Avalyne Series 02: The Easterling (15 page)

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Authors: Linda Thackeray

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Avalyne Series 02: The Easterling
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was perusing the one dress she owned with a frown when she heard the door knock. Crossing the floor, she answered the door expecting to find the Prince standing outside it, no doubt coming to see how she fared being a guest in his parents’ keep. He knew before entering Eden Halas that she was anxious about coming here after the gossip that followed their arrival at Eden Iolan. However, when she swung open the door, it was not the Prince waiting to see but rather the Queen.

Your highness,’ Melia exclaimed and then quickly swallowed away her surprise to answer with a customary bow of respect. ‘How may I help you?’ She asked trying not to sound more nervous than she actually was.

Hello Melia,’ Syanne greeted and realised her sudden visit had placed the girl in state of anxiety.  ‘May I come in?’

It had taken only the briefest of interaction between Melia and Aeron for Syanne to guess the nature of their relationship.
While Syanne’s first reaction was that of concern, she also knew she should not have been surprised. When it came to her youngest son, he had never done anything that was expected of him. From the very first, Aeron had always stood out among his brothers by being his own creature even when he obeyed his father’s bidding and performed his duties as a Prince. Why should she now be surprised that even in love, Aeron would defy convention to make his own choices? 

she berate him when it was she who taught him how to be this way?

Of course,’ Melia said without hesitation, stepping aside to allow the Queen entry into the room. She waited for Syanne to step inside before closing the door behind them and turning to face the lady, hoping that this meeting would not be as terrible as she feared.

Syanne stepped into the room and noted the pale blue dress draped over the bed.
‘That is a lovely dress,’ she complimented.

Thank you,’ Melia said graciously, wondering if he lady was here to warn her away from her son. ‘I am afraid it is the only one I have for this evening’s feast. I do not have many occasions to require more than one dress.’

Oh?’ Syanne declared as she went to sit down at the end of the wooden seat facing the window and patted the empty space beside her so that Melia would join her. ‘If you permit me, I am certain I would be happy to arrange something for you. After all, it is a woman’s right to spoil herself with more than one dress.’

Melia had no wish to trouble the
Queen with such a thing but Syanne was attempting to be kind and Melia had no desire to insult the lady’s hospitality. ‘If it is not too much trouble,’ Melia agreed and sat next to her, ‘I would appreciate that my lady. You are most generous.’

Nonsense,’ Syanne said dismissively with a smile. ‘I know what it is you did for my Dare’s wife. Even in Halas, we have heard the tale of Arianne’s quest and your part in it. Dare is my son too and I consider Arianne my daughter. You have helped her and my grandchild. For that I am grateful.’

a did not know what to say, the Queen’s gratitude unexpected but it did relax her a little. ‘Arianne is my Queen and during the quest both she and Celene became my friends. I could not sit by and let either of them do this thing alone if it was in my power to help them.’

You are very brave my dear,’ Syanne patted her hand gently. ‘I see why now my son cares for you so much.’

That revelation made Melia exhaled loudly and she stood up abruptly as if Syanne’s words were an unpleasant truth they had to face before going any further in their talk. She stood up and walked to the window, unable to look the woman in the eyes when she answered,
‘I wish he did not.’

Syanne stared
after her. ‘Do you not care for him?’ 

Oh my lady,’ Melia spun around and faced her again, ‘I do care for your son a great deal. I love him but you cannot think his love for me is a good thing. I am mortal and your son is not. Anything between us will only end in pain.’

At least she understood Syanne thought, even if Aeron did not.
‘Melia, please sit down,’ Syanne bade her back.

Melia obeyed,
not intending to reveal to Syanne for the true depths of her feelings for Aeron but since it was out there now, it was also quite liberating. Far more so than if they were sneaking around each other for the entirety of their stay in Eden Halas.

Syanne covered Melia’s hand with her own and squeezed it gently to show there was no animosity in her heart over the situation.
‘My son loves you. I saw it every time he looked upon you. He is my child and I love him. I would do anything to protect him and it were possible to change his mind about the folly of loving a mortal, I would do so because you are right. If he binds himself to you, he will know pain when you are gone from this world but Melia,’ Syanne’s brushed a strand of hair from Melia’s face, ‘that is
choice to make. Even if you turn away from him, he will still love you whether you are with him or not. I cannot speak for either of you but sometimes, a brief moment of happiness is worth an eternity of emptiness.’

Melia had no words to counter her but she suspected that Syanne spoke from experience and wondered if that was what her marriage to Halion was like, full of emptiness.


The dress presented to
Melia for the feast was possibly the most beautiful gown she had ever seen. It was brought to her room by one of the Queen’s ladies in waiting and Melia could not suppress the gasp that came from her lips at the sight of it upon presentation.

The fabric was the colour of sunset and the silk so delicately woven that it seemed to glide over her skin and was luxurious to the touch. The cut of it was
also flattering, clinging to her waist with a scooped neckline that was tantalising but not scandalous. Melia was certain that there were aristocratic ladies in Sandrine that would have paid their eyeteeth to wear such a dress. When she slipped it over her shoulders, she wondered if it was perhaps to ostentatious for the likes of her.

he dress was also presented with a small velvet pouch that Melia opened only after she donned the gown and released her hair from the braid she customarily wore during travel.  When she pulled the drawstring and emptied its content into her palm, Melia found herself staring at a single strand of a gold chain that was holding an exquisitely crafted butterfly pendant. The craftsmanship was so fine and intricate that Melia was almost afraid to touch it for a moment. She wondered if this was a mistake until she saw the note asking her to wear it for him.  At first she debated obliging him because this was only encouraging him but it looked so lovely that Melia could not resist. Furthermore, it would hurt his feelings if she did refused.

This time, when her door knocked again, it was
Aeron who awaiting her outside in the hall.  She supposed she ought to have been surprised to find him there. He knew she was anxious about being in Eden Halas with his family and seeing him brought a grateful smile to her lips.

Prince, should you not be at the feast instead of lingering outside my door like some loiterer?’ She teased him.

turned around, preparing to make some clever jibe when he was momentarily struck silent by her appearance. He had thought her lovely when he had seen her attend Arianne’s dinner in Carleon but now that she was attired properly in elven clothes, the effect was breathtaking. He wondered if she knew how beautiful she was when she did not try to beneath the jerkin and the breeches but then supposed she did since she was always reminding him she was a watch guard.

I came here to escort the watch guard Melia to the feast but I have no idea who you are my lady,’ he teased in return, trying pathetically to cover how taken he was by her appearance. ‘However I am certain she can find her way there herself. May I escort you instead?’

Melia laughed and shook her head, chuffed at his approval though she would never admit it out loud. She was so rarely able to show this side of herself that it was nice to be reminded that there was a time when such things were important to her.

‘You are very funny,’ she remarked  stepping out of the room into the hall. ‘I suppose if you are the very best that Halas has to offer as an escort, I will have to manage,’ she feigned resignation.

grinned and offered her his arm, ‘why thank you my lady, shall we?’

Oh do not start that again,’ she grumbled as she took his arm and they started down the corridor towards the hall.

You look beautiful Mia,’ he spoke quietly, his voice devoid of humour or teasing. ‘You will take everyone’s breath away this night.’

Melia blushed despite herself,
‘well you have your mother to thank for this dress. She was kind enough to lend it to me.’

It is very becoming,’ he complimented again. ‘My mother like you. She thinks you are far more sensible than I.’

Well that goes without saying,’ Melia teased, unaware that her fingers were intertwined with his as they walked. ‘I like her as well. She is very kind.’

She is,’ Aeron agreed and then shifted his gaze towards Melia’s neck. ‘I am glad you wore it.’

Melia’s hand instinctively went to the chain hanging around her neck, her finger tracing the smooth finish of gold.
‘It is beautiful but perhaps a little too much for the likes of me.’

I think it is exactly for the likes of you,’ he said brushing aside her self-deprecation. ‘It has been in my possession for a long time and only now have I found someone I cared for enough to give it too. It belonged to my mother and came from Sanhael with her. It was one of the few possessions she manage to save before Mael took the city.’

Aeron did not add that the butterfly was the perfect symbol for Melia. Like her, the small, delicate insect was very beautiful and
very brief.

Your mother's?’ Melia exclaimed suddenly very self conscious about wearing it now that they were approaching the great hall where the feast was taking place. Already, they were seeing other elves heading towards the entrance, dressed in finery while the sound of chatter and music emanated from the room.  ‘Prince, is this appropriate?’ She had to ask, knowing what kind of reaction the pendant was going to produce from the court of Eden Halas when they saw it about her neck.

I do not care whether or not it is appropriate. It is mine to give Melia and I wish that you wear it,’ he said firmly giving her a look of determination that indicated that she would not convince him otherwise.

Melia decided against pursuit the matter because they were almost upon the hall and also because it was an old argument that neither would resolve.
‘You are exceedingly stubborn you know that?’ she grumbled, conceding defeat.

Sensing victory, Aeron threw a sidelong glance at her and said smugly,
‘I am not the only one.’


The celebration was a less nerve racking and far more enjoyable than Melia expected it to be. The elves of Halion's court were eager to hear about everything taking place in the world outside and particularly Aeron's adventures with Dare and the Circle. It appeared the Prince had some fame at home because of his wandering spirit and much  of the night was spent with Aeron recalling some of those stories, down to the most recent adventure in the Frozen Mountains.

Despite Halion's famously cool relationship with Dare, the rest of his court were  eager to hear news of how things fared with Dare. They still thought of the High
King of Carleon as the delightful  babe Syanne rescued from death and raised as her own. The long life  of elves meant that children were few and the spirited child that Dare was had kept them all amused for years. Melia also noticed that while Halion could never consider Dare family the way Syanne did, there were was genuine pride in his face as he listened to Dare's achievements.

She guessed that while he may never say it, he did have some affection for the
King of Carleon.

Melia was also surprised when she was questioned not just by the court but Halion himself about the Eastern Sphere. For many of them, she was their first contact with an Easterling and there was genuine interest in learning about her people. Melia explained what she could
—about Balfure's influence on the eastern lands, appearing as a benevolent teacher who helped them survive the harsh desert terrain while he secretly moulded them into his private fiefdoms.  To the Easterlings, Balfure had appeared  to them as a god and his indoctrination of them was so complete, that it had been a blow on so many levels to learn that he could die.

Father,’ Aeron asked after Melia explained her reasons for coming to the west. ‘Have you met any mage of the Enphilim that may have been in these parts?’

Halion seemed surprised at the question as they sat along the long table and set down his goblet to take in the question.
‘Not for a very long time,’ he  answered. ‘During the war, we encountered them of course. The mages aided us against the Primordials by weakening the creatures long enough for us to kill them. However, Mael was cunning soon directed Syphia and Balfure to hunt them down and kill them one by one. Why do you ask?’

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