Authors: Adam Zamoyski
Flamant, Capt. 540
Flaugergues, Honoré 78
Fleury, Madame 390
Fominskoie 369, 371
Fouché, Joseph, Duc d’Otrante 9
France: 18th century 8
administration in Napoleon’s absence 108
alliance with Austria 58
alliance with Russia 16, 21, 27, 29–39, 74, 75
allies of 20, 54, 103
historiography xvi–xvii
dependent states 6, 11, 15, 41–7, 54
Empire 7, 9–10, 11, 14
European hegemony 8, 54
European wars 5, 6, 553
expansion of 6
loss of power 554
population 540
post-Napoleonic xvi
relations with Sweden 20, 103–4
relations with Turkey 20, 103–4
Revolution 5, 8, 10, 40–1, 63
Second Empire 553
Francis I, Emperor of Austria 4, 9–10, 25, 42, 49, 52, 73, 109–10, 546
François, Capt. Charles 185, 272, 284, 401, 447, 454, 456, 486
Frederick, King of Württemberg 45, 46, 108, 122
Frederick Augustus, King of Saxony 109, 417, 524, 546
Frederick Charles, Grand Duke of Baden 45, 108
Frederick II, the Great, King of Prussia 125, 153, 231
Frederick William III, King of Prussia 73
ally of Napoleon 87, 104–5
attends Napoleon in Dresden 109
joins coalition against France 26
and nationalists 52, 53, 54, 545
and Treaty of Tilsit 28, 29–30, 43–4
Fredro, Aleksander 483, 514, 528
French Army: on campaign 93–6
foreign garrisons 79–80
looting 9, 46, 91, 93–4
organisation 80
promotions 90, 91, 92
weaponry 81–2
see also
Grande Armeé
Freytag, Gen. J.D. 429
Friant, Gen. Louis 216
Friedland, Battle of 27, 63, 121, 123
Funck, Karl von 84, 90, 91
Fusil, Louise 388, 401, 468
Gagarin, Prince 532
Galicia 59–60, 76, 104
Galitzine, Prince Aleksandr Borisovich 286, 293–4
Galitzine, Prince Aleksandr Nikolaevich 62, 152, 331
Galitzine, Prince Nikolai Borisovich 200, 484, 547
Gardane, Gen. Gaspard 34
Gardier, Adj. Major Louis 342, 482
Geissler, Dr 498
Gentz, Friedrich von 50
Geoffroy, Louis 553–4
George, Prince of Oldenburg 56, 64, 121, 330
Georges, Mademoiselle 245
Gérard, François 5, 260, 337
Gérard, Gen. Maurice Étienne 424
infantry division of 258, 278, 373
Germany 40, 44, 75
campaign casualties 540
and Continental System 16, 69
French dependency 41–9, 51–2
French forces in 71, 79–80, 83, 96
French measures to check 8
Grande Armée passes through 96, 99–100
Kutuzov attempts to foment trouble in 527
Napoleon’s mishandling of 44, 46
Napoleon’s reputation in 42–3, 48–9, 492
nationalism 47, 48, 50, 54, 55, 83–4, 544–5
pan-Germanism 50, 52
political discontent in 15, 103
Russian efforts to liberate 330
see also
Gleim, Johan Wilhelm 42
Glinka, Fyodor 208, 327, 547
Glinka, Sergei Nikolaevich 26, 64, 65, 319, 322
Gneisenau, General August Wilhelm 47, 50, 122
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 48, 49, 555
Goltz, Count 43
Gorki 266, 274
Gorodnia 374
Gourgaud, General Gaspard, Baron xxiii, 479, 485, 589n
Grabbe, Lt P.Kh. 178, 239
Grabowski, Józef 357
1st Corps (Davout’s) 139, 155, 174
at Battle of Smolensk 216
blocks path of Second Army 180
crosses Berezina 467
crosses Dnieper 211
crosses Niemen 145–6
failed attempt to encircle Bagration 158, 166, 168
at Krasny 422, 216, 258, 272
in Moscow 302, 355
retreat from Moscow 383, 386–7, 406–7
retreat from Smolensk 419, 422
in Smolensk 417–18
at Valutina Gora 223, 225
2nd Corps (Oudinot’s) 176, 308, 412
at Berezina crossing 461–4, 466–7, 471, 588n
Borisov retaken by 459,
casualties 157
crosses Niemen 145–6
degeneration of 493
joins up with army of Moscow 456–7
ordered to Borisov 437
pursues Wittgenstein 155, 194
role of 140
St Cyr takes command of 406
3rd Corps (Ney’s) 139, 179, 209
assault on Miloradovich 426–7
casualties 190, 471–2, 585n
crosses Berezina 467
crosses Dnieper 211
crosses Niemen 145–6
evades Russians 427–30
in Moscow 355, 364
pursues Barclay 155
replaces lost equipment 439
retreats from Moscow 383, 387, 412, 487
retreats from Smolensk 419, 422, 425–6
Rudnia offensive against 208–9
at Smolensk 214
4th Corps (Eugène’s Army of Italy) 85–6, 139, 155, 174, 179, 211, 305, 430
arrives in Smolensk 416–17
attacked at Vop river crossing 409–11
at Berezina 467, 472
casualties 190
condition of troops 234
engagement with peasants 327
failed attempt to encircle Bagration 158
Guardia d’Onore 417
horses lost 137, 394
at Krasny 420–1
leaves Moscow 368–9
at Maloyaroslavets 372–3
marches to join Grande Armée 100
morale 368
at Petrovskoie 347, 371
at Polotsk 406
reaches Vilna 406
retreats from Moscow 368, 369, 383, 388, 394
retreats from Smolensk 419, 420
survival rate 537
winter quarters 407, 409
5th Corps (Poniatowski’s) 139, 155, 210, 212
abused by Napoleon 167, 195, 213
attacked by Russians 363
at Battle of Smolensk 216
at Berezina 471, 474
bivouacs outside Moscow 348
in Borisov 460
at Borodino 254
casualties 213
condition of troops 191
looting 137, 185
numbers 85, 368
at Polotsk 406
reforms in Poland 502
retreats from Moscow 383, 387, 407, 457
retreats from Smolensk 419
survival rate 537
6th Corps (St Cyr’s) 139, 194, 308, 354, 355
7th Corps (Saxon) 86, 140, 194, 195, 278, 349, 474, 535
8th Corps (Junot’s) 86, 140, 155, 210, 212, 311
condition of troops 188, 191, 311, 368
in Mozhaisk 348, 368, 373
on retreat 383, 407, 419
survival rate 540
at Valutina Gora 223–4
9th Corps (Victor’s) 310
at Berezina 468–9, 471, 473–5, 477–8
degeneration of 493
rearguard action by 412
army of Moscow 457
in Smolensk area 309, 408
10th Corps (Macdonald’s) 86–7, 105, 140, 176, 502, 534–5, 537
Austrian Corps (Schwarzenberg’s) 84, 87, 104, 140, 536, 537
Imperial Guard 97, 139, 155, 179, 220
artillery 276, 467
at Borodino 255, 276, 573n
crosses Berezina 467
enters Moscow 298
at Krasny 422
Lancers of Berg 477, 537
numbers 143, 584n
Old Guard 97, 383, 419, 422, 424, 510
Polish Chevau-Légers 85, 97, 349, 356, 394, 491, 493, 505, 540
sappers 148
in Smolensk 412–14
survival rate 537–40
Young Guard 97, 181, 356, 377, 383, 419, 422, 424, 425, 573n
Reserve Cavalry Corps (Murat’s) 209, 308
2nd Corps (Montbrun’s) 278
3rd Corps (Grouchy’s) 157, 158, 278, 280, 349, 478
4th Corps (Latour-Maubourg’s) 278, 422
bivouacs outside Moscow 348–9
at Borodino 254, 276–7, 278–80, 287
condition of horses 88–9, 142.175–6, 259–60, 349–50
crosses Berezina 467
crosses Niemen 148
dedicated squadron 459
destruction of 174. 288, 356, 368, 383, 395
disintegration of units 417
dismounted units formed 355–6
enters Moscow 294
failure of 189
forage problems 174–5, 192
horseless troops 407, 409, 442
horses lost in storm 156–7
losses 258–9, 287, 349
mobile spearhead role of 139, 146, 174
parlous condition of 351
Polish 278, 308
pursues Russian First Army 174
quality of men 88–9
reinforcements 502, 504–5
reorganisation of 408
retreats from Moscow 383, 442–3
at Smolensk 214, 216
Württembergers 287
Baden Brigade 80, 86, 474, 477
Bavarians: condition of troops 191, 308
defends Vilna 510
deserters 308–9
meets up with Army of Italy 100
numbers 143, 188
at Polotsk 406
quality troops 86
role of 139
stragglers 186
survival rate 537
under Wrede 308, 502
Broussier’s division 278, 371, 373
Bruyère’s division 216
division 268, 373
Coutard’s division 504
Dabrowski’s division 437, 457, 459, 471, 541
division 177, 178, 268, 275, 371, 373
Friant’s division 216
Gérard’s division 258, 278, 373
Gudin’s division 216, 225
Hessians 474, 477, 513
Ledru’s division 268
Legion of the Vistula 134, 161, 190, 281, 471
Loison’s division 504–5, 512
Morand’s division 148, 216, 258, 272, 278
Neapolitans 85, 86, 504
Partouneaux division 468, 469–70
Pino’s division 371, 373
Württembergers 187, 216, 287, 391, 472, 504
Chasseurs à Cheval 356, 368, 477
1st 349
6th 418
8th 540
11th 287
23rd 355, 459
Cuirassiers 473
2nd 349, 408
Caulaincourt’s 278
Lorge’s 278
Dutch Grenadiers 424, 472, 473
123rd Dutch Light Infantry 472, 473
Grenadiers of the Guard 97, 259, 344, 424–5
Hussars 177, 294, 297, 477
Illyrian Infantry Regiments (Croats) 87, 139, 268, 308, 406, 473.537
1st 371
3rd 472
Italian Royal Guard 373, 410
Joseph Napoleon Regiment (Spaniards) 87, 278, 310, 532, 540, 542
Line Regiments 540
4th 364, 386, 418, 427, 487
7th Light Infantry 468, 516
11th Light Infantry 187
13th Light Infantry 148
16th 217
18th 234, 427
29th 470
30th 272–3, 274
48th 417–18, 427