B006T5JMRC EBOK (42 page)

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Authors: Aya Knight

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“Thank you.” He stroked a hand through her hair. “I’m glad you’re with me.”

“Goodnight.” She smiled once again before returning to her own bed.

Kale stared toward the ceiling as he listened to the repetitive rumble of Illadar’s snoring in the bed parallel to his. Eventually, his eyes began to roll and despite his desire to remain awake and avoid further torment within his dreams, he dozed off.

Kale’s eyes fluttered open as he stared forward into a blinding bright light. As the light dimmed, Kale could see he was surrounded by nothingness—only white in every direction, there were no walls.

“Hello?” he called out. “Can anyone hear me? Neelan?”

“I am here with you, my young Firehart.” A soothing female voice sounded in all directions, yet no one could be seen.

“Where are you? Who are you? And where am I?” Kale held his hands out in front of his face as he searched to see if anything—or anyone was there.

“Please do not be afraid, little one.”

Kale spun around to see a woman staring back at him with nurturing golden eyes. She had red spiraling curls and a gentle smile which creased at the corners, revealing her matured age. It took Kale a moment to realize he had seen the woman before.

“Zasha, it’s you again!”

“You are quite right, Firehart.” She chuckled as she placed a hand upon his cheek. “You have come such a long way since your journey began. I am so proud of all you’ve accomplished—you truly are a noble one. You have grown more than I could ever have imagined.”

“Why have you been helping me—or whatever it is you

“Because, my dear Firehart, it is you who can change the world. You have the ability within your heart of gold to right what has been wronged. On such a vast earth, there will always be good and evil. When the wicked such as Jedah arise, so will a valiant hero. In this case, that hero—is you.” Zasha took Kale’s hand in hers. “I know you will save the dragon race Jedah fought to destroy. I will aid you when able, but you must find the true strength within yourself to succeed.” She released his hand, gripping her black scarf which had been wrapped many times around her neck. “I have something to share with you.” Zasha exhaled as she slowly removed the fabric from her body to reveal a steel collar.

Kale’s forehead wrinkled. “I don’t understand. What is it?”

Zasha turned without words and began to walk away.

“Wait!” Kale reached toward her.

“There is a secret I have been keeping from you. Please know it was for your own benefit, and the overall good of Ravondore. The timeline of events needed to happen as they did, and I knew once you were aware of the truth, you would come to find me.” Zasha turned to face him from a distance as she gripped firmly upon the collar.

She closed her eyes and Kale watched in astonishment as the steel ring began to glow, splitting into two halves. As the pieces hit the white ground, her body rapidly transfigured into the last thing Kale could have ever imagined—
a dragon

Zasha’s massive form towered above him. She was mighty and red with large spikes along her spine. Her eyes were a vibrant yellow, surrounded by toughened scales. Her bat-like wings flapped once before tucking snugly against her torso. She was nearly twice the size Kale had been before his human transformation.

“This can’t be real...” Kale’s mouth felt dry as he swallowed hard. He reached out to touch the snout of what had been a woman only moments ago. “Why are you hiding as a human? And why have you not come to see me in person?” Kale began to grow angry as his mind raced. “If we are the last of our kind, shouldn’t we search for the eggs together?” He withdrew his hand. “Just what sort of games are you playing?!” Kale yelled furiously as the realization struck him. He felt betrayed to know that all along, there had been another living dragon within the world, yet he was led to believe he was the only one. Throughout his journey he bore the weight of thinking he was the very last of his species, when all along it had been untrue—
knew from the very beginning.

“Please understand; this was never intended to cause you pain. It had to be done, and I assure you all will be answered once you are here. Just know that, at this time, I am unable to physically be with you. I have missed you so very much, my dear, sweet, Firehart. Once you find the remaining dragon eggs, soon after, you shall find me too. Then we can be together again.” Her voice was now raspy, yet soothing.

“Again? I have never met you outside of these visions within my dreams.” Kale tightened his fists in frustration.

The large red dragon softly huffed as she lowered her head near Kale. “We met long before you can recall young one—you are my son, dear Firehart.”

Zasha began to vanish right before Kale’s eyes.

“No! Please wait! You can’t tell me something of such importance and then leave me again! Come back!” Kale swung his arms around frantically where she had stood in an attempt to grip onto her.

“It is time for you to wake now. Please be strong, my little one.”

Just as mysteriously as she had arrived, Zasha was now gone.

Chapter 28: Kale’s Ultimate Decision

other!” Kale cried out as his eyes shot open in a panic.

He stared at his friends surrounding him; concerned expressions upon their faces. Kale could see that the night sky was slowly becoming overwhelmed with pink hues; the sun peeked above the horizon. The morning rays of dawn shone in upon the large room through a square-framed window.

“Thomas,” Kale heavily panted, still shaken from his restless sleep. “I had another dream of Zasha.” Kale looked down, gripping his sheets tightly.
Could it all have been a dream? No, that can’t be—I don’t know how, but I am certain it was real
. “I have something to tell you.” Kale paused a moment in thought before glancing up at Thomas. “She is my mother—and a dragon, currently in human form, like myself. I believe it has something to do with a collar she wears beneath her scarf. I must find her.”

“How can this be?” Thomas’ eyes widened. “Are you certain you are not confusing your dreams with reality? I cannot understand why something of such importance would not be revealed to us much earlier.”

Kale explained all details of the dream, including Zasha’s foretelling of the opportunity they would soon have to find her. He also informed them of her promise to reveal all answers they desired to know about her secrecy.

“I honestly do not know how I’m supposed to handle this. Do you really think she could be my mother? I’ve always assumed my parents must have fallen in the great dragon war. To think she might actually be alive...feels so surreal.” Kale planted his face within the palms of his hands. Though his heart told him Zasha was truly his mother, his mind still had doubts. “There is so much happening right now. How am I to remain sane when everything is so confusing?”

“I cannot answer if she is your mother, or if what you saw was merely a dream. However, I promise you we will find the answers together.” Thomas smiled, and Kale could see Neelan and Illadar nodding their heads in agreement.

“Kale, we are all here for you and will do all we can to unravel this mystery. I have told you before—I’m not going to leave your side.” Neelan ran her fingertips down his back and for the first time since he woke, Kale saw that she and Illadar were clad in the clothing they had worn prior to drinking the potion. Neelan giggled at his expression. “Yes, our clothing was returned before dawn’s light. Our horses are also waiting within the kingdom’s stable. But for now, we must quickly leave for the keep. Judith left earlier and will be waiting for us in the main hall.”

  Judith greeted them with a warm smile; she appeared stunning as always. Her arm-length, white satin gloves complimented the pale peach gown she wore, accessorized by an elaborate gold necklace.

“It is time my friends; the moment we have all longed for. Father is already in the keep and the frost elves should arrive at any moment. We must hurry.” Judith motioned them to follow her.

The door opened to reveal a horde of citizens gathered behind many guards who ensured they each kept behind the large rectangular shaped area. They instantly spotted King Valamar upon a wide raised platform with four guards to each side.

Two guards approached Judith’s side as she continued to lead the way toward her father. As they walked past the citizens, many bowed while others tossed freshly picked flowers in her path. It was obvious those loyal to the King truly cherished her as their Princess and were thrilled by her return.

“Hello, father.” Judith curtseyed, taking position by the King’s side. “I shall see you all soon,” she softly spoke while smiling at Kale before directing her attention toward the crowd. She raised her gloved hand to greet them and cheers immediately rang out within the keep.

One of the guards led Kale and his comrades to the side of the raised platform. They were positioned toward the front of the huddled citizens who eagerly awaited what was to come.

King Valamar held his arm out and the crowd immediately grew silent. “Bring in the culprit!” he loudly ordered, pushing his red velvet cape over a shoulder.

Four guards, in full suits of armor, approached. They pushed a wheeled wooden stand with two crossed stakes that held Jedah securely in place with thick black chains. The former General’s cold, heartless eyes gazed around at the angry crowd who immediately erupted with chaos. The bordering guards struggled with their shields to push the citizens back as they shouted and threw rotted produce at Jedah. Despite the crowds’ response, Jedah still bore no expression of remorse for his actions.

King Valamar glared upon him with disgust. “Jedah Bladewell, you are hereby exiled from the kingdom of Mirion, and I am sure I speak for the other ruled territories when I say you shall never set foot upon the continent of Ravondore again.” As the audience cheered, the King once again raised his hand in authority. “It now begins.”

The crowd grew deathly silent as a layer of ice mysteriously began to form in front of the wheeled stand where Jedah stood. The small, frosty circle rapidly began to creep outward, expanding across the stone floor. Many citizens staggered backwards in fear as the ice moved closer toward the perimeter where they stood.

A nearly simultaneous exhale could be heard as the frozen layer stopped inches short of the guards and citizens. The inexplicable frost then began to creep upward along the wooden posts, and soon each breath Jedah released came out like a thick fog from his mouth.

“You cannot stop me,” Jedah sneered. “I will rise again—and you all shall die.” His dark eyes scowled toward the King.

The chains binding his wrists and ankles soon became coated with a layer of ice—then the unknown presence was finally revealed.

Two tall, slender male elves appeared, one to each side of Jedah. As their claw-like nails touched the chains, they snapped effortlessly in two. Though Jedah was free from restraints, he did not move, remaining immobile as if paralyzed in place.

Kale watched in silence as their pale blue robes fluttered gently, though no breeze was present. The high collar of their attire slightly concealed their pale faces, yet did not obstruct their long pale-blonde hair from flowing past their shoulders. Wrapped around their heads was a pointed crown which matched the color of their robes. The look within their nearly translucent eyes appeared detached from all emotion, and their hollow cheeks gave a menacing appearance. They spoke no words as their hands waved toward Jedah’s motionless body. The crowd continued to watch in silence as frosted rope emerged from the ground, slithering around Jedah’s appendages and binding his limbs tightly together.

Jedah appeared to regain movement in his body and yelled out in agony. It was the first sign of weakness Kale had ever seen from the vile man. Jedah’s muscles flexed as he struggled to break free, still grunting in pain. He looked toward the sky, releasing a loud scream which caused spit to fly from his mouth.

The frost elves placed a hand on each side of him and then, just as mysteriously as they had arrived, the frost elves and Jedah began to fade into a glacial mist. The final sounds of Jedah’s piercing screams could be heard echoing off the stone walls before they disappeared from sight.

“It has been done,” the King spoke while holding both hands above his head. “My people, we are free from his cruelty. I make this promise to you today; I will strive to right the wrongdoings Jedah has brought upon Ravondore. Though, I cannot undo the horrible losses which have occurred, I will not stop until Mirion, and our brethren across this vast continent, rejoice in a new world where balance will be restored.”

As the King spoke, Kale saw Illadar look away from the others to hide the pain he felt at the thought of his deceased wife.

The crowd erupted with vigorous cheers and Kale relaxed as relief swept over him. He still had an uneasy feeling in the pit of his gut, but he tried to remain optimistic about the situation. Before Kale and his friends could slip away in the midst of the rejoicing citizens, King Valamar caught sight of them.

“My dear friends, please, join me.” The King motioned the four toward him, which left them with no choice but to respectfully obey.

As the crowd settled, the King was handed a long sword by one of his personal guards. He continued on to explain to the citizens of Mirion that it was Kale and his friends who rescued the Princess and fought bravely against Jedah’s men.

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