Aurora Rising: The Complete Collection (41 page)

Read Aurora Rising: The Complete Collection Online

Authors: G. S. Jennsen

Tags: #science fiction, #Space Warfare, #scifi, #SciFi-Futuristic, #science fiction series, #sci-fi space opera, #Science Fiction - General, #space adventure, #Scif-fi, #Science Fiction/Fantasy, #Science Fiction - Space Opera, #Space Exploration, #Science Fiction - High Tech, #Spaceships, #Science Fiction And Fantasy, #Sci-fi, #science-fiction, #Space Ships, #Sci Fi, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #space travel, #Space Colonization, #space fleets, #Science Fiction - Adventure, #space fleet, #Space Opera

BOOK: Aurora Rising: The Complete Collection
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“Understood. I would implore you to treat the contents of the report with the utmost urgency, but I suspect the report will accomplish that for itself.”

The connection ended, and he paused at the side entrance to HQ. The visuals Marano had sent were horrifying, almost incomprehensibly so. They were otherworldly, as if out of a nightmare….

A nightmare which now made the real horrors of the actual war waiting for him inside those doors seem almost welcome by comparison.

“Graham, the eve of war is not the appropriate setting for your brand of humor.”

Delavasi leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms against his chest. “Chairman, even I wouldn’t attempt such a joke tonight of all nights.”

Vranas stared at him, skepticism ranking high in his expression. “Aliens.”

“And not the fluffy bunny kind. It’s best if I just show you.” He sent the report to the screen above Vranas’ desk. “These images came in from one of our SpecOps agents three hours ago, but they’re over a day old. Apparently communications into or out of the Metis Nebula are difficult, as in impossible.”

The Chairman sank into his chair as most of the color drained from his face. “Those are…what’s the scale?”

“The dreadnoughts measure approximately 2.4 kilometers in length and 410 meters in width. There are seventy-eight of them in the visuals, but they were apparently still emerging from that ring structure when our agent departed the scene so he could get the report to us. As for the smaller ships, there are easily hundreds of thousands.”

“And this is in Metis? But there’s nothing in Metis.”

“Agreed. Clearly the portal originates elsewhere. Where that might be is anyone’s guess.”

Vranas guzzled his bottle of water and activated a holo. “Field Marshal Gianno. Apologies, but I need your immediate attention.”

The leader of the Military Council and Commander of the Armed Forces crystalized into view. She stood at a bank of screens bright with data, but turned to face them. “Chairman. Director Delavasi. What can I do for you?”

“I’m sending you a file. Take a moment to review it then we’ll discuss the matter.”

Graham stood to pace along the rug in front of Vranas’ desk while they waited. It didn’t take long.

Unlike Vranas or even Graham himself when Michael had initially shown him the report, Gianno’s expression remained as neutral as when she had answered the holo. The woman gave new meaning to the word ‘unflappable.’

“Well this represents a complication. I don’t relish fighting a war on two fronts. Am I looking at the most up to date information we have?”

“You are.”

“Is the Alliance aware of this development?”

Graham nodded. “If they aren’t yet, I believe they soon will be.” Vranas’ eyes shot over to him in question; he gave a weak shrug. “It’s complicated.”

Gianno opened a new screen and scrolled through data too detailed to be read over the holo. “The 2
GOI Platoon on New Riga can be inside Metis in a day and a half. They’re heavily armed, fast and very covert—and should it be necessary they’re unmatched in a fight. We need updated intel and a location on these ships.”

The Chairman raised an incredulous eyebrow. “They can stand up against those dreadnoughts?”

She gave the tiniest little smile. “Well, as much as anyone can. Perhaps more relevantly, they can bug out faster than anyone can. The report states communications aren’t working in Metis?”

“Correct. I’ve set one of my Tech groups working on it, but it’s not looking like an easy fix.”

The tiny smile had already faded to a tiny frown. “The lack of real-time intel is going to be problematic. I’ll instruct the team to send back drones with updates for the time being, until we devise a better solution. Chairman, on your order I’ll initiate the operation now.”

Vranas let out a long, heavy exhale and stared at the foreboding images, then nodded. “Authorized.”

“Very well. Director, is this Agent Marano available to accompany the team? His experience in Metis and observing the ships firsthand would be valuable.”

Graham rubbed at his forehead then ran the hand through his hair. “I don’t believe he’s in the region at the moment, but I’ll request he report to New Riga promptly.”

“Thank you. It will take around twelve hours to ready the mission. If he can’t be there in sixteen, we go without him.”




the back of the couch when she came upstairs. The expression on his face was as weighty as when they’d discovered the portal and its travelers. She paused at the top of the stairwell. “What is it?”

“I heard back from Volosk.”


His eyes closed with a slow exhale that screamed weariness. He looked tired in a way she had never seen. Of course, she probably did, too.

“Alex, I need to get back home.”

“Why, so you can join the war effort?”
Damn that sounded snippy. She hadn’t meant it. Unless it was true.

“So I can do my
. Listen, I don’t want this war any more than you do—almost certainly less—but they didn’t ask me.”

“And the army of invading aliens?”

“My top priority—my only priority. They want me to join a team heading into Metis for a more extensive investigation. Which is a good thing—it means they’re paying attention to the threat.”

She flinched and spun away, toward the kitchen. Tea. She needed tea. It kept her mother absurdly calm, no reason it shouldn’t do the same for her, right? Her pulse pounded in her ears, causing his voice to sound distant, all echo-y and muffled. Why did she feel as though she was about to panic?

“No.” Her voice was so soft she hardly heard it above the

Silence lingered for aeons.


“No, you can’t go home right now. We passed New Orient hours ago and are well into Alliance space.” She half-turned to him, leaving herself the option to retreat again. “At this point I can’t afford to turn around. I’m sorry, you’ll have to come with me.”

He blinked at her. His jaw solidified into a chiseled line. His lips pursed together. He blinked again. She could
his eyes darken, until they were the color of the Pacific under a moonless night sky. “So I’m still your prisoner after all.”

“There’s no reason to look at it that way….”

“Not really seeing another way
look at it.”

“I told you before, I need you with me when we get to Earth.”

“You need me. Tell me Alex, how exactly do you
me—and don’t even try the ‘two voices are better than one’ line, because that is

She wished then she were the recipient of an expression of pained patience, as it beat being the recipient of the expression he wore right now by several parsecs. But she had no answer for him. She couldn’t have an answer for him.

“I guess you’re still my prisoner then.”

“Well. That’s…outstanding.” The tight muscles along the line of his jaw flexed. Abruptly he pushed off the couch and started down the stairs.

“Where are you going?”

“To take a shower. A long one.”

“But you already—”

He paused mid-step, but didn’t even glance up at her. “I. Don’t. Care.”

She watched him disappear down the stairwell.
Terrific move, Alex. Top notch.

She walked slowly to the cockpit, tea forgotten. She sat and toed the chair in aimless circles and tried to puzzle out precisely why she had done it and what she had expected the result to be. But she hadn’t expected any result, because she hadn’t thought. Instead she had panicked and reacted instinctively.

Which wasn’t like her at all. She felt…detached, untethered. Like the firmament of the world had been yanked out from beneath her, leaving her adrift without an anchor. It was odd, since she usually felt
grounded in space, on her ship, sailing amongst the stars. Now though, her beloved stars had become the enemy. And she was on the verge of turning an ally into another one.

But when he reappeared upstairs half an hour later, she couldn’t bring herself to retract her declaration. She told herself once he cooled off it would be fine. “Listen—”


“I only—”

“And I said

Okay, not quite cooled off just yet.

He practically stalked over to the data center. “Give me access to the raw data. I’m going to search for anything else to help the team heading in.”

When she didn’t respond, his gaze rose to find her. Her brow had furrowed in uncertainty at him.

“Alex, give me access to the raw data.”

The tone of his voice brokered no argument, permitted no resistance. She found she was standing and walking over.

She entered a sequence in the holo control panel then reached across and activated the interface in front of him. Their shoulders touched, and she looked up at him; he didn’t look down at her.

She swallowed and backed away. “You can access whatever you need from there. I’ll be over here working…if you have any questions.”




from a ceiling adorned in thousands of fiber-optic icicles. The orchestra occupied a circular raised dais in the center of the room so their dulcet strains could be heard throughout the space without overpowering any portion of it. The bar and buffet lined the left wall, split in the middle by the cake—an enormous affair which spelled out ‘Happy 50
Anniversary.’ It should provide sufficient pieces for the 640 guests. She had underestimated.

War may have been declared the day before, but it had not yet hit the radar of
social scene. That much was certain.

Kennedy entered the room fashionably late, having just arrived on the suborbital from Manhattan where she had picked up her dress, her shoes and her date. The dress was sea foam lace, the shoes translucent strappy heels and the date the CEO of a startup solar-power satellite firm. He also happened to be an old friend from university, and more than happy to entertain her when she came to town…or Earth for that matter. It was a shame she had never managed to fall in love with him, because he genuinely was quite a good time and a good friend on top of it.

She leaned in close on his arm. “Oh my. I haven’t lived here in twenty years, I don’t recognize any of these people—except the famous ones, obviously. You run in these circles, help me out, Gabe.”

He chuckled. “Well, to the left is your brother, alongside his dashing husband. And there toward the middle near the orchestra are your mother and father. If I’m not mistaken, they’re talking to the Alliance Attorney General and the District Governor.”

“They are such ass-kissers. And you’re a smart ass.” She sighed and rolled her shoulders gamely. “I suppose we should go speak to them. But I see Tara Singleton over there eyeing the cake—we’re escaping to her at the soonest available opportunity. Oh, and drinks first.”

He gestured for her to lead the way. “You know, if you dislike your parents so much, why did you travel over three hundred parsecs to be here?”

“Because it is
. Because I deplore making a scene, even by my absence. And because I don’t dislike them—I’m merely bored by them.”

Her parents were intelligent enough people. Capable and shrewd. In their years together they had served as excellent stewards of the family fortune, growing it by over forty percent while investing handsomely in the economic and environmental improvement of the Texas coast and Louisiana delta.

But they didn’t
anything. They didn’t
anything. The family fortune existed solely due to the genius and sheer determination of her great-great-grandmother, whose design of a commercially viable Woodward-Mach impulse engine opened the solar system to colonization and development. Sixty years later the sLume drive opened the galaxy to the same and rendered the impulse engine a commodity, but those were a very lucrative sixty years.

Though her great-great-grandmother had died in a construction accident during the early days of the Jupiter orbital habitats, her devoted husband had ensured her legacy endured. Yet each generation since had been less impressive. Her great-grandfather helped improve the radiation shielding necessary for interstellar travel, while her grandmother and granduncle contented themselves with managing—but not improving—deep core oil drilling in the Gulf. Her uncle was a representative in the Earth Alliance Assembly and served on several environmental committees. Her father…he simply married well.

“Dad, how are you?” She smiled broadly as she hugged him, careful not to spill a drop of her drink in the process. As she pulled back the smile remained firmly in place. “Mom, you look ravishing, as usual.”

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