Assassin's Quest (48 page)

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Authors: Robin Hobb

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BOOK: Assassin's Quest
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I heard the crack of the weakened post. Slowly, so slowly, wolf, man, and railing went tipping toward the water. I lunged after them, dragging my assailant with me. As they went in, I managed to catch both the shattered remains of the post and Nighteyes’ tail. I sacrificed my sword to do it. My grip was only on the end of his tail but I held on. His head came up, his front paws scrabbled frantically against the edge of the barge. He started to climb back on.

Then a booted foot came down with a smash on my shoulder. The dull ache in it exploded. The next boot caught me in the side of the head. I watched my fingers fly open, saw Nighteyes spun away from me, snatched by the river and borne off.

“My brother!” I cried aloud. The river swallowed my words, and the next slosh of water over the deck drenched me and filled my mouth and nose. When the water passed, I tried to get to my hands and knees. The man who had kicked me knelt beside me. I felt the press of his knife against my neck.

“Just stay where you are, and hold on,” he suggested grimly. He turned and yelled back at Nik. “I’m doing this my way!”

I did not answer. I was questing out savagely, putting all my strength into reaching after the wolf. The barge surged under me, the river roared past, and I was drenched by spray and waves. Cold. Wet. Water in my mouth and nose, choking. I couldn’t tell where I ended and Nighteyes began. If he still existed at all.

The barge scraped suddenly against the ramp.

They were clumsy in getting me to my feet on the other side. The one removed his knife before the second man had a good grip on my hair. I came up fighting, caring nothing for anything else they might do to me now. I radiated hate and fury and the panicky horses followed my lead. One man went down close enough to the mare that one of her hooves stove in his ribs. That left two, or so I thought. I shouldered one into the river. He managed to catch hold of the barge and clung there while I choked his companion. Nik shouted what sounded like a warning. I was squeezing his throat and bashing his head on the deck when the others fell on me. These ones wore their brown and gold openly. I tried to make them kill me, but they didn’t. I heard other cries from far up the hillside and thought I recognized Starling’s voice raised in anger.

After a time, I lay trussed on the snowy riverbank. A man stood guard over me with a drawn sword. I didn’t know if he threatened me, or if he was charged with keeping the others from killing me. They stood in a circle, staring down at me avidly, like a pack of wolves who had just brought down a deer. I didn’t care. Frantically, I quested out, caring nothing for anything they might do to me. I could sense that somewhere he fought for his life. My sense of him grew fainter and fainter as he put all his energies into simply surviving.

Nik was suddenly flung down beside me. One of his eyes was starting to puff shut and when he grinned at me, blood stained his teeth. “Well, here we are, Tom, on the other side of the river. I said I’d bring you here, and here we are. I’ll take that earring now, as we agreed.”

My guard kicked him in the ribs. “Shut up,” he growled.

“This wasn’t the agreement,” Nik insisted when he could take a breath.

He looked up at them all, tried to choose one to speak to. “I had a deal with your captain. I told him I’d bring him this man, and in return, he offered me gold and safe passage. For me and the others.”

The sergeant gave a bitter laugh. “Well, it wouldn’t be the first deal Captain Mark made with a smuggler. Odd. Not a one of them ever profited us, hey, boys? And Captain Mark, he’s down the river a way now, so it’s hard to tell just what he promised you. Always liked his glory shows, did Mark. Well, now he’s gone. But I know what my orders are, and that’s to arrest all smugglers and bring them back to Moonseye. I’m a good soldier, I am.”

The sergeant stooped down and relieved Nik of the pouch of gold, and his own pouch as well. Nik struggled, and lost some blood in the process. I did not bother watching much of it. He’d sold me to Regal’s guards. And how had he known who I was? Pillow talk with Starling, I told myself bitterly. I had trusted, and it had brought me what it always did. I did not even turn to look when they dragged him away.

I had but one true friend, and my foolishness had cost him. Again. I stared up at the sky and reached out of my body, threw my senses as wide as I could, questing, questing. I found him. Somewhere, his claws scrabbled and scratched at a steep and icy bank. His dense coat was laden with water, heavy with it so he could scarcely keep his head up. He lost his purchase, the river seized him again, and once more he spun around in it. It pulled him under and held him there, then threw him suddenly to the surface. The air he gasped in was laden with spray. He had no strength left.

I commanded him.
Keep trying!

And the fickle current flung him again against a riverbank, but this one was a tangle of dangling roots. His claws caught in them, and he hauled himself high, scrabbling at them as he choked out water and gasped in air. His lungs worked like bellows.

Get out! Shake off!

He gave me no answer at all, but I felt him haul himself out. Little by little, he gained the brushy bank. He crawled out like a puppy, on his belly. Water ran from him, forming a puddle around him where he cowered. He was so cold. Frost was already forming on his ears and muzzle. He stood up and tried to shake. He fell over. He staggered to his feet again and tottered a few more steps from the river. He shook again, water flying everywhere. The action both lightened him and stood his coat up. He stood, head down, and gagged out a gush of river water.
Find shelter. Curl up and get warm,
I told him. He was not thinking very well. The spark that was Nighteyes had almost winked out. He sneezed violently several times, then looked around himself.
I urged him.
Under that tree.
Snow had bent the evergreen’s fronds almost to the ground. Beneath the tree was a little hollow, thickly floored with shed needles. If he crept in there, and curled up, he might get warm again.
Go on,
I urged him.
You can make it. Go on.

“I think you kicked him too hard. He’s just staring at the sky.”

“Did you see what that woman did to Skef? He’s bleeding like a pig. He popped her a good one back.”

“Where’d the old one go? Did anyone find her?”

“She won’t get far in this snow, so don’t worry about it. Wake him up and get him on his feet.”

“He’s not even blinking his eyes. He’s hardly even breathing.”

“I don’t care. Just take him to the Skill-wizard. After that, he’s not our problem.”

I knew guards dragged me to my feet, I knew I was walked up the hill. I paid no attention to that body. Instead, I shook myself again, and then crept under the tree. There was just room to curl myself up. I put my tail over my nose. I flicked my ears a few times to shake the last of the water from them.
Go to sleep now. Everything’s fine. Go to sleep.
I closed his eyes for him. He was still shivering, but I could feel a hesitant warmth creeping through him again. Gently I drew myself clear.

I lifted my head and looked out of my own eyes. I was walking up a trail, with a tall Farrow guard on either side of me. I didn’t need to look back to know that others followed. Ahead of us, I saw Nik’s wagons, pulled up in the shelter of the trees. I saw his men sitting on the ground with their hands bound behind them. The pilgrims, still dripping, huddled around a fire. Several guards stood around their group as well. I didn’t see Starling or Kettle. One woman clutched her child to her and wept noisily over his shoulder. The boy did not appear to be moving. A man met my eyes, then turned aside to spit on the ground. “It’s the Witted Bastard’s fault we’ve come to this,” I heard him say loudly. “Eda scowls upon him! He tainted our pilgrimage!”

They marched me to a comfortable tent pitched in the lee of some great trees. I was shoved through the tent flaps and pushed down onto my knees on a thick sheepskin rug on an elevated wooden floor. One guard kept a firm grip on my hair as the sergeant announced, “Here he is, sir. The wolf got Captain Mark, but we got him.”

A fat brazier of coals gave off a welcome heat. The interior of the tent was the warmest place I’d been in days. The sudden heat almost stupefied me. But Burl did not share my opinion. He sat in a wooden chair on the other side of the brazier, his feet outstretched toward it. He was robed and hooded and covered over with furs as if there were nothing else between him and the night cold. He had always been a large-framed man; now he was heavy as well. His dark hair had been curled in imitation of Regal’s. Displeasure shone in his dark eyes.

“How is it that you aren’t dead?” he demanded of me.

There was no good answer to that question. I merely looked at him, expression bland, walls tight. His face flushed suddenly red and his cheeks appeared swollen with his anger. When he spoke, his voice was tight. He glared at the sergeant.

“Report properly.” Then, before the man could begin, he asked, “You let the wolf get away?”

“Not let him, no, sir. He attacked the captain. He and Captain Mark went into the river together, sir, and were carried off. Water that cold and swift, neither had a chance to survive. But I’ve sent a few men downriver to check the bank for the captain’s body.”

“I’ll want the wolf’s body as well, if it’s washed up. Be sure your men know that.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Did you secure the smuggler, Nik? Or did he get away, as well?” Burl’s sarcasm was heavy.

“No, sir. We have the smuggler and his men. We have those traveling with him as well, though they put up more of a fight than we expected. Some ran off in the woods, but we got them back. They claim to be pilgrims seeking Eda’s shrine in the Mountains.”

“That concerns me not at all. What matters why a man broke the King’s law, after he has broken it? Did you recover the gold the captain paid the smuggler?”

The sergeant looked surprised. “No, sir. Gold paid to a smuggler? There was no sign of that. I wonder if it went downriver with Captain Mark. Perhaps he hadn’t given it to the man . . .”

“I am not a fool. I know far more of what goes on than you think I do. Find it. All of it, and return it here. Did you capture all the smugglers?”

The sergeant took a breath and decided on the truth. “There were a few with the pony team on the far side when we took down Nik. They rode off before . . .”

“Forget them. Where is the Bastard’s accomplice?”

The sergeant looked blank. I believe he did not know the word.

“Did not you capture a minstrel? Starling?” Burl demanded again.

The sergeant looked uncomfortable. “She got a bit out of control, sir. When the men were subduing the Bastard on the ramp. She lit into the man holding her and broke his nose. It took a bit to . . . get her under control.”

“Is she alive?” Burl’s tone left no doubt of his contempt for their competence.

The sergeant flushed. “Yes, sir. But . . .”

Burl silenced them with a look. “Were your captain still alive, he would wish he were dead now. You have no concept of how to report, or of how to retain control of a situation. A man should have been sent to me immediately, to inform me of these events as they happened. The minstrel should not have been permitted to see what was happening, but secured immediately. And only an idiot would have tried to subdue a man on a barge in the middle of a strong current when all he had to do was wait for the barge to land. He’d have had a dozen swords at his command there. As for the smuggler’s bribe, it will be returned to me, or you shall all go unpaid until it is made up. I am not a fool.” He glared around at everyone in the tent. “This has been bungled. I will not excuse it.” He folded his lips tightly. When he spoke again, he spat out the words. “All of you. Go.”

“Yes, sir. Sir? The prisoner?”

“Leave him here. Leave two men outside, swords drawn. But I wish to speak to him alone.” The sergeant bowed and hastened out of the tent. His men followed him promptly.

I looked up at Burl and met his eyes. My hands were bound tightly behind me, but no one held me on my knees anymore. I got to my feet and stood looking down on Burl. He met my gaze unflinchingly. When he spoke his voice was quiet. It made his words all the more threatening. “I repeat to you what I told the sergeant. I am not a fool. I do not doubt that you already have a plan to escape. It probably includes killing me. I have a plan as well, and it includes my surviving. I am going to tell it to you. It’s a simple plan, Bastard. I have always preferred simplicity. It is this. If you give me any trouble at all, I shall have you killed. As you have no doubt deduced, King Regal wishes you brought to him alive. If possible. Don’t think that will prevent me from killing you if you become inconvenient. If you are thinking of your Skill, I will warn you my mind is well warded. If I even suspect you of trying it, we will try your Skill against my guard’s sword. As for your Wit, well, it seems my problems are solved there, as well. But should your wolf materialize, he, too, is not proof against a sword.”

I said nothing.

“Do you understand me?”

I gave a single nod.

“That is as well. Now. If you give me no problems, you will be treated fairly. As will the others. If you are difficult at all, they, too, will share your privations. Do you understand that as well?” He met my gaze, demanding an answer.

I matched his quiet tone. “Do you truly think I’d care if you spilled Nik’s blood, now that he’s sold me to you?”

He smiled. It turned me cold, for that smile had once belonged to the carpenter’s genial apprentice. A different Burl now wore his skin. “You’re a wily one, Bastard, and have been since I’ve known you. But you’ve the same weakness of your father and the Pretender; you believe even one of these peasants’ lives to be worth the equal of yours. Be any trouble to me, and they all pay, to the last drop of blood. Do you understand me? Even Nik.”

He was right. I had no stomach to visualize the pilgrims paying for my daring. I quietly asked, “And if I am cooperative? What becomes of them, then?”

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