Aspen and the Dream Walkers (19 page)

Read Aspen and the Dream Walkers Online

Authors: Caroline Swart

Tags: #top, #free fantasy, #dream walkers, #free romance young adult books, #caroline swart

BOOK: Aspen and the Dream Walkers
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“There are good and bad people living on this
plane. The Chancellors are the bad guys. They become powerful and
multiply on fear. Fear is what feeds them. Nightmares are ideal for
creating fear, so they try and make as many bad dreams as they can.
A small child in the middle of a nightmare is the perfect vehicle
for strengthening Chancellors. They live on the energy created by
that fear.”

Norma’s lips tightened, and Aspen could tell
that her mother thought he was crazy.

“We’re the good guys.” He smiled. “Our
mission is to stop nightmares before they start so children don’t
suffer and Chancellors don’t multiply. We live amongst you, but we
can live on both planes. Dream Walkers have different clans. We
come from the Power clan, and live in the city of Lanta. There are
other clans, because our magic alone is not always sufficient to
stop the Chancellors. One of our close clans is the Fire clan in
Vega, but we all have a common goal, and that is to stop the
Chancellors. Roman was the leader of the Power clan.”

Norma pulled Aspen toward her and edged away
from him.

“Wait, I’m telling the truth.” Leeman leaned
forward. “Roman saw you and fell in love immediately. He wasn’t
supposed to find an Earth girl, that’s not our way. Nothing that I
said helped, he was determined to have you and he asked our magic
man to find a spell to let you live in Lanta. We’ve had humans
living there before, but that was centuries ago, and the spells
have been forgotten.”

“Leeman, you’re not making sense, but it’s
okay.” Norma stood up. She pulled Aspen up with her. “Thank you
very much for your hospitality, but I think it’s best if Aspen and
I leave now.”

“Mom, wait.” Aspen drew her dream catcher
from underneath her T-shirt. “Uncle Leeman isn’t lying. Watch

She pressed her finger into the indentation
on the charm and concentrated hard. A burst of energy rushed
through her body and she closed her eyes. Seconds later, she stood
in her father’s house in Lanta.

Ginny held a broom and swept the floor. She
blew a strand of fair hair from her forehead and looked at her
suspiciously. “Hey, are you here for the day?” she asked.

“No, sorry. I’ll be back soon.” Touching the
dream catcher again, Aspen felt herself transported through planes,
and a feeling of warmth traveled through her body. Once she’d
opened her eyes, she was back in Leeman’s kitchen.

Norma stared at Aspen in shock for a few
seconds. Her eyelids flickered and she fell backward. Leeman caught
her as her body crumpled, and he lifted her easily.

“Help me,” he said and strode through the
kitchen into the living room.

Aspen ran in front of him and moved a cushion
on the couch so that her mom’s head could rest on it. Leeman placed
Norma carefully on the comfortable sofa.

She looked so pale against the dark brown
fabric. One hand on the coffee table served to balance Aspen as she
knelt next to her mother on a wool rug.

Leeman paced up to the stone fireplace and
back, waiting for Norma to stir. After a while, she groaned and
opened her eyes slowly.

“Mom, are you okay?”

Norma lifted a trembling hand to her cheek
and said, “I think I’ve had enough surprises for one day.”

“I’m so sorry.” Leeman bent down and ran his
finger lightly against her forehead. “I wish that it could be
easier on you, but we had to tell you the truth.”

Aspen nodded. “Yes, Mom. It’ll be easier if
you know what’s going on. Above all, we need you to keep wearing
your dream catcher.”

Norma clutched her necklace and rubbed it

“It’ll protect you from any Chancellors
crossing into our plane. Daddy wasn’t wearing his when they came
before . . .” Her voice trailed off.

Norma sat up slowly with her back against the
arm of the sofa and spoke to Leeman. “Can you disappear just like
Aspen did?”

“I’m the leader of the clan, Norma. Our
family has been regarded as the most powerful Dream Walkers since
the beginning of time. That’s why I’m in charge now that Roman is
gone. Of course I can disappear.”

He held the dream catcher and was gone in an
instant. Seconds later he reappeared with a handful of yellow

“These are for you—from Lanta.”

Norma buried her nose in the bright blooms
and sniffed deeply. “Thank you. Roman would bring me the exact same
flowers, but he wouldn’t tell me where he got them from.” She
looked up at Leeman as he towered above her.

He gave her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry
that we had to keep this secret from you. Aspen is special in more
ways than you can imagine, and you’re under the protection of the
clan from now on. You’ll never have to worry about being alone

Norma smiled and stood up. Hugging her, Aspen
smelled the fresh fragrance of daisies in her mother’s hands. The
dull roar of a motorcycle outside didn’t make her mom tremble

Chapter 18

No School

The next morning, Aspen got up bright and early.
Sunlight teased small patterns across her bedding, and she
stretched her slim arms high above her head. The headboard knocked
against her knuckles. It was odd to have a headboard. She was used
to the feel of the cold wall before, and she’d never had bright
sunlight in her room. It would take some getting used to, but she
loved it.

Leeman had told her to stay at home. He
didn’t want her going to school until he had a chance to speak to a
lawyer he knew. Stephan wouldn’t bother them again once his friend
was done.

The air in her room was warm, and she hopped
out of bed and freshened up in the bathroom. Thirty minutes later
she’d washed, brushed her teeth, and wore a pair of jeans and a
sleeveless blue top. The silver watch looked dainty on her pale
skin, and she tilted the ring that Dylan had given her in the light
and smiled as it glittered back at her. She brushed her pale hair
until it shone, and twisted it into a ponytail before going

Norma looked refreshed and calmer than she
was yesterday. She’d added a touch of makeup to her face and wore a
pretty yellow summer dress.

“You’re looking good, Mom,” Aspen said as she
entered the kitchen.

“Thank you. I had a good night’s sleep and
feel so much better. Is your room okay?”

“Yes, thanks, it couldn’t be better. I’m so
much happier here.”

“We made the right move, didn’t we, honey?”
Norma placed a bowl of cereal on the table and poured milk into

“Of course we did.”

She handed Aspen a spoon. “Eat up.”

“Thanks, Mom. What do you want to do

“I want to bake a cake. I haven’t made one in
ages, and I’m in the right mood. What do you think?”

“Great idea, I’ll help. What can I do?” Aspen
scraped the last of the cereal from the bowl and headed for the

“Get the eggs from the fridge and the flour
in the cabinet. I’m defrosting meat for dinner tonight. Leeman’s
fridge is so full that I don’t need to go shopping for another few
days at least.”

Norma opened a drawer and retrieved utensils
for baking.

The front door opened and voices hummed in
the entrance hall. After washing the bowl, Aspen dried her hands on
a towel and went to investigate.

Her heart pounded instantly as she caught
sight of Dylan talking to Leeman. He looked incredible in a pair of
jeans and a tight black T-shirt. The material hugged his upper
arms, showing off his biceps to perfection, and his dark hair
gleamed. He stopped talking and stared at her intently.

Leeman turned around and noticed Aspen
standing behind him. “Princess, Dylan came to see how you were

“Hey, Dylan, come on in.” With a breathy
voice, she motioned for him to join her. “My mom’s in the kitchen.
We’re about to bake a cake.”

“Perfect timing.” He grinned and walked
toward her.

The faintest trace of soap enveloped her and
he neared, and she breathed in his clean smell. His hand touched
the small of her back as they walked and electricity danced along
her spine. She was conscious of every step he took behind her, but
she managed to lead him to where her mother stood, sifting flour
over a bowl on the table.

“Mom, Dylan’s here.”

Norma looked up.

“By the way,” Aspen added, “he’s a Dream
Walker as well.”

Her mother’s eyes flickered in surprise, but
she recovered quickly. “Hey there, come on in. Honey, get him
something to drink. I’m making a chocolate cake.” She pointed to a
chair at the table, and Dylan eased into it as Aspen opened the
fridge door.

“Thank you, ma’am,” he said politely.

Aspen poured a glass of juice and placed it
in front of Dylan. His eyes followed her as she returned the juice
bottle to the fridge, then grabbed the baking pan to grease it with
butter for the cake mixture.

“Mom, Dylan and some of our friends have been
helping fix up the house that Dad built for us in Lanta.”

“Oh, really? Well, thank you so much, Dylan.
How much longer will it take?” Norma placed the dirty utensils in
the sink and walked back to the counter. She cracked two eggs on
the side of the bowl of cake mixture, and stirred.

“We’ve been working on it for a while, so
hopefully it’ll be finished soon. I’ve asked Demothi if you’ll be
able to see it, and he said he’d let me know soon,” Dylan told

“That would be incredible, thank you.” She
dribbled liquid from a small bottle into the bowl, releasing the
scent of vanilla into the kitchen.

“Mom, would you mind if I leave and go to
work on the house for a bit?” Aspen threw the buttered paper in the
trash can and placed the cake pan next to her mom.

Norma smiled. “Of course not, honey. Just
make sure you’re back for supper at six tonight. I’m making beef
casserole, and there’ll be chocolate cake for dessert.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Leeman walked into the kitchen and grabbed a
bottle of water from the fridge. “If you’re late, then I’ll have to
eat your share.”

“No way. I’ll be here, Uncle Leeman. See you
all later.” She placed her hand on Dylan’s shoulder and zapped the
dream catcher. Within seconds, the two stood in her father’s

“Wow, warn me next time.” Dylan’s eyes
widened and his mouth gaped. He’d grabbed her arm as they’d
traveled and he let it go slowly.

“Sorry.” With a mischievous smile, she left
him in the living room to walk into the kitchen. The room was
sparkling clean and neat; it was such a beautiful place.

Life was good right now. Aspen was in a
fantastic mood, and the day couldn’t get much better. Her mom had
left Stephan and they lived with her real uncle in an incredible
house and they were safe. She was in her dad’s old home with Dylan
and she didn’t have to go to school for a few days. Yeah, life was

Musing over the changes in her life, she felt
Dylan’s presence next to her. “I’ve run out of paint,” he said,
“and I think we need some more furniture polish from the

The sound of his deep voice next to her ear
made her shiver. He had such an effect on her, and she glanced over
her shoulder at him. He looked so handsome in that tight black
T-shirt. It looked like he’d run his fingers through his dark hair
recently, and his smile showed perfect white teeth. Her heart
pounded as he stepped closer.

“I think Ginny broke a mop, so we’ll have to
replace that too,” he added.

Aspen sighed. “Okay, let’s go.”

She opened the front door and skipped down
the steps into the lush grass outside. The air was hot and dry, and
the sky was light. Dylan walked down the steps and surprised her by
threading his fingers through hers. He pulled her along and she
laughed as her skin hummed pleasantly from the current in his

There was no reason for him to keep holding
her hand, but he did so until they reached the village, and she
couldn’t be happier.

The small village looked like a scene in an
old Western movie. Wagons drawn by horses made their way slowly
past the general store, and the only road through town was dusty,
with no sign of tar. A few Dream Walkers were in the street, and
small children raced past and shrieked with joy. Someone played a
piano nearby, and the notes tinkled softly in the air.

Mona’s shop was to the left of them, but they
walked past it to reach the store at the end of the road. As they
climbed the wooden steps of the shop, a loud noise rumbled behind
her, and she turned around. Dylan’s hand fell from hers as a group
of horses thundered down the road.

Ruby’s red hair rippled in the wind, making
her look like a goddess on the back of a roan steed. She maneuvered
the horse expertly into the open space in front of the shop, and
sprang nimbly from the saddle. The huge beast snorted with exertion
and tossed his head back. His eyes widened as air rushed into his
lungs, and Aspen’s good mood faded quickly.

“Dylan.” The word slipped out of Ruby’s red
lips like a caress.

“Hey, Rube.”

“I’m so glad I found you here,” she said as
her green eyes glowed. With a flick of her hands, she drew
attention to her flat stomach by retying the ends of her white
shirt into a knot above her navel. The skin on her midriff was
smooth and tanned, and she tilted her head to toss her long locks

Ray trotted up behind her and guided his
monstrous black horse next to Ruby’s. “Aspen!” he shouted. “You’re
back. I’m so glad you’re here.” He grinned and focused his
attention on her, and her cheeks reddened at his frank

Jumping off the massive animal, he patted its
heaving flanks. Cole took the reins from his friend and Caden, the
Water Walker she’d met before, remained on his horse as it trotted
up behind the group.

Ray marched up the steps and swung Aspen off
her feet in a massive bear hug. “You haven’t been at school and
I’ve missed you, pretty girl.”

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