Autobiography of Mark Twain (183 page)

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Streamer, Volney, comp.
Voices of Doubt and Trust
. New York: Brentano’s.
In Friendship’s Name
. 14th ed. New York: Brentano’s.
Strong, Leah A. 1966.
Joseph Hopkins Twichell: Mark Twain’s Friend and Pastor
. Athens: University of Georgia Press.
Sweets, Henry H., III.
1986a. “Cave’s Fun Disguised Inherent Commercial Wealth.”
The Fence Painter
6 (Summer): 3.
1986b. “Hannibal’s Great Cave Is Steeped in History.”
The Fence Painter
6 (Summer): 1–2.
Teller, Charlotte. 1925.
S.L.C. to C.T
. New York: Privately printed.
Thayer, William Roscoe. 1915.
The Life and Letters of John Hay. 2
vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
. 1958.
Traveling with the Innocents Abroad: Mark Twain’s Original Reports from Europe and the Holy Land
. Edited by Daniel Morley McKeithan. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
Ticknor, Caroline. 1922.
Glimpses of Authors
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Tinkham, George H. 1921.
History of Stanislaus County, California
. Los Angeles: Historic Record Company.
Tooke, Thomas. 1838–57.
A History of Prices, and of the State of the Circulation, from 1793 to 1837; Preceded by a Brief Sketch of the State of the Corn Trade in the Last Two Centuries
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Towner, Ausburn [Ishmael, pseud.]. 1892.
Our County and Its People: A History of the Valley and County of Chemung from the Closing Years of the Eighteenth Century
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Tozzer, Alfred M. 1931. “Alfred Percival Maudslay.”
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Trumbull, James Hammond, ed. 1886.
The Memorial History of Hartford County, Connecticut, 1633–1884
. 2 vols. Boston: Edward L. Osgood.
TS. Typescript.
TS1. First typescript, in CU-MARK, made in 1906–8 by Josephine Hobby from her stenographic notes of Clemens’s dictation; it includes the Autobiographical Dictations of 9 January 1906 through 14 July 1908 and was revised by Clemens.
TS2. Second typescript, in CU-MARK, made in 1906 by Josephine Hobby; it includes “My Autobiography [Random Extracts from It]” and four Florentine Dictations (“John Hay,” “Notes on ‘Innocents Abroad,’ ” “Robert Louis Stevenson and Thomas Bailey Aldrich,” and “Villa di Quarto”), plus the Autobiographical Dictations of 9 January 1906 through 7 August 1906, incorporating the revisions on TS1, and was revised by Clemens.
TS3. Third typescript, in CU-MARK, made in 1906–7 by Josephine Hobby from the revised TS1 or the revised TS2, to serve as printer’s copy for several installments of “Chapters from My Autobiography” in the
North American Review;
it consists of four independently paginated
batches of selections from pre-1906 writings and the Autobiographical Dictations of January–May 1906, and was revised by Clemens.
TS4. Fourth typescript, in CU-MARK, made in 1906 by an unidentified typist; it includes the same pre-1906 pieces as TS2, plus the Autobiographical Dictations of 9 January 1906 through 29 August 1906 and incorporates the revisions on TS1, but was not further reviewed by Clemens.
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Grover Cleveland
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Varble, Rachel M. 1964.
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. Accessed 29 April 2009.
Victoria, Empress, consort of Frederick III. 1913.
The Empress Frederick: A Memoir
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ViU. University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
Walker, Franklin. 1969.
San Francisco’s Literary Frontier
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Wave Hill. 2008. “A Brief History of Wave Hill: 1843–1903.” = true
. Accessed 18 June 2008.
Weaver, H. Dwight. 2008.
Missouri Caves in History and Legend
. Columbia: University of Missouri Press.
Webster, Noah. 1828.
An American Dictionary of the English Language
. 2 vols. New York: S. Converse.
Wecter, Dixon. 1952.
Sam Clemens of Hannibal
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, Riverside Press.
Wetzel, Betty. 1985. “Huckleberry Finn in Montana: One of Twain’s Last Jokes?”
Montana Magazine
(November–December): 33–35.
White, Edgar. 1924. “The Old Home Town.”
The Mentor
12 (May): 51–53.
White, Horatio S. 1925.
Willard Fiske, Life and Correspondence: A Biographical Study
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Whitney, William Dwight, and Benjamin E. Smith, eds. 1889–91.
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Wilhelmine, Margravine, consort of Friedrich, Margrave of Bayreuth.
1877.Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Princess Royal of Prussia, Margravine of Baireuth, Sister of Frederick the Great
. Boston: James R. Osgood and Co. SLC copy in CU-MARK.
. 1973.
What Is Man? And Other Philosophical Writings
. Edited by Paul Baender. The Works of Mark Twain. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Winship, Michael. 1995.
Literary Publishing in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: The Business of Ticknor and Fields
. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Winter, William. 1893.
Life and Art of Edwin Booth
. New York: Macmillan and Co.
Wright, William [Dan De Quille, pseud.]. 1893. “Reminiscences of the Comstock,” in “The Passing of a Pioneer.” San Francisco
, 22 January, 15. Reprinted as “The Story of the Enterprise” in Lewis 1971, 5–10.
Young, John Russell. 1879.
Around the World with General Grant: A Narrative of the Visit of General U. S. Grant, Ex-President of the United States, to Various Countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in 1877, 1878, 1879
. New York: American News Company.
Youngquist, Sally. 2001. “Iowa Second Infantry, Lee County Iowa.”
Iowa in the Civil War Project
. Accessed 19 March 2009.
Yung, Wing. 1909.
My Life in China and America
. New York: Henry Holt and Co.
Zwick, Jim. 1992.
Mark Twain’s Weapons of Satire: Anti-Imperialist Writings on the Philippine-American War
. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below

Boldfaced page numbers indicate principal identifications or short biographies. Clemens’s frequently mentioned works are listed in main entries; his other writings are listed only under “Clemens, Samuel Langhorne,
.” Place names are indexed only when they refer to locations that Clemens lived in, visited, or commented upon. Newspapers are listed by city, other periodicals by title. Entries for Clemens’s family members, friends, and employees do not include references to their photographs, which may be found following page 204.

A. B. Chambers
“About General Grant’s Memoirs,”
Adams, Henry
Addicks, J. Edward
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
money earned from
prototypes for characters
sources of content
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
McDougal’s cave
prototypes for characters
sources of content
African Americans: fundraiser for Tuskegee Institute
minstrel shows.
See also
Agassiz, Alexander
Agassiz, Louis
Aguinaldo, Emilio
Ainsworth, William Harrison
Albert Edward, Prince of Wales
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
“Robert Louis Stevenson and Thomas Bailey Aldrich,”
Alexander, James W.
Alexander VI (pope)
Alexander the Great
Alexander and Green
Alighieri, Dante
Allee, James Frank
Alonzo Child
Amalgamated Copper Company
Ament, Joseph P.
Ament, Judith D.
Ament, Sarah (Mrs. Joseph P. Ament)
American Copyright League
American Plasmon Company
American Publishing Company.
See also
Bliss, Elisha P., Jr.; Bliss, Francis
“Anecdote of Jean,”
Angels Camp, California
Animals: cat given Pain-Killer
Clemens family cats
compared to humans;
Jean Clemens’s love
“Jim Wolf and the Tom-Cats,”
Susy Clemens’s compassion
Anthony, James
Arnot, John
Arthur, Chester A.
Ashcroft, Ralph W.
Associated Press

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