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Aslan’s Stranger





By Jennifer Kacey




Aslan’s Stranger

Book one in the Fantasies A-Z Series

Copyright Never Settle Publishing 2015

Discover more titles by Jennifer Kacey



e-book - ISBN - 978-0-9862479-6-5


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To all of the married couples out there looking for more and uncertain on how to get there.

May I suggest…a few fantasies.


And to You – my fantasy come true. Each word of this is Yours.

Every. Single. One.




Aslan’s Stranger

By Jennifer Kacey


Kinky sex with a stranger. One of Aslan’s deepest fantasies. To fulfill it, only one man will do. Her husband.


Wanting more, needing it, craving a kinky edge to sex is exactly what Aslan lives with every day. Days and months and years of unfulfilled fantasies filtered down to one life-altering decision.


Approach the sexy man sitting at the bar or walk away? Keep trying to fit into the mold she’s been told to conform to or find herself lost somewhere in the gray? Close the seemingly insurmountable distance between wishes and reality or let her dreams go? Once and for all.


Everything she’s ever hungered for sits within her reach if the one man she trusts to take her there will finally let his monster free.


Her Stranger. Her fantasy. Her husband.


To find her forever she must give it all to him. Her fears, her power and her consent. One night is all she’s asking for but what she gets in return will change their lives…forever.




Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

About Jennifer Kacey

Other Titles by Jennifer Kacey




Chapter One


There he sat.

At the bar.

He had a beer in his hand and the heel of one of his shitkickers hooked on the bottom rung of the bar stool.

Jeans. T-shirt. Reflective sunglasses sitting on the shiny wood next to his coaster.

She wanted him. Horribly.

Several nights in a row, she’d seen him sitting there, talking to the bartender. With his small, wicked grin and sexy voice, he drew her in.

Thinking of actually approaching him sent a nervous twitch up her neck and her heart lodged in her throat. But she steeled her spine and set off to the edge of the dance floor.

A fantasy.

On a single’s cruise ship around the Bahamas.


This was it.

One of her greatest fantasies.

A one-night stand…with a stranger. Now she just had to see if the sexy guy at the bar wanted to help her fulfill it.

Was he out of her league?


So, she’d brought along her cleavage, which she was trying to contain. Her boobs had always been too big, so she normally erred on the side of keeping them covered. Feeling the need to even out the playing field never hurt anyone. Much.

Several others had called out to her, but she’d dismissed the attention easily enough on her way to the bar. She only had eyes for one and he was even better-looking up close.

Closing the distance between them, the last few steps were the hardest to make and the quickest to disappear. The skin-tight, sleeveless red dress hugging her curves was only a tiny portion of what made her hesitate. She didn’t exactly hide in her clothes, but she normally downplayed her figure.

But…not tonight.

She had cleavage for days peeking through a strategic keyhole in the dress, and she was trying super hard not to notice everyone else in the room staring at her.

What if he laughed at her?

What if he said no?

What if someone he was meeting showed up and ruined it all? It’s not like her hair and makeup did themselves.


All of a sudden, she knew she hadn’t thought this through enough. She hesitated, but then—he turned.

The double take and the wide eyes could have meant lots of things, but then he set his beer on the coaster in front of him, giving her his full attention.

“Well, hello there, beautiful.” His voice. Damn. Like bourbon and sex. She felt his stare all the way from the top of her head, to the spikey gray heels she’d treated herself to for her birthday the week before. She’d kind of, sort of, totally planned for this kind of thing to happen.
So…here goes nothing

“Hi.” It came out a whisper, so she swallowed and extended her hand. “I’m Aslan.”

He looked at her hand, running his tongue along his bottom lip with a bit of a questioning stare, and then slid his palm along hers and held on. “Zeke.”

The touch of his hand sent heat racing up her arm. It settled in her chest. And lower.

“Have we met before?” The look of concentration pulled his brow down. And he looked rough. Sexy.


“No?” Yeah. It coming out as a question really wasn’t going to get her anywhere. “I’ve seen you before. Here. Sitting at the bar. Never approached though. Too nervous.”

His grin. Jesus.

“Well, I’m glad tonight’s different.”

Yes. His hand still had a firm hold on hers. His thumb caressed her sensitive skin, telling her brain what kind of lover he might be. She thought about asking for her hand back, but the tiny squeeze he gave her told her he wasn’t finished yet.

Which was good.

She wasn’t either.

Gesturing to the stool next to him, he touched her back with his free hand. “Why don’t you join me? And let me buy you a drink?”

They were questions. But somehow…they weren’t.

She normally didn’t drink at all. Losing control wasn’t really something she ever put on her to-do list, but tonight was hopefully going to be very different.

As if on cue, a bartender smiled at her. “Miss, would you like something to drink?”

She smiled shyly at the older gentleman, who wore a knowing grin. Her blush heated her cheeks and chest, probably highlighting her cleavage even more. Fair skin had its advantages. Hiding embarrassment wasn’t one of them. She took a deep breath and decided to throw a little caution to the wind. “Frozen strawberry margarita, Sam.” She’d talked to him the first three nights, early in the evening before the crowds showed up to party late into the night.

“Salt or sugar on the rim, Miss Smythe?”

Zeke pulled his hand away and helped her onto the stool next to his. Very close next to his. “Looks like a sugar girl, tonight, if I had to guess.”

To Sam’s credit, he waited for her to answer for herself. Her order just happened to be the same answer. “Sugar, please.”

“Coming right up.” With a wink and single tap to the bar, he was off.

“So.” Zeke took a sip from his bottle, never taking his eyes from her…assets. “What brings you on a single’s cruise?”

“Business.” It was the truth. She set her matching red clutch on the bar in front of her and immediately missed having something to do with her hands. “And hopefully pleasure.” There. She said it. More nerves skittered up her back as she stared at him.

“Interesting.” His gaze drilled into her, heating her core as his hand tightened around his beer. “I’m hoping for the exact same thing.”

In for a penny, and all that. She opened her mouth but Sam walked back over, carrying her drink.

“Put it on my tab.” Zeke definitely sounded like a man use to people following his orders.

“Yes, sir. Let me know if either of you need anything else. And I hope you don’t mind me saying so, Miss, but you look lovely tonight.”

Aslan smiled at him, already reaching for the liquid courage before he’d gotten to the next customer a few feet away.

The sugar hit her taste buds first and then the strawberry flavor. Then the tequila. Mmm…the tequila.

She let the ice melt in her mouth, and then repeated the taste, hold and swallow procedure one more time.

The alcohol made her eyes tear up, and it burned going down, but it relaxed her muscles almost immediately. Placebo effect or true relaxation, she didn’t know and tonight she didn’t care. After one more drink, the courage that appeared was just enough that she could face him again.

His eyes. As dark a blue as she’d ever seen, compared to her light blue irises.

His hair. Short and blond, styled, but natural. It was very well suited to the honey blonde hair that hung in waves a tiny bit past her shoulders.

They’d look good together.

He’d look even better naked, holding her with a fistful of her hair as he took her from behind.

“Penny for your thoughts. I’d even be willing to pay a whole dollar for them. And a blush. Maybe two dollars.”

She smiled and then laughed. Part embarrassment, part flirtation, she hoped. The margarita was definitely a good idea. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“That makes me a very lucky man.”

His eyes. The way he stared at her excited her, unsettled her.

She took another drink and tried to bring up what she wanted. No point in beating around the bush, if he wasn’t interested.

Turns out, she didn’t have to worry. He took it out of her hands. “I’ve seen you the past few days. You’ve seemed…restless.”

She swallowed. The tequila burned just a bit going down, infusing her stomach with warmth that spread to her limbs.

“For a while,” she answered.

“And you think I can help with that.” Not a question.

She nodded. “I do.”

Two tiny words, but he seemed to be very affected by them. He drained the last of his beer, setting the glass down harder than was probably necessary. He opened his mouth. Closed it. Opened it again and shook his head.

Fear made her talk fast, “Before you say no, hear me out.”

Clenching his teeth, he stared at her, glancing at her cleavage and then back up to her face again.

“One night. That’s all I’m asking for.”

“And what, exactly, are you looking for on this one night?”

Definitely. Not. A. No.

“I want to get kinky. Maybe a little rough.”

“I don’t do kinky. And I sure as hell don’t do rough.”

“Not into it?”
With me?
She wanted to ask the second part but she just couldn’t get the words out.

“I didn’t say that.”

“Then, what? Are you on the other side of the slash?”

“Huh? And what side would that be?”

He was as dominant Alpha male as she’d ever seen and she’d seen him enough on this trip to know which way his door swung. Knowing what the answer was, she still wanted to hear it. “The receiving side? As in…receiving from someone else.”

Didn’t take him three seconds to catch her drift. “Oh, hell no,” he growled. “I’m not taking anything from some dude.”

“Could be some woman. A Domme. That dynamic is definitely a thing.”

“Man or woman, doesn’t matter. Still not my thing.”

“There’s nothing wrong with it, if that’s what you like.” She knew he was telling the truth. “I’m not judging you.” But she just couldn’t help poking the bear.

He leaned in her direction and seemed to grow several feet taller, even though he never stood. Wanting to kneel beneath his glare was a living, breathing fire in her gut.

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