Ask For It (25 page)

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Authors: Selena Blake

Tags: #Amazon, #contemporary romance novel

BOOK: Ask For It
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“We lived like that for a while. In and out of shelters and I think mom just got more and more depressed. And mad. I think her anger is what saved us. One day she picked herself up, dusted us off, and booked us a ticket back to Atlanta with the last dollars she had. And after that, everything changed. We had a support system again. She was familiar with everything and it was like she’d made up her mind that she wasn’t going to waste any more time on my father… that we were going to have a good life. She managed to get a good job and we stayed with family the first few months. And then she met Dad. And after that, everything really was different.”

Fat tears rolled down her cheeks and her heart ached from the memories. And most importantly the absolute relief she’d felt when she met Ron Fairchild and he’d asked her if he could be her daddy.

She’d wrapped her skinny little arms around his neck and he’d picked her up, holding her close to his heart. He’d been her daddy ever since.

“I just… ever since that day we got kicked out, I’ve tried to be conscious. It wasn’t that my mom wasn’t a hard worker, she was. It’s just… she fell apart emotionally. And she kept it together as long as she could. But she wasn’t prepared for being abandoned and going from homemaker to sole provider. Especially in an expensive city. I never wanted to be in the position of having to dig food out of the trashcan again. I never wanted to feel like I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

They sat there in silence until her nose felt frozen.

“Come on. Let’s go warm you up.”

She wiped her tears as she surveyed the basement one more time. It really would host a fantastic Super Bowl party. “You’d have to invite everyone you know,” she told him. Well, he might not have to. But she would. His team would probably fill up the space with their broad shoulders.

She realized then that that’s why he liked this place. It was different than his penthouse. Big and spacious enough to hold his shoulders. And his trophies. And host parties. But it was a world away from the chaos of the big city. Private. Secure.

“Thank you…” he said, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “For telling me about you and your mom.”

She shrugged. “I try not to let the old feelings freak me out. It was a long time ago, and everything’s different now. My family. My support system. My savings account.” The corner of her mouth pulled up at the thought of her nest egg. “But every so often…”

“You freak out,” he said softly. “I think that’s entirely understandable. I still freak out when I hear tires squealing. It takes me back to that night.”

She turned in his arms and hugged him tight. He had no idea how much she appreciated knowing what had really happened to him. How pleased she was that there wasn’t a wall between them anymore. And as much as it made her heart ache when he shared details like that, she felt his trust.

It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him she loved him, but she bit the words back. It was too soon. Except… she was done living close to the vest. Life was too short. Too uncertain to hold back. Especially when she was sure of her feelings…

It was time to take her mom’s advice.

“I love you,” she whispered.

His smile softened his expression and her heart started to pound.

“I’ve been thinking the same thing about you since that day you said ‘say cheeseburgers’ in front of Barkley.”

It took about ten heartbeats for his words to sink in. For her brain to comprehend them. To understand what he was saying. “Really?”

Laughing, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground. “Really…And now I really want to make love to you on that bar over there.”

Lips against hers, he swallowed her gasp.

“And then I want to christen every room in this place.”

The rush of pleasure made her lightheaded. It was a good thing he was holding her like he’d never let go because at that moment she was sure she could faint from an overabundance of happiness.

“That’s a lot of… christening.”

He threw his head back and laughed. Then he sobered.

“Walk through with me one more time?”

“Of course.”

“Which room will you display your trophies in?” Julia asked as they made their way through the master bedroom.

At the moment he wasn’t thinking about trophies. Rather he was imagining a massive bed against the far wall and beautiful naked Julia Fairchild on top of soft white sheets.

“You okay?” she asked and turned back from the window to look at him.

“Yeah. Just wasn’t thinking about trophies.” He let his gaze roam south and by the time he got back to her face her cheeks were as pink as her nose.

He held out a hand to her and when her palm was pressed firmly to his, he led her into the bathroom. “I think the tub is big enough for two,” he murmured.

As predicted, there was a tiny little gasp. Then she looked up at him, eyebrow raised. “Why don’t we find out?”

Trevor groaned. Trust Julia to pick right now to learn how to ask for what she wanted. To find her inner vixen and unleash her. The mental images flashing through his mind made him hard in an instant.

“As much as that appeals, I’ve got a surprise for you. Close your eyes.”


“Humor me, gorgeous.”

With her hands over her eyes, he guided her to the closet.


She answered the question of how many times he could make her gasp in one day. Fourteen. So far. And damn if he didn’t love that sound. Love making her make it.

“Go try them on.”

She ran over, holding her hands over her mouth and then, as if they were made of fine china, stroked a finger down the jewel encrusted heel. As soon as he’d seen the stilettos in the window, he’d known they would look great on her.


“I had Justin sneak them up here. Had to be sure they fit with the place.”

She looked over her shoulder at him. “Fit with the place?”

“Well, I knew as soon as I saw them that they’d fit you perfectly.” He put his hands on her shoulders and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I knew when I saw them they were the perfect fuck-me heels. But you know… a man likes to be sure.”

“Are you sure?”

“That they’re the perfect fuck-me heels?” He loved that every time he uttered the F-word a little tremor shook her body.

“That they look good with the house.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Do you know how many magazines the girls and I have drooled over… Jimmy Choos. Prada. Milanos.” She swiped at her cheeks. “Christian Louboutins,” she whispered breathlessly, fingering the distinctive signature inside the shoe. “They’re too much.”

He would have laughed if he hadn’t been about to come in his pants. “Ask me.”

“What?” she squeaked as he spun her around and pressed her up against the wall. He kissed her throat. Licked the lobe of her ear.

“Say ‘Trevor, would you buy this house and make love to me in every room?’”

Another tremor.

He lifted his head so he could watch her expression.

She slowly lifted her chin and stared up at him. Her eyes were more blue than gray now. “Trevor, would you buy this house and fuck me in every room… while I’m wearing those shoes?” She glanced over at the shoe rack.

Shock and pleasure collided within him and he captured her lips with his. He thrust his tongue into her mouth as she slid her fingers into his hair, holding on tight. Not enough.

“Mine,” he growled and kissed his way back down her throat, delighting in her moans.

“Yours,” she whispered back.

Her leg slid up, hooking over his hip and she ground her pussy against his cock. Dear heaven, she was sex on stilettos. And he needed her. Now.

“Damn coat.” He grunted, his fingers moving to the over-sized buttons.


“What is it, sweetheart?”

“This isn’t your house. We can’t—”

“Justin!” he called. “You’re right,” he whispered and kissed her one more time.

Then he stepped back and adjusted his cock. Thirty seconds later, Justin knocked on the door. He had a smile on his face and a stack of papers in his hand.

“Made a decision?” he drawled and had the decency not to look at Trevor’s crotch.

“I’ll take it.”

“Excellent. I’ve got the contract right here.”

“Sit tight,” he told Julia and then strode across the room to handle the particulars.

While Trevor went off with Justin to sign the papers, JJ held her hands to her heated cheeks and debated pinching herself. This was the most amazing day ever. And if she was dreaming, she really didn’t want to wake up.

She walked over to the shoes and fingered the crystals. Sheer white lace covered the nude leather peep toe heels. Exquisite. The girls would flip. She smiled.

He loved her.

She could hardly believe it. She’d thought it was too soon, but she was wrong. Love was never too soon. Too much.

“Now where was I?”

She turned just in time to find Trevor striding through the door, honing in on her like a heat seeking missile. He didn’t so much as pause before his lips were crashing down on hers again.

Picking her up, he spun and set her down on the large center island.

“That’s right,” he murmured. “Buttons. Always buttons.”

Together they stripped each other until she was naked atop her coat, him between her thighs. She reached for his cock, needing him to take care of the ache inside her.

“Hold on gorgeous, I think you’re missing something.”

Disappointment hit her like a bucket of cold water. Spinning back to the shoe rack, he plucked the heels and turned back to her.

She giggled. “I feel like Cinderella,” she said as he slipped them onto her feet.

“I’ve always thought you were a princess. Now where was I?”

She raised an eyebrow.

“What? Too shy to repeat it?” He asked, running his hands up her thighs in a way that made her spread her legs shamelessly.

“No. I’m just waiting for you to suit up.”

There was a tiny pause before his lips twitched. Good. She’d managed to shock him twice in one day. Three times if you counted the news that she’d been homeless as a child.

“Aren’t you glad I learned my lesson?” he asked, pulling a condom from his wallet. Never again would he be without a condom, she was sure of that.


As soon as he was sheathed, he reached between her thighs. “Forget it. I’m ready.” She reached for his cock again and guided him home.

Oh, that was it. Just what she’d been needing. That feeling of completeness. Wholeness. Togetherness. It was still there despite weeks and miles apart. But this time, this joining was so much more.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered against her lips.

“I love when you do that.”

“And I love you.”

She moaned and laid back. The change in angle made her moan a second time. And then again as he slid his palms from her hips up her sides and then covered her breasts. He replaced one hand with his mouth and his tongue drew lazy, wet circles around her nipple.

She closed her eyes and bit down on her knuckle.

“You can scream, sweetheart. You’re not going to disturb anybody.”

He kept up the rhythmic thrusting, building her orgasm with each press of his hips. When he trailed his hands back down her legs she silently thanked her presence of mind to shave this morning. It’d become a necessity since Trevor had come back to her life.

“Are you ready, sweetheart?”


He wrapped his hands around her ankles and lifted her legs until the high heels were pointed straight up. She stared up at the crystals sparkling in the bright overhead light. But it was the look in Trevor’s eyes that pushed her over the edge. Love, tenderness, heat, desire, and concentration.

“Come for me.” His words came out just as her orgasm swept through her with shocking power. Crying out, she held onto the edge of the countertop and pointed her toes, every muscle in her body going rigid, trying to hold onto the wave of pleasure. To ride it all the way to shore.

She loved it when he came. How hard and twitchy his muscles got. The look of absolute ecstasy on his face. The way he threw his head back and groaned loud and long. But most especially the way he collapsed on top of her, dropping her legs and using her breasts as a pillow.

“That was—” he trailed off, breathing deeply, his chest rubbing against her belly.


“Understatement of the year, babe.”

“Couldn’t agree more, Mr. Wyatt. Couldn’t agree more.”


After they dressed, Trevor couldn’t resist one more kiss. “It’s getting late.”

“Hmm huh.” She sounded sleepy and bliss filled, just the way he liked her.

“What do you say we go back to your place and curl up in bed together?”

“Sounds great.”

“I’m pissed that I didn’t think to have a bed waiting to be brought in,” he muttered as they made their way to the front door.

“You were that confident?” she asked as he locked the door.

“Truth? No way. But I was hopeful. And sometimes that’s enough.”

She smiled up at him in that special way that melted his bones. “I love you, Trevor Wyatt. I think perhaps… I always have been.”

He kissed her quickly in the fading light. “Keep talking like that and we won’t make it back to your loft any time soon.”

“Is that a fact?”

“You can take it to the bank, sweetheart.”

“I just want to do one thing first.”

“What’s that?”

She pulled her cell phone from her pocket, struck a pose and aimed the camera at her feet. Then she attached the picture to a text message. To Cindy, Gretchen and Baby he presumed though the group name was simply: My Girls.




He felt the same way.








It was the day before the playoffs started and JJ had just enough time to pick out a new closet organizational system for the loft. Not that she’d been to the loft in the last two weeks. It’d taken Trevor all of a morning to move a bed into the new house. An afternoon shopping with her had outfitted his kitchen with the basics. A quiet Christmas with his family, followed by a breathtaking New Year’s Eve in New York city and she was back to work and helping Greg get the kitchen installed.

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