Awakened Desires (Bound by love) (3 page)

BOOK: Awakened Desires (Bound by love)
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Chapter 7


Helen could not believe what was happening to her, it was as if she was having a dream that she never wished to wake from. Right now she had the biggest cock that she had ever seen driving into her pussy, and it was filling her with so much pleasure, she even felt faint headed. She did not know whether to moan or not, but what she did know was that the friction of the dick against her pussy walls was driving her crazy with desire. How could a dick feel so good inside her pussy, and what was more was the fact that it belonged to someone that she had somehow fallen madly in love with! She closed her eyes as the dick was fully inserted inside her pussy, which was still quivering from the climax that she had just gotten. Earl then began pushing his dick in and out of her pussy slow at first, probably to get her used to the size, and then faster and harder.


“Holy shit, Earl, I have never felt this good in my life,” Helen moaned with delight, “fuck me harder.”

“Your pussy feels so tight on my cock,” he replied, shagging her harder and faster. She could feel his balls slapping against her butt as he pumped into her, and the dick felt so thick, long and hard inside her, she could not seem to be able to tighten her pussy muscles around it. “You want me to fuck you like this?”

Yessss!” she moaned.

“Louder, I didn’t hear you,” he replied, his crotch slapping against hers so hard, she could feel the dick hitting against her cervix.

“YES!” she shouted, “OH YESSS!”


All of the dirty talk had her fired up and she could even feel the thickness of the cock pulling her clit in and out of her pussy with it, and it was driving her nuts with pleasure. She had never been screwed this intensively and she felt like she was going to faint. Her heart was throbbing hard in her chest as the blood in her veins ran even faster. From the way that things were going, Helen knew that she was going to get her biggest orgasm yet, and she could feel a warm feeling starting to build in her stomach. The dick was pounding indescribable pleasure into her vagina, and she wished that the feeling would last forever. She knew that she was very near to orgasming.

“Oh Earl, I'm almost coming, I'm almost coming,” she moaned over and over.

“No, don’t come just yet, be a good girl and wait for me so that we can come together. Take a deep breath and hold it for several seconds,” he said as the heat inside her pussy threatened to explode.

“Okay,” she managed to moan before she took a deep breath and looked at the way that her breasts were bobbing up and down in the same motions that he was pounding her.

“That is my girl, I want us to go to climax heaven together,” Earl replied, taking his hands to her nipples and pinching them with just enough pleasure to make her whimper.

He then took one of his hands off the breast and began playing around with her clit, rubbing it over his rocking shaft to increase the pleasure that he was feeling.
God, this man is out to kill me with pleasure! She finally felt his dick stiffen inside her, and unable to hold it any longer, she jumped over the cliff and exploded into an orgasm, her pussy juices flooding into her pussy as it contracted over the thick monster cock. Just then, she felt a huge load of semen shooting into her pussy, and this time she did her best to grip the dick with her pussy muscles, so that she could milk it of all of its contents. When they were both done coming, they collapsed onto the bed next to each other and fell into a sated sleep.


Early in the morning when Helen woke up, she was surprised to feel something warm behind her. She forced her heavy eyelids open, and then the memories of what had happened the evening before flooded back to her Mind. She saw Earl's hand around her waist and his body fitted into hers from behind, but better still, she felt his hot thick manhood hard in her butt crack with the head just between her butt hole and her pussy. She adjusted herself slightly without waking Earl up, and his cock slid into her pussy as she lifted one of her legs. She pushed herself downwards until it was fully erect, and then without moving her body, she started massaging the cock with the muscles of her pussy, giving him a pussy massage in his sleep as she also enjoyed herself. She felt his dick shooting a load into her once again, and it made her also come pleasurably.


She was going to have to think of the direction in which her life was going. There was no way that she could afford to have a lasting relationship with Earl because of the nature of their jobs. She was a city woman planning to start a coffee shop and processing plant in Seattle, while he was in another country in some God forbidden rainforest area where she could not afford to sacrifice her life to live despite its beauty and exoticness. She came from a well off family, and her dad was a multi-millionaire with all of the money in the world. She however had chosen to take another path, and unlike her sister who wanted to get everything from their father, she wanted to build something of her own. She wanted to make her own money without depending on anybody, and she was very determined to do it. That is why she had taken a loan from her dad and had already found and made up a premise in Seattle. Now all that was left was to get the supply of coffee, which is what had brought her here. She had identified a number of big farms and she had zeroed in on the Del Monte farm, which seemed to produce very fine coffee. She expected them to be her exclusive suppliers of coffee, and she had even gone ahead and made shipping arrangements on how the coffee would be delivered.


With all of this going for her, she definitely could not afford to get mixed up with Earl, and besides, he had a life of his own and she did not even clearly know exactly what he did for a living. Intwo weeks she would be out of here, and so maybe they could just enjoy the moment while it lasted, and once she left it was all over. Helen tried to convince herself that it could happen, although she could not even believe herself. She doubted if he would ever be erased from her heart, and especially not after the glorious sex that she would definitely never forget. She dozed off thinking and thinking


Chapter 8


It was noon by the time that Helen woke up, and Earl had been up earlier and had even fixed up some food, since the housekeeper had taken the Sunday off. He looked at her beautiful naked body, and he felt his dick twitching in his pants. They had made love all evening, and in the morning he did not even know how his dick had ended up inside her pussy, but when he woke up, it was semi-hard and inside her. She yawned and turned around.


“Morning beautiful, you are finally awake,” he said, walking over to her and kissing her lightly on the forehead, and on the palm of her hand.

“Morning, what time is it, I must have overslept?” she asked sitting up, and pulling up a sheet to cover her breasts.

“It is almost noon, the sex must have been really good to make you sleep like that. Wake up, I warmed up some tortillas that Rosa made yesterday, she is off today,” he replied, beginning to walk out of the bedroom as Helen jumped out of the bed.

“Oh my God, call Julio and tell him that he has to take me to the Del Monte farm. I was to have one of my final meetings today with Juan Del Monte today at one,” she dashed into the shower.


Earl went to the kitchen, his mind on his new lover. Would she ever be his, because they were from two totally different lifestyles? She was a society city woman while he on the other hand was the sort of guys who made things happen. Just three weeks ago he had pushed a huge consignment into the U.S. from panama, and last week he had just sold a consignment of illegal arms to the police. If she ever found out about this side of his businesses, she would put her tail in between her legs and ran for dear life. The charter planes that he operated were just a front for his numerous activities, but it was not as if he was stealing from anyone. He was madly in love with her like he had been the first time that he set eyes on her, and he was not sure if he could ever stop thinking about her, it was going to be next to impossible. He called up Julio and asked him to come and take Helen to the Del Monte Farm. She came into the kitchen dressed elegantly and bit into one tortilla with some beef, before she hurried out of the house.



Chapter 9


“Julio, are you okay?” she asked as they drove off.

He had been in a particularly weird mood and did not seem to want to talk to her. Ignoring him, she called Juan, and he told her that they could meet at Places, a bar and restaurant in town instead of her driving so far out to their farm
as he was in town, and so it was agreed. They pulled up at Places an hour later, and Helen instructed Julio in Spanish to pick her up at eight in the evening. He hurried off as she made her way into the building. She knew that one of the key things to getting the contract with the Del Monte brothers was through her beauty. She had already seen the way that they looked at her with hungry eyes, and although they would never lay their hands on her, she would flirt with them until she won the deal. And that is how it went. There was plenty of food and the finest wine in the bar as the brothers both tried to impress her with their charm, and by the time that Helen had downed her tenth glass of wine, she was not sure that she would be able to stand at all. They all talked gaily, and it was decided that she would make the payment for the first consignment tomorrow morning. It was well past ten, and there was no sign of Julio, and she began to get anxious.


“Well Miss Smart, it was such a pleasure meeting you,” Eduardo Del Monte said to her, “But I think we should leave. Can we give you a ride back to your place?”

“No guys, I should be fine, my driver should be here soon,” she replied.

“Well then, maybe we should wait with you until he arrives,” Juan put in.

“No really guys, I will be just fine, you guys scoot along and I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning,” she said, actually scared that if she woke up in front of him, she would fall flat on her face and embarrass herself in front of them.

“Okay then, see you tomorrow.”


The brothers left the restaurant and Helen was left there wondering what to do next. There were some English folks on a table near her, and they waved at her when she looked their way. She waved back and pulled out her phone to see if she could reach Julio. His phone was out of battery, which really made her worry about how she could get home. There were no cabs in this town, and besides, she could not trust just anybody here since she was a foreigner and foreigners were popular for kidnappings. She went over to the counter, struggling to walk straight, and ordered for a bottle of water. She then called the only other person that she could call, Earl.


“Hello,” she said, trying not to sound drunk, “Could you come and pick me up. I have tried to call Julio but his phone is switched off.”

“I thought that he was with you,” Earl's voice crackled through the earpiece.

“No, he left immediately, he said that he had some errands to ran for you,” she replied.

“Let me see if I can get him.”

“Well how about while you are doing that I talk to the handsome English fellows here at the bar?,” she said, hanging up the phone, and knowing that it would annoy Earl and make him come over as soon as possible.

Chapter 10


Earl was in a fuming rage by the time that he entered the restaurant and sa
w Helen with a group of English, one in particular looking like he was trying to make a move on her. He would break his neck with his bare hands if he tried anything with his girl. Earl had never known himself to be so possessive, but he was filled with jealousy as he strode to the table, mad.


“Hello Helen,” he said feigning to be happy to see them all. “I see that you have found some new friend's!”

“Earl, these gentlemen were just keeping me company. Meet Steve, Mike, Larry and john from Manchester in the U.K.,” she said.

“Hello guys, I am here to pick up Helen,” he said, controlling his voice as much as possible to hide his anger and envy.

“Well, we can drop her for you, if you wish,” one of the men said, actually patting Helen on the shoulder.

Earl's eyes filled with rage as he looked at the guy. He could easily crush all of these guys singlehandedly without any help from outside, put Helen on his shoulder and carry her away, and there was not a thing that they could do. It was as if Helen read his mind.


“Come on guys, we will meet some other time, I've had a rough day and I just want to go home,” she slurred, struggling to get up and almost tripping to the floor, but Earl reached for her just on time and steadied her.

“Let's get you out of here, and what are you doing with strangers anyway?” Earl said as he steered her away after they had said their goodbyes.

“Did you expect me to sit the whole hour alone when there were other patrons that I could talk to?” she asked him, turning to look at him once in the jeep.

He leaned over to her and kissed her passionately on the lips, making the kiss linger for a while, and his cock rock hard by the time that he finally tore his lips away from hers.


“I am going to kill that Julio tomorrow, I tried calling him, but he is not picking up my calls,” he said firing up the engines of the car and pulling out of the curb.

She had already blacked out, and Earl knew that tonight was probably not going to be a very lucky night for him. He sped off home, and when they arrived, he carried her off to the bedroom, removed her clothes and put her to sleep. He sat up half the night going through his laptop before he finally fell asleep

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