Ascension of Evil (Battle for Souls Book 3) (21 page)

BOOK: Ascension of Evil (Battle for Souls Book 3)
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What if she returned to Heaven and he was stuck here for eternity? Or worse, if one of them fell? Were they only connected for the sake of fighting a war, or did their bond mean more?

He pressed his lips to her head. If only he could do more.

You do more than enough already.

“You’re awake?”

“Not completely. Close your eyes and fall asleep next to me.”

Alexander rested his head against Gabby’s and tried to relax. It seemed strange to be sleeping when world domination was less than a few days away. They still had so much to do, how could they waste time sleeping?

He closed his eyes and pulled her tight against him, his body molding into hers as if they were two parts made to lock together. Certainly, Heaven wouldn’t separate them again.

His body floated and the world evaporated away. The only thing he could feel, touch, or smell was Gabby. She moaned by his side, and he sensed her pain. Too many souls were clawing at her for attention. She’d barely touched the surface of what was yet to come. Was that what made her betray everyone and make a deal with Satan last time? Still, she’d done it to stop the war, but this time she wouldn’t chance being torn apart again.

They needed to find out who had betrayed them, where the angelic warriors were, and work on a way to seal those rifts, cutting off the underworld for good.


Alexander could feel his lips tug into a smile. Life was good as long as he was touching Gabby. Nothing could ruin his good mood now.

Appius. He’s the one who betrayed us.

Every muscle in his body tensed. Could she be right? He’d already figured out something wasn’t right about when he and Sammy had fallen. He was certain Appius had lied to them both and angels didn’t lie.
I think you’re right, but don’t say it out loud.

I’m glad you believe me,
Gabby’s words whispered soft in his mind.

I’ve never doubted you about anything.

I love you for that.
She lifted her face and kissed him.
Still, we need to keep this to ourselves for now.

Alexander brushed the hair from her face and cupped her cheek in his hand.
I agree. We need more evidence first. If we falsely accuse him, we’ll be sent straight to Hell. I won’t chance it.

Gabby turned her head and kissed his palm.
I’ll find out from Grace what I should do once we have proof. I think we should be cautious until the day of reckoning has arrived.




I know we can’t soulbond the way Sammy and Boon have, but if only for a few minutes, can you connect with me the way you did back in my room last year? I know it sounds selfish with the war and all, but tonight could be our last night together.

“Shh.” Alexander brushed his thumb down her jaw line and kissed her cheek. “Don’t say that.”

“We both know it could be true. Tomorrow might be it.” Gabby rested her hand on his hip.
We don’t know for sure if the general’s speculation is true. Satan could be manipulating things somehow. That’s what demons do. Isn’t that what you’re always telling me?

Yes, but we need to remain positive. You stopped the war last time. This time we will win.

How? We don’t have enough angels. And let’s face it, you can’t keep healing them on the field without backup. You were almost
Gabby shivered and he pulled her close. “I’m fine.”

Fear trickled in as his body and soul longed to be one with her.
I’ve been yearning to connect again for as long as I can remember. It’s just that I didn’t want to ask too much of you. Last time, after

“That had nothing to do with us. A demon caused me to go all inferno on everyone.”

Yes, and there are plenty more where he came from. If I stir up your emotions, I could be the cause of you being injured or worse.

Gabby sighed.
Not being able to connect with you would be the worse part.

His heart churned with indecision. They were married. Okay, maybe that hadn’t gone so well, but they were thousands of years old. Intense desire burned through his body. His soul clawed at his insides for release if only to feel her for a moment. Waves of passion and love beat against his concern for her safety and wellbeing.

“Gabby, my love.” He drank in the scent of her hair, her mind-numbing scent of fruit and…woman. He pulled her tight against him. His entire body ached to be with her. “If tomorrow never comes, then let us have tonight.”

Her aura filled with happiness and spread over him, urging him closer. Gabby kissed his cheek, chin, and nose. “I love you, Alexander Lohr.”

“I love you with all my heart and soul. You’re my everything,” Alexander choked. Human emotion threatened to tear him to pieces, the desire to love her and never let her go. To forget the war, the men, the demons. All that mattered was her.

“We’ll take it slow,” Gabby assured him. “I promise, if a demon comes near, I’ll fly away or something. Don’t worry.”

He rested his forehead against hers. With each heartbeat, his soul surged out a little farther. Gabby moaned, and her head rolled back. Her fingertips dug into his bicep. Finally, their souls touched. He felt weightless with delight. Colors swirled as they fell into a cocoon of bliss where no one else existed. Vibrations hummed up his arms, down his back, around his ribs and back down to his toes. Love encircled them, filling him with peace and joy so intense he thought he’d touched Heaven.

Breath caught in his throat as desire drove through him.

Loss, thousands of years of despair. Wanting, yearning for something so powerful that life had no meaning.

He glided his mouth down her neck and unbuttoned her shirt, kissing lower.

Hope. Fulfillment. Love. A sweet, protective type of love that grew into something more.

His heart thrashed against his ribs and he thought it would jump free to be with Gabby. She sat up and he tugged the sleeves from her arms. Her tanned skin gleamed in the lantern light. Her soft touch, warm smile, beautiful eyes, breathtaking body.

Unable to keep from physically touching her one more second, he captured her lips, and lost himself for what he dreamed would be forever.




Gabby couldn’t distinguish where he began and she ended. They dozed in and out for hours, holding each other with only a thin blanket over them. It didn’t seem possible that after all this time they’d finally been intimate. They were one. Minds spoke together, souls shared, bodies locked in an earth-shattering embrace. Never had she dreamt life in this godforsaken world could be so beautiful.

Her body still hummed with pleasure, and she tugged the thin blanket to cover them. She captured his lips once more. For a few more minutes, she needed it to only be the two of them. It was different between them now, less tentative.

He released her lips and panted, holding her flush against him. Sweat suctioned their bare bellies together. Tears spilled down her cheeks and he kissed them away, The way he had over two thousand years ago when she’d lost Elianna in battle.

She remembered the day she left him. The day she lied to make her way to save them all. Satan hadn’t tricked her. It was the opposite. Sometimes you had to be devious to beat a demon.

For over two thousand years, she had walked the Earth alone—well, except for Patronus—never knowing if she’d find happiness again. But now, she held the man who inspired her to sacrifice herself to save mankind in her arms. Before they’d met, it was all strategy and war plans. She’d never expected emotions would give her courage to face eternity without him.

He’d loved her more than any man had loved a woman on Earth. Yet, they kept their love a secret. Even after her fall, no one was supposed to know. Because, during the first war, she knew there was a traitor. Now, the angels were lost and they faced insurmountable odds. Nothing was certain, except she couldn’t lose him again. They’d loved one another too much last time and it had made them weak. This time it was her. She was weak. If she had a choice, she’d return to Heaven with Alexander and seal the gates this second.

No, you don’t mean that.
Alexander’s voice was husky and full of emotion in her mind.

Gabby shot up, clutching the blanket to her chest.
Yes, I do. If the warrior angels have forsaken us, and Appius is the traitor, what hope do we have? I-I can’t bear to let you leave my side, let alone my soul

“That’s why you did it last time. There was no hope of us winning. You appeased Satan by ridding the world of Herak and agreeing to send me back to Heaven.”

“Yes,” Gabby mumbled, recalling the horrific details of that day. She’d tricked Alexander into thinking she was injured then ordered Boon to force him back to battle and not waste time on her. It was the only way she was able to get away long enough to make the deal.

You lied to me?

Gabby couldn’t face him.

Was everything we were a lie?

She gasped and leaned on her elbows, severing the connection. “No! Never!”

“Why didn’t you come to me and tell me what you had planned?”

Gabby shook her head. “You wouldn’t have agreed, and you all would have been killed. Sent to darkness for eternity. I couldn’t let that happen.”

“So you sacrificed yourself.” Alexander clung to her, but would he still want to touch her when they discovered the truth? She didn’t want to remember. Not now, not ever.

“I love you, but everyone will die if we don’t figure out what happened.”

Gabby closed her eyes and tried to ignore the vision pounding at her skull.

Alexander brushed his lips across her ear and whispered, “Tell me.”

“I-I remember leaving to meet someone, the person that brokered the deal.” Her hands shook, and he clasped them tight in his own.
Appius. He’s the one who brought the deal to me. He told me we were losing the war. That everyone would die if I didn’t do something to save them.

Alexander tensed but didn’t let go.
Go on.

You and I had to remain apart. So, I told Appius to take you back to Heaven. He said it would be best if you had no memory of us. I agreed.
Visions of silver eyes staring from under a robe’s hood, tight thin lips, and a menacing deep tone to his voice filled her. She took a shuddered breath. A cool tingle meandered up her arm and she knew Alexander soothed her, but she didn’t deserve it.
I couldn’t save Boon. The only way to imprison Herak was to have Boon remain on Earth as the keeper.

“Boon will hate me,” she said, her voice shaking. “I-I cursed him to be apart from Sammy for all those years. He thought Herak had cursed him, but it was me. I knew they loved each other, but I had to make sacrifices.”
That’s what Appius said. Elianna was released from darkness, Grace was sent back to Heaven. Herak would be caged. Satan would return to the Underworld. I was told Herak betrayed Satan and he only cared about revenge.

Her body trembled with warning. The vision continued, her memory returning at an alarming rate, but something deep inside warned her to stop.

“What is it? There’s more?” Alexander studied her eyes and she looked away.

“I’m not sure.”

This is our chance to make things right. You have to remember, so we can win this war once and for all. Please, tell me.

Thousands of souls screamed. A searing pain ravaged her skull. “No!” she cried out and held her head between her hands, rocking side to side. He clutched her arms to still her. “No, I couldn’t have. I wouldn’t have sent the angel warriors to darkness.”

He gasped and pulled back. “Satan only made the deal so he could return now and conquer the world. The angels are gone,” he whispered in horror. “We’re doomed.”

Acid crawled up her throat at the realization she had betrayed everyone and everything she valued. If she’d actually sealed all the angelic warriors in darkness forever, there was no chance they’d win the war. She’d saved mankind and her friends at the expense of her warriors.

Tremors turned into spasms as she lost control of her body. One look at Alexander, and she knew he thought she was the most evil demon that ever walked the face of the earth. She’d betrayed her loved ones and sealed humankind’s fate. How could she have been so stupid? Now, not only would Satan rule the planet, but Grace, Sammy, and Boon would never forgive her, the warrior angels were gone, and Alexander hated her.

Steam rose from the floor and off the tent. The world spun. She couldn’t catch her breath.

She clutched the side of the cot, trying to force the panic down, but it wouldn’t listen.

Alexander pulled her back into his arms. “Shh. You need to be calm.” He sounded distant, foreign, his body stiff with anger and resentment. She didn’t blame him. She cursed herself for what she’d done. It would have been better to fight and fall to the darkness with honor.

“Gabby, tell me the exact wording of the deal. We still might be able to retrieve the warrior angels.”

Gabby tried to swallow, but her mouth and throat were too dry. “I know you hate me. I’m so sorry, Alex. I don’t know why I—”

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