Awakened (33 page)

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Authors: Ednah Walters

BOOK: Awakened
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“I can transform the daggers into swords if need be. But I hope it won’t come to that. Lil, use your power of persuasion to—”

The door opened, and we looked up. Gavyn sauntered into the room.





“Guardians. How nice to see you enjoying my hospitality,” Gavyn said with a smirk.

“Just show us the secret passage,” Bran said.

Gavyn hesitated, then smiled. “Of course.” He went behind his desk and pulled out the blueprints for the Underground and passed them to Bran, who spread them on the coffee table.

“Bran’s not returning to the valley with you guys,” Gavyn said as he joined us.

I flinched as though he’d hit me.

“Not now, Gavyn,” Bran warned him.

“That was part of our deal,” his brother continued as though Bran hadn’t spoken. “He’s chosen to leave the protection of Coronis and the Hermonite lords, and I’ve accepted that. But once he helps you, he’s promised not to have anything to do with the Cardinal Guardians ever again.”

Was that true? Or maybe that was Gavyn’s way of diverting my attention from our mission. “Just tell us about the Underground,” I snapped.

He grinned, as though he’d scored by pissing me off. My fingers inched to zap him and send him straight to Tartarus for eternity.

For the next few minutes, he talked while we listened. The Underground had ten sub-levels. Grampa and Moira were being held on the lowest one, inside one of the warehouses.

“You need this to know where to teleport.” He whipped out a panoramic photograph of the warehouse. On the left side of the picture was a bunch of guys around a long table, drinking and eating. The rest showed a typical rectangular warehouse with large wooden crates and plastic barrels everywhere. Not typical, windows were missing. In the middle of one were a set of double doors, and at the far left a small red door stood like a target.

“What are in the barrels and crates?” I asked.

Gavyn smirked. “Damned souls.”

He hated me. Whether it was because of my relationship with Bran or because I was a Guardian, I wasn’t sure. “Charming.”

“Right back at you, Guardian. Next time you use your powers against me, be prepared for the consequences,” he snarled.

I grinned when the realization hit me. He was still ticked off that I threw those chairs at him at the school on the night of the dance. “The chairs? Child’s play. That was to make you listen. You should be thanking—”

Remy slapped the table hard, causing a fissure on the wooden surface. “Back to the business at hand. What’s behind these doors?” he pointed at the picture.

For a brief moment, Gavyn stewed and didn’t answer until Remy repeated the question. “More warehouses, offices. The security down there is pretty tight, but the majority of them are my boss’ workers. A few of Valafar’s men remained after he left for the island a few hours ago.” His voice was brusque.

“How many?”

“Half a dozen. The cell where they’re keeping the Guardians is behind the red door.”

Remy reduced the blue-print to a postcard size, slipped it and the photograph in his pocket. “And the portal to the Underground?”

Gavyn walked to the television screen behind his desk and placed his hand on it. The silver grey peeled away to reveal a steel door. “The stairs go under this office and end at a door. That door leads to a loading dock on the top floor of the Underground. From there, you can teleport to any floor.”

My stomach contracted. Trusting the word of a demon who hated our guts was a big gamble. Add to that, this was our first mission. But despite my doubts, my thoughts always returned to Bran. I trusted his judgment, and he trusted Gavyn.

“Is this the only entrance to the place?” Remy asked.

Gavyn shrugged. “My Lord owns a lot of properties. There might be others, but this is the one I know.”

“Thanks for your help,” I said.

His eyes flashed with hatred. I pretended to not notice. He sneered. “I didn’t do this for you, Guardian. I did it to free my brother from you and your kind.”

Bran shook his head. “That’s enough, Gavyn.”

“If anything happens to him, I’ll hold all of you accountable,” Gavyn added.

“Chill, dude,” Sykes said. “Your brother is his own man. He chose to be here.”

“He’s doing it for
,” he spat, his eyes on me.

“Gavyn,” Bran snapped and glared at his brother.

Gavyn walked away, sat on the swivel chair behind his desk and watched us with a brooding expression. His gaze didn’t leave us until we all stood by the secret door.

“Ready?” Remy asked, looking each of us in the eye.

We nodded.

“I’ll lead,” Remy said and pushed the door to reveal a rectangular landing and stairs with a metal rail. He stepped through the narrow doorway. Kim, Izzy then I followed. Bran and Sykes took the rear end. My heart was pounding so hard I was sure everyone could hear it. This had better not be a trap.

Scones of light lined the rough concrete wall. The stairs were narrow and spiral, the air chilly. I peered down but couldn’t see the door Gavyn had mentioned. The door disappeared behind us and for a second, no one moved. Then Remy started down the stairs. We followed. The dull, yellow lights threw our shadows on the wall, but they offered adequate illumination. The stairs were made of slabs of concrete, which muffled our footsteps. Or perhaps the stealth way we moved, eyes alert and bodies coiled for action had something to do with the lack of sound. But audible sighs filled the tiny space when we reached the bottom, tense smiles drifted on faces, even Bran’s.

Remy waited until we all got off the stairs, then placed his hand on the door. It swung on his hinges with a gentle whoosh. I held my breath, my heart thumping with dread. Then I gasped.

Seth, Janelle and Hsia, dressed in hunting clothes and armed to the teeth, watched us from across the threshold. Shock robbed me of speech. But I was happy to see them, and so were the others, judging by their expressions. How did they know we’d be here?

About time you got here,
Janelle telepathed.

We started to speak, but Seth shook his head, touched his lips and pointed to his right.
We have company.

How did you get here so fast?
Sykes asked.

And how did you know we’d be here?
I added.

Darius showed us another way. He contacted us the minute Bran spoke with him.

We came here against a direct order. I will take full responsibility,
Remy telepathed.

Duly noted, Guardian, but you acted exactly how we hoped you would,
Seth answered.
If you had done nothing, we would have known you and your team weren’t ready for missions.

What about Cardinal Falcon’s orders
, Izzy asked.

The others are suiting up. We’ll meet them at a rendezvous point after this
, Seth explained.

We need to get going. Where’s the picture of the warehouse?
Janelle asked.

That was another surprise.
How did you know?
I asked.

We eavesdropped on your conversation from here,
Hsia said.

So what’s next, Guardian?
Seth’s gaze stayed on Remy.

Excuse me, sir?

You’re leading this operation. We’re the back-up team. So what’s the plan?

Remy outlined the plan he’d shared with us, waited until everyone had seen the photograph of the warehouse, then gave the order.
Let’s go.

We teleported to the warehouse in the photograph. The lights inside the room was blinding after the yellow glow on the landing and the stairs. I blinked then squinted and glanced around. There were so many crates and barrels. What were they hoarding? Damned souls like Gavyn had insinuated? The ceiling was high and painted white, the cement floor bare. A chill crawled under my skin. The air was cold and damp, which made sense since we were deep, deep under the ground.

At first, there was silence. We stayed put, eyes still alert, fingers locked on weapons or flexing. Then a sudden burst of laughter reverberated inside the warehouse. Remy pointed at each of us and assigned us aisles. To the Cardinals, he indicated up. Seth, Hsia and Janelle teleported to the top of the crates. Remy pointed forward.

Lil, see what you can do.

Cold speared through my flesh to my bones. As for my heart, it was pounding so hard I feared the sound filled the room. I licked my lips, swallowed and started to move forward.

I concentrated, locked on the psi energies of the people laughing. There were ten of them ahead, but a lot more in the adjoining warehouses and rooms. Their psi energies were weird, red, snarling blobs dotted with black swirls. Pure evil.

Sleep. Go to sleep…go to a deep sleep….

Pressure increased in my head, as though they were fighting back. I pushed back.
Go to sleep…deep sleep.

The laughter and conversation died down. Thuds followed then there was silence. I crept forward and peeked from behind the last crate. Eight men and women were slumped over a table. Two more were on the floor. A few cups were tipped over, coffee dripping from the sides of the table.

My gaze connected with the others. Sykes teleported to the double doors and gave a thumbs-up. Remy nodded.
Seth, Janelle and Hsia, go to the red door and find the Cardinals. The rest of us will stay here and—

A strong pulse swept across the warehouse, the sweet scent of berries filling the air. The slumbering demons, furniture and utensils flew across the room and slammed against the wall. Bodies fell from chairs. Cups crashed and broke. Shrieks and rolling thunder split the air as crates dragged across the floor and barrels rolled and piled in a corner.

Janelle warned.
Recognize that smell.

A dozen men in black jumpsuits with matching capes materialized, serrated weapons strapped to their arms. No snarls, no bared teeth or growls. With their beautiful faces and youthful appearance, they could be angels except their eyes were red, matching the round rubies on their belt buckles, the pin holding their capes around their necks and the wrists of their elbow-length gloves.

I plunged my shaking hand inside my boot, grabbed the handle of my dagger and pulled it free just as
ignited above their palms. They launched them at us and created more as the first salvo whizzed across the room.

“Focus on the
, Lil!” Remy yelled.

I pointed my dagger at the sizzling energy balls.
Freeze. Reverse.
stopped in mid-air then shot backward so fast they were blurry. Some found their targets, setting them ablaze. Other hit the wall, leaving behind a charred hole. More of them appeared.

“Send them to Tartarus,” Seth yelled, rotating his arm to churn the air. He sent a blast of wind at the demons. Two were caught in the drift and went flying against the wall. He flipped his wrist and blades shot out and sunk into their necks, chests.

A chilling scream of terror resounded in the room as their bodies crumpled and burst into flame. They disappeared into the floor, leaving behind no clothing or blood, just scorch marks. But the
kept coming, keeping me busy. My commands were effective when I looked at them, so I kept checking my flanks and over my shoulders, making sure none hit one of us.

To my left, Bran’s fingers curved toward two demons. Their faces became waxen, eyes sunken and skin wrinkled as water drained out of their wounds and pooled at their feet before they disappeared. Sykes lobbed
balls so fast they looked like a streaming light. Throwing knives and arrows buzzed through the air as Izzy and Hsia worked their favorite weapons. Some collided with the ones the demons threw and exploded, sparks and smoke everywhere. Others lodged in their chests, causing instant combustion. Kim worked her air powers across the room from Seth, both creating wind tunnels that knocked demons off their feet, then they followed through with blades. Behind us, every ninja star Remy and Janelle hurled split into a dozen pieces and found their mark.

The chaos, the shrieking sound of death was nothing I was prepared for. I gripped my dagger with shaking hand as one demon sauntered toward me. A gleaming katana in his hand, he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to chop off my head. Panic punched my stomach, my knees knocking. How could I track
while I fought?

With one hack, he knocked the dagger out of my clammy hand. Then he smirked.

Pissed, I waved my hand. The impact sent him flying backwards. He whipped around in the air, body upright, coat flying, and landed on his feet. A growl twisted his lips, as he started for me. I grabbed ninja stars from the sheath around my waist, aimed and let them go.
His sword sent the tiny weapons flying. Another demon crossed his path. He impaled him with his sword without breaking his stride, snarled at another to get out of his way. I knew then that I was a trophy he had to claim.

“Lil, catch,” Remy yelled.

A sword whipped through the air, the jadeite in the blade reflecting light. I caught the hilt and turned just in time to block a downward swing of the demon’s katana.

Clang. Clang. Clang.

Adrenaline surged through my veins, the instinct to survive overwhelming my terror. I shuffled backward, parried, followed with an attack. Slashes, upward cuts, thrusts and feints. He was faster than me, a better swordsman. He grinned, as though fighting me was a joke.

“Come with me, little princess,” he said in a seductive tone.

“I don’t think so.” I hit him with another psi pulse.

He recovered faster this time. Crimson eyes spitting rage, he came after me again. “Stop wasting my time, Lilith. I said you’re coming with me.”

How did he know my name? I zapped him again and again, hurled stars at him, trying to catch him unaware as he staggered backward. He hit the weapons with his sword, his weapon moving so fast it was a blur. A knife sailed through the air, flipped twice and lodged into his neck. He burst into flame, body turning black, holes replacing eyes and mouth as he howled his way to Tartarus.

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