Ava Comes Home

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Authors: Lesley Crewe

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Copyright © Lesley Crewe, 2008
E-book © 2010
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Design: Kate Westphal, Graphic Detail Inc., Charlottetown, PE
Author photo: Morrison Powell

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Crewe, Lesley, 1955-
Ava comes home / Lesley Crewe.
ISBN 978-1-55109-676-6
E-book ISBN: 978-1-55109-802-9

I. Title.
PS8605.R48A93 2008 C813'.6 C2008-904053-8

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For Mom.

“I've got a good mother, and her voice is
what keeps me here…”
Jann Arden




























“CUT! That's a wrap, everybody. Thank you.”

Ava slumped into the chair she was standing in front of and let her arms hang down awkwardly by her sides. The skirt of her period costume created a huge bubble of material around her.

“Help! I'm being eaten alive by swathes of silk and taffeta.”

No one came to her rescue. Her co-star walked away without a backward glance and the crew was busy wrapping up on this final day of shooting—dismantling the set with unseemly haste, removing miles of cables and lights. All of them wanted to get back to the hotel and celebrate the fact that they were finally leaving the most boring small town west of the Mississippi.

The director approached, wearing a big grin. “Are you under there?”

“I think so, but I need rescuing.”

He reached for her hands and pulled her out of the chair and into his arms. “Thank you for being a real sweetheart on this shoot, Miss Harris. You certainly made up for your leading man and for that I'm forever grateful.”

Ava patted his shoulder. “Why do you insist on calling me Miss Harris? We've been together now for three months.”

He let her go but his hands stayed on her shoulders. “To give you the respect you deserve and because you're such a lady. It's been a pleasure working with you. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.”

She smiled at him. “Me too.”

“Are you coming to the wrap party at the hotel?”

“Maybe later.” She looked down at her dress. “I want to get out of this monstrosity first and put my feet up. I'm in the middle of a good book and I have to see what happens next.”

“I know you. You'll be asleep by nine.”

“No, I'll be there. I do want to say goodbye to everyone.” Ava picked up her voluminous skirt and walked towards her trailer, scooting around the cameras and empty directors' chairs. She spotted Lola, her assistant, stuffing her face at the craft service table. Lola happened to glance over at her and started to shake a pepperoni stick in her direction. “Do you need help getting outta that dress?”

“No. The buttons are in the front.”

“Okay, because I've got to go to the drugstore and pick up some Gravol.”

“Stop eating. That might help.”

“Oh, ha ha. It's for the plane tomorrow. I'll be back in fifteen minutes. Do you need anything?”

Ava shook her head. She opened the trailer door and with difficulty managed to get up the narrow stairs in the dress. A cameraman walking by saw her dilemma and closed the door behind her.

She loved coming “home” at the end of the day. All the noise and confusion outside was replaced by the classical music playing on the stereo. While it was a luxurious space, it was filled with normal things too, like books and jigsaw puzzles and balls of knitting yarn. Ava found the long hours of waiting on a movie set perfect for making sweaters, scarves, and mitts for the crew, but she usually knit when she was alone in her trailer. It was easier than enduring the inevitable comments about how boring and domestic she was.

Ava proceeded to unhook the tiny silk-covered buttons of her bodice in the living room, where there was space to move around. There have to be at least fifty of the damn things, she thought. Her fingers were sore by the time she finished. Down came the dress. She stepped out of it and tossed it on the sofa, though yards of it still puddled on the floor. She'd let Lola deal with that.

Still wearing the petticoat, Ava went down the hall, stopping to look in the bathroom mirror. She couldn't wait to wash her face, but decided to undress first. The costume designer on the film was something of a tyrant, and Ava was a little afraid of her. The last thing she needed was to get a spot of makeup on the antique linen.

She was about to leave the bathroom when she saw something move behind her in the mirror. She gasped and spun around.

“Who's there?”

Only the music played. Her heart pounded as she crept forward. “Hello?” There was no one in the hall. Lola was at the store. Telling herself not to be so silly, she walked into her bedroom and shut the door. There stood her leading man.

Ava took a step back and cried out.

He came forward and grabbed her at the waist. “Stop it. It's only me.”

She struggled against him. “Let me go, Scott. You frightened me.” “Stop with the dramatics,” Scott laughed. “The movie's over.”

“Leave me alone.”

He held her closer. “I don't want to leave you alone. You've driven me crazy for weeks and you know it. All those love scenes. You're not that good an actress. I know you want me.”

She pushed against his chest but he didn't move. Instead he reached down and put his mouth against her ear. “I've had all my leading ladies. No one's ever refused me, except you. What makes you so special?”

“Lola will be here any minute.”

Scott pushed her away and she stumbled backward. “Great. The guard dog.”

“Get out.”

He pointed at her. “All it takes is one phone call and you're back filming infomercials. I'm one of the biggest movie stars in the U.S. of A. People like to keep me happy. I'd remember that if I were you.”

“Well, I'm not one of them. Now get out of my trailer this instant or I'll call the police.”

“It's your word against mine, babe.”

“And I wonder who the police will believe after they've talked to the cast and crew?”

Scott gave her a filthy look. “You're a second-rate, stuck-up bitch. You stay out of my way on the junket, have you got that? And don't even think about showing your face at tonight's party or you'll regret it.”

Storming out of the bedroom, he nearly took the door off the hinges when he slammed it leaving the trailer. Ava put her hand on her throat to quiet her breathing. After a few minutes she went to the kitchen and took a bottle of water out of the fridge. Standing there with the door ajar, she drank half of the water. Then she carried the bottle to an armchair and dropped into it, letting her head rest against the back cushion.

Lola appeared five minutes later and emptied her shopping bag out on the kitchen counter. “They had a sale on Pringles. Do you want some?” She took the top off the long canister and shook it at Ava.

“No, thanks.”

“Good. More for me.” Lola reached in and popped a few chips in her mouth. She looked at Ava. “You okay?”

Ava nodded.

“You look tired. Why don't you skip the party tonight? We'll stay in and play Parcheesi.”

“I'd like that,” Ava whispered.

Scott and his brutish behaviour were nothing but a distant memory two months later. Ava's mind was preoccupied with something infinitely more nerve-wracking. So nerve-wracking, she peeked out from under the luxurious goose-down duvet covering her bed and tried not to scream. She'd hidden under it all night in an effort not to look at the clock every hour on the hour. They said if she got a call before 6:00 a.m., it was great news. If not, better luck next time. It was 5:50 a.m. So far, the phone was deafeningly silent.

“This is stupid.” She threw off the covers, jumped out of bed, reached for her woolly robe and slippers, and padded across the thick cream-coloured rug to the balcony doors. She opened them and stepped out into a chilly Malibu morning.

Crossing over to the far edge of the balcony, she rubbed her arms to keep warm as the sun rose. That morning the waves rolled towards the beach in uniform lines, crashing against the shoreline with a thunderous roar before disappearing back to the deep.

As she leaned over the steel railing she remembered as a little girl her father telling her that you could predict the coming weather by looking at the way a wave came to shore. But that was years ago and she couldn't remember what this particular kind of wave meant. If only she could ask one of her brothers—but she never called about something as silly as that.

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