Autumn Fire (7 page)

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Authors: Cameron D. James

Tags: #erotic gay romance

BOOK: Autumn Fire
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“What about Friday?” Dustin asked, before Kyle could express his indecision. “We could meet in the afternoon, at 1:00 p.m., like yesterday—the cafeteria should be quiet, then.” Dustin hoped the reprieve of Wednesday and Thursday in addition to the somewhat guarantee of a non-sex-charged study venue would be enough to sway Kyle in favor of the proposal.

Dustin could sense a war being waged within Kyle, one he assumed could go either way. He wasn’t aware he held his breath in anticipation of Kyle’s decision until he let it out when Kyle finally answered. “Yeah, I think I can make Friday work.”

Dustin put a small smile on his face while his insides danced around with joy.

Still elated when he returned to his dorm room after grabbing some dinner in the cafeteria, Dustin opened the door to find Jason lounging on his bed with a textbook in his lap. Dustin dropped his bag on the floor and flopped down on his bed, across the small room from Jason.

“How’s tutoring going? Angela wants to know if it’s helping.” Jason apparently looked for any excuse to toss his textbook aside.

Dustin put his hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling. “It’s going good. Kyle knows his stuff and we seem to click well as student and tutor.”

“Cool.” Jason sounded distracted. Dustin glanced over to find him furiously tapping out a text message on his phone, probably relaying info to Angela.

“Now, on to more important matters.” Jason put his phone down. “Stefenie.”

Dustin managed to refrain from cringing, but just barely. “What about her?”

Jason swung his legs over the edge of his bed, leaning in closer to Dustin. “Why haven’t you called her?”

He stared at the ceiling and kept his voice neutral. “Like I said this morning, I didn’t really feel a connection.”

“And like I said this morning, a private date would be a whole different beast than a double date.”

Dustin quelled his irritation. He knew Jason only badgered him out of the goodness of his heart. If he knew the truth about Dustin, would he try to set him up with guys or just ignore the whole dating thing altogether?

“Why do you care so much?” He kept as much accusation out of his voice as possible. He wanted to hear it from his roommate directly, not from Angela.

Jason took a long time replying, likely choosing his words so he didn’t come across as too gay. “I care about you, Dustin. Yes, we’re roommates, but I’d like to think we’re friends. I sense school is getting to you, wearing you down, draining your energy. You’re my friend and I want to see you happy.”

Dustin turned his head at the heartfelt words to watch his roommate. Never too sure what to make of Jason—an athlete, but not a typical jock, driven more with his heart than his dick—this added more contradictions to the puzzle. If Jason acted like a horn-dog musclehead, Angela wouldn’t give him the time of day. Dustin appreciated Angela’s high standards, ethics, and morals, and if she dated Jason, then it meant there was more to Jason than what met the eye. Perhaps, for some reason, he’d hidden it from Dustin.
Until now.

Dustin felt defeated. He didn’t want to go out with Stefenie, felt zero romantic attraction to her, but he wanted to acknowledge the work Jason tried to put into improving his happiness.

He stifled a sigh and pulled out his phone. “Would a text work?”

Jason beamed. “You bet, bro.”

A cold sweat formed as he typed out a brief message and hit send. He would go out with Stefenie once to make Jason happy, but he would have to play it careful, to make sure the date stayed as uneventful as their Mexican dinner.

Ten minutes and several texts later, he’d set up a date with a woman, his first in years. He would meet Stefenie at Spring Break—the campus pub—on Thursday evening for a drink.





Wednesday’s classes were a struggle to get through.

Through economics, he barely managed to contain a freak-out, terrified Kyle might still run away. Their talk in the library got very personal, very fast. Back when Dustin had been like Kyle, he would’ve turned and run when anything got too hot and too heavy. And as economics class neared its end, Dustin began to wonder what, exactly, he felt for Kyle and how he would feel if he really did run away. Would it bother him if he never saw Kyle again?

He scribbled notes from the board mechanically, but nothing sank in. In the brief break between classes, he ducked outside for a quick few moments of fresh air. The cold wind brushed against his cheeks and filled his lungs. He exhaled slowly, pushing worries of Kyle out with his breath.

When a shiver overtook his body, Dustin stepped back inside. He rushed to political science and found a desk as the professor began her lecture. Jotting down notes, his mind drifted again. This time, though, his thoughts didn’t stray to Kyle.

What did Stefenie expect tomorrow night? Dustin dreaded the prospect of a romantic date with a woman. As some sort of coping technique, he instead fretted over his feelings for Kyle again.

His third and final class was linear algebra. He became rock hard as soon as he crossed the threshold. His dick strained against his jeans and he held his textbook in front of his crotch, quickly finding a seat.

He couldn’t even bring himself to attempt focusing on class. He couldn’t get his libido down enough to even try. Dustin daydreamed about the intimate discussion they’d shared in the library. No longer worried if he’d lose the man, he peeled back the layers, trying to pick up on hidden intent in Kyle’s words.

The man probably wanted a repeat, but was too scared to admit it. Dustin tapped his pencil absently against the paper as he envisioned Kyle’s thick dick dangling in front of his face. How it filled his mouth and how Kyle’s cum slid luxuriously down his throat.

The erection he’d walked into class with never went away. Students around him started packing and standing up. Somehow class ended without Dustin even noticing. He casually glanced down, relieved to find no wet spot of precum soaked through his jeans.

Dustin threw his books in his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He needed another quick walk in the cold air.

Digging his hands into his pockets, he wandered aimlessly through the grounds between the buildings, eventually sitting on a cold bench.

Dustin questioned himself again on his intentions and hopes with Kyle. Then he confirmed again he had no interest in anything beyond a possible friendship...or maybe another hookup...or two.

This obsession couldn’t be anything more than some sort of crush, though unlike any he’d experienced before. Dustin didn’t want a relationship. He wanted sex and his lust-addled mind jumbled up things.

Dustin needed to find a way to get past it, to get over Kyle and move on.

Despite reassuring himself he wanted reduced contact with Kyle, the day’s ever-persistent fear returned. Would Kyle suddenly have a change of heart and disappear? Yes, the man agreed to another tutoring session, but he could always back out before then. But if Dustin wasn’t interested in anything remotely serious, why did the prospect of losing Kyle terrify him so much?

When he could no longer contain his shivering, he headed to the cafeteria for dinner. Dustin pushed his food around on his plate. The constant arousal had to be due to his lack of sex since summer and the unexpected hotness of Kyle, a perfect storm of lust and sexual energy.

He needed to get over it somehow.

More sex, lots more sex until he no longer felt drawn to Kyle, enough to sate his desires for another three months would solve his problem.

Then he’d see Kyle as a friend and only a friend who he could not and would not get sex from.

But he still needed sex. He needed to get cum-splattered, face fucked, and maybe even get his ass pounded. The more he played in the erotic pool of sexy men, the sooner he would be able to move on from Kyle.

Dustin returned to his dorm room on a mission. The room was empty with Jason at his evening class, as expected. He sat at his desk with his laptop and opened the hookup website. Dozens of dimly-lit self-photos, strategically angled to hide flab, filled his browser. Dustin scrolled through the list, giving most pictures nothing more than a casual glance.

Since he moved to Toronto from Barrie, the search results brought him a different set of men than he was used to...and a far higher volume of them. Dismal at best, the hookup scene in Barrie and the surrounding area offered very few hotties. Toronto was an entirely different story. Whereas Barrie brought back one page of results, maybe two on a good day, with mostly homely men, the online Toronto profiles ran over a dozen pages, and it seemed most were hot.

Jumping into his new sex adventure was nerve-wracking. Since he was new, he didn’t know who to stay away from, who to trust, or who to approach cautiously...

From the language used in some profiles, he could identify some types to stay away from. Drug users who liked to “party” and married men looked for “absolute discretion.” Ruling out those left a morass of men ranging from the hottest jock to one guy who made Santa look like a sex god. Not sure who to hit up in chat, he sat back to see who came to him. A few people might notice the new cock in town and hit him up. His profile picture showed his actual muscles, however small, and only helped his chances.

The site’s hit counter steadily climbed as men clicked on his profile, but the night seemed to be mostly full of lurkers, no one brave enough to start a conversation. Impatience almost made him start a chat himself, but then his speakers chimed.

The tiny avatar in the pop-up chat looked somewhat impressive next to the words
You looking?

Before he replied, he clicked on the man’s profile.
Dustin hesitated at the name.

Mid-twenties, just past the twink phase of life the chatter looked skinny but with a bit of padding beginning to form. His photo and profile portrayed a rather clean-looking guy into the wilder side of sex.

Dustin typed.
What are you offering?

Reciprocated blowjobs. I want to eat your cum, but I want you to swallow me nice and deep and let me blow my load all over your hot face. I can host.

Dustin felt his cock swell. He glanced at the guy’s profile again and read through his sexual preferences.’re not going to do anything too kinky, are you?

The response was quick.
You and I probably have different definitions of “too kinky.”
Several seconds later, kinky_fucker added more.
But I’m not going to tie you spread-eagle on a metal table and fuck you with a zucchini while you eat out my ass...if that’s what you’re wondering.

Dustin typed.
The blowjob plan sounds good. What time are you thinking? I’m already horny and ready to go.

Now works good.
Kinky_fucker sent his address, only a short bus ride from university, perfect for a mid-week hookup.

About thirty minutes later, Dustin walked up a short flight of stairs to a tall, narrow building, and stepped into the elevator. After riding twenty-two stories up, he approached a miniscule apartment.

Kinky_fucker answered the door in a leather thong with a zipper down the front, leather straps over his shoulders and around his chest, and a studded leather dog collar. He grinned widely and warmly as Dustin eyed the gleaming leather.

Trepidation swelled in Dustin. He wasn’t a prude, but he wondered if kinky_fucker might try to pressure him into something weird. Dustin could either turn around and leave, or enter and take off his shoes.

But Dustin planned to get sexed up and over Kyle and he wouldn’t if he backed out of every opportunity. He might have a secret sexual fetish bucket list buried deep in his subconscious. And Dustin knew no matter how kinky the act, he could probably force himself to get into it, at least for a bit.

“You going to come in?”

“Sure.” Dustin stepped in and kicked off his shoes. “Hi.” kinky_fucker held out his hand.

He shook it. “Hi, I’m Dustin.”

“Jake. Did you find the place all right?”

“Yeah, no problem. Only one bus.”

“That’s cool. Take off your clothes.” The command slipped in so casually Dustin first thought he misheard. The hard and hungry glare Jake gave him told him otherwise...and Jake expected him to immediately comply.

Dustin lifted his shirt over his head.

“Mmm...” Jake stepped closer and ran his coarse hands over Dustin’s torso, trailing his fingertips across the top of his jeans, up the middle of his chest, across and around his nipples, and back down again. Jake’s hands slowly unbuttoned and unzipped Dustin’s fly, drawing out the moment.

Dustin’s cock throbbed, yearning to be free, to be sucked. His balls ached, longing for release. Jake slipped his hand into Dustin’s jeans, grasping and stroking his hard meat through the thin briefs he wore.

“Someone’s excited,” Jake whispered into Dustin’s ear.

While his cock seemed to be into the situation, his rapidly beating heart revealed his nervousness. There was a different energy for this hookup—Dustin couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but it wasn’t a good energy, he was certain of that.

“You better take these pants off.” Jake’s lips brushed his ear. “Don’t make me spank you.”

Dustin’s eyes widened, though unsure if in fear or excitement, or maybe both. He pushed his jeans until they slid down to his ankles.

Jake knelt before him. He grasped the base of Dustin’s dick through his briefs then kissed and licked the shaft and head. His other hand teased Dustin’s balls and rubbed his taint.

Dustin moaned. He rested his right hand on Jake’s blond buzzed head, while rubbing and massaging Jake’s shoulders with his other hand.

Jake stopped. “Let’s go to the bedroom.” He instructed Dustin to stand near the foot of the bed.

“Are you attached to those briefs?” Jake asked.

Dustin’s eyebrow arched. “Uh...not particularly.”

Jake smiled and stepped closer. “Trust me.”

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