slowly, he did the same thing, and the
second thud brought her hands into small tight fists at the sides of
her head.

zipper was the next sound that filled the room, a sound that brought
her eyes open again. She heard the soft sound of his expensive pants
fall to the floor, in a gentle cascade that told her what the man
behind her was then wearing nothing.

bed dipped under his knees as he placed them on either side of her
legs, and Morgan once again started to turn her head. She was
stopped with the weight of his body over hers, pressing down to show
her which one was in charge at that moment. “Do as I say and I
might give you what you want.” Morgan didn't know what she
wanted, nor did she wish to negotiate with a man that was pressing
her small frame to the bed, but she remained still as he sat up

make a sound. Do you understand?” Morgan closed her eyes,
still facing away from him, and nodded. He moved his hand to her
back, right above the waist of her jeans, and gently placed two
fingers against her skin. His touch was nice, but foreign, and she
shivered slightly as he moved along the soft flesh that was exposed
between her white sweater, and dark jeans. Slowly, his other hand
raised her top another few inches, and his fingers found more skin to
touch as Morgan remained still.

told herself to relax, to try to get through the next hour or so as
best as she could, and the deep cleansing breath that Vaughn heard
brought a feral smile to his lips, one that could be heard in his
voice as he once again spoke. “I like that you're not ready.
I like that I don't know you. But what I like the most,” he
leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “is that you'll beg
for me soon.” His scent seemed to have a power of its own as
it surrounded her, dancing slowly about her head as it invited her to

admission had filled in the missing parts, and she tried to ignore
the damn smell that was making her stomach tighten with a need that
she wanted to ignore.
Sex with a strange woman, and dominate her.
I get you, buddy. I can totally do this.
She set her mind to
finally accept what he was clearly offering, and smiled to herself as
she jotted a mental note to never allow Julianne to pick her clients
for her again. Obviously, her boss had thought it would be good for
Morgan to allow someone to control the week together, and to give her
a break.
Or, she just knew that he was a freak in bed and thought
I needed that too.

she was closing her mental notebook and setting the pen aside, she
felt his hands at her hips. Morgan closed her lips tightly and held
her breath as she instinctively brought them up, allowing room for
his hands to move under her. He guided her ass in the air and she
moved to her hands and knees while his hand easily unbuttoned her
jeans. His body molded around hers and she could feel his warm
breath against the skin of her neck before he spoke. “Can you
feel me?” His hands wrapped around her thighs and he pulled her
bottom half against himself.

I feel it? It's freaking huge! I
guess you have to have good
equipment to get away with seducing strangers....
Morgan nodded
Okay, I'll play.
She looked over her shoulder and her
ass pushed against him again, only that time, it was her doing. A
deep groan escaped the man's throat, right in Morgan's ear. The sound
made her whole body tighten and her finger's curled around the
blanket with a heavy sigh.

do that again,” he warned with a whisper. Morgan tried to look
at him and he pushed back with his head so she couldn't. He nestled
his forehead at the nape of her neck and his hand moved from her hip,
to her stomach.
Or what?
Morgan thought. She pushed her hips
against his erection again and in one quick movement, she was flipped
to her back and he was on top of her with her hands pinned above her
head by just one of his hands. “I said if you do as I say I'll
give you what you want.”

said you
give me wha...oh my god!” Her eyes closed
tightly as she felt his finger push inside of her. The man, who's
scent was still driving her mad, leaned forward, his body pushing
down on hers once more. Her eyes were still shut when he whispered to
her again.

so fucking wet. Is this what you want?” His finger pulled out
of her slowly and he trailed it upward, stopping at the swollen area
that needed attention. Morgan opened her eyes and nodded.
shouldn't. I shouldn't want this. Oh god. This is bad. You shouldn't
touch me. No, don't stop. Fuck!
“Then you'll do as I say.”
He pulled his hand out from her panties, then quickly pulled her
pants and underwear from her body and threw them aside. “And
you'll not try that again.” His knees spread her legs,
revealing her perfect wet center and Morgan saw a tiny smile form on
his lips again as he clearly liked what he saw.

hand slid over her again, then he wrapped his other hand hand around
himself and lowered his body to hers. Morgan hardly had time to brace
herself before he plunged his
inside of her.

One hand moved to her mouth and the other one wrapped around her
hair. “Don't speak.” He pulled out slowly and entered her
harder and faster with each thrust. The headboard banged against the
wall with rapid thuds and Morgan's muffled moan's echoed through the
room as he took control of her body. His scent, his deep thrusts,
and yes, being with a stranger, were all more than enough to bring
her hips up violently to meet his every move.

wrapped her legs around his waist. “Don't.” He pulled
out of her and pushed her hands deeply into the mattress. His eyes
warned her once again, and Morgan's lip was sucked between her teeth
as she stared at him. “Don't make a sound. Don't touch me.”
She nodded, and fought the need to raise her hips in invitation.

watched his light blue eyes as they moved down, watching as he used
his one free hand to pull her sweater above her breasts. A soft moan
sounded from his chest as he bent down, taking her nipple into his
mouth through the thin fabric of her bra. A moan that was quickly
stifled by Morgan brought his mouth away from her for several
moments, then a slow smile spread across his flawless face as he bent
down again, taking her hard between his soft lips.

wanted the bra off, to feel his tongue and more. Morgan held her
breath and squeezed her eyes closed tightly, mentally begging for his
direct touch. His hot mouth moved to her other breast, and when his
teeth gently scraped against her hard nipple, a loud sigh couldn't be
stopped as she pushed hard against his mouth. He moved away again,
making her sigh in frustration as he laughed quietly. “Beg.
I'll do it again.” Morgan's eyes opened and she searched his
face, hoping to tell him with her eyes of what she wanted. He
wouldn't budge. His lips opened slightly and he blew cool air across
the wet fabric, making her nipple harden even more.


what?” He blew again.

your mouth on me.” She looked at him again, then put her head
back hard on the pillow.

part of my mouth?” He smiled as his lips opened again,
releasing a maddening breath across her sensitive breasts.

teeth. I want your fucking teeth.” He moaned loudly as his
cocked jerked hard against her leg, and his lips closed around her
again, taking her nipple deep into his mouth with his teeth. “Fuck!”
She squirmed hard as he closed down slightly, drawing his mouth
slowly to the tip, then back down again.

He spoke, never letting go of her. “Watch.” Morgan
raised her head and brought her face down, watching him take her
between his lips. Her back arched in need and he pushed her waist
back to the bed. “Don't fucking move.” Hearing and
watching him speak with her nipple deep in his mouth was
intoxicating.. and she whimpered loudly as she watched him. “Good
girl.” His smile formed as he raised slightly and kissed her
breast, then the other. “You want fucked?” Morgan
nodded as she looked down at his hard cock between them. “Say
it.” She looked into his eyes, then to his sweet mouth, and
nodded again.

me. Please...” His soft laugh drove her wild, she had raised
again to meet him.

still,” he warned. Slowly, he took his cock into his hand
again and placed it at her sleek opening. For several agonizing
moments, he held there, warning her once again to do as she was told.
Morgan was still, feeling her body clench tightly with need. Her
painful ache was satisfied when he pushed hard inside of her. Morgan
held her breath and it took every ounce of control to remain still as
he pounded hard inside of her tight body.

sweet agony brought a fire to her belly, one that gained strength
with each hard thrust, and her teeth came together hard as she held
back the need to wrap herself around him and ride the wave that was
seconds away. Her head thrashed to one side, then the other, and he
brought his free hand to hold her still by her hair. His long
fingers tangled deeply in the side of her head, and he held her
tightly as he pushed deep inside of her. She couldn't move, couldn't
make a sound, and her body released hard, tightening in a grip around
him that caused him to take a very loud and deep breath. His body
raised high as he pushed one last time inside of her. Deep within
her body, she felt the hard jerks of release that met her own.



are you Vaughn or am I just a slut?” Morgan pulled her pants up
and turned back around to face the man who was doing the same thing.

you Morgan or am I just that good?” His belt jingled as it was
put back together around his waist. Finally, a full smile appeared on
his lips, one that he didn't try to hide.

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