As I Walk These Broken Roads (27 page)

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Authors: DMJ Aurini

Tags: #post-apocalyptic scifi, #post apocalyptic, #Science fiction, #Post-apocalyptic, #nuclear war, #apocalypse

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* * *

Jenkins stared at his clasped hands. They were still trembling.
d, forgive me this lack of fait…
but still they trembled. The barrel of the weapon had been so thin, and the shaded eyewear a mark of cowardice – but for an instant three black eyes had seen him naked, and bored into his soul. The
and the honest hatred in the eyes of the other had
almost been a blessing

His breath shuddered. His hands wouldn

t stop trembling.
Lord, by th
y knowledge, strength; and by strength –
the scent of the bandanna over his eyes –
by strength, wisdom; and by wisdom –
the terror of the driving machine –

Lord, I
your steward! I raise a great
bestiary in your name!

His elbows collapsed, and his face fell to the cold steel table.

He imagined the female law enforcer sitting across from him.

Mr. Jenkins, I

d like to apologize for your mistreatment today. I assure you that these men do not represent the citizenry of Hope, and their harassing behaviour is a stain upon us all. They are foreigners who acted on their own. I wish to emphasize that they do not represent the policy of Hope or its government, and again I apologize profusely for the mistreatment you suffered.

Young lady, it grieves me that Hope
associate with
such men. Your apology is quite proper, but it will not be sufficient. You must understand that it is only through goodwill, and our
stewardship of the land
that your
town survives. We tolerate your worldly ways, for it is said that each must find their way, but that is all: we tolerate, we do not condone.

That is what he would say – what any other Elder would say, but for them it would not
affect the communities
… his
imprisonment was more

Lord… I trust the justice in your ways. I pray
show your servant how these events endure prophecy.

A sudden jerk – the tremors were subsiding, but not yet gone.

The door opened.

He looked up; ready to recite the prepared word
s, but it wasn’
t the law enforcer who faced him. It was the stranger with anger in his eyes, slipping in with a surreptitious glance behind him.


The stranger

s voice sent a shiver through his spine. For a moment he was prone again, the metal-riveted face staring down at him. He felt for the Lord. He found him. The moment passed.

The eyes still simmered, but now the Lord

s fire was growing within him.


m not finished with you, or your sins!

said the stranger.

The fire surfaced – i
mpudence! – his fear was forgotten. Instead he remembered the words they

d spoken in the Church. Insight, then; he smiled as the spirit filled him. He had nothing to fear from one such as this.

Ah, my son – and yes, I call you this now, for you
one of the children – you are one lost from the fold, are you not? You are a failed Sodomite?

The man didn

t respond, he just kept glaring at Jenkins. It was true, then. It could be seen in his eyes.

You are one who has forgotten his path – I
that you have forgotten it in many ways – for is it not said
s, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart?
Child, you disobey both the Earthly
Heavenly masters. You, and the other – your hatred moves you towards the wrong enemies!

Now it was Jenkins turn to lean forward.

Without the Lord… you have become
You feel it within your breast, do you not? The loss that
be forgiven. Your community, your family, your
… the emptiness where once the Spirit

I know what you did!

said Raxx, forcefully,

They call them altar boys where I come from. I

t know what word you Menn
ites use, but it

s all the same in the end. How old was Slayer when you put him onto the path he walks now? How many have suffered because of it? How many
have you sent into perversion?


Jenkins leaned back again,

Betrayer, without the Lord you have become nothing. All you have are words, words and empty actions. You cannot recognize what is holy and what is profane.

For it
a truth that the Lord grants his servants dominion over the land, and therein all the beasts that graze, birds that fly, and fish that swim. And through this dominion which his
stewards are granted comes power. Your mistake, failed Sodomite, was two-fold. First, you mistook these people of Hope with their tech – tech
of the Spirit – to be the truth; you forgot that power comes from the land and the land alone.

He took on a fierce expression,

am the source of power here.
a Steward of This Land! This situation is such that I have controlled, and the Lord has created! No strength without the Spirit can enact change! You
that no earthly host can challenge the Lord

s Stewards!

The Betrayer`s jaw twitched, and his eyes blazed – but no words came.

The second mistake you made…

here he smiled again,

was one you could not have known. You thought you assaulted a mere priest, one who was but a
of the Lord. I

he paused,

am a prophet.

You are
You aren


Betrayer, I am one who has seen
Is it not written
Bring the little children unto me?

Raxx jumped back,

That… it did not mean…

Even now you deny the truth. But you
it to be truth. Listen! Perhaps your time has come – is it not correct that we steward our land? And is it not also correct that we should steward our people? Our

The Betrayer showed no signs of faith.

Slayer is a tool against the brethren who
not listen - against the people of Hope who
not obey. For those, that is, who
not walk with the Lord. A new day of stewardship is dawning. The Armageddon has come and perversion is no longer possible.
All that was once profane has become holy; w
hen one walks the righteous path, there
no more perversion. Tell me you understand, child?

You… no. Why are you telling me all this?
I could kill you right now!
You are not a prophet, you

re evil!

Such words from a disobedient servant… failed Sodomite, I fear not that the unenlightened
believe your words; only
faith can the truth be seen. Slayer delivers more into the fold every day – I
nothing to fear from you, you
abandoned the Lord. It shows in your eyes.

He shook his head sadly,

I tell you because I
a man of mercy. I suspect it is too late for you, Betrayer,
yet I still hold open the door. Will you enter back into the Grace of the Lord and his Prophet?

“You… really think your perversions… the perversions of Slayer and his men… you really think that is the way of the Lord?”

“The day of judgement has come and past. Oh, lost child – it is only through such perversion that we can rediscover the lord! It is only through blood that we can heal a blood soaked Earth! Slayer is part of the prophecy, the first step in the Mennite people returning to the Lord. Tell me you see it?”

The failed Sodomite just shook his head, his skin pale.

Jenkins sighed. “
hh… I am sorry,
Betrayer, for I think you are lost
… you are lost, my child.

The other looked down at the table, taking several deep wracking breaths before speaking again.

There is one thing you

re forgetting.

Jenkins looked across at the poor, broken soul
, tears in his eyes; s
slumped, vision dull

And what would that be?

The seventh deadly sin. The most deadly of them all. Hubris… Arrogance… Pride.

Jenkins didn

t respond. H
e just stared, trying to interpret the stranger

s motive.

If you’d been a bit more humble, maybe you would have realized that we’ve got the tech, and we can work fast. On the other side of that glass
the Elders you’ve been betraying.
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of
, which
they are Jews, and are
, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
” He smiled viciously at the priest, the fear Jenkins had seen earlier evaporated, and he tossed a pair of steel handcuffs at Jenkins. “Put these on and worship before mine feet, asshole. Believe me, you don’t want me putting them on for you.”


Chapter 24

The Mennite Elders shuffled out of the room, dignified and silent. Wentworth suspected they

d lose the attitude once they and the Mayor were in private. He stepped out of the shadows, and started disassembling the equipment which had created the illusion of a live interview on the other side of the one-way mirror.

Well, you pulled it off.

His nerves flared, but he didn

t allow his body to show a response. He

d assumed that the Captain had left with the other officials, but here she was, leaning against the wall, arms crossed.

A man does what he can,

he turned back to the cables.


m sorry for putting you in a tight position with the Mayor.


s the one who decided to hire you. Besides, what was it you said? I was in a situation, and it was either act, or not. A woman does what she can, too.

Wentworth nodded, and continued disassembling the equipment.

You know, they say those things are what caused the war.

Maybe… but not this one.

I guess not. Listen, Wentworth – about the plan we discussed; I

ve been thinking about it, and I want you to train the men.

He paused, and looked over at her. In the dark room his goggles were completely depolarized, and his eyes met hers straight on.

You won

t get extra pay for this. It

s part of the original contract.

That wasn

t what I was going to ask.



Neil… I don

t know if it

s really my place. You

re their Captain, and you

re the one who

s going to be leading them. You know them, I don

t. I

d feel like I was trespassing. Besides, Raxx and I need to prep his vehicle.

Yes, they

re my men, and that

s why I want the best training available.

she and stepped away from the wall.


m making a lot of gambles with you and your friend. A lot more than I

ve ever had to make before. Your plan sounds good, otherwise I wouldn

t have agreed to it – but I

ve never seen anything like it before. I don

t know all the nuts and bolts. I

m Police, not some raider. But it rings true. I don

t really know where you came from, but if you

re half as good as they say, then I want you there for the training. Besides, it

going to be your lif
e on the line.

Wentworth tilted his head down and breathed. He flicked his eyes up to meet hers. Patricia

s held a vulnerable intensity.

Okay. Tomorrow, in the fields south of the city.


ll have them ready. And Wentworth…

she uncrossed her arms, hooking them in to her belt, jarring her holster forward.

If you

ve been bullshitting me on any of this then I

m going to hold you personally responsible for whatever comes.

Her pistol wasn

t a ladies weapon. Looking at it now, he noted the extended magazine.

Fair enough.

Good. I

ll see you on the morrow.

* * *

He found Raxx in the parking lot next to the town
. The Mechanic had been obliged to return the truck there, after violating the local rules by driving it to the Constabulary

s office, and he was engrossed in his work. He

d decided to skip the
meeting of the Mennite
, focussing
instead on the armouring of his vehicle for the upcoming battle. Off to the side was a V shaped underskirt for the trucks bed. Wentworth had no eye for steel quality, but the thickness and angle looked adequate for deflection.

Raxx didn

t notice his approach. The petroleum generator masked any sound, and he was focussed on drilling mounting holes for the shield. Wentworth waited.

He finished, and set down the drill. He blew away the shreds of metal, and removed his safety glasses. Reaching over to a container on the truck-bed, he pulled out a bolt, and threaded it through the hole. He checked, top and bottom, that it went through smoothly, then nodded to himself. Standing up he noticed Wentworth.

He shouted out a greeting, moving over to the generator to shut it off.

the meeting go? The Elders on our side now?

The Mayor

s discussing that with them right now – but I don

t think it

ll be a
problem. They didn

t say much, but I could see them vibrating when they watched you arguing with Jenkins.

I figured as much.

You did a good job there.

Hey, it

s all about getting into their head, right?

I guess so. Listen, Raxx – O

Neil wants me to help out with training her men. Are you going to be okay without me?

Umm… what time are you going to help her with that?

Not until tomorrow.

Oh, yeah, that

s fine – you can still help me this afternoon, right?

Of course – what do you need?

Tell you what, just hold she shield up while I mark her.

The sandbags are coming, right?

Them and the styrofoam a
e on order. We

ll get

em, don

t worry! Okay, just hold it there while I get some measurements… you can put it down for a second

Boys – excuse me, boys!

The light green dress flowed around her ample figure, highlighting
of her curves
. The look on her face belied her light-hearted tone of voice.

Vince told me you

d be here.

Wentworth regarded the approaching figure
while Raxx smiled

Maria! Lovely as always!

Oh, Raxx… listen, boys I know how busy you are, and Vince told me not to bother you–

she smiled conspiratorially,

but I figured you

d need a good meal to keep you going. Where can I put this without troubling you?

Raxx showed her, and she place
the basket she

d been carrying on the truck bed.

She started counting off on her fingers,

Two Simcoe Salmon sandwiches, four meatballs – two each – and a thermos of coffee, plus crackers.

She smiled,

I want the thermos back, boys!

But what if we

re still thirsty?

said Raxx.

In that case, you

ll have to stop gallivanting, and come home for some fresh brew! But oh, my, look at me! I

m keeping you men from
work – Raxx, Iain – be careful, promise?

Wentworth nodded.



said Raxx.

Maria clasped their hands, and looked at both of them. She nodded, and walked away.

Raxx watched her leave, then looked over at his partner.


I prefer Wentworth.

Wentworth it is, then.

Vince has been listening to too many rumours.

Hey, I

m not judging.

Of course you aren

t; you

ve only got one vowel for a name. So what are we doing now?

* * *

Walking out of the city gates, he could see the constabulary assembled to the south-east, going through early-morning drills. He walked towards them, rifle slung over one shoulder. Some of the older members pointed in his direction, sharing a joke amongst themselves.


re late.

He looked at Patricia. They were the same height.

You didn

t specify a time.


s nine-fifteen in the goddamned morning.


m just a mercenary, what do I know?

Yeah… you are.

Is it alright if I address the troops?

The constables? Yes.

She turned away and cleared her throat.

Constabulary… form-UP!

They ceased their exercises, and assembled in front of their Captain. Three blocks, two rows deep… subconsciously he nodded at the organization
, while the Captain spoke


ve all been briefed on what these operations are for – you know their intent – it was my estimation that the best training you could receive would be from the mercenary Hope hired, with whom I formulated these plans. This is him, Iain Wentworth, recently of the Blackstock Massacre. Most of you have seen him, and all of you have heard of him. He will be conducting training over the next four hours, under my supervision. I expect discipline, and proper Hope attitude out all of you – is that clear?

Yes, Ma


She nodded at him, and he stepped forward. This mass of men and women was no army – off to the left he spotted the overweight supply officer – to the right, the ligh
t-weight personnel administrator
. They regarded him with doubt
and suspicion
. On the far side of the line he noticed a couple of the older members whispering to each other.


He guessed at the rank on their shoulder,

Sergeant! Is something funny?

Ah, no… nothing

s funny.

He turned his attention on the rest of the company.


s good. Your Captain

s given you a lawful command, and I

d expect that Hope

s Constabulary would have the dignity to obey it.

None of you know me from a derelict – maybe a few rumours, some of you – but here

s the man. I

ve been in long conversation with your Captain. You

re lucky to have a leader of her calibre. She didn

t ask me here out of stupidity – she asked me because she wants her constabulary to have the best training available. Do any of you doubt that?

The assembly looked confused. Some of them opened their mouths, but no proclamation was forthcoming.

I asked you – do any of you doubt your Captain?


That was weak. I

d hoped for better, but I accept what I have before me. Now, I am going to be training you in the operation of platoon level combat. I am going to be training you so that I and my compatriot will survive the upcoming battle with Slayer and his men. This is a field in which I have expertise. Now I ask of you, and I need an honest response. Are you able to learn from me?


He dipped his head, shaking it.

I asked you a question, whether or not you could learn. I

m going to ask you again.
Can you learn from me?

Yes – Yes, ma

am – Sir
– Yes Sir!

“Do you want to avenge your brothers- and sisters-in-arms who died on that supply caravan?”

“Yes sir!”

Good! Now, I want the four senior commanders – sergeant, that

s you, isn

t it? – to confer with me. The rest of you return to your previous training, under your senior group commander. Questions, problems, concerns…? Good. Dis

It took them a moment to react, unfamiliar to the phrase – but then they scattered, while the three sergeants approached him.


Neil… I

m beginning to think that your Constabulary might
get us killed, after

The Captain snorted in response.

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