Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3) (7 page)

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Authors: Alicia Taylor,Natalie Townson

BOOK: Avowed (The Manipulation Trilogy Book 3)
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October 6



We’ve been home for a few days and it’s been blissful. Damon is finally open about everything. He’s let me in and left himself open to everyone he loves. I can feel the lightness in his soul, and see it in his eyes on a daily basis.

He’s finally free of his demons.

After Damon’s nightmare we had an amazing honeymoon. Damon was quick to show me around the small town. He confessed that the owner Rose is, in fact, Sofia and Faith’s mum, and that he’s spent a few times there at the cottage alone when he needed to think things through.

I stroke my hand down Damon’s chest as I lay snuggled against him in the early morning light. It’s a cooler morning today and I don’t want to leave the warmth of our bed, and I said as much to him, making him pull me closer to him and cocoon me within his embrace.

I’ve been thinking about Lydia the last few days and made a decision to finally sort through her belongings I have in storage, and at my old apartment. I’ve never found the strength before now, but I know with Damon at my side I can face it.

I can’t believe it was Abbi who Lydia attacked. Tom said it was bad and that makes guilt build within me. My sister attacked her for no reason and she seemed really sweet at my wedding.

“Will you tell me about Abbi?” I blurt.

“What do you want to know beauty?” He asks me with a calm voice, but his tense body gives away his apprehension.

“You loved her.” It’s not a question, it’s a statement. I just know he did, I can see them together.

“No,” Damon says without hesitation. Pulling back I look at him with astonishment. “I thought I did,” he says looking into my eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“What I felt for Abigail isn’t even one percent of what I feel for you. I thought I loved her but I didn’t really know what love is until you beauty.” His hand cups my face and his thumb softly strokes my bottom lip. “When she saw us out on your birthday, she knew I loved you. She saw it and it hurt her. She knew I’d given my heart away and she knew she never really had it to begin with. I love you Ella. When I say that, I mean it with my soul. Fuck. Baby, you’ve changed my life.”

Hearing him express his love for me melts my heart. I couldn’t love this man more if I tried. Insecurity is a bitch though, and I still believe they have unfinished business. 

“I love you too.”   

“I know,” he says with a smile. “It’s a good job because I’m keeping you.”

“Why did you and Abigail split up?” I ask.

“She cheated,” he says nonchalantly.

“What?” I gasp. I vaguely remember him mentioning on our honeymoon that she slept with some punk, but at the time I had bigger revelations to think about. It completely slipped my mind.

“That’s all there is to it. She expected me to forgive her but that’s not me. She broke my trust and there was no going back.”

“How did you find out?” I question.

“It doesn’t matter. The point is, she cheated,” he says. I can hear his annoyance in his voice. He doesn’t want to talk about this but I’m curious enough to push him further.

“Did she tell you?” I say absently, as my fingers make circular patterns against his hard warm flesh.

“No,” he growls.

“So how do you know she did it?”

“I got enough proof and that’s all I needed.”

Knowing that’s Damon’s way of closing the subject I rest my head back against his chest and sigh contently.

Jellybean moves inside me and it makes me giggle, my hand automatically grabbing Damon’s and placing his palm flat against my bump. Our daughter’s movements haven’t been forceful enough for him to feel her move yet but I’m sure that kick was enough. Damon shoots up in bed when our daughter moves again, a look of wonder crosses his face as he looks at me with surprise.

“Was that... was that our jellybean?” he asks excitedly. I laugh and nod my head.

Damon moves down the bed, bringing his face eye level with my bump. He softly caresses my belly, placing gentle kisses against me.

“Hello Princess,” he says against my belly. “Can you move again for Daddy?” I laugh at him and my bump bounces as my body shakes. Damon’s chocolate eyes clash with mine as he gives me a smirk before going back to talking to our daughter. “Give Daddy a high five baby, push against my hand.”

I giggle uncontrollably until the baby kicks right where Damon’s hand is. I’m so shocked that I freeze, my eyes flying to Damon’s in astonishment. He has a smug look as he smiles at me.

“She did it!” I say in disbelief.

“That’s because she’s a daddy’s girl already, isn’t that right baby?” he says to my bump.

My smile is big as I watch him speak to our daughter. I can’t help it. It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. Damon has so much love to give, and I couldn’t be happier that he’s chosen to love me and that he’s chosen to share his life with me and our daughter.

I want Damon in every way possible, and that includes his past demons. Damon might not believe Abbi’s words but I’m sure there is more to it than he thinks. Abbi seems to really, truly still love Damon, and she seems like a nice woman. Not the type of woman to throw away the best thing that probably ever happened to her.

“How would you feel if I spoke to Abbi?” I ask, and hold my breath as I let him take in my question. He moves his head away from my stomach and looks at me.

“Why?” He asks softly.

“She seemed nice at our wedding and I’d like to thank her for standing up for me,” I whisper. I know he won’t be able to refuse me something I want and although what I said is true, I have a bigger reason for wanting to speak to her.

Damon searches my eyes a minute, not saying a word. I know this subject must puzzle him, I mean how many wives want to get to know their husbands exes? It’s not about their past as much as it is about Damon’s demons.

“I’ll call and speak to her,” he answers, but before he’s finished I’m already shaking my head.

“I’d rather call her myself. I don’t want her to feel pressured, and if she chooses not to meet then I’d at least get to thank her on the phone.” Damon gives me a small nod in acceptance and I quickly detangle myself from him, climbing from the bed naked, and collect his mobile phone. I pass it to him with a smile and wait for him find Abbi’s number.

Damon’s face is a picture when he passes his phone back to me and I give him a big smile then turn to walk out of the bedroom, sans clothes. I quietly giggle as I hear him scramble from the bed to follow behind me. I dash down the hall as quickly as I can, making my way to the kitchen. 

Damon enters just as I’m pouring a glass of cold water. I giggle as he strides over to me with a growl, and hoists me up onto the counter, nuzzling my neck as he mutters his displeasure at me leaving the bed. The cold marble top makes me gasp but my body heats from deep inside at Damon’s touch.

He squeezes in between my legs and begins slowly kissing down my neck. I laugh and push him away, trying to climb down, but Damon refuses to move.

“I was just getting a drink. If you’ll excuse me, I have a call to make,” I say. 

“I don’t excuse you. You can call her with me here,” he replies. I frown and try to push him away again.

“Don’t you trust me?” I ask, sullenly.

“I absolutely trust you beauty. I’m just curious as to why you don’t want me to hear. You’re not planning on comparing notes are you? Because I’m going to be honest here, I wasn’t as good at fucking when I was younger. I’ve never met anyone who reacts to me the way you do, and if it’s going to put you off me, I’d rather you didn’t compare notes.” He smirks and I know he’s just joking. “Seriously, though, I’ll leave you alone but why do you want privacy?” he asks. I can hear genuine curiosity in his voice.

“I don’t really mind,” I say, frowning. It makes no difference if he hears but I just figured he’s give me some space. “I call her now whilst you’re here if it means so much to you.”

“No it’s okay. I just wondered. Make sure you hurry back to bed.” Damon helps me down from the counter, setting me on my feet, patting my arse as he goes to leave. I grab his muscular arm firmly, pulling him to a stop.

“Stay,” I say. “We can call her together.”

Damon searches my eyes before smiling. He picks me up and deposits me back on the counter top. Picking up his phone, he rings Abigail and sets the call to speaker. It rings a couple of times before the call connects.

“Damon?” Abbi questions through the line.

“Abigail,” Damon replies. “I have you on speaker and Ella is here. She’d like to talk to you if that’s okay?”

“Oh, sure. Hello Ella.” I can hear the smile in her voice as she speaks. “Did you have a nice honeymoon?” Her question takes me by surprise. I didn’t expect her to be so friendly.

“Hey. Yes, it was great thanks. It was beautiful and peaceful–” Damon interrupts me before I can finish.

“Not that we saw much outside of the cottage,” he says with a chuckle as his nuzzles my neck. I slap his shoulder making him laugh louder. Abbi joins in.

“I imagine not,” she replies to him. An awkward silence settles and I realise now is the time to talk. Taking a deep breath I begin.

“Abbi, I wanted to thank you for standing up to Leona at our wedding. Thank you. Also I was wondering if you’d like to meet up for a coffee or lunch. No pressure. I completely understand if that would be too awkward.” I know I’m rambling but I’m nervous. I really want to meet with her. I think Damon could conquer another demon if I’m guessing correctly about their ultimate relationship end and I’m hoping to put my insecurities to rest once and for all.

“Of course. That would be great. I’m free for over an hour in forty five minutes if that’s any help?” she asks. I sit stunned for a second. I didn’t expect to meet so soon but I don’t see why we shouldn’t.

“Now is not a good time,” Damon answers for me. I pull away from him until he looks up at me.

“Forty five is great,” I say with a raised brow, daring Damon to argue with me. When he doesn’t I continue. “Where would be convenient for you?”

After telling me to meet her at Mrs. Baps, close to Damon’s office, we hang up. Damon kisses me long and deep. My pulse races as he runs his hands across my skin in feather soft touches. He nibbles my bottom lip before thrusting his tongue deeply into my mouth.

When he finally lets me up for air I’m clinging onto him. He untangles my hands which are clinging to his shirt and hair, and he steps back. I sit breathless and lean back against the counter as he turns and walks away.

I’m sprawled naked on our kitchen counter as molten fire spreads through my veins and my heart pounds as my arousal refuses to abate. I’m desperate for him and he just turned away like he wasn’t affected. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I flatten my palms against the cold marble beneath me, and slowly begin to calm down.

By the time I’m calm enough to move, I have a drink of water and make my way upstairs. Damon is just exiting the bathroom as I walk into our room. His body glistens with water as he walks naked to the walk in closet, rubbing his hair dry with a towel.

I follow his wet footprints on the carpet in a trance and watch as he moves, selecting today’s suit. My mouth waters as each muscle moves and bulges, his tight arse tensing with each step he makes. His back is just as sexy as his front.

Turning, he spots me and gives me a grin. He knows what he’s doing to me. My gaze moves slowly down the planes of his body, taking in each wet sinewy muscle. I lick my lips and let out a little moan before my eyes return to his. It doesn’t stop me noticing his burgeoning arousal, growing harder with each second my gaze is on him.

Damon’s eyes have darkened and he steps towards me. I grin and step back until I’m back outside the closet and in our bedroom. I make my way to the bathroom and turn, shutting the door behind me. I catch his smirk before the door fully shuts and I know he knows I just played him at his own game.

I giggle quietly before getting myself ready to meet up with my husband’s first love. 


I arrive at the coffee shop to meet Abigail five minutes early, but she’s already waiting for me. She looks serene sitting at a window table, staring outside.  She already has a drink in front of her so I make my way to the counter and order a pot of tea and some shortbread biscuits. 

Abbi notices me as I make my way towards her and gives me a welcoming smile. I take a seat opposite her and place my phone on the table and my bag on the floor.

“Thank you for agreeing to meet me,” I say with a small smile. I don’t want this meeting to be awkward because I think I could like Abbi.

“I’m really glad you called. You look well Ella.”

“Thank you,” I reply. Abigail looks well. She’d dressed casual in sweats and an off the shoulder top, her hair pulled high on her head in a ponytail, and natural makeup, but she looks good. “You do too.”

“I was actually hoping you would call,” she says. I stare at her in question. She sounds like she has a lot she wants to say and I didn’t expect that. “I don’t want there to be any concerns over my feelings for Damon. I didn’t come to the wedding to cause trouble. I just needed to know he was making the right decision and that he’s happy. I saw it when he looked at you Ella. He loves you. I could see it every time his eyes were on you, which was most of the time. You’re utterly perfect for him. Everything he needs.” Abbi sounds genuine as she speaks so I give her another small smile.

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