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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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& c 16,000 - The Sontaran Experiment

Field Major Styre of Sontaran G3 Intelligence conducted a Military Assessment Survey on Earth, which had acquired strategic value in the Sontarans’ war with the accursed Rutans, and was believed devoid of intelligent life. Styre conducted experiments on Galsec colonists that he lured to Earth, but the fourth Doctor and Harry, accompanied by Sarah Jane, killed him.

The Sontarans posthumously published Styre’s manual on human resistance to torture.

& c 16,000 - The Eye of the Tiger

Just after the people aboard Nerva had begun to resettle the Earth, a feline race arrived and helped the reconstruction efforts. Soon, though, some humans turned against the aliens, who left with ten thousand humans to find a new home. They were lured to settle on planets within a black hole by the avatars of their descendants, the Conservers, who existed in the black hole billions of years in the future.

& 16,100 - Wirrn: Race Memory

Fifty years after the Nerva sleepers revived, the station’s solar stacks failed, and it was abandoned. Another half-century on, the remaining humans from Nerva and their descendents worked to restore Earth’s ecology by using gene spoolers to re-create various animal species. Cherries had been cultured, but weren’t yet approved for gene spooling. The Wirrn DNA hidden in Nerva’s gene bank caused the spoolers to generate some mature Wirrn, and although these were killed, the Wirrn DNA persisted in at least two people. It was suspected that the Wirrn had absorbed so much non-Wirrn material, any new Wirrn offspring would be born as humans.

The Dalek War against Venus in Space Year 17,000 was halted by the intervention of a fleet of war rockets from the planet Hyperon. The rockets were made of a metal completely resistant to Dalek firepower. The Dalek task force was completely destroyed.

c 17,150 - The Time of Angels

The Delerium Archive was the biggest museum ever and the final resting place of the Headless Monks. The eleventh Doctor found artifacts there relating to himself, and also a message from River Song carved into the Home Box of the
: “Hello, Sweetie”, along with a series of time-space coordinates. He and Amy went to the
, in the past, as instructed.

The Far Future

In the far future, humanity’s influence was felt in other galaxies such as Andromeda, Acteon, Isop, Artoro and the Anterides.
The Daleks were the greatest threat in the universe ... until one day, when they just vanished. Eventually they became mere legends. Unknown to humanity, they had left to fight the Last Great Time War with the Time Lords, a conflict that all but wiped out both races.

The Gods of Light conducted experiments on Vortis. They replaced the core with a propulsion system, and kidnapped the Menoptra from their home planet.

The Aapex Corporation, based on Mina Fourteen, started a genetics experiment on the planet Nooma to further terraforming and bioengineering on low-gravity planets. Nooma’s sun was an Aapex spaceship, and the planet’s artificial “Sky” - actually a sentient being programmed to regulate Nooma’s biosphere - formed a protective shell around the planet.

Biology on Nooma became such that humanoids developed in the forest as carnivorous children, but mature males would fight to the death. The winners underwent genetic “promotion”, which entailed their growing wings and joining the flying “naieen”, but the losers would reanimate as infertile cadavers named the Dead. The naieen would mate, causing their seed to fall on the forest and bud new children.

? 18,000 - Heroes of Sontar

The Sontaran Empire now had seven “great” clans of distinction, each of which was cloned from one of the Sontarans’ greatest warriors. Three Sontarans were required for a formal execution party. Under Standing Order 447-subsidiary clause two, mockery of a Sontaran officer was an act of war. The Sontarans regarded Terra as a Class-C civilisation. The Fifteenth Treaty - whether or not the Sontarans recognised it - exempted non-combatants in a war zone from martial jurisdiction. Sontarans could commit honourable suicide by ingesting coronic acid pills.

In this era, people all across the “middle galaxies” came to the planet Samur to find sanctuary and solace - especially at its Citadel, which stretched all the way around Samur’s equator. Ten local years after the Doctor visited the Citadel, the Sontarans tried to oppress Samur and ran into heavy resistance from amorphic space-mercenaries, the Witch Guards. The Sontaran Stabb detonated one hundred twenty canisters of biological agent Zed-Oblique-Stroke-Zero-Zero-Two in Samur’s troposphere, which transformed the planet’s inhabitants into an invasive purple moss. Such was the honour to follow, Stabb became Field Marshall Stabb, the Unvanquished Supreme Commander of the Ninth Sontaran Space Fleet.

Stabb was used as the template for one million Sontaran clones, but a Witch Guard corrupted Stabb’s DNA, so the clones had subtle defects. This marked a turning point for the Sontaran Empire - after the victory at Samur, Sontaran forces increasingly had to pull back from Rutan space and consolidate within the Madillon Cluster.

Twenty local years after the Sontarans devastated Samur, the fifth Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa and Turlough were present as the Witch Guards perished while trying to usurp the cloning vats on the Sontaran homeworld and create an army of themselves. A rain composed of embryonic Sontarans washed over Samur, eliminating the moss and reviving the planet’s ecosystem.

c 18,000 - Plague of the Daleks

The Lucerians were a scholarly, non-aggressive purple-coloured race with tentacles. They re-absorbed their dead, and displayed bioluminescence in their mating rituals. Humans inhabited Satellite 16 in the Hammer Nebula; working ninety hours a week was permitted there, and there were queues for health care. The WN5 filtration booster was obsolete, replaced by the WN9 in deep-space communication systems.

The Daleks learned of the Doctor’s fondness for the village of Stockbridge, and laid a trap for him by preserving it beneath an environmental dome - it was one of only three sites given such treatment in Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. Tourists would visit Stockbridge, and what villagers remained were Nth-generation clones, the products of a degrading gene pool.

The fifth Doctor and Nyssa surfaced in this era owing to a collapsing time bubble in the twenty-first century, retrieved the TARDIS from a Dalek stasis vault, and prevented the Daleks from using the Ship to gain mastery of space-time. They departed as one of the Daleks’ thralls nullified the environmental dome, destroying Stockbridge and all within.

Around 18,500, Earth was abandoned once again.
The Aapex Corporation went bankrupt. Nooma was abandoned to its own fate.

? 20,000 - The Web Planet

The planet Vortis in the Isop galaxy was the home of the moth-like Menoptra, who worshipped in glorious temples of light and lived in the flower forests. They kept an ant-like race, the Zarbi, as cattle. The planet was invaded by the Animus, an entity that could absorb all forms of energy, and which pulled three planetoids - including Pictos - into orbit around Vortis. Most of the Menoptra fled to Pictos, but the descendants of those that stayed behind slowly devolved into sightless dwarfs, the Optera. The Animus used the Zarbi as soldiers, and had dreams of galactic conquest until the first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki arrived. The Animus was destroyed by the Isop-tope, a Menoptra weapon.

New Rhumos broke away from Rhumos Prime, which marked the beginning of a lengthy conflict.

c 20,192 - Twilight of the Gods

After the Animus’ defeat, Vortis wandered into the Rhumos system. Two Rhumon factions, the Imperials and the Republicans, fought for control of the planet. The second Doctor, Jamie and Victoria arrived a year later, just as a seed of the Animus emerged. The Doctor brought the Rhumons and Menoptera together to destroy the new Animus. The Gods of Light who had engineered Vortis agreed to stop interfering in its affairs, and it was hoped that Vortis could peacefully co-exist with its Rhumon neighbours.

? - “The Naked Flame”

The fourth Doctor and Sarah landed on Vortis, where a glowing crystal was attracting Menoptra to their deaths. The Doctor shattered it with his sonic screwdriver.

c 20,592 - Return to the Web Planet

Humanity developed a synthetic means of propagating itself throughout space that was more efficient than colonisation or invasion; “seed ships”, each carrying two “gene-synthetics” - a male and a female - were dispatched to barren worlds where humanity couldn’t thrive. Upon arrival, the gene-synthetics would adapt to the local conditions, then merge into a large cocoon from which hundreds of offspring - humans biologically adapted to the environment - would emerge.

One seed ship was drawn to Vortis by a “lode-seed” - a powerful gravitational attractor that both nourished the land and helped the Zarbi navigate during migrations. The female gene-synthetic, named Xanthe, became telepathically integrated into the Zarbi hive mind. The fifth Doctor and Nyssa were present when Xanthe merged with her mate, Yanesh, and it was expected that their offspring would live in peace with the Zarbi.

Carbon-dating suggested that
The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey
was written circa 22,000 AD.

c 21,906 - “Final Sacrifice”

Robert Lewis and Eliza Cooper of Torchwood, along with Alexander Hugh and Annabella Primavera, arrived from 1906 and met the tenth Doctor and Emily on an alien planet. The war between the Soul Free and the Terror Farmers had reduced a population of hundreds of thousands to just a few thousand. The Doctor deduced that the Terror Farmers would win the conflict and become known as the Terranites - and later his adversaries, the Terronites.

The Advocate arrived with Matthew Finnegan, who as a twentieth century-born human could activate the planet’s terraforming satellite. This would have killed everyone present. Matthew turned on the Advocate and deactivated the satellite by electrocuting them both. The Advocate died, which released the millennia of fifth-dimensional power within her. The energy turned Matthew into the Tef’Aree: an immortal, five-dimensional being. The Tef’Aree manipulated events throughout time to engineer its own creation from Matthew’s sacrifice.

Lewis and Primavera were killed during these events. Cooper stayed to help the surviving humans rebuild their world. The Doctor took Emily and Hugh back to 1906.

c 22,000 - Birthright

For three thousand four hundred and ninety-seven years, the insect-like Charrl had occupied the planet Anthykhon, which was far from the major space lanes. Their vast hive pumped ammonia into the already-depleted atmosphere, the planet’s ozone layer had been depleted, the seas had dried up, and the soil was barren. The native life, the Hairies, survived by adapting to this environment.

The Charrl were not savages - indeed, they had created over three hundred of the six hundred and ninety-nine wonders of the universe - before coming to this world to escape solar flares on their own planet. The Charrls made contact with Muldwych, a mysterious time-traveller exiled to Anthykhon at this time, and together they attempted to traverse the Great Divide back into the past on Earth. Muldwych came to regret his association with the Charrls and foiled their plans. He remained on Anthykhon in exile.

Anthykhon was Earth during one of the several periods when the planet was isolated and forgotten.

c 22,000 - Speed of Flight

The third Doctor, Jo and Mike Yates landed on Nooma. The Dead assaulted the planet’s artificial sun, working on preprogrammed instructions to seek a means of terminating the Nooma experiment to protect Aapex’s trade secrets. The Doctor tapped the sun’s databanks and found a message from Aapex granting the citizens of Nooma independence, restoring social order on the planet.

The shafts of the Great Pyramid would align with the constellation of Orion around 23,000.
The Terranites eventually became the Terronites, and the Tef’Aree enabled one Terronite - Leo Miller - to travel to Earth in 1926.

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