At His Throat, a Promise (10 page)

BOOK: At His Throat, a Promise
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William sat up and let Ellis slide the shirt off his shoulders. He 78


worked loose the belt and then opened William"s trousers, pulling them down, and then his underpants as well.

Swallowing heavily, Ellis took in the sight of William nude. He looked powerful. Some men lost that when they didn"t have their clothes to add bulk and importance, but William looked just as impressive. He wasn"t hard, but his cock was thickening, and Ellis had to tear his eyes away.

“Are you all right?” William asked in a quiet voice.

“Of course, Sir.”

“Would you prefer I take over?”

Light fingers touched Ellis"s cheek. “What do you mean, Sir?”

“Never mind,” said William. “Lie back.”

Doing as he was told, Ellis tried not to feel small. He wondered how Harte must feel beneath William, being smaller still.

Leaning over him, William slid a muscular thigh between Ellis"s slender ones, and Ellis tried not to rut up against it. Then William kissed him, starting out gently but quickly turning it into something primal. William"s kisses were equal parts hard and soft, equal parts biting and licking, and Ellis could do nothing more than try to keep up.

William"s broad hand moved down his neck, over his chest where a callus caught on his nipple and he hissed, and then over his belly to his groin. “Want me to touch you?” William asked.

Ellis was distracted for a moment by the question. Masters always asked the hardest things. Ellis had no right
to want it, so most of the time they forced their slave to lie. But something was happening that never had before; Ellis
William to touch him. And he thought that maybe if he was good enough, William might want to keep him.

And William liked Harte, and Harte was
like Ellis.



Would it be better to act bold and presumptuous like Harte?

“Yes, Sir,” Ellis said. And then he gasped when William"s hand closed around his cock. Maybe he couldn"t be like Harte, but surely
wasn"t so bad.

William was watching his face so closely that Ellis had to close his eyes. But that was almost worse because it made all his senses focus on the tightening and sliding of the hand on his cock.

“Open your legs, Ellis,” William instructed. Ellis raised the leg that wasn"t pinned by William"s thigh, and William"s fingers immediately sought out his balls. They lightly traced the skin, pulling a little, stretching it taut and making Ellis fight to stay still.

William kneaded and rolled and tugged until Ellis"s mouth hung open with the need to beg.

A finger teased the skin behind his balls as William kissed him again. Ellis tried to express his need through the kiss. Even with Harte it hadn"t felt so intense. With the other slave it was a mutual exploration, and with Harte being so small and so submissive, Ellis had found himself in the more dominant position, which wasn"t all that bad—better than he"d expected—but he wanted to be the one exposed, learned,

William was biting Ellis"s lower lip, pulling it away and then soothing it with soft laves. Ellis was so intent on the kiss that at first he didn"t register the finger circling his hole. When it pushed in a little, just a gentle pressure, Ellis pulled away from the kiss and panted, opening his legs more. William"s eyes were on his face, and Ellis thought he must have seen something there he liked because there was a heat in his eyes bright enough to sear. The finger pushed in dryly, and Ellis gasped, eyes fluttering at the thin line between pain and pleasure. He didn"t expect preparation, could barely hope for lubrication, but whatever the master wanted 80


to do with him was absolutely okay by him at that moment.

That was likely the sort of attitude that got slaves like Harte, who enjoyed pain, into trouble. But he couldn"t think about that.

“Turn over,” William instructed, removing his hand and pushing at Ellis"s shoulder to encourage him.

Ellis settled on his belly, legs spread wide. “On my hands and knees, Sir?” he asked breathlessly, hoping the answer was

“In a moment.” William settled over his body, thick cock resting in the crack of his ass. Ellis pushed back a little, and William chuckled. Running his hands over Ellis"s cheeks, up his back, fanning across his shoulders and finally up his arms, William said, “Hold on,” and placed his hands around one of the wooden bars that made up the headboard. Ellis clenched his fingers around it until his knuckles were white.

William settled in the space between Ellis"s parted thighs, his hands moving roughly over everything he could touch. Ellis focused his attention on holding on when William roughly bit the top of his ass, and then the side, and then closer to the middle, until Ellis was squirming and quite possibly begging.

But then maybe not, because William said, “I want to hear you,” and
Ellis begged.

William parted his cheeks and a cool rush of air made Ellis twitch. Soft kisses were placed where mouths should never be, and if Harte hadn"t warned him that William might do this, the first swipe of tongue across his entrance would have made him bolt.

As it was, he just moaned and tried to forget everything he knew about where William"s mouth was. Once he let the sensations take over, it was more enjoyable than should have been possible. William would alternate between soft, fluttering licks, and long, firm ones that made Ellis feel dirty. Then his tongue 81


would push against his hole, trying to get inside, and Ellis could only squeeze his eyes closed and whimper.

His cock was pounding with blood, his pulse echoing throughout his body, when William got up and opened Ellis"s nightstand drawer. Ellis knew there was lube there, and sure enough, William placed it on the bed beside him. The unscrewing of the cap seemed to take hours until finally a cool, wet finger brushed against his entrance and slid easily within. Another finger made him squirm with desire—it was so much better than Alastair"s impatient, indifferent fingers or even Harte"s eager explorations.

William"s fingers crooked just so and Ellis cried out, unable to even bite down on the sound as lights went off behind his eyelids.

William was merciless, pressing against his prostate until his cock was leaking steadily into the sheets beneath him.

Then the fingers were gone and replaced by something hot and blunt, and Ellis let himself sigh in pleasure. He wasn"t accustomed to so much foreplay, and his entire body was pulled taut with need.

When William pushed, Ellis could feel the ring of muscle clench and then relax, giving under the assault until William could press all the way in. When William"s hips rested against his ass, he forced himself to stay still, no matter that his body was desperate to push back and encourage the roughness he wanted.

“Fuck,” William hissed, and Ellis wholeheartedly agreed. With his hands braced on either side of Ellis, William pulled out slowly and began to thrust, each movement propelling Ellis forward with the force behind it. William was saying things both dirty and sweet, but Ellis couldn"t keep his attention on any one thing. First the words, and then the heat and stretch of his arse, and then the pain of his stiff fingers around the headboard, and then the 82


throbbing desperation of his cock.

William grabbed his hair and turned his face to the side, and Ellis finally opened his eyes, twisting his neck to accept the kiss William gave him. He could do little more than open his mouth submissively and let William fuck his mouth with his tongue, but the master seemed to approve because he groaned heartily and bit and chewed Ellis"s lips until they were swollen and wonderfully sore.

The grinding thrusts weren"t enough for either of them, and William knelt up and hauled Ellis"s hips up, though a hand between his shoulder blades kept Ellis"s upper body against the bed, and he clung to the headboard with single-minded determination.

William began thrusting with renewed vigour, and Ellis could only take it, clenching around the invasion and crying out when his prostate was hammered again and again. William didn"t touch his cock and Ellis didn"t dare to—didn"t even think of it, really—but still he came closer to climax as William brutalised his hole.

Just as Ellis could feel the low boil start in his spine, William slowed down. Without meaning to, Ellis cried out in protest. But with a firm hand on Ellis"s chest, William pulled him up—forcing his hands to let go of the only thing he felt was grounding him—

until his back was against William"s chest as William sat back on his heels and Ellis was impaled on his cock and seated in his lap.

Ellis dropped his head against William"s chest and tried to catch his breath. His cock was straining and pre-come was steadily pulsing from the tip. His hands curled into fists to keep from bringing himself off.

After a moment William still wasn"t moving, and Ellis moved his hips a little. William"s hands were roaming his body, touching 83


everywhere but his desperate cock. When his fingers pinched and tugged Ellis"s nipples, he moaned and lifted slightly off the cock before sinking back down.

“Good boy,” William said in his ear, repeating his action with Ellis"s nipples, even more brutally.

Ellis warmed at the praise, though he didn"t entirely understand.

“Well?” William prompted, his hips rocking a little, not nearly satisfying enough.

“I-I"m sorry, Sir, I don"t… ”

“Don"t what? Want to be fucked?”

“Sir, I want that very much!” Ellis said desperately, his face flaming, training notwithstanding.

“Then fuck yourself on my cock, slave,” William said in a stern voice.

William had never spoken to him like that, but there was no mistaking the ripple of desire that weaved through him, nor the inadvertent clamping of his hole in reaction.

Ellis braced his hands on his thighs and rose up, only able to manage a few inches before the angle became too difficult. Then he sank back down, exhaling sharply. In repeating the action, his thighs burned and protested, but the rest of his body had no complaint. William helped him a little with steady hands on his hips, pulling him up and slamming him back down.

“Don"t stop,” William ordered, his voice tight.

Lost in the instruction, Ellis began to feel very light, like his actions weren"t really that difficult at all. He closed his eyes and thought about pleasing William, about following the direction so well that William would praise him. And even if he didn"t, being a good boy for his master… for his
was good enough. Knowing 84


that he was doing as ordered made a warm glow spread over him, and the intensity in his balls diminished, though the overall need was no less. Pleasing Sir was all that mattered.

And then William threw him down on the bed, and Ellis barely had time to brace himself with his hands before William was fucking him brutally, yanking him back over his thick cock, grunting and bruising Ellis with his fingers on his hips. The cloudy feeling Ellis had experienced cleared, and he knew he wasn"t going to last any longer.

“Sir, please,” he groaned, hoping that permission was given quickly because he was past the point of holding back.

“Come, Ellis,” William said, interpreting Ellis"s distress correctly.

Untouched, Ellis came so hard his cry of pleasure sounded half-surprised. When the waves stopped wracking his body, he tried to hold himself up for William to finish but he couldn"t, slumping down until William propped him back up, thighs and hips slamming against Ellis until William finally came with a hoarse shout, and Ellis could swear he felt the come inside him.

When William let go, Ellis fell onto his stomach, wet spot barely even acknowledged. He could not remember
being fucked like that. Thoroughly and brutally and relentlessly and

William sat against the headboard, and Ellis tried to be pliant when his body was tugged up and into William"s lap. He moulded himself against the hardness that was all around him.

A few moments later he was trembling, and he didn"t really understand why. He wasn"t scared or even cold; he was safe and warm and had no reason to feel so strange. But even though he didn"t say anything, William seemed to understand, and he just 85


held Ellis and rubbed warm hands over his skin, kissing his forehead and telling him how good Ellis had been, how pleased he was with him.

Feeling infinitely better than he had when he"d woken up that day, Ellis let William take care of him in a way no one ever had.

* * *

For the next week, Ellis worked hard to be the perfect slave. He learned very quickly from Harte what the master"s preferences and rules were, and he followed them implicitly.

William hadn"t wanted to use him again, and for that Ellis felt both disappointment and relief. The reason for both was because no one had ever made him feel that way. Even enjoying sex was dangerous for a slave; it gave the master something to use against the slave, turning his reactions into something sordid and tawdry.

Not that he really thought William would do this, but there were flashes of hardness and even meanness in William from time to time, mostly regarding his employees or colleagues, but sometimes directed at Harte and to a lesser extent, Ellis himself. Harte took it in stride as he did everything, though, and Ellis tried not to think about it.

Harte teaching him law was painful, irritating, and exciting.

He"d never had the opportunity to really work before, and from what Harte alluded, his old master hadn"t exactly been focused on the teaching portion of slavery, either. Harte was like a sponge—he soaked everything up with room left over, but he also had surprising patience, so that when Ellis needed a second or third explanation, he was able to give it.

BOOK: At His Throat, a Promise
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