Read B00BR2BOUU EBOK Online

Authors: K.M. Golland

B00BR2BOUU EBOK (5 page)

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“Rug?” I suggested.

“Good choice.” He jumped off the pool table and offered his
back to me.

“Jump on,” he looked backed over his shoulder winking at me.
A piggyback. How sweet.
I accepted, smiled and kissed his cheek. He
carried me over to the silvery plush pile, where I swiftly unwrapped my legs from
him and slid to the floor. I repositioned myself quickly, lying flat on my back
with my arms spread out. He stood above me smiling. “Eager are we, Ms Summers?”

“Yes, very, Mr. Clark. What are you waiting for?” He fell
forward toward me, which made me squeal. I didn’t think he was going to stop
and my breasts, although they make good cushions, were not going to take this
impact very well. I closed my eyes, but nothing happened. Curious, I opened one
of them to find he had stopped just above me with his arms locked, the muscles
in his upper region flexed and hard. Surprise and relief flooded over me, so I
screwed up my face, which made him laugh.

“Not funny,” I sulked, although I did like the look of his
impeccable arms all hard and taut like they were now. I ran my hands along them,
they truly were exquisite. “Mr Clark, what big arms you have.” I gave him a
cheeky grin, then brought mine up and hit the insides of his elbows quite hard.
They gave way and he landed on my chest, so I grabbed hold of him and savoured
his glorious mouth with my own.

“Remind me not to teach you anymore self-defence moves.” He
took hold of both my hands and placed them above my head, holding them securely
in place. Then as if my knees were programmed to his instructions, they rose
up, allowing him to insert his still firm cock inside me once again. I indulged
in his glorious rhythm and silently agreed that facing him during our love
making was undoubtedly the way to go. It allowed us to taste each other, and
this only added to our exhilaration. I also loved reading his eyes as we
consumed each other entirely. It gave me an insight into the incredibly private
and intriguing mind that Bryce has—a mind I wanted to know exclusively. I
gently closed my eyes as I moaned in delight. He kissed my eyelids, making me
open my mouth wider for him to repeat the kiss there.

“I love you, Alexis. Please don’t forget that. Whatever
happens, know that I love you.” I opened my eyes. Here it was again, more of
that unnerving talk he had spoken from this morning. I really don’t like it.

“I know Bryce, but why do you keep having to reassure me? Is
there something you are not telling me? If there is, please just tell me.” I
kissed him again, hoping it would encourage him to open up to me, but instead
he kept pushing and pushing, harder and deeper, making me forget our discussion,
to focus on the pleasure I now felt inside, which I’m guessing was his plan. I
began to climb toward orgasm—my body alive with sensations—and as he thrust
into me with everything he had, it brought me undone and took him along with
me. I dug my nails into his back as he emptied his erection, a harsh growl
escaping him in the process. I was utterly spent and felt like a limp doll as
we both collapsed. Passionately he caressed my tongue with his own, almost to
the point where I had to break away for the need of air.

“Bryce, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, Alexis.” He touched my cheek lightly, but his eyes
were betraying him. There was definitely something wrong, I could tell, and it
left a sickly feeling at the very base of my stomach.




Lying on the rug, I continued to search his eyes for a clue
as to what secret he was keeping from me.

“Bryce, I don’t like secrets, so if there is something you
need to tell me, do it now.” His expression was pained but then faded, and a
sly smile replaced it.

“Hunny, there is nothing to worry about. Now, come and get
dressed in something more suitable, you won’t want to wear that where we will
be spending the next couple of days.” The fascinating thought of our mystery
destination distracted me from the uncertainty I felt, I had to respect the
fact he was not ready to tell me, but I felt uneasy, and burying it for now was
only a temporary fix. Bryce helped me to my feet, and we went back upstairs.


“Are you joining me?” I looked over my shoulder as I turned
on the tap to the shower. He was standing in the doorway watching me with a
smile that melted my heart.

“In a minute, you go in.” He smirked.

“What are you up to now?” I asked, in an accusing tone. He
winked and left the bathroom. I stepped into the shower for the second time today.
Not that it really mattered; I had to get changed again anyway, besides, I
enjoyed having a shower, especially when he joined me. So, I sulked when
moments later he appeared holding a towel out for me.

“You’re not coming in?” I pouted.

“No, Alexis, you know what will happen if I do. You need to
get dressed, I need a shower, and we need to get out of here.”

“What do I put on? I don’t know where we are going remember.”

“I’ve laid it out on the bed for you.” He wrapped the towel
around me, kissed my nose, and got into the shower.

“I’m capable of dressing myself, you know.”

“Not when you don’t know where you are going you’re not.” He
chuckled and grabbed his body wash.

I started to dry myself off but became distracted while
admiring him bathe. I don’t know what it is about a naked body, water, soap
suds and a large loofah sponge that is so fucking sensual, but whatever it is,
had me standing there gawking at him like an idiot. I swallowed heavily as the
sexy mixture of ingredients fell down his neck, stopping momentarily on his
lightly haired chest, and continuing to fall down his rippled abdomen, only to stop
once again at his groin. At this point, I think I licked my lips. I seriously
must have resembled one of those cartoon characters, the ones where their eyes
bulge out of their heads a good metre or so then spring back in again.
hoo, Alexis, there are other parts of your body that need drying.
I snapped
out of my mouth watering perve only to realise I had already dried my chest and
stomach several times. So, I bent over to dry my calves and feet, but once
again I became dazed by his soapy gloriousness. Unfortunately for me, I lost my
balance and fell over. He popped his smirking face around the glass.

“Are you all right?” He was trying to stifle a laugh.

“I’m fine, thank you.”
Alexis you are a perving idiot.
He got out, offered me a hand and secured me to his chest.

“I know how it feels my love.”
What, falling on your arse
and landing on cold bathroom tiles?
“I’ve fallen for you too.” He burst
into laughter, and managed to dodge my swinging hand. I grumpily pushed him
back towards the shower.

“Very funny.” I stomped out of the room shaking my head.


On the bed was an outfit for me. I picked up the Country
Road denim shorts, and tan coloured suede ankle boots.
There was also a white tank top and a matching tan suede vest. It’s not what I
had expected at all, but I loved it.
He came out of the shower with his
towel around his waist just as I was buttoning up the vest. His eyebrow rose
indicating his approval.

“Where are we going?” I asked curiously.

“You’ll see.” He entered the walk in stadium.
Grrrrr, he
is adorably annoying.
I put on the ankle boots and zipped them up. Moments
later he came out dragging two suitcases, and was dressed in a pair of grey
cargo shorts, a Quicksilver t-shirt and a pair of runners. This was the most
casual I had seen him, apart from his birthday suit of course. He looked gorgeous.
When did he not
? “Ready when you are, Ms. Summers.” I grabbed my handbag
and went to take a case from him. “Alexis, get your arse over to the elevator.”
He playfully lifted his leg to kick me on the bum.

“So, are you going to tell me now?” I asked as we stepped
into the elevator.

“Tell you what?” He pressed the basement button.
You fucking
know what you stubborn sexy bag of goodness.
I shook my head at him and
started tapping my fingers on the rail.
I thought about texting Mum to
inform her I was going away for a couple days. I assumed we weren’t leaving the
country because two days was not long enough, and I didn’t have my passport
with me.
Hmmm, maybe I could get our destination out of him in a different

“Is there phone reception where we are going?” I asked

He laughed. “We are not going to the moon, Alexis.”
you never know Mr Smarty-pants, you do like astronomy, and you are incredibly

“Well, now I’m really disappointed, I would have liked to
have gone to the moon. I guess I‘ve fallen in love with the wrong billionaire
then?” I crossed my arms and continued my act.

“No, you haven’t.” He let go of the cases and hit the red
button. The elevator screeched to a stop, and my legs nearly buckled beneath
me. I braced myself on the rails and looked at him in shock.
Oh shit, did I
upset him? I was only playing.
He turned to me, then pressed his body
against mine, backing me up hard against the wall. “Have you?” He mouthed my

“Have I what?” I said, confused and mesmerised by the
luscious feel of his lips on my neck.

“Fallen in love with the wrong billionaire?” he replied, as
he nipped at my neck and cupped my breast in his hand.

“No, I haven’t,” I sighed, now intoxicated by his seduction.
“So, are you going to tell me where we are going or not?”

He breathed heavily onto my neck then ran his nose through
my hair. “Not.”

“I hate you.”

“No you don’t.”
No I don’t.
He hit the button again,
and we resumed our descent.
Well that didn’t work.


Danny, Bryce’s chauffeur, was waiting for us in the
basement. He opened the door for us and placed our bags in the boot. As I
stepped into the limo, I smiled to myself, thinking of the antics my friends
and I had gotten into the last time we were in here. I was actually quite surprised
I hadn’t received any messages from the girls after the previous night’s
telecast, they would have all seen it.
It is still early days. This is the
calm before the storm. You wait, operation lets-hassle-Alexis will begin soon
Bryce sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. I nestled
into him, breathing in his chest.
Geez he smells good.
The smell was

“What aftershave are you wearing?” I sucked in another
familiar whiff, while he appeared to be racking his brain.

“Prada,” he said after taking a sniff himself.
I thought
as much.
I had bought this one for Rick on his birthday because I loved it.
It’s funny how a simple smell if recognised can instantly bring memories
flooding back. Mind you, it’s not particularly funny how this particular smell
was doing that now. The last thing I wanted was to sit here in Bryce’s arms and
have memories of Rick— it saddened me, and I felt myself lull a little.
don’t do this to yourself, what has happened is out of your hands.
I tried
to get the thought of Rick back out of my head, but he was buried in there
somewhere, and clearly able to be resurrected by smell. For the past couple of
days, I had been successfully keeping myself busy with sex acrobatics, which
had been a good form of distraction from the mess my life was currently in. It
was a beneficial choice for diverting my thoughts, but it was not a permanent

With all the smell-induced memories on my mind, I hadn’t
noticed us pull in to Essendon Airfield and stop directly in front of a jet. I
glanced out the window to the plane beside us, noticing that it didn’t say
‘Clark Incorporated’, instead, on the tail was ‘Challenger 604’. Danny opened
the door for Bryce. He climbed out, offered me his hand and led me to the jet.

“Don’t tell me this is yours as well?”

“No Hunny, I rent it. Why? Do you want it to be?” The
teasing look in his eyes suggested he’d be more than happy to prove he could
buy it if I wanted him to, which I didn’t, so I glared at him and began to
climb the steps. Suddenly, I heard a low groaning noise behind me. I had a
sneaking suspicion as to the source of the sound, so I looked back at Bryce to
see what he was growling at. “Your arse in denim, my love, does things to my

“Bryce Clark!” My eyes widened in shock.
He is very sexy
and oh so naughty when he talks dirty to me.
He smacked my behind which
quickened my steps. As I was about to enter the aircraft, I heard a female’s
voice calling his name. At first I thought I had imagined it, but after turning
around and searching the tarmac to pinpoint where it was coming from, I discovered
it was Chelsea, and she was jogging toward the plane like a desperate lunatic.
is this bitch always around?

“Bryce,” she gasped, out of breath. She bent over and put
her hands on her knees, then held her hand up to suggest she needed a second to
regain her breath. Either that, or she was hoping he’d rush to her aid thinking
she was about to collapse.
I hope she collapses and a plane runs over her.
Alexis take that back. Okay, I hope she collapses and we leave her here.
looked up and noticed me on the top platform of the boarding stairs. “Oh. Hello,

“Chelsea.” I smiled sweetly at her.

“Bryce do you have a moment?” she asked, giving him an important
look. He turned and glanced up at me, maybe to ask permission, I’m not quite
Since when does he need my permission to do anything?
I was
confused by the look, so smiled awkwardly and entered the plane.

A lovely young woman greeted me by name as I stepped inside.

“Ms, Summers, my name is Amy and I will be your hostess
during the flight.”

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