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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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The Daleks were operating from the Crucible: a massive space station in the middle of the planetary arrangement. A fleet of two hundred Dalek ships set out to subjugate Earth, transmitting in advance a single word, repeated: “Exterminate, exterminate, exterminate”. The Daleks gleefully dismantled every form of resistance, from UNIT forces aboard the
to Wilf Noble with his paintball gun. Daleks landed in Japan and Germany, and forced the air force to retreat over North Africa. Contact was lost with the airplane bearing the UK Prime Minister. The Commander General of the United Nations signalled Earth’s surrender.

The tenth Doctor and Donna learned about the missing planets from the Shadow Proclamation. Harriet Jones connected the Doctor’s allies using the Subwave Network she’d developed, and together they sent out a pulse that enabled the Doctor and Donna to return to Earth. The Daleks traced the signal back to Harriet’s home and exterminated her.

The TARDIS materialised in London, and the Doctor was reunited with Rose... and was then shot by a Dalek. He began to regenerate, but used the process to heal himself and diverted the excess energy into a biomatching receptacle - the hand severed in combat with the Sycorax - to save his life.

The Doctor and his many allies confronted the Daleks aboard the Crucible. The Supreme Dalek had the TARDIS dumped in the Z-neutrino core of the Crucible to destroy it. Donna was still aboard the Ship, and the regenerative energies in the Doctor’s hand (severed during his battle with the Sycorax leader at Christmas 2006) interacted with her. The hand grew into a duplicate of the tenth Doctor who was part human, and Donna absorbed all the Doctor’s knowledge, becoming a human-Time Lord metacrisis. This was enough to turn the tables - Donna deactivated the reality bomb, and twenty six of the planets were returned to their rightful places, but the Supreme Dalek destroyed the machinery before Earth could be returned. Jack destroyed the Supreme Dalek, and the duplicate Doctor used a backfeed to wipe out the Daleks. Davros refused the Doctor’s offer of a rescue, and the TARDIS left the exploding Crucible. In conjunction with the Torchwood Hub and Sarah Jane’s Mr. Smith computer, the tenth Doctors and their companions used the TARDIS to tow the Earth back home.

Humanity celebrated Earth’s return to its proper location, although there was widespread rainfall due to atmospheric disturbances. Mickey opted to remain in his native reality as his grandmother on Pete’s World had died. The duplicate Doctor, Rose and Jackie returned to Pete’s World. Jack returned to Torchwood, and Sarah Jane went home.

UNIT had developed the Osterhagen Key: 25 nuclear warheads placed at strategic points beneath the Earth’s crust as a means of destroying the planet - a final option should humanity’s suffering be deemed too great to be allowed to continue. Martha promised the Doctor that she would dismantle the system.

Donna’s mind couldn’t cope with the Time Lord abilities it had absorbed. The Doctor saved her life by removing all of her memories of him, the TARDIS and their travels together, then left her with her family.

Adelaide Brooke lost her parents in the Dalek invasion. A Dalek confronted her, but - perhaps recognising her importance to history - did not exterminate her.
The Daleks’ gambit with the reality bomb weakened the dimensional walls, enabling some Cybermen within the Void to fall back through time to London, 1851, using the dimension vault they stole from the Daleks. Everything else inside the Void perished.
One Dalek ship survived and was hurled back through time, damaged, to the 1940s.

2009 (April) - Planet of the Dead

The aristocratic art thief Lady Christina de Souza stole the Cup of Athelstan, which was worth £18 million, from the International Gallery in London and fled aboard a No. 200 bus. The tenth Doctor joined de Souza and her fellow passengers on the bus, which promptly fell through a wormhole to San Helios - a desert planet in the Scorpion Nebula, on the other side of the universe. A UNIT team led by Captain Magambo sealed off the tunnel in London.

The Doctor made contact with the Tritovores, fly-like aliens who thought San Helios had a population of one hundred billion. In the last year, all life on the planet has been devoured by monsters that resembled ravenous flying stingrays. The Doctor realised that the wormhole between San Helios and Earth was growing, and that the Stingrays would soon cross over, wiping out all life on Earth. With the help of UNIT, and after breaking up the Cup of Athelstan to use as components in a machine, the Doctor got the bus back to London and closed the wormhole. He also helped de Souza elude the police.

The TARDIS had landed in the grounds of Buckingham Palace, and the Doctor was confident the Queen “didn’t mind”.

In May, a test conducted on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN created a dimensional bridge that provided a neutron-eating creature with access to our universe.
Sylvia Noble received a letter that Donna had written prior to her memory loss. It detailed her excitement about travelling with the Doctor.

2009 - SJA: The Last Sontaran

Six weeks after defeating Kaagh, Maria Jackson moved to Washington with her father.

(=) 2009 (a Saturday in June) - Last of the Time Lords
The Master had controlled Earth for a year, and turned it into a factory world. The enslaved human population was put to work building two hundred thousand war rockets “set to burn across the universe” and create a Time Lord Empire. A space lane traffic advisor warned all travellers to stay away from Sol 3.
Japan had been devastated, and New York was reportedly in ruin. China had fusion mills, Europe had radiation pits, and a shipyard in Russia ran from the Black Sea to the Bering Strait.
Martha Jones spent a year travelling the world and spreading word of the Doctor, telling the public to think of him when the rockets were launched. The hyper-aged tenth Doctor had spent the last year linking himself into the telepathic field of the Archangel network, and used the humans’ psychic energy to restore himself. Captain Jack destroyed the Paradox Machine, reversing time one year and one day to the exact moment before the Toclafane materialised.

Six months after a grieving Lucie returned home, the Headhunter arrived on her doorstep, shot her unconscious and whisked her away to the planet Orbis in the future.

2009 - “Ghosts of the Northern Line” / “The Crimson Hand”

Intersol, a time-travelling intergalactic justice organisation, estimated that Earth’s oil reserves were “almost depleted”.

The Mnemosyne unit hidden in London’s Northern Line had matured, and wanted revenge for the murder of its guardian. The tenth Doctor and Majenta Pryce intervened as the Mnemosyne manifested everyone who had died on the Northern Line in previous decades as “ghosts”, and announced its intention to incinerate everyone within the Underground. Majenta convinced the ghostly engrams to turn on the Mnemosyne, destroying it and themselves.

A squadron of Intersol ships arrived in Earth orbit and arrested Majenta. They time-locked the TARDIS, and returned with it, the Doctor and Majenta to the future...

Torchwood Series 2 / Series 3 Interim

2009 - TW: Lost Souls

Martha Jones asked Torchwood to help her investigate mysterious events at CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, in Switzerland. CERN was about to switch on its Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in an effort to identify the theoretical Higgs particle (the most fundamental unit of existence), but the LHC had enabled a deadly alien entity that consumed neutrons to cross into our reality. The LHC was reconfigured to smash protons into anti-protons - creating the Higgs particle, but also killing the creature and preventing others of its kind from crossing over.

Gwen Cooper met a trader from the planet Murgatroyd, and acquired from him a device that could purportedly speak to the dead. She used it - or so she hoped - to send a message to Owen and Tosh in the hereafter.

2009 (Friday to the following Saturday) - TW: Almost Perfect

The Perfection had built a sentient device that extended their natural reality-warping abilities, but the device became bored of creating perfection and escaped with the Perfection’s interior decorators. The device began “helping” various people, causing such brouhaha as a group of speed-daters being reduced to skeletons. Torchwood confronted the Perfection - who had broken their word to Jack, and decided to install themselves as Earth’s gods after all. Ianto used the device to drain the life-energy from the Perfection, leaving them as aged husks that he Retconned. In accordance with its wishes, Jack pitched the device into Cardiff Bay.

2009 - TW: “Ma and Par”

Torchwood electrocuted a Bull-Craktor - a monstrous arachnid - and its offspring at the Pontyvale Golf Course.

2009 - TW: “The Selkie”

Jack found that the shapeshifting Selkie he’d previously aided was behind a series of murders on Seal Island in Scotland, and killed it.

2009 - TW: “Broken”

Bilis Manger had designed the Clockhouse Hotel - located on the old site of the Amber Hotel - to contain a creature thought to have been either born of the Rift, or was an expression of the Rift’s own self-awareness. Torchwood looked into reports of missing persons at the Clockhouse exactly one hundred forty years to the day after the Rift struck the Amber. The entity hoped to tap enough of Jack’s life energy to properly manifest, but Jack temporarily died in such a fashion that severed the Rift entity’s link to reality, and also destroyed the hotel.

2009 - TW: The Sin Eaters

A swarm of alien insects - creatures that normally lived in a shadow dimension - fed upon the guilt of people in the Cardiff city centre, endowing them with euphoria in return. Torchwood destroyed the swarm and their queen, a giant creature in Cardiff Bay. Jack also burnt down the church of St. Francis, which had been infected by the creatures.

2009 - TW: Into the Silence

The Rift enabled an entity from the Silent Planet - a shadowy world in the furthest corner of the universe, where the formless inhabitants lived in total isolation and only corporealised to mate - to travel to Earth. The entity thought sound so beautiful, it murdered several singers to absorb their vocal cords and larynxes - but even these barely functioned as intended. The killings disrupted preparations for the fifth annual Welsh Amateur Operatic Contest. Torchwood ended the killing spree by allowing the entity to merge with Ryan Scott, an autistic child who craved isolation, and then return home. Detective Inspector Tom Cutler helped Captain Jack with the case; afterwards, Jack removed Cutler’s memories of Torchwood with Retcon.

2009 - TW: Bay of the Dead

The symbiont Leet heard the siren call of his life pod, and used Oscar Phillip’s memories of
The All-Night Zombie Horror Show
to create “search units” to retrieve it. Dozens if not hundreds of people were transformed into the undead but proved hard to control, so Leet sealed Cardiff within a time-energy barrier. Oscar disintegrated the cadavers by killing himself, whereupon Leet brought down the barrier and was believed to have returned home.

2009 - TW: The House That Jack Built

Jack discovered that interdimensional beings had polluted the timeline of a house he owned, Jackson Leaves, causing the deaths of thirteen of its residents over the past century. He destroyed the beings, and - as insurance against more fatalities - enabled to the current owners of Jackson Leaves to win a lottery, preventing them from renting the house out.

2009 - TW: Asylum

Some inhabitants of an unknown planet escaped in “lifeboats” when solar flares ravaged their world. One lifeboat landed on Earth, and the thirteen benevolent aliens aboard integrated with Earth society and sired offspring with humanity. One of the aliens lived in Cardiff under the name “Moira Evans”.

The Rift disgorged Moira’s granddaughter - Freda, a Cardiff resident in 2069, whose personal debit gun could disrupt modern-day communications, security and transport systems. Captain Jack’s team suspected that the Torchwood of the future had deliberately sent Freda back so they would adopt an asylum policy, hopefully blunting some of the xenophobia that Torchwood would otherwise cause. Jack, Gwen and Ianto helped Freda adjust to life in the present.

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