Avet, Danica - Ain't No Bull [The Veil 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (36 page)

BOOK: Avet, Danica - Ain't No Bull [The Veil 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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He didn’t like it, but he knew if her life was in danger, he’d want to fight to protect her and he couldn’t do that with Isola in his arms. The incubus had shown himself to be a stalwart friend to Grant’s mate. There were no sexual looks exchanged between them, no scent of lust in the air when they spoke.

“Okay,” he told the incubus grudgingly. He started down the corridor towards the entrance. “What does
ma fouine
mean anyway?”

Fallon chuckled. “It means my mink.” Grant stiffened, shooting the incubus a jealous glare. Fallon raised his hands innocently. “It is because of her hair. It is very pretty.”

He didn’t like it, not one bit, but he couldn’t argue. Isola had beautiful hair and he knew for a fact how soft and silky it was. “Come up with another nickname,” he grunted.

The others chuckled and even Grant had to crack a smile, but the humor faded as they neared the entrance of the tunnels. He had a bad feeling about what they would find and his body tensed.

Turning the corner with the others right behind him, Grant felt his mouth drop open in shock. He’d expected many things when he turned that corner, but this was not one of those things.

Ricky and Saga were locked together, their bodies straining towards each other as though they couldn’t get close enough. His cousin’s big hands cupped the Amazon’s ass, pressing her hips into his. Saga’s fingers raked through Ricky’s hair, tugging at the thick strands.

“Damn, I wish we had some popcorn,” Rosetta whispered, her blue eyes glued on the passionate embrace.

The bear and Amazon jumped apart as though they’d just been electrocuted. Ricky looked unabashed, although the flush in his cheeks and the slumberous cast to his face told Grant more than anything else, how his cousin was affected. Saga, as usual, looked impassive except for her puffy lips.

She cleared her throat then licked her lips. Something flashed in her blue eyes, but was gone so quickly, Grant wasn’t sure how she truly felt.

“Did you find her?” she asked, and if her voice was huskier than usual, no one commented.

“Saga?” Isola’s voice was weak and hoarse, though Grant could easily hear the humor in her tone.

He whirled around to see her supported on Fallon’s arm. Her face was pale, but she looked much stronger than she had minutes before.

Grant hurried to her side, needing to be the one to help her. Now that the danger had passed, he could concentrate on his amazing mate. The look she gave him as he took over from Fallon was inscrutable and slightly suspicious, but she allowed the change.

“Are you okay?” Saga stepped further away from Ricky as though distance would make everyone forget what they’d seen.

A fine tremble raced through Isola’s body, but she straightened to her full height and lifted her hand until it barely rested against Grant’s arm. He wanted to protest this unnecessary show of strength, but knew she needed to save face in front of her sisters. Damn, what a woman!

“I’ll be hearing little birdies for a few hours, but I’m fine.” She flicked a curious glance at Grant. “I can’t say the same for the bear and the nymph, though.”

Grant interrupted Saga before she could press on with her questions. “We need to get out of here before whoever wins that fight up there finds us.” He slipped his arm around his mate’s waist. “The question is, do we go up, or do we push through the corridor?”

“I think we should go topside.” Isola shifted away from him slightly. “Dov was in a hurry to get through the tunnels, so whatever’s on the other side could be trouble for us.”

He didn’t like the idea, but it made sense. He nodded to Ricky. He wanted his cousin up there first to check things out. There was no way he’d put Isola at risk.

His cousin showed his intelligence by nodding back and snagging Saga’s arm. “We’ll check it out, make sure it’s safe for everyone.”

“I can assure you it isn’t the least bit safe,” a deep, cultured voice spoke from behind the group causing them to whirl around.

Grant pushed Isola behind him because he recognized the man who spoke, and he was supposed to be dead.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

If she wasn’t so fucking tired and dizzy, she’d hand Grant’s ass to him for treating her like some fragile flower of womanhood. Bastard. She didn’t know what he was doing here anyway. She’d left him after he’d left her. She frowned and rubbed her temples. Or something like that. Everything was kind of fuzzy except for one thing—she remembered very well that Dov was dead, so she no longer had to watch her back.

Her front was an entirely different matter. She recognized Ormond Steele’s voice and her heart seized. She was too fucking hurt to be of any help in taking the bastard down, but that wouldn’t stop her from trying. Hells, if she had to, she’d bite his motherfucking ankles!

She took a step to the left—more like a stagger, but whatever—and Grant moved with her. She glared at his naked back and took a lurching step to the right. Again, he intercepted her movement to prevent her from confronting the fire elemental. She poked him in the ribs.

“You’ve put me through a lot of trouble, Grant,” Ormond said conversationally.

Izzy managed to peek around Grant’s shoulder and realized why no one was trying to attack Ormond. The bastard had at least two dozen guards with him. A quick glance told her most of them were a mix of demons and warmages, but there were a few her eyes lingered on because they were so…wrong.

Ormond waved his hand, his silky white hair fluffing around his genial face. “These are my creations,” he announced proudly. “They were once Halflings with no special skills or hope until I transformed them.”

He patted one on the shoulder and Izzy shuddered. There was no telling what the Halflings had once been. They’d been changed into something else, something completely unnatural. One had fangs too large for it to close its mouth, giving it a hideous, leering smile. Its large, black eyes were set in a misshapen face. It was easily seven feet tall with bulging muscles and razor-sharp claws. The other four were just as grossly disfigured and monstrous.

She caught the eye of one of the beings, and there was something in its face that told her it knew it was a monster and hated it. Her heart clenched with compassion. His…creations weren’t the monsters, Ormond was. She fisted her hands and wished she could punch the smug bastard in his face, but he was too well protected. At the moment.

Grant was naked as the day he was born, but he didn’t seem bothered by it. He crossed his arms over his chest and adopted his usual cocky attitude.

“What’s all this about, Ormond? You can’t still imagine that taking me out will do you any good at the annual Ball.”

Surprise lit Ormond’s silver-blue eyes, but it was quickly masked by anger. “Your usefulness ended the moment the Amazon interfered with my plans.” He glared at Izzy over Grant’s shoulder before a smile crossed his face. “Now it’s just for fun. Kill them.”

Ormond’s guards leapt forward with roars. Izzy, still not quite up to snuff, was pushed behind her group as they surged to meet the attack. Those bitches! She glared at them before she eyed the backup sword hanging down Ravanna’s back. She snatched it out of the scabbard and entered the fray.

Grant had changed into his minotaur form and was battling three demons at once while Fallon, Saga, and Rosetta had taken on one of the transformed Halflings. Spying a break between Ocean and Ravanna, she sprung through it with the sword raised.

Her arm vibrated as steel clashed. One of the demons had met her charge. He was a big bastard, but he had terrible form. She managed to disarm him and take his head in under twenty seconds, but that was by no means the end of the fight. Another one soon took the first demon’s place, his battle axe swinging. She dodged his first strike and noticed a warmage just past the demon’s shoulder. The bastard was about to cast a spell.

Izzy reached forward, grabbed the demon by his balls and pulled him in front of her just as the spell was cast. His mouth had opened in a surprised
shape when she’d gripped his junk, but now it was gaping open as he gasped for air. She jumped back as his big body hit the ground and threw her sword at the warmage who’d just sucked in air for another spell.

The sword found its mark, spearing him through the throat. Blood gushed and he fell to the ground with a gurgle.

Great. Now she didn’t have a weapon! Seeing her predicament, two demons advanced on her, axes swinging. She retreated away from the others, who were busy with their own fights. If she could draw these two asswipes away, then she could possibly take them out in hand-to-hand combat. Or tire them out, or something. Okay, so she really didn’t have a plan other than to keep her head attached, but she’d think of something!

Just when she thought she’d have to flash the bastards to distract them, two arrows buzzed around her head, striking them in the throats and halting their advance. Izzy frowned down at the big bodies at her feet. She recognized the fletching on the arrows. Well, hell, there went the fun!

“When Saga told me you were in trouble, I thought she had to be mistaken. But I see that she was correct as usual. Do you have any idea how irritating it is for me to hear her say ‘I told you so?’” a lazy, feminine voice drawled from the shadows behind Izzy.

Summoning an innocent smile, she spun around to face her queen. “Queen Albreda! Fancy seeing you here.”

Albreda rolled her blue eyes at Izzy’s fake enthusiasm. Her queen wasn’t alone and she hadn’t expected her to be, but the people who were with the Amazon were the crème de la crème of Veilerian society. Izzy gaped at the three High Councilors standing next to her queen:
Lucian Ravenswaay,
Nila, and
Fields. Her knees felt weak, she was so relieved to see Fields. He was a water elemental, possibly the only being powerful enough to even think about taking on a fire elemental.

A shadowy figure appeared in the midst of the Councilors. Black wings snapped open as Noelani, Malachi’s mate, solidified. Knowing the Halfling wouldn’t be far behind, Izzy looked for him and sure enough, he stepped out of the hall behind the others.

His deep brown eyes twinkled as he made his way through the group, Noelani falling in next to him. “You look like hell, Izzy,” he drawled as he neared.

She grinned at him. “I’m so glad to see your sorry asses!” She slapped a hand over her mouth and looked at Albreda with round eyes.

Her queen shook her head and notched another arrow on her bow. “We’ll deal with you later, Izzy. I think the others could use some help.”

“Hey, what about giving me a sword?” Izzy shouted after the group as they entered the melee. “A knife? A fork? Something?”

There was a moment of shocked silence as the Eturians realized they were fighting against even more Veilerians. Ormond’s eyes widened when he saw the Councilors, and he took a step back.

Izzy growled. That bastard was not getting away again. Racing to the body of the warmage she’d felled with her sword, she yanked the weapon out of his neck and barreled straight for Ormond.

Her actions galvanized the other fighters. The Eturians turned to greet the newcomers, drawing their numbers from Izzy’s group. Fields, like Izzy, ignored everyone and headed straight for Ormond. She was just a few yards away from the elemental when he released a fireball in her direction.

She heard Grant bellow, but ignored her mate. Leaping to the side to avoid the fire, she pressed forward. She had to cut off his escape. With the hall open behind him, Ormond could slip away and they’d miss their chance to end his reign of terror. She was weaker than she’d like to be at this moment, yes, but determination flooded her system, lending her the strength she needed to finish this.

Ormond let loose with another fireball, this one bigger than the last, and lobbed it in her direction. She couldn’t completely avoid it as it slammed into the wall next to her. Fire rained down on her as she ran as fast as she could through the shower. She hissed as sparks landed on her, burning holes into her clothes and sizzling into her skin, but it couldn’t be helped.

A demon body slammed her when she was almost within touching distance of Ormond. Its momentum carried Izzy into the wall. She lost all the air in her chest, which was probably a good thing because she was tempted to scream from the pain. The shit had snapped at least four of her ribs, and the excruciating agony in her shoulder suggested it was dislocated.

Luckily the sword was in the hand of the arm that wasn’t injured and she used it to hack at the bastard until his weight fell away from her. Sweat poured down her face and she leaned against the wall to catch her breath—which so wasn’t working because it hurt every time she tried to suck in air. Snarling, she stabbed the dead demon again for good measure.

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