B008IFNJZM EBOK (25 page)

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Authors: John James Gregory

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The meeting continued for almost an hour as the trio sat and watched the attendee’s discussion of whatever their plan was and its implementation.  Iolana came over from the group.

“Tom, you and one of the mercenaries, Berdy Hahn will take the two of us down to the ledge overlooking the valley.”

“What for?”

“Two of us will transform into birds and recon the entire valley layout.  It is a necessary step for the plan the men are developing.”

Nathan looked at Tom.

“Be careful… If just one of those creatures makes it up to the ledge, you will have some serious problems.”

“If they didn’t make it up today, I doubt they will be able to make it up tonight.”

“Yes, but remember, the night belongs to Bigfoot…  He would be my first concern.  If he plans a trip up to the surface….”

“Good, if that happens we will know for sure if I can get some help from him.”

Iolana looked at Elizabeth and Nathan.

“Not to worry, just one of us girls could shove any creature away if necessary.”

“Okay, I will go with and stay topside with a radio.”

Iolana added her parting comment.

“The men have a great plan and Chelsea will come over and generate a document regarding the plan just as soon as a few details are finalized.”

“They are going to put their plan in writing?”

“Yes.  They will only do it if Elizabeth agrees to it and signs off on the written copy.”

“They should know I will do anything to save my brother.”

“I know… They will want Nathan and Tom to sign and agree as well.”

“Let’s go and get this surveillance trip over with.”

Nathan stood up and got behind the wheel of one of the Lori’s and waited for the others to join him.





Nathan parked the Lori and left the flashers on and the engine idling.  The others went down the rope through the opening.  Tom had the ruby key.  The group opened the access door and after an initial nod from Berdy, the group entered the downhill passage.  Everyone ran at a mild pace with the mercenary leading the way.  Berdy stopped at the single mushroom by the wall and turned off the light as everyone stopped to catch their breath.

Berdy came up to the two vampire women.

That vein of light emitting material above this mushroom is the same light source in the walls of the valley.  Can the two of you deal with this light?”

Iolana put her hand over the light emitting vein.

Hadiya smiled at the mercenary.

“This type of light source bothers us no more than Tom’s nightlight.”

“Alright then ladies, let us continue to the ledge.  If the larger deposits bother you let me know and we will call off your recon flight.”

The girls nodded and Hadiya and Berdy took the lead and Tom and Iolana followed.  They continued to trot toward the light at the end of the tunnel and the ledge overhanging the valley.

Within a little over an hour, the group was laying belly down on the overhanging ledge.

“How are you ladies doing?”

Hadiya smiled.

“We are fine.  Let’s do this.”

Tom gave Iolana a kiss for luck and the two vampires changed once again into birds and soared out over the valley below.

Berdy and Tom kept scanning the ground for any sign of Bigfoot or the Bunyip.  This visit appeared to be going on unnoticed by the animal population below.  Iolana returned first and Tom held up the robe.  She changed back into her female body.

“Give me the clipboard and an grease pen.”

“Any sign of the Meeratt?”

“No, but I must make notes before I can finish the left half of the valley.”

Iolana drew from memory of all she had seen below and then turned back into a bird and traveled back to the left side of the valley.  Hadiya returned and again Tom held up the robe.  She immediately looked at the clipboard and began to add the right side to the drawing started by Iolana.

“Do you need to go back again?”

“No.  My side is mostly a very large lake and swamp.  I think I can remember enough to finish my half of the mapping.”

Hadiya finished dressing and Iolana returned.  She held the robe for Iolana.

“I think I found something.  On the side I was on there is another cave entrance leading farther down.  I think that is where we will have to continue our journey to find the Meeratt.  There were no signs of any Meeratt village and I did not see any Bigfoot creatures at this level.”

“Just how big is this valley?”

Hadiya responded first.

“The right side is at least two miles long.”

“The left side has got to be twice that.”

“How far to this cave entrance?”

“You will need to travel through a large grassy plane.  At the edge of a forest you will turn right and find the entrance.  I would guess about three miles as the bat or bird flies.”

Just another three or four miles to get his answer.  His hope was still low.

“Not to worry, if your sister and Nathan buys into our plan, you will lose a couple of days, but you will definitely be closer to the Merritt’s door step.”

“That would put me only a week left to find a cure.”

“I just know we are going to make it.  Stop worrying.  I have seen the plan and you will make it with time to spare.”

“Is it really that good a plan?”

Iolana smiled.

“It’s a great plan and it comes with an army at no cost.”

Berdy came over with his high powered rifle.

“Excuse me but we really should be going if we have all the information we need.”

It was four in the morning when the group rejoined the meeting still in progress.  Nathan and Elizabeth turned in for the night and the group would continue its planning until after sunrise.


Chapter 28 The Introduction


Tom was pacing back and forth waiting for Chelsea to finish typing the plan into Nathan’s laptop.  He kept watching the illuminated sky hoping that she would finish the document before sunrise.  Iolana was next to Tom hanging on his arm.  Iolana looked over at Hadiya.

“Hadiya you might as well go and turn in.”

Tom smiled as the beautiful Hadiya walked out of the tent.

“Remember what Khu said, you are only a single rifle shot away from finding your true love.”

“We will see.”

She smiled and went over to their trailer.

The printer started running off the sheets and Chelsea stood up.

Tom went over to the printer.

“You two go and I’ll stay here and check it over and make copies.”

“Call my Crosley just as soon as they sign.”

“I will Chelsea.”

Iolana kissed Tom.

“You have seen the plan.  It will work.”

The two girls ran for the semi and dropped down through the ceiling hatch just moments before the sun broke through a corner of the morning sky.  Tom sat down to read the plan.  He knew that by the time implementation would begin, he would be down to only six days to find his cure.  He stapled the document and then made coffee for Nathan and his sister.  An hour later, Elizabeth woke up and began to read the document as Tom brought her a cup of coffee.


She began drinking as still reading the last few pages.  She finished the document and looked up.

“You realize I never saw this valley, but if it is as it says here, this plan can work.”

“Do you have any problem with this?”

“Not at all and I think Nathan won’t have a problem with it either.”

“And your Iolana has cut all these checks?”

“Last night.  Remember it is a sure thing she will get all her money back in two weeks or less.”

“According to this, she is also going to pay us back for every dime we have spent on this expedition…”

“Just the phone calls they made to the other side of the world last night confirmed that she will not only get all her money back as well as ours, but be turning a huge profit in less than a month.”

“And all they are asking is that when we leave we say nothing about this trip?”

“That’s basically it.”

“And they left for their meeting in Canberra?”

“Right after they made contact with the Undersecretary of the Interior.”

“And this woman holding that position agreed?”

“The second they sent her a cell phone picture of the interior.”

“This woman has the power to get the government on board?”

“She has already made contact with the Governor General of Australia.  He verbally agreed and by the end of today, they will probably have access to any resources they need, even the military.”

“Your Iolana and her two girlfriends stand to make millions.”

“Along with all their new partners...”

“Find me a pen, I’ll sign… Nathan will sign too.  Wake him.  As soon as he signs, call Crosley and tell him they have a deal.”

Tom smiled at his sister who has stuck by him through this entire time.

“I love you sis.”

“I love you too Tom.”




In a small cabinet chamber meeting room at the House of Representatives in the Capital a meeting was about to take place.  At the head table sat Crosley Pittman & Jerrick Sawyer and the two mercenaries:  Platt Neander & Berdy Hahn.  Next to Crosley was an empty seat.  The four men watched as others came in and took seats in front of the four.  Jerrick kept count as the men entered.  They were dressed in their work clothes and seemed lost in this setting.  Jerrick waited until the names on his list matched the headcount of those entering from the back.  Two policemen were given a nod and they shut the doors and stood guard outside of the sound proof room.  Through another entrance, a policeman’s arm could be seen as he opened the door for an elderly well-dressed woman.  She took the seat next to Crosley and sat down a stack of large envelopes.

“You may begin Mr. Crosley.”

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