Autumn Blue

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Authors: Karen Harter

BOOK: Autumn Blue
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Copyright © 2007 by Karen Harter

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written
permission of the publisher.

Center Street

Hachette Book Group

237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017

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First eBook Edition: June 2009

ISBN: 978-1-599-95302-1


A “redemption-filled debut.”

Publishers Weekly

“Harter finds intriguing ways to deepen her prodigal-daughter story, especially through Sam’s heightened sense of place.

But it’s the familial relationships that drive the novel home and may make it a popular choice for reading groups.”


“Beautiful prose, a poignant prodigal story, and vivid imagery.”

—Cindy Crosby,

“Superb, heart-wrenching, inspirational family drama.”

—Harriet Klausner, The Book Review Forum

“Fiction at its finest! . . . A gifted storyteller!”

—Joyce Handzo, In the Library Reviews

“A compelling story, full of warmth and heart-wrenching adversity, which Karen Harter manages with spellbinding honesty. This
novel grabs your heart and doesn’t let go, even after you’ve finished reading.”

—Mary E. Trimble, author of
McClellan’s Bluff

To Dan and Linda; my happy haven in hard times.



Praise for Where Mercy Flows


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31


Reading Group Guide


The production of this book was a family project. Since being diagnosed with the “C” word, they have rallied at my side, providing
emotional, physical and practical support. Dad and Mom, Dan and Linda, Paula and Howie, Maria, Joe and Pam, thank you. I honestly
could not have met my deadlines or even had a clear head without your help. I also appreciate the vacation therapy—cruising,
dancing, zip lines and kayaks, swimming with sea turtles; I could go on. I am eternally grateful for your faith and that we
can laugh so easily despite the circumstances of life.

To my huge bouquet of friends and extended family, thanks for the prayers and words of encouragement.

Ryan, Mike, and Jake, thanks for the love and for treating your mother like a queen. I hereby dub you knights in the kingdom
in which love conquers all.

Christina Boys, my talented editor: By the time you get through with my manuscript I am confident that we’ve got a winner.
Thanks also to Brynn Thomas and the entire team at Center Street who have helped to make this book a success.


, it would be by the woods. It was always the woods. Even when it had been perfectly safe for him to lollygag along the street
in broad daylight, Ty had always preferred a floor of decaying leaves and fir needles and a ceiling of sky or green boughs.

The woodlands behind their house edged a gully formed by Sparrow Creek which meandered all the way to the edge of Ham Bone,
wrapping around the town’s east side. Tucked between stands of trees were houses and pastures, churches and schools, all snuggled
against the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. Surely by now Ty knew every square foot of his territory as well as the wild
creatures that watched him come and go.

When her son was younger, he returned from his adventures with wildlife specimens: mud puppies, red-legged frogs, little tree
frogs with emerald skin as smooth and damp as avocado flesh. Ponds and streams held more treasure for him than fleets of Spanish
galleons. He spent countless hours combing his fingers through murky water and mud in search of baby catfish or wading through
lily pads, jeweled dragon flies circling above as his keen eyes scanned for bullfrog nostrils breaking the surface of the
water. Long ago, she had learned to let him go. Having the instincts of a wild creature, he was certainly safer in his beloved
woods than on the county roads. Sidney always knew her son was on his way home when the dog, panting and covered with burrs,
preceded him to the back door.

She stood at the kitchen sink, a cereal bowl in one yellow-gloved hand, the other submerged in gray soapy water with a scrub
brush. Through the window, her eyes skimmed over the dog run where the grass was as worn as the knees of Tyson’s old jeans,
searching—as she had for days—the edge of the trees behind the house.

The landlord had not bothered much with landscaping. He simply cleared the lot and plopped a used mobile home in the middle
of it with a For Rent sign in the front yard. Some grass just naturally filled in, seeded by overgrown pasture land on either
side of them, but had not flourished due to a long, dry summer. The only shrubs were clumps of jagged Oregon grape and leathery
salal spilling from the shade of cedar trees that formed the back boundary. The two dead azalea bushes in front didn’t count.

Vaguely she heard her daughters’ laughter from their bedroom. She felt the dog streak behind her and didn’t notice until the
girls ran past shrieking with delight that their brother’s German shepherd looked like the Big Bad Wolf disguised as a grandmother.
He came through again, shaking his head to rid it of a pink doll bonnet, limping every time he stepped on the shawl that had
slipped around his neck. They would never get away with that if Ty were home. He had a thing about that dog.

“Come here, Duke.” Sidney pulled the wool scarf over his head, snagging the bonnet along with it.

“Mom!” Sissy whined. “Why did you do that? He likes it. Don’t you, Duke?”

“Look at his tail, Sis. See how droopy it is? That’s how a dog says he’d rather be anywhere but here right now. Rebecca, put
him outside, please.”

“Should I put him on his dog run?”

Normally Sidney would have insisted on hooking the leash up to the long wire that ran between two posts out back. A dog should
not be roaming the neighborhood free, even outside town. Some cars still sped through pretty fast. Besides, it wasn’t fair
to the neighbors. Old Mr. Bradbury across the street would not be pleased to find his peonies trampled or, worse yet, a pile
of dog poop on his perfect lawn. “No. Just let him go.”

Rebecca giggled as she opened the back door. “Now look at him! He’s happy!” The dog’s bushy tail swung like a reaper’s scythe
as he slipped through the opening and bounded into the yard. The girls went back to their play.

Sidney lingered at the window. If Ty was watching the house from the woods, contemplating coming home for a warm bed and a
home-cooked meal, that dog would know it. They were normally as inseparable as twins. Duke bounded across the yard, sniffing
and peeing here and there along the wire-fenced edges. Once he stopped, his nose lifted high into the wind. Her hopes rose.
Then he turned and wandered off, not toward the woods, but on a haphazard trail with no apparent destination.

She had searched all morning, picking up where she left off the night before when darkness fell about a mile down the course
of Sparrow Creek. She wondered as she trudged along trails made by animals and children, thrashing through thick tangles of
huckleberry in less accessible spots, if she should have started upstream instead of down. Or if Ty had hidden himself far
away from the creek in the deep, mysterious woods of the foothills or beyond.

A thin branch had whipped her face. The sting of it was all it took to bring on a good cry, one that needed to come. She had
plopped herself down on a fallen cedar and let her sobs fill the woods. Birdsong fell silent as she rocked with her arms wrapped
around her ribs to keep her heart from exploding. It was a lonely thing to raise a fifteen-year-old boy alone.

She rinsed a plate and set it in the draining rack while her eyes swept the terrain outside her kitchen window, across the
rolling blue-green stands of evergreen trees to the east. Wherever Ty was, it was too far away. The tension she felt on that
invisible cord that every mother knows is not really severed at birth was a constant, almost unbearable pain.

It was harder to cope on a Saturday. At the office, her worries had been interrupted by phone calls, working up insurance
premium estimates, and the usual computer work. But today she just couldn’t quell her imagination. He didn’t even have his

Ty had been missing now for just over a week. On her lunch hours she had cruised the streets of town, checking the library,
behind grocery stores, under bridges. The Winger County Sheriff’s Department was searching for him too and promised to call
her as soon as they had any information. She hoped to find him first. Her angry, rebellious boy. Was he safe? She had a need
to touch him, to apply her love like a salve to invisible wounds, to make everything all right. This need overwhelmed her
desire to bend him over her knee for a good old-fashioned spanking. It was too late for that; he had grown almost as tall
as she was.

She finished the breakfast dishes and then, without planning to, found herself cleaning out the fridge. She dumped the last
of the broccoli lasagna into the garbage disposal. Tyson’s favorite. Well, it wouldn’t keep forever.

“What’s for lunch, Mom?” Seven-year-old Sissy crawled onto a tall stool, plopping her pudgy forearms on the breakfast bar.
She peered through long brown hair, uncombed as usual. She was still wearing her T-shirt from yesterday with flannel pajama
pants that exposed her belly. It was not a fashion statement.

“Didn’t you just eat?” Sidney had left fruit and cereal out for the girls in case they woke up before she returned from her
search, which she had started just after dawn.

“That was a long time ago.” Rebecca joined her sister at the counter. Her lighter hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail,
a style she wore often since getting her ears pierced.
the other girls in the fourth grade had their ears pierced, according to Rebecca, and Sidney had finally succumbed. She was
learning to choose her battles wisely. Some things just didn’t matter in the long run.

“Okay.” Sidney began rummaging through the fridge. “How about egg sandwiches?”

“With tomato and avocado!” Sissy said.

“And onion,” Rebecca added.

Sidney felt like a short-order cook, but didn’t mind one bit. The only thing missing was the third face that should have been
lined up at the breakfast bar. It was their gathering place—the center of her family’s world, it seemed, where the day’s stories
and silly jokes were told, problems discussed, while Sidney sliced, chopped, sautéed, and stewed. Ty loved to taste-test her
concoctions, especially muffins straight from the oven and too hot to hold.

“Mom, don’t forget the fair tomorrow.”

Sidney wiped her hands on a towel. “Oh, Sis . . .”

to go. Tomorrow is the last day! And you promised!”

“I did?”

“A long time ago. Don’t you remember?”

“But your brother might come home.” If he wasn’t home by then, she knew she had to be out combing his usual habitat, maybe
above the bridge next time.

Rebecca shrugged. “If he comes home, he can just let himself in and we’ll see him when we get home.”

“He probably followed a wild animal way up to the mountain,” Sissy suggested innocently. The girls didn’t know the true circumstances
of Ty’s disappearance or their serious implications. Sidney didn’t want to frighten them. “Don’t worry, Mama. He’s just having
an adventure. He always comes home.”

Sidney busied herself with frying eggs, slicing tomatoes, and toasting bread. She tried to banter with her daughters, but
every sentence fell flat. Would he come home today? Or slip into his bedroom during the night where she’d find him safely
curled beneath the covers of his own bed in the morning? She could only hope.

The girls chattered about the fair while they ate their sandwiches. Sidney couldn’t say yes, but then again she struggled
with saying no. She’d been neglecting them lately. When they finished lunch and scooted off to their room she felt relieved.

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