
Read Assariyah Online

Authors: La'Toya Makanjuola

Tags: #fiction, #9781780889146, #Matador, #Assariyah: Money over Everything, #La’Toya Makanjuola

BOOK: Assariyah
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oya Makanjuola

Copyright © 2011 La’Toya Makanjuola

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For all my Grandparents! Mrs Rose Showunmi, Mr Ben Ogunnifa, Mrs Rabi Makanjuola and Prince
Oyebamiji Makanjuola. Your legacies live on. I love you all!


First and foremost I would like to thank the Almighty God for everything
he has done for me, for everything he continues to do and for everything that is still to come. Thank you Lord for never letting me go, even though I am not worthy of your love. Thank you for loving me. I love you God! I would also like to thank my wonderful mother and best friend, Juliana Makanjuola. Mummy you mean more than the world to me. Thank you for always believing in me and never saying “I told you so”, whenever I messed up! Thank you for being selfless and for all the sacrifices you made for us. You are the definition of SUPERWOMAN! I pray that I’ll be half the woman you are someday. I love you always! To my daddy Prince Lekan Makanjuola, gone but never forgotten. I prefer to say L.I.P (Live in peace) because your legacy lives on through all your children. I miss and love you so much Daddy. Thank you to my little big brother, Deji Makanjuola. I’m so very very proud of you. Thanks for reading my drafts and keeping me going. Thank you so much for blessing me with two wonderful and beautiful nephews. Kaleem and Ajani, Auntie’s babies! You bring so much joy and happiness into my life. I love y’all more than I love myself! My beautiful darling Anna-Marie I love you sweetie, keep dancing, you are a star! My beautiful Goddaughter, Ty Ty you make me so proud, I love you. Keep shining baby girl! Much love to my girl, my sister friend AsiaChinkyBaby. I see you doll, thanks for gracing my book cover, you look HOTT! I couldn’t have done this without your support. I know I drove you crazy making you read chapter after chapter. You are beautiful inside and out, thanks for always having my back. Now let’s book that trip to M.I.A! The bills are cleared baby girl. Hahaha we’re laughing all the way to the bank! Omar Williams (MeGa) Bay you are my everything! I can’t explain this feeling but it is real. As it is written on our tags, “Love is giving someone the power to destroy you but trusting them not to.” My love it is yours, I love you always. Thank you for being so real and for always making me laugh, especially when I feel like crying. Special thanks to my sexy chicas, my best friends Kelly Chin and Amoy Chin. My sisters from another mother. Over 15 years of friendship...priceless! Thank you both for always being there for me. Y’all are the best. I love you forever, stay beautiful! My fabulous Evey Eve you are a fighter. I admire your strength. Keep pushing on baby and you will always win. I love you girl! Sometimes Angels walk into your life and leave imprints on your heart, Stefanie you are an angel and I love you doll! Don’t change! LuLu you are such a sweetheart! Thank you so much for your help and effort with the photo shoot! Keep working magic with the brush, you’re a fabulous make-up artist! Last but not least I’d like to thank each and every one of you holding a copy of my book (damn it feels so good to say that!) I couldn’t have done this without your support so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! God BLESS you all! I love y’all! Never stop believing, never stop dreaming.

“Belief is definitely paramount in creating your vision but to truly be successful, you must master the art of completion.”
~ La’Toya Makanjuola




As I sit here contemplating my life, I find myself questioning my very own
existence. I’m trying to differentiate the real from the surreal, as everything I have ever known or loved has been ripped apart in a world infected by turmoil and greed. In my world there has always been a thin line between reality and r-e-a-l-i-t-y. You’re probably thinking, what the fuck is she talking about? However, before filling you in, let me take you on a journey back down memory lane. You see, in order for you to truly understand, I must take you back to the core of this deep-rooted problem.

It was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. I had longed for this moment since the tender age of five. I always dreamed of having a big Cinderella style wedding and this dream grew bigger with each year that I grew older. Now, at twenty-four, I was getting my fairytale wedding. Everything from the golden horse and carriage, to the ice sculptures of kissing swans and doves at the entrance of the marquee was all I ever wanted. The day had finally arrived and I loved every single moment of it. I walked down the aisle in my butter cream lace Vera Wang gown listening to the sexy voice of Brian McKnight singing ‘Back At One’. The lyrics definitely touched a special part of me. It was perfect and totally summarised how I felt. This was for real.

Both of our families and friends were seated in a marquee decorated with gold drapery and jewels, filled with twenty thousand white roses and five thousand vanilla candles. As I walked in, everyone turned around to look at me. They had the look of sheer joy written all over their faces and it took everything in me to fight back the tears. The sensuality and beauty of the venue was surreal, everything was perfect! I looked up the aisle and saw Cameron Simmons smiling at me. The feelings I had for him magnified and, at that moment, I knew that marrying Cameron was the right thing to do. This was the embodiment of my dream.

I couldn’t wait till I officially shared his last name. When I reached the top of the aisle, Cameron pulled me close and whispered, “You look beautiful baby.” The priest led the ceremony, turning to our family and friends before we declared our vows.

“Does anyone here know any reason why this man and woman should not be joined in holy matrimony? If so, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

I stood confidently gazing into Cameron’s eyes, surely nothing could go wrong. There was a brief moment of silence. The priest instructed us to repeat after him but before he could lead our vows, I heard a familiar voice coming from the back.

Hey my name is Assariyah Jones, a cocoa caramel beauty with long, wavy hair. I was the type of girl that every guy wanted on his arm, the one that every bitch loved to hate because she couldn’t be me.”

My heart froze, this was not happening to me, not today, not in front of my mama, family and friends. Hell No! Out of 365 days in a year, 366 in a leap year, why did this bitch choose to read the pages of my diary on what was supposed to be the happiest moment of my life? I had to do something real quick to stop her from ruining my life.

I yelled out to Jasmina, “Quit playing girl, I’m tryna get married here.” She would not quit.

“Marriage, love and loyalty, you don’t know the meaning of those words so you don’t deserve to be standing there in that ten thousand pounds gown. I won’t let you destroy Cameron’s life.”

Now everyone was looking at her like she was crazy. It was obvious that Cameron and I were meant to be together. By then Cameron was getting pissed off, the priest was looking at me for answers that I did not have and I was trying my very best to remain calm.

“Can someone please just get her out of her; we can clearly see that she is intoxicated.”

After I said that, Jasmina kicked off, making her way further up the aisle, “Nah bitch, I’m not drunk, bet you wish I was. See Assariyah I can’t leave now, what kind of person would I be if I kept all this juicy info to myself?”

I lunged straight at her in a desperate attempt to retrieve my diary out of her hands but Vera Wang restricted my movement. She was quicker than I was and moved back freely waving my diary in the air, taunting the hell out of me.

“See I knew you would try that shit,” she said.

Cameron stepped in, “Stop Jasmina! You’re making a big fool of yourself. Leave now before I throw you out.”

Then like a bull let loose Jasmina started screaming, “Cameron you think I’m the fool? Look closely at your bride and you will see that she has been making an even bigger fool of you.”

Confusion was written all over his face. Cameron turned to look at me, his frown lines were more prominent than ever. I tried to reason with her before it was too late.

“Please don’t do this Jasmina, let us get married and we can talk about this later.”

Shaking her head, she pointed at me, “Typical, you always have things your way, well today that shit stops.”

Just like that she turned the page she had carefully marked out to destroy my life. I wanted to die as she proceeded to read the venom I had so carelessly written.

I love Cameron I really do, initially I admit it was all about the money and the bling but I have grown to love him. Commitment has always been a shaky area for me but with Cam I couldn’t circumvent it. All of a sudden I couldn’t wait till I was his wife. However, the thought of sleeping with the same guy for the rest of my life was unfathomable. I figured that if I slept with Tyler one last time before the wedding then I would finally be able to commit to Cam without any regrets. So after a very crazy hen night with my girls and some sexy ass strippers I was feeling horny as fuck from having all those big dicks slapped across my face. I had to go and see Tyler; I called to tell him I was on my way.

I drove like a maniac and within fifteen minutes I was knocking on his door. As soon as he opened up I was blessed with the presence of his half naked body coated in chocolate. He was so cut and defined, 6ft 2” tall with hazel green eyes. Wasting no time he kissed me passionately, sliding one hand under my black v-shaped mini dress. Pushing my French lace knickers to the side he finger fucked my pussy, using his free hand to caress my breasts as he sucked on my erected nipples.

Damn he always knew the right buttons to tweak. My pussy was soaking wet, my juices were creaming all over his hands, my moans intensified. Realising that we were still standing by the doorway, Tyler picked me up, closed the door and placed me on his kitchen counter. Spreading my legs wide open he began to lick my pussy, Ooh aaah shit, his tongue felt so good. I couldn’t take it any longer so I grabbed his solid penis and sucked his dick like a lollipop before willing him inside me. Tyler fucked the shit out of me it was crazy. I actually lost count of the times he made me cum.

When she finally stopped reading Cameron turned to look at me with pleading eyes begging for this to be some kind of mistake. I just stood there with tears rolling down my eyes and kept repeating, “I’m so sorry Cam,” over and over again. The look in eyes turned stone cold, I had confirmed his worst nightmare.

Kieran his best friend and best man looked at me with utter disdain. He apologised to the guests who were in total shock and asked them to leave.

One by one they began to leave but Cameron invited them to stay and celebrate with him, “Don’t go home, I appreciate you all for coming today, please stay and celebrate the fact that I won’t be spending the rest of my life living a big lie with this filthy jezebel. Besides it would be a shame to let all the Beluga caviar, the lobster and champagne go to waste.”

The priest was totally out of his element surrounded by so much sin. The sighs and whispering amongst the guests grew louder but truth be told I didn’t give a fuck about what they had to say. The only person besides Cam that I felt sorry for was Mama. I had let her down real bad and embarrassed her in front of our family, our friends and a bunch of strangers. My mama was sitting in the front row crying and rocking, my sister Nayla had her arms around her consoling her. I could not forgive myself for the pain and hurt I had caused. I walked towards them trying to obtain eye contact with Mama.

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