Ashia (4 page)

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Authors: Taige Crenshaw

BOOK: Ashia
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“Why the hell not? I never figured you for being shy,” Devi replied.

Ashia snorted. Shy was far from the way she was. “The research I did said the man is to make the move.”

Devi gasped then laughed again. Ashia wiggled her finger, zapping her on the ass. Devi yelped, jumping and rubbing her butt.

“Hey stop that.” Devi smiled.

“I’m having issues and you’re finding vast amusement at my expense. Instead of being an ass, help me.”

“I already told you what to do.”

“But that isn’t acceptable human mating rituals.”

“Huh. Where did you hear that?”

“Google. I used it as you showed me. And searched on what is acceptable for dating a man in a modern world. There was so much information but I weeded through it.”

“Umm…what did you find out in this research?” Devi sounded like she was trying not to laugh.

“Men are the ones to ask you out. Although that one I sort of broke since I worked things so Reid asked me. And I’ve asked him a few times too.”

“Which is good.”

Ashia smiled, pleased she hadn’t committed a big faux pas, then told her more. “On the first date it is acceptable to kiss but not ‘put out’”—Ashia made the quotes sign—“on the first date. Kissing is acceptable and some touching but no second base. Why do they use the base reference? I don’t know what dating has to do with baseball?”

“I have no clue,” Devi said.

Ashia shrugged. “It’s strange. Anyway. After the first date you put out vibes to let the man know you are interested in bedding him. I’m not sure what this vibe thing is but I’ve been kissing Reid. Even touched him to let him know to jump me. But he hasn’t. We’ve been dating for weeks. Which by the research I did said we would be a couple. But if he is my boyfriend why aren’t I getting any sex? Maybe I’m not vibing enough.” Ashia frowned.

Devi stopped and laughed hysterically. Ashia paused beside her then pushed her shoulder.

“Devi.” Rhodes halted by them.

“I’m good. You and Reid go on.” Devi gestured for them to precede.

Rhodes shook his head and he and Reid ran past them. Devi glanced at her then started to laugh again, dropping on her butt to the ground. Ashia stood over her scowling as she laughed rolling around. Finally Devi calmed and sat, arms braced behind her.

“Are you finally done?” Ashia said coldly.

Devi stood, brushing off her shorts. “No need to be snippy. I understand it’s sexual frustration. But, Ashia, you brought this all on yourself. What the hell did you type when you searched on dating?”

“As I said—‘Dating Rituals for Modern Dating’.”

“Whatever you read is a load of bullshit,” Devi stated.

“Explain,” Ashia said sharply.

“In this day and age it’s acceptable for a woman to make her own move on a man she’s interested in. Hell you don’t have to wait for him to jump you. You can jump him.”


Devi cut her off. “In the past when you wanted a man what did you do?”

“It’s been millennia,” Ashia snapped.

“Then you definitely need to let Reid know you want him. You make the move.”

Ashia thought about what she had said then asked, “Could I have told him this on our first date?”

“Yep. I did with Rhodes. Hell, I let him know I wanted him. And we had a good ole time burning up the sheets while we got to know each other.” Devi grinned with an unholy light in her eyes.

“You mean I could have had him six weeks ago?”

“Uh-huh. And every day for those six weeks.” Devi smirked.

“Watch my babies. I have something to do.” Ashia handed Devi the leashes.

She turned and took off after Reid and Rhodes. Devi’s laughter followed her. Spotting them ahead, Ashia stopped beside them.

“You and Devi are babysitting the dogs including Liv tonight,” she informed Rhodes.

“Okay,” Rhodes said.

She gripped Reid’s hand and turned him back the way they had come. Reid looked confused but followed her without question. They passed Devi.

“Have fun,” Devi called.

Ashia ignored her, focused on getting her and Reid to their vehicles. She waved at Parker and Allie as they passed but didn’t stop. In minutes they were back at their vehicles.


She cut him off. “No questions. Just follow me.”

Reid frowned but nodded and went to his vehicle as Ashia got into her Avalanche. She wished she had told him who she was that way she could have zapped them to a bed in seconds. Ashia gripped the wheel and backed out of her space. When she got on the highway she kept an eye on Reid who was right behind her in the jeep. She had briefly entertained the notion of them using the same car to go to her house but had dismissed the idea. Alone with one another, they would have never made it out of the parking area. The way she felt, once they started they would be having sex for a long time. She wasn’t letting him out of her bed for at least a week. Hell, maybe two.

The drive to her place passed in a blur. She got out of her car and ran up the stairs to her house, going inside. She stood at the base of the staircase watching as Reid came inside, closing the door behind him.

“Ashia, what’s wrong?” He strode to her.

When he was close she gripped his forearms and demanded, “Why aren’t we having sex?”

Reid looked startled then replied, “After I grabbed you that first night and asked you to go to bed with me I figured I’d wait for you to tell me you’re ready.”

“And I’ve been waiting for you to go to third base. After we do I want you to explain to me about what this base business has to do with sex. But not now. Now we have time to make up for.”

“Bases…time…what are you talking about?” Reid looked baffled.

Ashia released him, stepping back. She pulled off her T-shirt then shucked her shorts along with her underwear, throwing it all on the ground. Reid groaned loudly as Ashia unhooked her bra letting her full breasts out of the garment. She threw that on the floor too then stood proudly naked before the man she wanted above all else.

“I’ve been ready since our first date. Your antiquated human ways made me think I had to wait. Devi corrected that stupid assumption. I want you now, Reid Jacobs.” Ashia tilted her head in what many had called her regal ‘do as I say’ move.

“You’ve mentioned ‘human ways’ a few times. What do you mean?”

“Do you really want to discuss that now?” Ashia gestured to her naked body.

Reid’s gaze followed the motion of her hand as she placed her hand on her body, stroking along her belly, before rubbing her fingers along the top of her bare mound.

Reid raised his head. “No. Later. Much later,” Reid said hoarsely. He stepped forward, before lifting her into his arms.

Ashia automatically wrapped her legs around him, moaning as his hard, cloth-covered erection rubbed against her aching slit. Reid kissed her forcefully, holding her tight before pulling back from their kiss.

“We have a lot of time to make up for.” His eyes were fierce. “I’ve already decided you’re not allowed to leave my bed for at least two weeks. No work or outside distractions. Maybe by then I will have partially quenched my need.”

“Two weeks doesn’t sound even close to even tapping into what I want from you,” Reid whispered.

He held her going up the stairs. Ashia kissed the side of his neck, licking along the strong column even as she whispered against his pulse which direction to go. Reid’s steps were sure as he took them to her bedroom. Each step moved his shaft against her bared mound. Reid lowered her to the bed and she released her legs.

Reid stood by the bed studying her.

Ashia widened her legs, placing her fingers against her wetness, sliding one inside. Reid’s gaze was locked on her ministrations. She pulled out of her clenching canal and raised a hand laden with jewellery, before using the same finger she’d used to pleasure herself to beckon him.

“Nope, two weeks is definitely not enough.”

Chapter Four




Ashia sucked her lower lip into her mouth as she watched Reid strip off his running clothes. Her heart pounded in her chest as unfamiliar feelings rocketed through her. Never, in all of her many years of being in existence, had she ever felt this way before. Part of her was slightly frightened but the part that won out was the one that wanted him between her legs.

He had a body full of lean muscles. Defined muscles. Ones she longed to lick. Trail her tongue along, explore all the nooks and crannies he had to offer. She groaned as she watched his shirt hit the floor. He might be geek all the way around but he wasn’t a weak man in the least. She’d known this from their nights of petting on the couch. If she’d wanted him then, it was beyond how she wanted him now.

He kicked his shoes off and she watched with semi-amusement as he bumbled removing his socks. Her fingers lingered between her spread thighs and she played with herself, her wetness proof of her arousal. She gave him a wicked grin when he looked up and locked onto where her fingers dallied, circling her clit.

He swallowed hard and fumbled at the waistband of his shorts. Her humour fled the second his shorts dropped to the floor. His cock jutted forward, proud and thick, from a nest of red hair. Oh yeah, he had some Irish in him. And soon, she’d have some in her.

Her mouth watered for a taste of him. He walked closer and joined her on the bed. His blue eyes were intense and showed his determination, and desire for her. She liked that. He didn’t hide how much he wanted her.

He smelt of a mixture of sweat and his own heady masculine scent. Settling beside her, he reached out and trailed a hand down her side, the top of his thumb skimming along her full breast as he moved. His fingertips were callused and her breathing hitched when his hand curved about her wrist and removed her digits from the wet heat of her sex.

Their eyes locked on one another, and he brought her hand to his mouth, drawing her two fingers past his lips, curling his tongue around them and sucking all of her cream from them. His moan vibrated her fingers and she felt a new throb and pulse generated from his mouth to her clit. More moisture flowed and she struggled to hold onto all of her pent-up sexual energy.

“You taste better than I ever imagined.”

Flutters in her belly made her speechless. For all her power and immortality she couldn’t find a way to vocalise what she wanted, craved,
, from him anymore. He continued to stare at her in a way she had never known men watched women. At least not until some of her closer friends had been hanging out here on Earth.

“Let’s make sure you taste the same all over.” The thought of his mouth exploring every inch of her body sent more moisture to her already wet pussy.

Eyes locked on her face, he lowered his head and captured her nipple in his mouth. He flicked the tip lightly with his tongue, sending spears of pleasure through her before he sucked hard, grazing the peak with his teeth.

“Shit!” she screamed, back bowing at the incredible sensation. “Reid.”

“Shh,” he mumbled around the other nipple. “I’m exploring.”

And so he did. Explored everything about her, laving his way along her skin. Catapulting her higher and higher into the stars with each touch. Soon she writhed on the bed, begging for him to end her suffering, when he rose up over her and stared down at her.

“You are an incredibly beautiful woman, Ashia.”

Reaching between them, she curved one hand about his rock-hard shaft and took immense pleasure at the groan he emitted along with the darkening of his eyes.

“Wait,” he gasped.

Was he fucking insane? Wait? She’d been waiting for this since she met him. “No.”

He ground his jaw and nodded. “Yes. I…I have to get some protection.”

Reaching up with her free hand, she opened the bedside drawer and withdrew a handful of condoms, dropping them on the bed beside him. Devi had told her about them and so she’d got a bunch. “There,” she said.

“I can’t wait to work through them all,” Reid promised. He reached for one, ripped it open and slipped it over his shaft.

He knelt between her legs before positioning himself at her entrance, and her breath hitched, waiting for the very first feel of him inside her. His broad head teased her wet slit and she waited for him to do as she’d seen and read in what humans called ‘porno’—slam home with one vicious thrust. Reid didn’t do that.

She could have handled his shoving in deep and fast, but he inched his way in. Slowly. Torturing her, allowing her to acclimate to his size. His gaze held hers the entire time.

Ashia bit her lip as he sank his full length inside her. So full. His hands rested on the bed beside her shoulders and he lowered himself to brush a light kiss over her lips.

“Fuck, you feel good, Ashia,” he rumbled.

“Then move.”

“Just give me a second.”

She didn’t want to wait any longer. In her estimation, she’d waited long enough. Shifting beneath him, she placed her feet flat on the mattress and undulated her hips.

“Shit,” he groaned.


He did. It wasn’t anything she was ready for. Stimulation exploded within her, triggering her synapses and igniting fire in her blood. Back and forth he stroked. In and out. She bucked beneath him trying to get him deeper but he continued on at his own pace.


“I know, baby. I just don’t want this over too soon.”

Damn it all, it felt as if she was burning up from the inside out. Harder. Faster. Deeper. More and more. She wanted it all.

Reid nibbled along the side of her neck before nipping the lobe of her ear. She shuddered and his decadent chuckle reverberated through her. Slowly, he picked up the pace. She felt the pounding of his heart and the sweat slicking his muscles as he moved against her.

He shifted so he held her hands and manoeuvred them so they rested above her head. This position lifted her breasts up a bit more. And Reid took advantage. His mouth closed about one nipple and he drew on it, hard. She gasped, back bowing, as tremors shot through her.

“Reid!” She freed her hands and dug her fingers into his shoulders as he continued to move with relentless power. He alternated between her breasts, sucking on them in time with his deep strokes.

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