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Authors: Michael Lind

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technological innovation during, 135–137

telegraph and, 159

Clark, John Bates, 213, 215

Clark, Tom, 300

Clarke, Chapman and Co., 198

Clay, Henry, 47, 57

American System of, 8, 16, 81, 104–108, 116–117, 140–141, 460

Compromise Bill of 1832 and, 109

Compromise of 1850 and, 127

Jackson and, 109, 111, 114, 115

tariffs and, 144

Clay, John, 140–141

Clayton Act (1914), 173, 230, 365

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain), 210, 233

Clermont (manor house), 61

(steamboat), 88

Cleveland, Grover, 168, 173, 180, 221–222

Clinton, DeWitt, 53–55, 88

Club of Rome, 379


coal gas used as fuel, 199

electricity generation and, 199, 339

mining of, 94–95

railroads and, 92–93

Cobden, Robert, 100–101

Cockcroft, John, 403

Code Savary, 32

Coffin, Howard E., 241

Cohen, Benjamin, 285

Coin’s Financial School
(Harvey), 179

Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 32

Cold War, free trade concessions during, 331–332, 368–376, 456–457

Collins, Thomas, 89–90

Colt, John, 3

Colt, Peter, 2

Colt, Samuel, 3, 97, 98

Commerce Clause, in US Constitution, 88

Committee for Economic Development (CED), 352

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), 435

Commons, John R., 227

Commonwealth Edison Company, 249

Communications Satellite Corporation (Comsat), 406

Competitive Equality Banking Act (1987), 386

Compromise of 1850, 127–128

Compromise of 1877, 174

Compton, Arthur, 404

computers, evolution of, 11, 407–409

Computer Tabulating Recording Corporation (CTR), 410

Conant, James, 396

Confederate States of America (CSA)

constitution’s weaknesses, 130–131

reliance on agriculture and shunning of manufacturing, 8, 130–131, 132–134, 464

conglomerates, 365–366, 436

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 298, 321

Connally, John, 376

Connally, Tom, 334

Connally Hot Oil Act, 334

Constitution, of United States

Commerce Clause, 88

preamble contrasted to CSA’s, 131

Sixteenth Amendment, 138, 231

Washington and Constitutional Convention, 30

consumer credit, growth after World War I, 254

container ships, 424–425

Cooke, Henry, 138

Cooke, Jay, 138–139, 193

Coolidge, Calvin, 255, 266

Cooper, Peter, 93

Cooper, Richard, 271

Cooper, Thomas, 112–113

Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export, 331

Corcoran, Tommy “the Cork,” 285, 293, 299

Corn Laws, in Britain, 100

magazine, 400

See also
employer-based benefits

federal incorporation laws, 227–228

mergers in late nineteenth century, 213–233

Corresca, Rocco, 169

Corwin, Abel, 158

cotton, 7–8, 122–123

CSA’s reliance on, 132–134

cotton gin, 123

Cotton Is King; or, Slavery in the Light of Political Economy
(Christy), 126

Coulomb, Charles Augustin de, 190

Countrywide Financial, 434, 447

Cox, Christopher, 447

Cox, Father James, 283

Coxe, Tench, 38, 39, 41, 43

creative destruction, 224

Creditanstalt, 270

Credit Mobilier, 143, 155–156

Croly, Herbert, 225

Crooks, Ramsay, 73

crop-lien system, in post–Civil War South, 175–176

, 137

Cunard, Samuel, 90

currency issues.
See also

bimetallism, 37, 149, 183

late twentieth century manipulation of, 429–431

Legal Tender Act and creation of national, 141–142

Next American economy and dollar’s status as reserve currency, 459

Reconstruction and return to gold standard, 148–149

current-account deficits

in 1970s, 376

in 1980s, 388–390

China and, 423, 428–433

Japan and, 371–373

maldistribution of income in early twentieth century and, 262–266

Currie, Lauchlin, 302–303

curtain-wall construction, of buildings, 209–210

Curtiss-Wright Corporation, 4

Czech Republic, 37

Czolgosz, Leon, 183

Daimler, Gottlieb, 191, 199

Dallas, Alexander, 71

dams, 275, 276, 304, 312, 318, 338–339

Daugherty, Harry, 258

Davis, Norman, 266

Davison, Henry, 222–223

Dawes, Charles G., 264

Dawes Plan, 264–266

Debow, James B. D., 133

Debs, Eugene, 166, 173

debt peonage, 175–176

Deep Blue computer, 409–410

Deere, John, 87

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 420, 466

Defense Plant Corporation, 308, 311–312, 348

defense spending

under Carter and Reagan, 391

national security and, 463–464

deficit spending

Great Recession and irrational fears about deficits, 454–456

national debt in World War II, 325

recession of 1928–1933 and New Deal relief programs, 285–300

recession of 1937–1938, 300–303

deflation, Great Depression and, 278–279

DeGolyer, Everette, 335

deindustrialization, of US, 433

Delano, Frederic, 341

Delano, Warren II, 65

Delaware, 216–217

DeLong, Bradford, 221

demographic changes, post–World War II, 341–345, 356–362, 451–452

Dempsey, Paul Stephen, 383–384

Deng Xiaoping, 431

deposit insurance, 286

Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act, 385–386

Derby, Elias Hasket, 63–64

New Deal, dismantling of

Desert Land Act (1877), 177–178

developmental capitalism, of Hamilton, 12–13, 460.
See also
New Nationalism

Bryan and, 182

List and, 224

producerism contrasted, 15–17

Dickinson, John, 288

Dickson, William Kennedy Laurie, 251

Dictionnaire universel de commerce
(Savary), 32

Diesel, Rudolf, 199

Diesel engines, 199–200

Digges, Thomas, 39

Digital Library Initiative (DLI), 420

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, 449

Dodge, John and Horace, 247

See also
currency issues

origin of term, 37

reserve currency status and, 459

Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, 435

Donnelly, Ignatius, 179

Doriot, George, 418

Douglas, Lewis, 288

Douglas, Stephen A., 129–130, 143

Douglas, William O., 302

Dow Chemical, 374

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 196, 269–270

Doyle, Geraldine Hoff, 321

Drake, Edwin, 77, 161, 200

Dred Scott v. Sanford
, 130

Drew, Daniel, 157–158

Drucker, Peter, 367, 440

Duane, James, 31

Duane, William, 115

Dubinsky, David, 298

Duer, William, 41–42

Dunlop, J. B., 200

Dunne, Finley Peter, 226–227

DuPont, 192, 217, 313, 349

Durand, W. F., 404

earned-income tax credit (EITC), 474, 475

Easley, Ralph Montgomery, 227

Eastman Kodak, 192, 217, 251, 416

Eccles, Marriner, 274, 285, 301, 302

Eckert, J. Presper, 408, 413

Eckert, Wallace J., 411

Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation, 413

Eckes, Alfred E., 369

E. C. Knight
, 232

Economic Basis of Protection, The
(Patten), 147

Economic Opportunity Act (1964), 359

Economic Revitalization Board, 380

(Samuelson), 357

Eddy, Arthur Jerome, 258

Edgar Thomson Steel Company, 162

Edison, Thomas, 3, 9, 202, 397–398

AC/DC issue, 196–197

electric motors, 9, 198

Ford and, 246–247

Insull and, 249

lightbulbs, 194–195

movie trust and, 251–252

research and development, 192–194

Edison Electric Illuminating Company, 195–197

Edison General Electric, 249

Edison Manufacturing Company, 251


in early age of steam, 97–98

land-grant colleges, 149–150, 192, 203–204

Next American Republic and proposals for higher-education, 476–477

Edwards, Corwin, 300

Einstein, Albert, 403

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 10, 182, 319, 336, 340, 351, 360, 370

Eizenstat, Stuart E., 387

Electric Home and Farm Authority, 338


AC/DC issue, 195–197

automobile industry and, 247–248

deregulation of industry, 383

discovery of, 189–194

electric motors, 9, 197–198

growth and regulation of sector, after World War II, 336–339

household appliances, 344–345

industry productivity increases, 262

lighting, 194–195

private utility industry, 249–250

trolley systems, 209

electric numerical integrator and calculator (ENIAC), 408

Electrocuting an Elephant
(film), 197

elevators, 209–210

Elizabeth, New Jersey, 452

Ellis Island, 168–169

Ely, Richard T., 214

Emergency Banking Act, 286

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, 447–448

Emergency Relief and Construction Act, 281

Emergency Revenue Act (1916), 241

Emergency Tariff Act (1921), 265–266

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 105

employer-based benefits

dismantling of system of, 364

health insurance, in World War II, 326

in Next American Economy, 475–476

retirement plan changes in twenty-first century, 437–442

Empress of China
, 63

Engelbart, Douglass, 419


England’s Treasure by Foreign Trade
(Mun), 22

Enron, 384

environmental movement, emergence of, 379

Equitable Insurance Building, 209

Erie Canal, 7, 53–57

Erie Railway Company, 157–158

, 76

European Coal and Steel Community, 332

European Economic Community, 332, 371

European Space Agency, 406

Evans, Matthew, 194

Evans, Oliver, 90–91

Evans, Redd, 321–322

excise taxes

Civil War debts and, 137–138

Great Depression and, 305

on whiskey, 35

Export-Import Bank, 355

ExxonMobil, 162

Fairbank, John K., 65

Fairchild Semiconductor, 414, 416

Fairfield, George A., 97

Fair Housing Act (1968), 357

Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), 295, 343

Fannie Mae, 355, 430, 444, 446, 447

Faraday, Michael, 190, 191, 197–198

Farm Bureau, 347

Farm Credit System, 355, 467

Farmer, Moses, 194

Farnsworth Television and Radio Company, 207–208

Farwell, Charles and John, 177

Fascism, 288–289

Federal Aid Road Act (1916), 111, 340

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 347

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 286

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), 287

Federal Farm Board (FFB), 276

Federal Farm Loan Bank System, 277

Federal Home Loan Bank Act (1932), 277, 355

Federal Home Loan Bank System, 277, 355, 467

Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 355, 361

Federalist Papers
, 30, 38

Federal Land-Grant Act, 143

Federal Maritime Commission, 347

Federal Power Act (1935), 337

Federal Power Commission (FPC), 337, 347

Federal Reserve System, 116, 142

establishment of, 222–223

Great Depression and, 280

stock market crash and discount rate, 269

Federal Trade Commission, 230

Fermi, Enrico, 401, 404

Ferrucci, David, 409

Fidelity, 437–438

Filene, Edward, 273

Fillmore, Millard, 143

finance capitalism, transition to managerial capitalism, 349–351

financial crisis, of 2007, 434–435, 444–450.
See also
Great Recession

Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (1989), 386

financial-market capitalism, 364, 436–440

financial system.
See also
banking system

deregulation of, 385–386

policy proposals for Next American Economy, 467–469

Finland, 371, 372

Firestone, Harvey, 201–202

Firestone tires, 201–202

First American Republic, 5–8, 481

First Industrial Revolution (steam power), 6–8, 81–82, 191, 208, 453–454

American System of H. Clay, 8, 16, 81, 104–108, 116–117, 140–141, 460

American system of manufacturing, 95–97

Civil War and Reconstruction, 129–150

education and technology, 97–98

electric motors and, 198–199

English superiority at start of, 83–85, 99–104

Jackson’s rejection of federal authority, 108–117

railroads and, 90–95, 151–185

regional societal differences and, 119–128

shipping and passenger ship travel, 87–90

Southern opposition to government-sponsored industrial capitalism, 102–104

state infrastructure building, 117–119

textile manufacturing and, 86–87

First National Bank, 219, 231, 232

Fisher, Richard, 440

Fisk, James, 157–158

Fitch, John, 7, 87

Flagler, Henry, 161

Fleming, Alexander, 315

Food Administration, 244–245

Ford, Gerald, 10, 381

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