Awakening - Book of Fire (Blood Heritage #1) (23 page)

BOOK: Awakening - Book of Fire (Blood Heritage #1)
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Discussing the details of the case, and the strangeness of it all with her makes it a little more bearable. None of these clues fit into his normal reporting procedures and he isn't ready to make his co-workers think he's crazy, so some of the details remain part of their own secret investigation outside of official channels. James is crashing into the twilight zone at full force and has no choice other than taking every day as it comes. Not much surprises him now. Hanging with psychics, witches and self-proclaimed wizards the potential of ghosts and aliens hiding in the mist seems perfectly reasonable.
What is the world coming too
? James wonders, realizing he doesn't really want to know the answer.


Dawn Awakes


Dawn is helplessly attracted to the outdoors, she has been all her life. Finding it difficult lately to go home, she spends long afternoons wandering the forests and swamps, listening to all the wonderful sounds around her, smelling the wet and nurturing earth. She feels at home in the middle of a swamp where others prefer staying away at all costs. Her senses acutely attuned to the intentions in the animals around her. Feeling a gator from over a mile away she has no fear of being attacked. The world seems just as aware of her as she is of it. The world is tempting her, telling her to let go, give up her humanity. Releasing her inhibitions she could easily stay out there, becoming a deeper part of it, breathing it all in, becoming one with nature again as humanity once was.


She doesn't want to go home tonight, staring at the beautiful starlit sky with the moon reflecting on the water is entrancing her. Watching the ripples shifting and the images melting into ethereal and mesmerizing patterns she feels perfectly at peace. The bright shimmering is enough to light her way, easily revealing her path. She is convinced this is her gift in this life, her deep connection with the natural world. The shoreline is alive with frogs, snakes and bugs each overwhelmingly vibrant to her senses. Revealing their warmth, energy, and essence into the night air, they practically glow. Nothing is hidden from her. She takes off her sandals, leaving them haphazardly discarded on the shoreline. Accepting her fate, embracing the sacred blood the fills her veins, Dawn succumbs to her instincts, her desires, her destiny.....


Walking deeper into the darkness, alone and barefoot, allowing her senses to lead her to the tiny meadow in the middle of the muck and grime. The trees welcoming her with their spicy, dusky fragrance. The light overhead filling her with desire to dance and run free, escaping the rules and expectations of the world. Dawn releases herself from all of it becoming a part of this spectacular universe of life. She does not deny the dark side of nature, embracing the death as well. Smelling the blood, the tiny body beneath her feet, feeling the dankness of decay, appreciating the nourishment it provides. With absolute clarity she speaks the words; "
for one to live another must die.
" Knowing the order of things, understanding fully her place in that order, Dawn embraces the burning inside her.


The need within her growing in intensity, struggling to break free from the moment of Amber's bloodletting, pushing against her logical mind. The energy flowing through her, revealing truths she knows but denies. She is an outcast, an orphan, not belonging fully in either world.
Is she a beast wandering through the darkness, the stuff of nightmares; or is she a thing of great beauty
? She isn't quite sure. The wild expression of her style, her colors, piercings and tattoos only an attempt to quell the wildness within. She is woman and wolf, united and inseparable. Shedding the clothing from her body, standing naked in the breeze, the goose bumps on her skin wake her nerves to the tingling sensation growing within her. Running through the darkness she allows her mind to capture the possibilities.


Her eyes, as green as emeralds opening wide, for the first time seeing everything. Her mind focusing on every sound without trying. She is unquenchable, allowing her instincts to overcome her fears, she embraces the inevitable. Dawn senses a great sacrifice is needed, her thoughts drifting back to the bloodletting, this time she knows it will be flowing freely tonight. For a moment she feels sadness overtaking her, but it is quickly replaced with excitement.


Allowing her instincts to lead, Dawn strengthens her resolve; still her humanity rebells for fear cannot be quieted so easily. This is suicide, what makes you so sure this will give you what you want? You’re fucking crazy! Stop this right now! I don't want to die.... I DON'T WANT TO DIE....... and so on, she struggles arguing with the voices inside her head; eventually shutting them up with the edge of her blade. Choosing to commit fully to whatever comes, she slashes open the flesh of her arm. As she watches the blood pouring from the wound she begins to tremble. Tremendous pain washing over her and slowly fading; a sense of calm numbness wrapping cool fingers around her heart. Dawn finds it hard to focus, breathing slowly she allows her mind to merge with the wonders of this place. Dizziness overtakes her and she slumps forward on the still warm grass. The bloodletting leading her into a dream like world where finally she understands. Darkness consumes her leaving nothing but the quiet whisper of the wind.


Her blood mixes with the dirt, the sacred and life giving essence of this sacred space. the power within her strong and her determination and will absolute. As her blood and tears fall freely she feels parts of herself falling away, though she still hears every sound clear and sharp, it seems to come from the other end of a long tunnel. She crawls into the cocoon of darkness dreaming of emerging a stunning creature of myth and legend.


The peace is ripped from her mind in a blinding moment of absolute agony. Her heart feels as if it will explode within her. Screaming, Dawn is convinced her entire body is on fire, her blood boiling within her. Writhing in agony, her flesh tears and bones shatter. The change does not come easily, the human body is not designed for such trauma, Again she cries out, this time an unrecognizable meshing of scream and growl as the change takes hold. When the pain finally subsides she is no longer recognizable, Lobo Guara, the red wolf stands in her place. The only sign of her humanity remaining is the glistening of the silver pendant she still wears around her neck.


She is a shifter, the highest order of her inheritance. She has the most desirable gift of her people. Though many of her blood have the potential to unlock their animal nature, most are too afraid, controlled or unable to see past the greed and power humanity offers to embrace the freedom of their instinctual side. To take on the animal form one must freely and completely give themselves over to instinct over intellect, action over contemplation. Everything that is human must die, the form can only shift when the boundaries of the flesh are discarded. Many cultures have long passed down stories of these creatures, some loved and some hunted. Always a mystery. No two shifters choose to take on the change in the same way, as the animal spirit living inside each of us is different.


There is an order to things and even shifters must follow it. They can choose freely between two separate worlds, but only if they are willing to pay the price. She knows there are others like herself out there, but she has been told they are the enemy. They will lead her back to the man who bore her and she will be forced to become one of the breeders. Her life will no longer be hers to command. There are a few like her within the higher circles, Dawn feels an overwhelming need to seek them out, to share with them her glory. She knows from the stories she is special, she has tasted death of her own free will, without the ceremonies and support of her kindred. She is the lone wolf, the rebel child born in freedom to live and love as she pleases, tasting life untethered, unleashed.


Running until her legs give out beneath her and her breath catches sharp within her lungs, she falls exhausted. Curling up on the grass she lets the moonlight bathe her in dreams. She wakes from adventures chasing frogs through the brush and howling in the moonlight to find the sun streaming in through the trees. Dawn doesn't know where she is exactly and realizes that she has left her clothing in the meadow. The sacred place where the blood flows like water from the tortured earth. It is one of his places, she knows, she can smell him there. She knows it is a place of power and now that power belongs to her as well. In this moment she looks like herself again, but it is only an illusion, she will never again be able to fully engage herself in the human world. They will sense she is not one of them. Too much time in their world will make her weak, and vulnerable. She thrives on the energy of the forest, the natural world, to keep her going. She can never go back to her old life. Her boyfriend is probably really pissed, she realizes. She was supposed to meet him, and forgot. He probably stayed up all night waiting for her, and since she never came home he likely assumes she went out with someone else. Not that she is really all that into him anyway. Her life is rich with things far more important than his pesky bitching. He can either take her as she is or hit the road.


Walking for hours, she finally returns to the familiar place she loves so much. Her clothes waiting undisturbed, she dresses despite her dirtiness. Slowly making her way home, she can only think of how desperately she needs to hit the shower. Her sore feet wishing for something other than the sandals she has with her, as she traipses through the weeds, wetness and pathways that were so pleasant yesterday. Dawn feels sore, tired and emotionally overwhelmed. She needs the comfort of home. Dawn will soon find that this body will never be comfortable again, when she chooses to appear human it will be a costly decision and she will ache through every moment. This body no longer belongs fully to her, it is only a borrowed version of what she used to be. She is more comfortable living as the beast she has become. The animal within always struggling to be free, to break through the illusion that is her humanity.


Her misery illustrates the downside of the bargain. Perhaps, she realizes, even freedom and wildness have their limits. She will be more careful next time. She is famished when she gets home and can't wait to feel the warmth of the water running down her back. Looking at herself in the mirror she has a good laugh. She is covered in blood and muddy from head to toe, there are twigs stuck in her hair. Looking like a rag-tag homeless woman who has been lost in the woods for days, only her eyes give away her happiness. Dawn is discovering who she truly is, finally feeling like she understands her social anxieties, why she never seems to fit, why she is uncomfortable in her own skin sometimes. The potential of her new life is so enticing. No one else will ever get close to her, but she never plans on letting anyone in anyway. The vibrant green eyes staring back at her hold secrets even she does not yet fully comprehend.


Dawn calls Devon so they can patch things up over a cup of coffee, some donuts, and a couple hours of make-up sex. Dawn is invigorated and aggressive with him and he can't help but give in to her. His blue-grey eyes full of desire and love for this woman that has never truly given herself over to him. Knowing she doesn't really love him, he holds on and hopes that maybe someday she will. Hanging on her every word and watching her move with intensity, he notices something about her has changed. Dawn is even more untouchable, more elusive, if that is even possible. Something has happened, her bruised and battered body tells him that much, but he knows there is no sense trying to get her to talk about it. He can only take what time and information she feels like giving.




Rissa too has felt a change come over her since the ceremony, she doesn't know what it means, only that she feels stronger and she can see more clearly. The bloodletting with Amber unlocked something deep inside her. She has dreams of the past, of people she does not know or remember. Beautiful galas full of swirling black and crimson gowns, white masks covering the faces of the beautiful people in attendance. Her mind replays the history of her people for her like a Discovery Channel movie, it is sparklingly vivid, and she is drawn into the intensity of it all. She feels the emotions and intentions of everything around her. Standing there observing, watching, and seeing without being seen, Rissa becomes a silent part of something long ago lost. It is as if she too is a god standing outside the realities of human limitations.


Corseted women with feathers in their hair circle the floor. It seems a jovial and decadent celebration until you lay eyes on the sacrificial purpose of it all. The beautiful girls bound hand and foot on the altars. Their bodies perfect in the dim light. The men touching them, teasing them. These poor girls merely playthings for the masses. The women laughing as the captives are tormented. Hours pass and the blood and pain escalates. Tortures of unspeakable cruelty are bestowed on these girls and the crowd celebrates their cries and tears with happiness. They are the sacrificial lambs, this is their preparation for slaughter.


Their bodies are beaten, broken, and ravaged by as many of the men as are capable, and each will conceive. The Son is within them this night and all are doing his will. The orgy of suffering will last for days and there will be horrific consequences for many of those in attendance. Some will be so racked with guilt over it all they will take their own lives, others will place blame and attack. By the end of the celebration there will be seven suicides, seven murders, and seven beautiful young women pregnant with the seed of their God. The One Son plays his dark hand and his flair for the dramatic never fails to impress.

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