Atlantis (16 page)

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Authors: Lisa Graves

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: Atlantis
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At that very moment, as I lay staring into Elliott’s hazel green eyes, I realized none of it mattered. All the crazy mysterious things, or even reality couldn’t stop the feeling that consumed me whenever he was near. The only thing that mattered was how it felt to be near him. The magnetic pull Elliott had on me had to be a sign. All worries aside, I knew the answer to my question. I wanted to be with Elliott no matter where that might be. And now all I had to do was figure out how to make it happen.

I love you,” I whispered, hesitant and a bit worried as I waited for his response.

I know, Miele.” He pulled me back into a hug and stroked my back, causing spurts of electricity to surge up and down my spine. “Te amo anche,” he said in Italian. Even though the words were foreign to me, they spoke to my heart. He loved me also.

More than I think you will ever realize,” he added.

Tell me more.” I wanted to hear his accent color his words. I was becoming addicted to that sound.

What do you want to know?”

I don’t care.” I breathed him in deep. I wished I could always be this close to him. “Tell me more about Italy.”

About when we met?”


And he began.

Chapter 8. Napoli

Napoli was different then, than it is today. Life was simpler, less cluttered. People found joy in the immaterial things. Pleasure was found in food, family, and friends.

I worked in the Piazza Bellini, selling the fish my family caught at sea. And ever since that day I met you, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Everywhere I went, I carried around the small stone you had given me. I would find my hands in my pockets, holding it, just to hold it, and thinking of you.”

I don’t know why, but I believed him. Elliott’s story seemed to pull at long lost memories of my own. Besides, I was perfectly content to lie there wrapped in his arms, breathing him in, listening to the honey texture of his words, for all eternity if I could.

Elliott kissed the top of my head and continued.

I went about business as usual, but I found myself counting the days since we met. Sei. Sette. Otto. Nove. When it reached ten, I started to worry. Then on the eleventh day, something happened.

I woke earlier than usual. So early it was still dark, but my mind was awake, I didn’t even try to fall back asleep. Instead, I dressed for the day and went for a walk with you in my thoughts.

I had no place I needed to be, but my feet found a path all their own. I let my instincts consume me, and followed them. Somehow I knew they were leading me to you.”

Elliott paused. I looked up to see his mouth and why it wasn’t speaking. I was surprised when his free hand cupped my neck, and pulled me closer to his perfect lips. I shut my eyes. He whispered something to me in a language I didn’t understand. His lips, a feather away from mine, ever so softly brushed my lips as he spoke, sending a familiar driving sensation to my heart. Even if he had spoken in a language I understood, I wouldn’t have realized what he’d said. I was consumed with anticipation. I wanted his lips touching mine.

I opened my eyes to see what was taking so long. His hazel eyes locked on mine, pulling me deeper in love with him. Then it happened. His lips moulded to my lips, in soft sweet teasing kisses, pulling slightly away then doing it again. He kissed me without bounds. He kissed without limits.

I swear I had an out of body experience. His kiss transcended time itself. Sooner than I wanted, he started to pull back. Elliott gently nibbled my bottom lip as he pried his mouth from mine. It took me a minute to catch my breath. He laughed at my recovery time, laid back on his arm, and continued.

Sorry, I have missed you for so long, I couldn’t help myself.”

No need to apologize.” My voice was winded.

Hopefully you will be so forgiving when I never let you go.”

I smiled. Enjoying the idea of a world where I was always with him.

Where was I before you distracted me?” he said wryly.

Instincts. . . I think.”

He smiled down at me and winked. “That’s right.”

I ended up strolling the cobblestone street of Via Dei Tribunali, heading for San Lorenzo Maggiore. I remember how it had rained earlier. The streets were still wet and they shined in the moonlight. It had to have been three or four in the morning, for the streets were as quiet as the dead. When I stood outside the church, I was surprised that my instincts pulled me further west and onto Via Duomo. My head said to go in San Lorenzo Maggiore, but my heart seemed to gravitate onward. I followed my heart.

I was surprised when the inner pull for you ended in front of an old abandoned house. Now remember, the houses weren’t like your house today. They weren’t individual dwellings, unique and standing alone. They were, and still are for that matter, large building complexes broken up into individual living quarters. The one I ended up standing in front of was mossy green with an aged, neglected oak door. Without a second thought, I opened the door and walked into the main hallway.

The hall was in much the same condition as outside. The cracks that ran along the plaster walls were deep. I still remember being nervous of my foreign surroundings, but I just kept repeating in my head
I want to see Lillianna, I want to see Lillianna
over and over again.

I can still see the door of the abandoned apartment clearly in my head. It was the apartment furthest back from the street on the ground floor. The door was solid wood, and grimy with dirt and oil. A vacant sign hammered on it. “I couldn’t figure how such a dodgy place would relate to you. Then again, look where I found you the first time. I was on a mission. Against my better judgement, I knocked. The sound seemed to boom in the silence.

I was surprised when the door creaked open as a result of my knocking. I hadn’t realized it was open before, or not fully closed. I’m not sure. I slowly walked in. I was glad when the place appeared to be abandoned, like I had originally thought. I closed the door behind me with a creek. My hand still held the stone in my pocket as I whispered into the dark room, “Lillianna.””

Elliott paused, letting the solitude around us in my park add to the mystery of his story. The sunlight filtered down through the trees. The wind spiraled around us and the leaves chimed together, playing songs of summer. But it all was background compared to the person that lay beside me in that grassy cove.

What happened?” I said breaking the hushed silence.

You don’t remember anything?” Elliott asked me, one eyebrow raised.

Sorry, but no.”

Good thing I do then.” He flashed his brilliant smile at me. I wanted so much for that mouth to kiss me again. “Actually you are lucky I survived to tell the tale,” he added dramatically.


Because you nearly gave me a heart attack!”

You’re sure it was me huh? I still don’t recall being in Italy - ever in my life.”

Correction. Ever in

My eyes furrowed in confusion and I shrugged my shoulders. “Non so.”

What did you just say?” Elliott’s eyes locked on mine with such an intensity that I forgot what I said.

I don’t know.” What had I said? The words just came out. It was as though they were buried deep within me. A dormant memory.

Elliott looked really flustered. He propped himself back up on his arm, leaning on his elbow, and starred deep into my eyes.

I looked around, confused. “What? What did I do?”

Sorry, Miele. I’m really confused.” Elliott’s fingers combed his hair.

My heart started to race. Last time I freaked him out he vanished moments later. I didn’t want him going anywhere. I wanted him right here, in my meadow, with me in his arms. “What did I do?” I repeated.

Please tell me something.”

I thought.
Please don’t let me screw this up.

Those words you just said.”

Yeah.” Where was he going with this?

Do you know what they mean?”

I shrugged as best as one could lying down, shaking my head. “I don’t know.”

Lilly. . .” Elliott’s honey voice, though strained and obviously frustrated, still called to my soul.

Elliott, I’m really confused right now.”

So am I.”

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