Babala's Correction (6 page)

Read Babala's Correction Online

Authors: Bethany Amber

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #fantasy, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #leather, #bondage

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Lifting her hands she scrubbed her scalp. Water dripped from her breasts and shimmered like diamonds in the rising sun.

At last satisfied that her hair was clean she sank down beneath the surface of the lake again, allowing the golden cascade to float behind and above her. The chill of the water soothed her sore skin, cleansed the many hurts the men had inflicted upon her, and she closed her eyes, drifting languidly.

So lost in the ecstasy of this small luxury was she that she did not see a dark shadow casting narrowed eyes over her from the edge of the lake. It was a shock, therefore, to feel the sharp pain in her scalp, and it was as if her hair would be pulled out at the roots as she was dragged to the surface.

‘Try to escape, would you?'

Babala was pulled from the lake by her hair. Her slender body, so recently cleansed by the water, was hauled through the mud at the edge and was streaked with dark earth.

‘No - ouch!' she squealed, her fingers clawing uselessly at the hands that were wrapped around her long fall of wet hair. ‘I was bathing!'

Plaintively, she looked up at Bart's coarse features, tears of pain coursing down her cheeks.

‘Liar,' he grunted, and he slapped the still tender heaviness of her breasts. Babala dared not pull away, for she knew she would be punished further if she did. ‘You were planning to run back through the forest, to tell the Prince what mischief we have enjoyed with you and the Lady Fazath.'

With tears of pain blurring her vision Babala ventured a look into his dark eyes, and her own widened with surprise for she could see much more than anger in them. Much more. There was fear plainly written on his coarse features; a twitch at the corner of his mouth, the eyes looking furtively this way and that, the nostrils wide as he breathed rapidly as if gasping for breath.

‘No,' she managed. ‘I merely came to the lake—'

She got no further, for the breath was wrenched from her body by Capel's whip snaking about her slender waist. ‘Lying bitch!' he growled. ‘They're all the same, these women. Can't wait to fuck and tell.' The whip snaked over her shoulder, knocking her to the ground, rolling her in the squelching mud.

‘You came to wash, did you?' It was Graf's voice, growling and peevish. ‘Look at you, you filthy whore. Breasts streaked with mud...' He rolled her over and she looked up at the three men, choking back sobs. ‘Somehow it has even slithered here!'

The other men laughed as Graf slapped some of the thick dark mud upon her inner thighs, spreading her legs wide and smearing the filth in a thick cake within her cunny.

‘We shouldn't be doing this...' it was Peli - nervous, timorous, trembling. ‘We've been gone from the palace for five days. There'll be punishments waiting for us, I'll warrant.'

Graf, on his knees beside Babala, smoothing her body with the dark slime, shrugged, uncaring. ‘We'll say they struggled and it was necessary to punish them, to restrain them until they learned how to behave.' He pinched her muddy nipples until she whimpered, and when she mewed in pain he slapped her belly, her breasts, enjoying the slurping sound of his hands on her muddy flesh.

‘Peli is right,' Bart said with a nod, confirming the fear Babala had seen in his eyes. ‘Do you think the Taskmaster will not be ordered to use his skill to test here and here?' He bent down beside Graf and probed his fingers between Babala's flesh leaves, opening them out, thrusting two muddy fingers into her cunny. That done he flipped her over and spread her buttocks to thumb the wrinkled bud of her anus, feeling the fresh give of the opening. ‘He will know and we'll be punished severely.' He paused, lifting her bottom and spreading her legs as if he was enjoying the sight of these pretty parts for the last time. ‘Maybe even executed.'

‘Then we'll get rid of the bitches,' said Capel. ‘I'll throttle them with my whip.' He wiped a dew of sweat from his forehead and his eyes seemed to burn as he gazed at Babala. It was as if she could see within his mind, could see herself lying helpless on the muddy ground beneath him, sinking into the slime as he wound the supple whip about her throat. ‘Then we'll throw their bodies into the lake,' he added viciously.

‘The lake isn't deep enough,' said Bart. ‘They'd be found.'

A keening sound whispered over the scene. It was Peli, rocking back and forth, his uniform streaked with mud, his face contorted with fear and misery. ‘What are we to do, Bart? What?'

‘I don't know, lad.' He sat on a rock, his head in his hands. ‘We can't take them back to the palace, but murder isn't the answer.' He raised his eyes and shook his head as he looked at Capel.

Babala shivered in the mud, her raised buttocks quivering with cold and fear as she wondered what fate awaited her with these men. She placed her hands on her head, indicating that she was entirely at their mercy - submissive and willing to do whatever pleased them.

‘Ah!' Graf rose to his feet. ‘The maid has given me an idea.' He grabbed Babala's arm, and the mud squelched as he pulled her to her feet. Filth splashed from her breasts and spilled onto Graf's leather tunic, so he gave her a sharp slap on the buttocks with his free hand and then continued as if there had been no interruption. ‘There is a slave auction at the town of Brentasi, just over the border in the next kingdom.'

‘Put them in an auction?' Bart's eyes brightened and he jumped to his feet, no longer fearful, but full of enthusiasm for this new adventure. ‘That would solve all our problems and we could return to the palace to say they'd been taken by bandits. There are many around Brentasi.'

Could Babala's fate have been any worse, she wondered, had bandits taken her? ‘If we are going to Brentasi,' she said shyly, her hands held tightly on her head, ‘may I bathe once more in the lake?'

‘And escape?' grunted Capel, shaking her so roughly her breasts swayed.

‘She'll fetch a better price if she is clean,' observed Peli, and Babala glanced at him gratefully.

‘True,' said Bart, with a nod. ‘Lead her to the lake, Capel.'

A fierce grimace contorted the guard's face as he narrowed his cruel eyes at Bart. ‘Aye, if you so order it, master,' he acquiesced tightly, ‘but she'll not escape.' He twisted the supple leather of his whip about Babala's upper arm and half-pushed and half-pulled her to the lake. ‘This madam will fetch many gold pieces I'll warrant, and we'll share the takings, eh?'

The other men grunted their agreement as they watched Babala dipped to the point of drowning into the icy cold water.

While Graf, Bart and Capel laughed at Babala's feeble struggles, Peli was sent to release the Lady Fazath from her chains.

She glared at him as he entered the gloom of the cave, and spat at him as he approached her.

‘Where's Babala?' she demanded.

‘Bathing,' said the lad, somewhat nervously. ‘You're going to auction, both of you.'

Fazath did not fight the boy as he released the manacles. A plan was forming in her sharp mind. When the chains fell loose from her tired and naked body she almost fell into Peli's arms, so stiff was she from her long bondage.

‘Auction?' she whispered, as pain took the breath from her body and the muscles regained their blood flow. ‘What auction?' Her legs would not support her and she knelt at Peli's feet, her lips level with his scarcely clad cock.

‘At Brentasi,' he said. He could feel the woman's breath close to his thickening stem. ‘T-two days journey from here.' Soft lips took his globe within and he gasped with pleasure, but as suddenly as his knob was enclosed it was released, and his eyes flashed wide open with disappointment.

‘If I suck your cock and drink down all your come,' Fazath cooed seductively, ‘will you let me go?' She brushed her black hair against the lad's belly and her cheek against the smooth stiffness of his cock. Looking up at him she gave a winning smile and felt his shudder at her caresses.

‘Graf and Capel said you did not enjoy the attentions of men... only women.' He croaked the words, fearful that the others should discover them, and yet his groin was aching with renewed fullness. ‘And what of Babala? Would you leave her and allow my friends to put her up to auction?'

Fazath snaked her tongue around the lad's globe, allowing the very tip to tickle the pulsing single eye, and did not speak until the young man was trembling with her attentions. ‘Will you let me go?' she said, clutching his muscular thighs. ‘Will you?'

If she could only escape perhaps she could yet rescue Babala and spirit her away to some humble retreat in the forest, where she could delight in the luscious girl forever. Meanwhile, she must degrade herself and suck the youth for all she hated it, hoping she could then run.

‘Do it,' rasped Peli. ‘Do it. My cock is throbbing as if it would burst.'

Fazath, her midnight hair tumbled and matted by the days and nights of her trials, her body naked and grimy, arched her body backwards. Her full breasts pouted invitingly and she shuffled open her thighs to display the black nest through which flushed pink folds peeped. Peli groaned.

‘Do you promise?' she whispered.

Peli's fingers rested at the root of his cock, trembling, aching to finish the pleasuring the woman had started. ‘I'll do what I can,' he hissed, ‘but do it or my balls will surely burst.'

With a laugh Fazath opened her mouth and engulfed the full length of the pulsing thickness. Her tongue snaked around the smooth tautness of his skin and her hands cupped his balls, massaging them gently as she used the pad of her thumb to play the sensitive spot between them and his anus. She heard him groan with pleasure and almost gagged as he thrust deeper and deeper into her throat.

Neither heard the tumble of stones as feet and hands clawed their way up the tortuous slope of the mountain. It was only when a growl of anger filled the cave that they realised they had been discovered.

But Peli was unable to stop his vigorous thrusting, reaching the point at which he was unable to stop. A moan of pleasure came from his throat and his spume gushed like a fountain into Fazath's throat, coating her tongue, her teeth, the soft inner lining of her cheeks.

‘Well now, young fellow,' Graf's deep voice was punctuated with laughter. ‘I came to rescue you from this harridan, but it would appear...'

Peli staggered back, tugging at his leather skirt, tucking it around his wilting cock and his balls. ‘She - she was enticing me to help her escape!' he blurted. ‘Without the girl!'

Like a panther Fazath sprang at the lad, her nails attacking him like claws, every muscle tensed in anger. Her well-developed biceps, recovered from their long bondage, bulged as she threw her arms around the lad's chest, crushing him until there was no breath left in him, and her calves wrapped about one of his as she threw him to the ground, where they rolled locked in combat.

‘A pleasing sight,' grunted Graf, and Fazath heard the lust in his voice, knowing, even in battle, that men found her toned body enticing. ‘But the time for play is over,' he added.

A hand stronger than hers prised her arms from the lad and held her, helpless as a kitten. Peli lay on the ground, gasping for breath while Fazath was mauled between her thighs with fingers that opened her cunny and thrust deep into the moist, yielding depths.

‘Let me go!' She hissed the words.

‘Fetch the cords, lad,' said Graf, never halting the crude invasion of her body. ‘We shall have to tame this wildcat before we take her to Brentasi. Truss her up like a chicken.'

‘No one will want me at the auction,' said Fazath. ‘No one. They want girls like Babala.'

Graf crushed her to him and she could feel his thickness between her thighs. ‘You're a handsome woman, Fazath, for all your maturity and your strange taste in sex. Someone will bid for you.' His mouth claimed hers, his tongue driving between her teeth as one hand kneaded the firm flesh of her breast and rolled a teat until she murmured in pain.

‘What's this?' Bart's voice cut through the sudden silence in the cave. ‘Must I do everything myself?'

Flung from Graf, Fazath was thrown to the floor and Peli stood over her with hanks of rope looped about his hands, looking nervously from one to the other of his superiors.

‘The woman struggled,' said Graf. ‘I was helping Peli to truss her. She can't be trusted not to run without full bondage.'

‘Then do it!' barked Bart. ‘I can't trust Capel with the girl. I have to return to the lake to watch him like a hawk. The man has a cruel streak which strikes a chill in my very bones.' He turned quickly and they could hear him hurrying down the shale on the mountainside.

‘Loop her neck, Peli,' ordered Graf.

‘But won't she choke?' Peli hesitated with the rope trembling in his hands.

Fazath was tempted to use all her strength to throw herself once more at both the men. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, trying to control her anger. What tortures was Babala suffering with that animal, Capel? What had they done to her? She was too passive - too submissive. Fazath shuddered at the thought of her beautiful girl in the clutches of that brute Capel.

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