Baby Blues and Wedding Shoes (50 page)

Read Baby Blues and Wedding Shoes Online

Authors: Amanda Martin

Tags: #romance, #pregnancy, #london, #babies, #hea, #photography, #barcelona

BOOK: Baby Blues and Wedding Shoes
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Ben returned to his seat, and it was
the best man’s turn to talk. Ben had chosen one of his former
flat-mates, and Helen tuned out again as a litany of embarrassing
stories was presented for Ben’s humiliation and the crowd’s

Helen became aware of the click click
of Stuart’s camera and turned to watch him as he captured pictures
of the best man addressing the crowd; Ben’s flushing red face at a
ribald anecdote; Sharni’s rapt expression as she gazed at her
husband; the crowd’s laughing faces; John and Dawn watching proudly
from the door of the marque; Derek and his latest model snuggled
together drinking champagne; James and Jasmine escaping to steal
cakes from the tempting table; Her Mum tickling Luca and making him
giggle; Marcio taking a wriggling Johan from her Dad so he could
enjoy his pint.

With her friends and family around her,
Helen felt complete at last, as if she could take on the world.
Dawn was right, strength did come. Strength, and love.




The End


About the Author

Amanda Martin was born in
Hertfordshire in 1976. After graduating with first class honours
from Leeds University she wandered around the world trying to find
her place in it. She tried various roles, in England and New
Zealand, including Bar Manager, Marketing Manager, Consultant and
Artist, before deciding that Writer/Mummy best summed her up. She
lives in Northamptonshire with her husband, two children and
labradoodle Kara and can mostly be found at

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