Azaria (8 page)

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Authors: J.H. Hayes

BOOK: Azaria
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"Aaawwwwah," Quzo protested, already knowing what she was going to say, for she'd been telling him the same thing all sun.

Zephia took her son's face within her hands. "Don't you ever jump off that rock, do you hear me?"

So it was about Azaria's jump,
Azerban confirmed to himself.

"But I wanna be Bird-Runner too!" Quzo whined.

Alarmed, Zephia looked up to her mate for assistance. Nodding, Azerban took his son's shoulder and turned him around, kneeling down to meet him eye to eye. "Quzo, listen to me boy. You’re not to jump off High Cliff or any other rock without my direct permission. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, father..."

"Now you will get to jump off rocks, but we will do it together. Do you understand?"

"Yes, father..."

"Good!!" Azerban concluded before lifting him up over his head and spinning him around. "I'm happy we understand each other then."

"Well, now that we have that behind us, I think we should get these girls into their outfits," Zephia said, wiping any remaining wetness from her eyes.

Daneel, happy to see an end to the earlier unpleasantness, unrolled the outfit she'd brought over for the celebration. "Azaria, will you help me into this?" she asked.

Azaria helped her slip into a gazelle skin tunic and turned her around. She'd seen this particular outfit before, but was awed when she saw the front. It had always been an admirable piece, but Daneel - presumably with the help of her mother - had been working on it. Two rows of shiny black jewels, each with a white stripe running around its hemisphere, now draped down the front of her dress, from one shoulder, down and across her bust and back up the other side. The stones had been strategically drilled and positioned so that the white stripe ran continuously. The effect was to ensure any observer's eyes lingered on her full chest.

"Daneel! That is beautiful!" Zephia must have noticed the new embellishment also, for Azaria seldom saw her mother quite so impressed. She thought her mother was actually jealous. She was too.

"Wow, Daneel! Where did you get all that onyx?" Azaria asked. "This dress is even more stunning than before. No, actually, it's like a whole new piece. It's amazing!"

Daneel had kept quiet, carefully waiting for the reaction she'd been anticipating. She opened her mouth to speak, but Zephia beat her to it.

"From that thieving father of yours, no doubt." Zephia didn't mean the remark derogatorily. Asek, Boar Camp's Master Trader, was well known for driving a hard bargain, and for his lavishness with his mate and daughter. Although born with little status, he’d won over his mate, Dtioniyah - who, as a stunningly beautiful, unmated young girl, was the object of every man's affection - with a series of rare and exquisite gifts and her parents with a dowry that left them little choice but to consent.

"I'm going to have to visit him. Do you know if he has any left?" Zephia said.

"I'm sure he does," Daneel replied. "Father always keeps a secret reserve. He always says a thing loses value if too much of it is spread around. Why don't I talk to him for you? I'm sure you and I can strike a more amicable bargain, Zephia."

Azaria's mother saw past the innocent smile.
It appears Asek's daughter is becoming quite the little trader herself.
"I'm sure we can, Daneel," she replied back with a smile as equally smooth.

Zephia assisted the girls with their facial dyes and the three women helped Quzo and Azerban don their own special outfits.

"Well, you girls can run off now, I think we have everything under control here," Zephia offered as they finished up.

"If you don't mind, I think I'd like to go with you tonight," Azaria said. "Daneel, if you want to go ahead without me, I'll understand."

So she's looking to us to shield her from some of this attention.
Azerban and Zephia were thinking just about the same thing.
Perhaps I don't need to punish her too harshly,
Azerban decided.
It sounds like she's not enjoying all the attention very much. And Zephia must have already spoken to her.

"No, I'll go with you," Daneel smiled. It wasn't exactly what she’d planned, but she hoped as the night matured Azaria would settle down and they could go off together. What would it hurt to eat with her parents? "Perhaps we can talk about a fair trade for the onyx, Zephia," Daneel said with a mischievous smile.

As they exited the shelter, Azaria was pleased to see no one waiting outside.
I guess they all have to get ready too. Maybe the afternoon was the worst of it.

She wasn't completely out of the woods, however. Many eyes turned to her as they entered the feasting grounds and made their way to the food tables. Various exclamations accompanied the heavy stares. "Here she comes!" said one onlooker. "She looks beautiful!" said another. "There's the Bird-Runner!" more than one child said. Everyone seemed to want to get a look and some of the children weren't shy about approaching.

"Bird-Runner, can you teach me to fly?" one particularly brazen little boy came right up to her. Many of those around him laughed, but some Azaria felt were old enough to know better were waiting intently for an answer.

How many of these people really think I can fly?
Azaria was at a loss. She wanted to tell them they were all being fools, but didn't think it would go well. The crowds frightened her, like a beast she’d never before encountered. She was scared of provoking it.

She kneeled down in front of the brash boy, and repeated what she'd been telling people all sun. She spoke loud enough so those nearby would understand, or at least she hoped. "Nobody can fly, little one. I only jumped and fell."

"But everyone says you were flying above Vulture Rock, circling like a falcon!" another slightly older boy objected.

“She was!” Quzo yelled, earning a sharp pinch from his mother.

Her father had heard enough, anger building inside of him. "Who says they saw Azaria circling like a falcon, besides foolish children?" he asked, stepping in front of his daughter and addressing the crowd with his booming voice. "Whoever claims that, come here and describe it to me. I was there and saw no such thing."

He looked out over the throng of people, surveying back and forth, allowing a moment for his point to sink in. When no one responded, he looked down to the boy and addressed him sternly and loud enough for all to hear, "You see, my boy? No one is willing to take credit for that lie, because it’s not true. Do not believe everything you hear!" He then addressed the crowd again, "Make way for my family. We are hungry."

Azaria sat back as he took control, gratified she'd decided to accompany them to the Feast. Grayfoot loped up, wagging his tail furiously and circling his human pack. She was happy to see him. "Where have you been, boy?" she repeated her usual refrain, crouching down and scratching behind his ears and around the neck, letting him lick her chin, but taking care not to let him smear the coloring her mother had applied to her cheeks and eyes. "Out with your friends? You always come when I need you, though." His attention was welcome at the moment. He didn't care if she jumped off High Cliff. He loved her no matter what she did.

Azerban's intimidating display was enough to shame most of the spectators for the moment. The crowd dispersed, except for some of the children who hung around, unconvinced Azaria wouldn't take off into the air at any moment, intent not to miss it again.

She put her arm around her father's waist and he wrapped one arm around her shoulders, enclosing her protectively. "Thank you, father."

"I'm happy you waited for us, this was worse than I imagined. Perhaps you should stay close for the night."

"Okay, father... It's probably a good idea."

They made their way to the feasting tables where they helped themselves. The offerings were impressive. A large boar was roasting over an open pit. All cuts of savory aurochs meat were laid out, as well as dishes containing duck, geese, fish and wild sheep, surrounded by greens, roasted nuts and fruit. Azaria's family plus Daneel ate together, laughing at how crazy everyone had been acting. Azaria recounted the full story leading up to her decision to make the jump. She told them how wonderful a runner Yumineh was and of how she'd taunted her. She also admitted to how badly she felt for the other girl, because she deserved to win the race.

Daneel had been caught off guard earlier back at their shelter, when Azaria had explained the drastic measure she took because she didn't want to lose to Yumineh. She’d had fun reacquainting herself with the Fox Camp girl the previous night. She couldn’t imagine where the rivalry had come from. But now that she heard how Yumineh had behaved, she was even more surprised.
No wonder Azaria wanted to beat her. And why would Yumineh act like that? Why did she turn the competition into a personal grudge match?
She could hardly believe it. Yumineh seemed to be such a sweet girl.
Maybe she's just very competitive.

Shortly after they finished their meal and as the sun's light began to dim, Fahim and Takur, the elderly Ta'araki co-leaders, came out of their shelter and appeared ready to address the crowd. Takur wore dress covered with brown and black vulture feathers. Fahim donned a similar outfit, except the tips of many of the feathers had been dyed a rich red. Azaria was dreading this part of the Feast.

"Children of the Ta'ar!" Fahim began, her frail, creaking voice replaced by a rich, commanding tone. "This has been an extraordinary Solstice. We give thanks to the Ta'ar for this bountiful Feast. We give thanks to our glorious competitors for their bravery and sacrifice. We honor all who participated. Children of the Ta'ar, acknowledge your brave competitors." Roars of acclamation emanated from the crowd. Fahim was a master at manipulating the audience. "We witnessed an exciting and unusual Long Run competition this sun. It was a trial filled with courage and fortitude - a contest which destiny has fulfilled."

Azerban’s ears perked. What was she talking about? What destiny?

“We ask that the three top contestants come forward for recognition. Dogahn! Yumineh! And Azaria! Come forward!"

The crowd erupted when Azaria's name was called. Some of the children looked up to the sky, expecting her to swoop down upon them. She wanted to turn and run, but hands at her back forced her toward the front. Azerban tried to push forward when he saw the crush of people surrounding her, but his attempts were stymied by the mass of bodies. They wouldn't hear his shouts and he couldn't throw enough people aside fast enough to reach her. He gave up when she made it to the front unharmed. Dogahn and Yumineh joined her. Dogahn sported a broad grin, but Yumineh's expression was ashen. Like Azaria, she also looked like she'd rather be anyplace else.

Fahim continued. "Dogahn of Boar Camp, son of Irizahner, has finished in third place. Come forward and be recognized!"

Dogahn stepped up and turned around, a big smile glued to his face, his white teeth flashing brilliantly.

"Yumineh of Fox Camp, daughter of Patyu, has finished in second place. Come forward and be recognized!"

Yumineh stepped up with her head down and turned to face the crowd without even meeting Fahim’s eyes. She did briefly turn to look at Azaria, but looked away quickly. Azaria saw a tear roll down her left cheek. She realized then how Yumineh must be feeling. For her, it was an unfair outcome. Yumineh deserved to win. Her sympathy for the Fox Camp girl she earlier went to such extreme measure to beat only deepened.

"Azaria of Fox Camp, daughter of Zephia, Messenger and Bird-Runner of the Natu! You have won the Long Run competition. You are known to the Ta'ar! Come forward and be recognized!"

The explosion from the children was deafening. They were exhilarated the creepy, old lady had used the term they'd been calling her. Azaria brought her hands to her ears to muffle the noise. She looked over to Dogahn and couldn’t help but smile when she saw him grinning from ear to ear.


Azerban could only stare at the spectacle, horrified. It was unbelievably inappropriate, even dangerous to prop Azaria up so high. He felt it was, anyway. She was still a young girl, with none of the experience that went with such responsibility. Azerban knew how fragile, how innocent his daughter was. He knew how much trouble she had turning people down, afraid to offend or disappoint. She deserved the chance to grow up, to mature, to learn life's lessons in a normal manner, like everyone else did. There was no reason why his daughter should be wrenched from her childhood just because a powerful Ta'araki thought it suited her needs. He knew that was Fahim’s intention. There was no other explanation.

He angrily wondered what plans she had for her, certain Fahim had some nefarious reason for bestowing the Bird-Runner title upon her. At the moment though, he had no idea what those reasons were. He'd been watching her since the end of the race. He'd seen how Fahim had been eyeing his daughter. It was almost as if he could see inside her mind, see her strategizing, devising, scheming.

And he knew she’d been planning something like this. He wished he'd had the courage to confront her before she'd made her move. Now it was too late. She'd made a mockery of the entire competition and of his daughter. And now Azaria would have to bear the burdens that came with this contrived

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