Assassin's Kiss (26 page)

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Authors: Sharon Kay

Tags: #Watcher's Kiss series

BOOK: Assassin's Kiss
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With a thud, his back slammed the ground. His body absorbed the blow, muscles acting on years of experience with portal drops. Low shrubs tipped with tiny flowers surrounded them. And mixed in was the unmistakable white sage plant, its pale leaves stretching wide to soak up the generous sun.

“You okay?” He stroked a hand down Tessa’s back.

“Yes.” She raised her head, dark hair a wild mess around her face. “I’m good.”

He grinned and threaded one hand into the hair at her nape. “You already look like I ravished you.”

“Mmm, really?” Her voice was an audible caress. She didn’t move from her position lying on top of him.

“Hell yes. And as much as I want to spend hours doing just that, I need to scan the area. Shouldn’t be any wolves in this climate, but who knows. We can’t assume anything anymore.”

“Okay.” She straightened. “Good idea. There can be snakes around here too.”

He got to his feet and offered a hand to help her up. “You didn’t really need white sage, did you?”

She traced a finger down his arm. “Well, maybe not right away, but eventually we’ll need it.”

“I like how you think.” He took her soft fingers in his and surveyed their arid, wide-open surroundings.

The ground contained ridges, dips, and hollows, all covered in hardy vegetation. White, yellow, and pink wildflowers tipped many of the sturdy green stalks, bending and dipping in the breeze. Fat bumblebees skipped from bloom to bloom and dragonflies dipped and danced in pairs.

An occasional copse of trees sprang up here and there. Scorpio searched for the nearest cluster. “Let’s head that way.” He slid one arm around Tessa’s waist and started to steer her to the trees, but she stopped.

“Wait.” She pointed to a thick cluster of sage at her feet. “This is perfect. I need to grab as much as I can.”

“Okay, go for it. I’m going to look around.”

Tessa knelt in the sandy soil and began deftly snapping the stalks near the base. She stopped to smell the leaves, inhaling with a grin. “These smell amazing.”

Scorpio’s mind was already on the other scents he might pick up, namely, those of predators. He stepped away from Tessa and walked methodically, studying the ground, checking for local critters, and listening for potential predators. All the while, he kept part of his senses trained on Tessa, who hummed as she gathered her fragrant leaves.

A vision barreled through his mind, of her tending herbs and humming at Watcher HQ. There was plenty of sun and shade on the grounds, and he was certain she’d find a good spot to grow what she needed. The staff witches already had a garden. Maybe she’d love that one, or maybe she’d add to it…

He shook his head. He wanted her to come live with him at HQ. But what did she want? Would she insist on staying here with her coven?

That would mean giving up his Watcher duties. Or maybe not. Maybe he could work remotely. As long as she took him as her mate, he’d make the rest of their lives work out somehow.

He completed a wide circle around Tessa and jogged toward her. She moved from one plant to the next, taking only a few stalks from each, but a huge pile lay behind her. “Did you bring a magic sack to haul that all back?” he asked.

“I always have a way to bring stuff back,” she winked. “Did you find anything?”

“Just the usual non-predatory snakes and lizards. No other tracks or scents.”

“That’s good.” She looked up and pointed. “And those guys have their own enemies to worry about.”

He followed her gaze to a hawk in a death dive. At the last second, in a flurry of wings and talons, it grasped a snake and flew straight up into the air. The unfortunate reptile twitched, but its fate was clear.

A chill zipped up his spine as a correlation slammed into him. That snake certainly wasn’t defenseless, but it was no match for the raptor. He grabbed Tessa’s hands and pulled her up. “I don’t want you going to Vespera. I can’t see anything good coming of this arrangement.”

She cupped his jaw. “I have to. And I’ll be okay. Damien doesn’t want to hurt me and risk possibly impairing my ability.”

He slid his hands to her waist. “If he hurts you, I will kill him.”

Sadness reflected in her eyes. “You can’t. He’s unstoppable.”

He arched a brow. “I’ve stopped many unstoppable creatures.”

“I’m sure you have, but none quite like this.” Her voice held no judgment at the mention of his past, only resignation.

He lifted his hands to her hair, pushing it off her shoulders, baring her neck. “I want you to reconsider. I can get other Watchers here. You already met Brenin. I wouldn’t be going in alone.”

“No.” Determination fired in her eyes. “We’ve already had this conversation. I won’t put anyone else in danger. Not even you.”

“I’m built for danger. More so than any of—”

She laid a finger on his lips. “Stop. I didn’t come here to talk about Vespera or Damien.”

He kissed her fingers. “You can’t ignore this.”

“I have a timeline, and it’s not up yet.” She dragged her hand down from his mouth, along his neck, and down his chest. “I want to savor every second of time before I go there. Not worrying or thinking about it. Just enjoying my days. Living like a normal person. Not acting like my life is about to end.”

“Gods, you’re stubborn.” He studied the strong, steady ticking of the pulse point at her throat. His mate was adamant and headstrong, but he was even more so, especially when it came to her.

“Yep.” She tilted her head. “What else would you expect from someone who blasted you with witchfire at first glance?”

“I’d expect a tough girl who can extricate herself from a shitty situation.”

“Exactly.” She caressed his shoulders. “I don’t let people push me around. And even though I’ll be living there, I’ll still find a way to help out with things here.”

Determination edged her voice and he knew, again, that she was done discussing this. But even if she was done, he certainly wasn’t. If she tried to leave, he’d fight it. And if for some reason she ended up at Vespera, he’d do everything in his power to get her back, and keep Bronwy safe while he was getting her out.

There was no way he’d let her stay with that maniac.

“Good, because I think you’re about to get a huge helping of that where you’re headed.”

“Hmm.” She nuzzled his chest. Her breath was warm over his heart. “What do I have to do to get you to stop talking about this?” One naughty hand dropped to the top button of his jeans.

With a growl, he swooped her up into a cradle hold against his chest. “Apparently, you know exactly what to do.” His lust outweighed his anger over her situation, at least for right now. With his mate’s intent clear, he wasn’t going to delay another second. He stalked toward the squat acacia trees that provided a canopy of shade.

Soft, sparse grass poked up from the dirt, and he set her back on her feet. She reached up to caress his nape, pulling him down for a kiss. Her lips, sensuous and sweet, met his and a surge of rightness rocketed through him.

He’d kill any other male who even dared to think of touching her.



Tessa slid her hands under Scorpio’s T-shirt, dying to feel his muscles and be skin-to-skin with him. She knew he was worried, pissed, and maybe furious at the situation but, gods help her, it was the last thing she wanted to talk about.

Plans were set. They weren’t going to change. Vespera’s trickery could defeat almost anyone. She wanted to minimize harm to others, not cause it.

All she wanted now was to feel the embrace of a man who cared about her. Who valued her past, present, future, and what she held most dear. Her people. If she were going to marry a coldhearted sorcerer, she at least wanted the memory of being truly adored, if only a few times in her life.

It would have to last her forever.

She caressed his rock-hard abs and skated her hands up and around to the powerful muscles of his back. “Take this off,” she whispered, pushing at the shirt.

He grabbed the back of the neckline and yanked it over his head so fast, her hair danced in the breeze it created. And he stood before her, broad shoulders twice as wide as hers. She stared in blatant appreciation, partly in simple awe of him. Partly because she wanted to memorize his body and brand it to her brain. Her warrior.

Thick shoulder muscles blended down into massive biceps. And the slabs of his pecs begged for her kiss. She leaned in to brush her lips across them.

“Baby.” He tugged at the hem of her tank top. “Your mouth feels amazing.”

She stepped back to let him pull her top off, then instantly pressed up against him again. She didn’t know where this crazy need was coming from, but she had to be connected to him everywhere, every inch of their bodies.

He unhooked her bra and slid the straps down her shoulders. Shivers raced across her skin at his gentle touch and when he nuzzled her hair, she tilted her head. His skilled mouth found her ear and delicately held her lobe between his teeth. She let out a tiny moan, and he flexed his hips into her.

His thick erection ground into her belly and she felt a tug deep inside her core. She went pliant, aching for him.

He scooped her into his arms again, only to lower her to the grass. He prowled over her body, caging her, and she’d never felt more protected. “Pretty little witch,” he murmured. He dipped his head to lay sensual kisses along her neck. Slight scratches of stubble on his chin only heightened the sensation. She ran her hands all over his back, shoulders, neck, anywhere she could touch, imparting a tactile memory of the hard perfection of her fighter.

He moved lower, kissing down the slope of her breast but skipping over her nipple. Instead, he moved to the sensitive underside, licking, golden eyes locked with hers. Heat and promise radiated from them.

“Tease!” she gasped. The tips of her breasts tingled, aching for him.

“You want me here?” With infinite softness, he grazed one finger across her hardened tip.

Her whole body jerked in response. “Yes. There. Please.” Her words came out in half-spoken, half breathy sounds she wasn’t sure he understood.

But he did, circling one nipple with his tongue before drawing her into his mouth. He flicked with his tongue, swirled, made her writhe in pleasure while he toyed with her other side under his wicked fingers. She wriggled as raw lust fired through her. Her core ached for contact. She wrapped her legs around him in an effort to get closer, cursing the denim between them.

He rocked into her, making her whimper. It was perfect.
was perfect. But she wanted him inside her.

She pushed at him to get enough space for her hands to undo his belt and button fly. He released her breast and pushed up onto his hands, staring down at her. “You ready for me? The hunger in his eyes was a lure she couldn’t resist. “Because I’ve got you where I want you. I know how goddamn good you feel, and I can’t go slow.”

“I don’t need slow,” she panted, frantically pulling at his fly and pushing the jeans down.

“Good.” He backed up out of her reach.

She pouted. “What are you doing?”

“Getting you naked.” He pulled off her boots and socks, then her jeans and panties were gone before she saw him move.

She stretched out, body hot with anticipation, on the soft ground. Eyes rapt, she tracked his hands as they shoved his boxer briefs down. His swollen cock jutted toward her. She bit her lip. Gods, it looked even bigger today, in broad daylight.

He leaned down over her, tucking his arms under her shoulders. He kissed her with unexpected tenderness, molding his lips to hers and licking gently with his tongue. He dropped his hips, letting his erection rest against her sex.

It was too much. She broke the kiss, dying for him. “I need you. Now.” She widened her legs, reaching her hand down to guide him where she needed him.

He nudged inside, his shaft a beautiful invasion of her still-sore tissues. But her body responded with a rush of liquid heat, and he took his time. With each thrust he sank deeper, and with each inch she felt him stake his claim on her. As he held her close, his body communicated his devotion and desire.

Tessa couldn’t process the wash of sensations both physical and emotional. She’d shut out the idea of love for so long, she was unprepared for anything in this sphere. So she responded in the only way she could—with her body. She arched up to meet him, helping him reach a spot deep inside her.

He pumped in and out, building her need as he took her body. His muscles flexed and those mesmerizing eyes shone with a gold light. “Tessa,” he gritted. “Not gonna last much longer.”

“Me neither,” she whispered. “I’m so close—oh!” Her body seized as the orgasm ripped through her. She clutched his shoulders as her hips thrust in a crazy pace, desperate for more, for faster, for all of him.

He let out a curse as his own release followed hers. He plunged deep, slamming into her so that her body bounced on the grass. With a low roar, he finished and collapsed onto her for a second. In a fluid motion, he rolled them both so he was on his back, still keeping them connected.

She stared at him as he lay with eyes closed, breath sawing in and out, chest heaving under hers. He was pure, muscled, masculine perfection. He looked like a warrior god and she knew, just knew, he would do anything she asked.

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