Read Axe's Fall: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 4) Online

Authors: Chiah Wilder

Tags: #Fiction, #MC, #Romance

Axe's Fall: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 4) (14 page)

BOOK: Axe's Fall: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 4)
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With urgency, Axe ripped the foil packet with his teeth, covered his pulsing cock, and spread her knees further apart. He placed his hand under her ass cheek, lifting her higher. When he pushed in her soaking pussy, Baylee screamed out from the sheer ecstasy of it.

“Fuck, you’re tight. My cock feels good in your pussy. You like it?”

“I love the way it feels. Harder. I want it harder.”

A big grin broke out over his face. “You sure?”

“Harder,” she gritted, thrashing her head from side to side.

He lifted her higher and slammed into her, each time harder than the last. As he pounded in and out of her, her hips bucked up and down amid loud moans and gasps of pleasure. When Axe brought his finger to her slick clit, she lost it, shattering into a million pieces as deep, scorching pleasure raged through her. It wasn’t anything she’d ever experienced before. And as Axe grunted and panted, she felt him burst inside her, her silky walls encasing him. It was glorious.

He collapsed on top of her, his chest heaving. She wanted to caress him so much, but she couldn’t because her hands were still tied. Plus, this was a casual sexual thing, something that didn’t involve cuddling and caressing each other. This was fantastic sex—the best she’d ever had, but it was just sex.

Axe turned sideways and kissed her jaw. “Fuckin’ intense, babe. Awesome. Shit, let me untie you.” He retrieved a knife from his rag then cut the stockings. “I’ll have to come better prepared next time.”

He rolled next to her and drew her to him, and she pillowed her head on his shoulder.

Wait! What are we doing?”

“Umm, you have to go.”

“What?” He pushed himself up with his elbow.

“I mean, what we have is casual sex. It was the best, but it’s done, so you have to go. Anyway, I can’t risk Logan seeing you coming out of my room.”

“Are you fuckin’ serious?”

“Yeah. Cuddling and sleeping over is too intimate. What we have is casual. We have to keep it that way.”

Axe bristled. “Casual’s the way I want it, too.” He rolled out of bed then dressed. At the door, he looked over his shoulder. “I’ll be back in the morning to take you to your car.”

All of a sudden, he was gone, and the room seemed too quiet.
This is what you wanted.
Axe was taking his cue from her; he appeared to be content holding her. It was nice, but she couldn’t go there. Casual sex was perfect, and he’d left like she asked him to. So, why did a part of her heart ache? Ridiculous. Axe was perfect for casual sex, especially since he had women at his disposal twenty-four-seven. When she told him he had to leave, he hadn’t even argued with her. He just up and left.

That’s good, right?

Heaviness weighed her down as she switched off the table lamp. Her phone pinged.

I still taste you. Nite.

She reread the sentence several times.


This Saturday?



That was it. Simple words which lifted the heaviness right up.

Lying back down, she burrowed her head in the pillow, a smile on her lips.

*     *     *

At eight-fifteen in
the morning, Axe texted to tell her he was coming by to take her to her car. She hurriedly finished dressing then made her way downstairs.

The minute she entered the lobby, she saw the man—propped against the pillar, watching her like he had the night before. Something about his face seemed familiar to her. The man didn’t try to hide from her like he had the last time; instead, he boldly watched her as she passed the pillar and stood by the large glass entrance door. He was lean and tall, and upon closer inspection, he appeared to be in his early fifties, with dark hair graying on his temples. He strolled down the lobby, coming closer to her.

She darted into the coffee shop and ordered a black coffee to go, and he followed her inside. She ignored him, moving over to the small gift store to flip through the local paper while she waited for Axe. Without turning around, she sensed his presence. Everywhere she went, he was there.

Why is he following me? Should I tell the front desk?
The blood rushing to her head made her dizzy, and she dropped into a chair outside the gift shop. With her eyes closed, she rubbed her temples lightly as she tried to regain her composure. Her eyes fluttered open and locked with the piercing stare of her stalker. A strangled yelp escaped her as the space around her became smaller.

“Hey, babe.” Axe’s deep voice washed over her as relief replaced panic. “You not feeling so good?”

She brought her thin fingers to her trembling lips. “Not really. A glass of water should help.” As she rose to her feet, Axe ran over to help. Behind him, she saw her stalker turn around abruptly.

“I’ll get it for you.” Axe pivoted. “What the hell?” Baylee watched Axe move toward the man. “Uncle Max?”

Baylee gasped as her tormentor stopped dead in his tracks.

Axe approached him. “What’re you doing here?”

The man mumbled something Baylee couldn’t understand. The last thing she wanted was for Axe to introduce her to his uncle—the man who’d been following her. She scampered out of the lobby, leaving the two men talking.

As she waited for Axe in front of the hotel, Baylee tried to digest what had just happened. The man who’d been creating such anxiety for her was Axe’s uncle? What if his uncle was the one who killed her mother? He was around the same age as her dad, and she’d described the man as being tall and thin to her psychiatrist at some point during the years. Could Axe be the nephew of her mom’s killer? It was too fantastic to imagine.

My mind is just conjuring up all sorts of unlikely scenarios. It’s ludicrous. There has to be a rational explanation.

Axe came out of the hotel and motioned her to follow him, stopping at his Harley. “That was fuckin’ weird, seeing my uncle Max at the hotel. Crazy.”

“What was he doing here?” She hoped her voice didn’t betray any nervousness.

“He said it was work-related.”

“What does he do?”

“He’s involved with a bunch of different things like construction, building management, and development.” As he dusted off the bike’s seat, he asked, “Why did you run out so fast? I was gonna introduce you, but you split.”

“I didn’t want to intrude. We better get going, I have to get to work.”

He watched her closely for a few seconds. “Okay. Hop on.”

“Oh, I forgot to ask you last night about the permit. What’s going on?”

“The club thought it was all squared away. The person who was supposed to handle it flaked.”

“I figured it was a problem. I have all the preliminary blueprints together, and I’m meeting the head of the zoning department for lunch. I’ll schmooze him. No worries.” She jumped on the back of the Harley.

“When you having lunch with the dude?”

“Next Monday. We’re going to the French Bistro.” She tugged at her hem, trying to pull down her dress. “Don’t you have a car?”

“No. Don’t like cages.”

“My dress is all the way up. Maybe I should grab a cab.”

“Not so easy to find a cab in Pinewood.” He looked over his shoulder at her legs. “Besides, you have the sexiest legs I’ve ever seen, so why not show them off?” He winked. “Hold on.”

The bike leapt forward, and she put her hands around his waist and enjoyed the ride.

They pulled into Le Crystal’s parking lot next to her car.

“Thanks,” Baylee said as she swung her leg over the motorcycle’s seat. She grasped Axe’s outstretched hand, falling in to him when her shaky legs hit the pavement. “I didn’t expect—”

He captured her bottom lip with his teeth then kissed her, silencing her words. He ate her up with quick bites and kisses, and the taste and touch of him sent her reeling. Her eyes fluttered closed.

“Seeing you in your short dress makes my fingers itch to dig into your sweet, soft thighs, babe. Just like this,” he breathed, burying his fingers into them.

“Oh, Axe,” she moaned, pressing closer to him.

Her breasts were squashed to his chest, her legs surrounded by his powerful ones, and the long, thick bulge between them rubbed against her belly. Finding the hardness which stretched across his zipper, she palmed it firmly.

He leaned his mouth close to her ear. “Your touch, your body, your scent, it’s all fuckin’ messing with my mind.”

A barely suppressed shiver ran through her body as his finger inched closer to her dampened panties, an unspoken need simmering just below the surface of her skin. She raised his head then flicked her tongue across his lips while she ran her hands over his broad shoulders.

“You’re so sexy. You don’t even know how much you turn me on,” she murmured between feathery kisses along his jaw.

“Fuck, baby,” he rasped.

Baylee threw her head back as he stroked her wet clit through her panties. Axe licked the tender flesh of her throat as he slipped his finger between her pulsing folds. She squeezed her eyes shut as his tongue and lips burned her skin, and his steady caress on her pussy made her explode into a million pieces in the middle of a parking lot in broad daylight. Waves of electrified shivers crisscrossed through her body, making her so weak in the knees she had to steady herself against Axe’s bike.

“Wow,” she panted.

A smile curled around his lips. “Love to watch you come. So fuckin’ hot.”

She caught his belt hoop with her finger and drew him to her. “What about you?” Her lips brushed against his.

“You can take care of me later. This was all for you.” He kissed her, heavy and hard, before he pulled away. “Gotta get to church.”

Baylee tugged her dress down, smoothed her hair, and supported herself against him as they walked to her car. She slid into the driver’s seat and turned the ignition. Axe bent down and kissed her hard on the mouth.

“Drive carefully.”

She nodded. She wanted to ask him if they were going to see each other that night, but what they had was casual sex—no emotions, no accountability, just sex. And was the sex ever awesome. A big grin stayed plastered on her face for the rest of the day.

As five o’clock neared, a twinge of disappointment pricked at her. She hadn’t heard from Axe since morning—no phone call, no text, nothing.
Remember, Baylee, this is a casual fling. It’s a sexual affair. Nothing is expected from you or him except pleasure, and he’s definitely giving you that.
Keeping things casual meant no complications. As long as they were both giving and receiving pleasure, it was working; she could do as she wanted, and he could to. It was a mature, liberating “relationship,” and it suited her just fine. She glanced at her Inbox for messages again. Nothing. She sighed.

As she approached her hotel, apprehension seized her as it had been doing ever since Axe’s uncle followed her into the elevator. She still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that her creepy pervert happened to be Axe’s uncle. Too strange. Did Axe know what was going on? He didn’t act like it, but he was probably good at concealing things. It didn’t make sense. Why would Axe be involved in this? Maybe he was just helping his uncle out, trying to keep an eye on her. Maybe the one-night stand in Denver wasn’t as random as she thought. Chills danced up and down her spine at the idea.

Get a grip. I don’t even know if his uncle scoping me out has anything to do with my mom. There may not be anything to be involved in. His uncle is probably just some perv who stalks young women. Axe was genuinely surprised to see him, after all.

She entered the lobby tentatively, surveying the area. Nothing out of the ordinary, and the sense that someone was watching her wasn’t there.

“You just get back?” Logan’s smiling eyes greeted her.

“Yeah. Where were you today? Played hooky?”

He jerked his head back. “No way. I’d never do that. I went out to the construction site with one of the engineers. All the trucks and machines are waiting to get started. I heard you were handling the permit issue.”

“Yeah, I am.”

“How’s it going?”

“Okay.” Baylee knew Logan was fishing for information to see who her contacts were and when they were meeting so he could pretend to bump into her. There wasn’t a chance in Hell that she’d tell him anything until
she had the permit in hand.

“Any idea when it’ll be done?”

“No, I’m working on it. I’m going to my room now. I’ll see you around.” She brushed past him and marched to the elevators.

The coolness of her room was a welcome after the stuffiness of the office. The building was having cooling problems, and most days Baylee came home feeling sticky and damp.

She peeled off her clothes then padded to the bathroom to take a shower.

The envelope icon on her phone blinked, indicating she had a message. A surge of joy ran from the pit of her stomach right to her head. She opened the text.

Want to have some barbecue?

A heavy sigh passed through her lips, and she sank onto the bed. The text wasn’t from Axe.
Her shoulders slumped.
It’s casual. No expectations. Remember?

BOOK: Axe's Fall: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 4)
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