Ashes of the Realm - Greyson's Revenge

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Authors: Saxon Andrew,Derek Chido

BOOK: Ashes of the Realm - Greyson's Revenge
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Ashes of the Realm
Greyson’s Revenge


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Excerpt from Death of an Empire

Excerpt from The Pyramid Builders

Books by Saxon Andrew

About Saxon Andrew


ave you seen enough?”

“I’m just not sure, Grace.”

“I think it’s obvious who the enemy is here. The destruction of that planet wasn’t enough to convince you?”

“How long did it take for the Realm’s Rulers to lose their way? Once we open this box there will be no getting it closed again. This universe has not reached equilibrium so that the real enemies can be determined. Only time will answer who will come out on top and it’s too early to choose sides.”

“By the time you wait to see what happens, it’ll be too late. Those are Provincial Searchers that were in the original attack on the Realm. Is there any doubt about the evil here?”

“That’s not the issue, Grace. It’s whether or not the ones you want to help are not going to lose their way in the future and become like those they’re fighting. I see they are committed to the Realm’s values at this moment but that could change. I must see if they are truly trustworthy over time before I allow the release of our technology.”

“Well, they’re going to be here in four days. Are you going to allow me to send them the old teleportation boards?”

“Let’s see what they have to say. I’ll decide then.”

“It’s not your decision to make on that old technology. That falls within my province.”

“I know, but I can prevent you from delivering those boards.”

“You should know that I’ve decided to give it to them. These warriors are the closest ones I’ve seen that can bring peace to the former members. You had best think hard about not working with me on this.”

“You know I’ll do what I have to do. My duty is different from yours.”

“We’ll see.”

Chapter One

nglo, have you finished making your scans?”

“Yes, I have Scotty. That Duke, I refuse to call him a king, is a pretty smart cookie; he understands the dangers that face him.”

“Why is that?”

“He has two Gamma Class Searchers always stationed above his castle with their screens overlapped on maximum setting. I think he understands that one Searcher could destroy him. With overlapped screens, it would take at least three searchers to break through his defenses. Two more are always close by scanning the system. He will only send two of the six Searchers out to support his fleets used to conquer other planets.”

Scotty said, “We need to slow him down and that means we need to attack him at home. If you had to make a decision, where would you hit him first?”

“I have several options that I think would be appropriate without causing a huge loss of life. I want to put him on the defense without causing too much collateral damage. I assume we will need those manufacturing facilities at sometime in the future if this planet can ever be made to see their errors. However, I need to take BC with me to check on a possible development that has captured my interest. His systems are much better than mine and he can see things I can’t.”

“What sort of development?”

“Let me wait to discuss it with you later. I’m not even sure it’s a possibility. Nathan and I are going to leave shortly.”

“You’ve taken a liking to Nathan, haven’t you?”

“You’ve noticed.”

“How can I miss it? You’re all he and Timmy talk about. Both of them are wow’ed by your technology and I also see they just like you. Would he make a good partner?”

“He’s a good man, Scotty. He reminds me of Anglo Gardner; he doesn’t talk a lot and he sees things I miss.”

“Ok, go ahead with your plans but make sure you’re back in two days. We’ll swap out Nathan for Grang or Jingo. We’re going back to the defense installation to see if it’ll help us. I don’t want to be late.”

“I will and you don’t have to swap out Nathan just yet. There’s one thing I want to make sure you’re aware of happening if I attack New Ulmerton.”

“I know; they’ll learn that we have teleportation capability. I was worried about that but then it dawned on me that there’s nothing they can do about it. It’s not like they can go out and buy or steal teleportation boards. Only the Algeans could build a board for them and that’s not happening. I’m hoping that, by revealing our teleportation capability, it will slow them down searching for new planets to conquer. I’m also concerned about him searching for us. Whatever you decide to do, I want you to reveal that technology. That should keep all six Searchers at home.”

“I have a plan to handle that issue, but let’s see if the Defense Facility will assist us. If it will, that will make a huge difference in what we can accomplish. Three ships with teleport boards will allow us more freedom in our planning.”

Scotty smiled, “You have my authority to make whatever decision you deem necessary.”

“Thank you for your trust. That means a lot.”

Greyson looked down on Daulun’s castle and thought about the planet he had destroyed. He tried to justify the destruction but just couldn’t find it in him. That planet had offered no resistance. Killing forty million people just to make a point just wasn’t right. He knew the people on that planet had struggled against all kinds of aggression, invasions, and somehow managed to survive against all the forces that were arrayed against it since the Stars Realm disappearance. They had finally started to build their planet into a modern society and Daulun ended their fight to survive with one beam strike, and he was the one ordered to do it. Daulun’s absolute callowness saddened him. He was not the ruler he thought him to be. He could still see the cities blown apart when his beam hit the planet.

He thought about the planned attack against the Stars Realm thousands of years earlier and remembered when his teleport board shorted out. Gregory had called for help for more than a year with no response. He remembered watching as millions of his fellow Searchers had self-destructed over the next fifty years to avoid the ravages of starvation. Finally, there were only six of them left and Gregory had contacted the others. He still remembered what he said.

“We’re not going to make it lads,” he said in a weak voice. “We must not destroy our ships. Our Province will need them to protect our citizens. They have to make it back.”

“The pain is becoming too much to bear, Greg.”

“Then we must go into the air locks and end it quickly. These ships must arrive to help our descendants. Promise me you will not destroy them.”

Greyson sighed mentally and remembered when the six surviving Searchers all opened their airlocks together and died with more than two hundred years remaining on their journey home. He thought about what Gregory would have done if he had been ordered to kill a defenseless planet. Gregory believed the Stars Realm was evil but he also believed the Duke was a good ruler who loved his subjects. This was not something that he would have condoned.

Greyson didn’t know what to do. He had promised Gregory to return and defend the Province and its ruler. Daulun was one of the Duke’s direct descendants and he was sworn to defend him. If only Gregory was still alive to remove his oath and to see what the Province had become. He listened to the reports from one of the fleets that had just invaded and subjugated another planet. These subjects certainly didn’t love their ruler. What could he do?

Queen Ashley Talben leaned back on her throne and looked at Queen Carrie on her communication board’ “I’ve learned that Haldale was destroyed by New Ulmerton. It appears they have six advanced Searcher Class ships. I don’t think Bristone is going to be able to defend us or them self. What should we do?”

Carrie was silent for a moment and then said, “What would we do if Bristone didn’t exist? We’d do all we could to defend our subjects but probably lose to this power mad King. I do know this; Bristone will not abandon us.”

“They didn’t help Haldale?”

“How could they? They were outgunned by twice their number. No one expected the ruthlessness of that King. I’m telling you not to count them out.”

“What would you suggest I do if that King shows up here?”

“You must remove Bristone’s location and any mention of that system from all your ships and computers. You must also purge any news reports of what happened when your father attacked us. I would even recommend the erasure of all news casts if their fleets discover one of your planets.”

“Why is that?”

“I’ve been told by the Emperor that the New Ulmerton drop troops use former news reports to target anyone on the planet that is notable. They shoot them and remove all possible leaders of a rebellion. If I were you, I would also remove any mention of you and your family and develop an identity that would allow you to hide in your population.”

“What about our fleets?”

“I’m having my fleet assembled away from the planets of the Kingdom so that we can use them if Bristone ever finds away to deal with those Searchers. We’ve built a facility on an asteroid to support them until they can safely come home. They stand no chance against New Ulmerton’s Searchers; it would be folly to use them. Even the Ultraships are there.” Carrie paused, took a deep breath, and continued, “Even if we’re conquered, the Emperor will come and free us someday. We can’t allow that King to find the planet of the Zord.”

“You know it’s just a matter of time until they find us.”

“Yes, but I believe in the Emperor. He will do all he can to delay that happening. You must give him your trust and devotion. Can you do that?”

“I already have. I’ll do as you ask and remove the information. Let’s hope we are given time.”

Carrie turned off the com and looked at Michael, “What do you think?”

“I’ve talked with Emperor Robbins and he says that if we’re invaded, we should surrender and attempt to bear their brutality. He said that if he comes to defend us, one of the Searchers will destroy our planet. I don’t know how long it will take for him to find an answer to those ships but if anyone in this universe can, he’s the one I’d bet on.”

Carrie hugged Michael and nodded.

Daulun sat on his throne and thought about the ship that attacked his fleet. Greyson said that it was not as fast as they were. That made it appear it was not another Searcher, but was it possible that it had deliberately avoided top speed to throw off the Searchers chasing it? It had certainly been able to jump faster than the two chasing it. Could it be another Searcher? That was the question that burned in his mind. Was there someone else that had Searchers in their fleet? If that ship was a Searcher and it intended revenge for the destruction of that planet, he would have to keep at least four of his above the planet at all times. To be absolutely safe, he should hold all six at the planet. One beam strike and New Ulmerton was history. Thank goodness teleportation was no longer available. Daulun thought about the possible danger and decided to start keeping several fleets at the jump limit scanning into the outer system for star drives. Should he use two Searchers to scan for the return of that ship? No, he would hold them in reserve until the scouts turned up something. He hadn’t slept well since that planet’s destruction. It looked like tonight was going to be another restless one.

He wished Mallory was in the Castle. She always found a way to help him forget his fears. Her laugh was infectious. It was a shame he was forcing a sham marriage on her but she was just not up to ruling the Province. She didn’t have the ruthlessness required to rule the Kingdom. He shook his head and thought about how strong willed his daughter was. She was determined to go and celebrate the opening of the new medical center on the southern continent. He was forced to remove all the women and children slaves until she left. Oh well, she’ll be back tomorrow. Someday she was going to find out the truth and there was going to be a price paid for his deceptions. But that was later; this is now.

“Anglo, what do you need me to help you accomplish?”

“BC, I picked up one of New Ulmerton’s newscasters saying that the King’s daughter was going to be at the opening of a medical facility and I want to see if she’s there. My scanners are not anywhere near the power of yours. I’m considering taking her as a hostage but I’m reluctant to move in close enough to see if the possibility exists to take her.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?”

“Do you think murdering more than forty million on Haldale was a good idea? Those newscasters all commented on the future Queen of their Realm and how much she was loved by her father. He needs to learn there are consequences to his actions.”

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