Asian Romance Billionaire: Asian Romance Books, Romance Asian Male (5 page)

BOOK: Asian Romance Billionaire: Asian Romance Books, Romance Asian Male
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"Then what is bothering you, my sweet Kat?"


I didn't have a logical way to put my worries so I didn't sound like a complete snob.
We don't belong in the same circles.
It sounded even worse when I said it in my head, and I wanted to kick myself. "I guess I'm just not used to this kind of life. I don't know what's expected of me. The most I've ever paid for something was a thousand bucks for my clunky, junky car. I'd hate to let you down or embarrass you just because I didn't know something."


"I don't expect anything of you, Kat, but to be yourself. That feisty little hellcat that took down two men bigger than her with nothing but a towel rod."


I couldn't help but grin. "That'll make an interesting prison story. Taken down by someone a foot shorter than them wielding a towel rod."


He laughed again, loudly. "I'll bet they'll change it to make you sound much more menacing."


"Probably." I grinned wryly, resting back against Aki's chest. "Let's make a compromise, okay?"


"And what's that?"


"Why don't we just take things one step at a time. See how things progress?"


His look was thoughtful. "I suppose that sounds fair. That way you don't feel trapped or obligated to do anything you don't want to."


I nodded. "And the same for you."


Shaking his head, he pulled me closer. "I would never feel trapped with you, my wildcat."


I gave myself up to what would be the first in a lifetime of sweet kisses.





The End

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