Baby's Got Bite (14 page)

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Authors: Candace Havens

Tags: #Entangled;Covet;paranormal;romance;PNR;Candace Havens;Take it Like a Vamp;werewolf;bad boy;one-night stand;Unexpected pregnancy;Bad boy playboy;playboy

BOOK: Baby's Got Bite
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Chapter Twenty

The birthing room at the hospital was supposed to be calming. It looked like a hotel room, but there was nothing soothing about any of this. “Shit, it hurts!” Bennett screamed at Linc. “This is your fault, you stupid asshole with your stupid super sperm. Knocking me up when I wasn’t ready.”

Her vow to stop swearing had gone right out the door with the first contraction. And if he weren’t supernatural she’d be breaking the bones in his hand.

“I’m sorry, love.”

“No, you aren’t.” She groaned. “I fucking hate you.”

He suppressed a grin. God, he loved her. And somehow, someway, he would convince her that he was worthy of her.

“I know you do,” he said.

“Stop patronizing me with your sexy voice and charming ways, you Irish fucking asshole. How am I supposed to resist that?”

Jacinda smiled at him from behind her facemask. He couldn’t blame her. Bennett was hilarious. Maybe someday he’d tell her about it.

“I’m going to have to edit a lot of this video if you keep talking like that,” Casey said from behind the camera. “Your poor child will be traumatized.”

“What is wrong with you people?” Bennett snapped. “I’m giving birth here. Until you pull a child out of your crotch, you show some respect. Got it?”

Casey choked back a laugh, and Bennett glared. “You’re supposed to be my best friend. You should be strangling this asshole for doing this to me.”

“Okay. Take a deep breath,” Jacinda said calmly from between Bennett’s legs. “Two more big pushes, and you’ll have your baby in your arms.”

you are here,” Bennett said to Jacinda. “You’re the only sane person in this room.”

After taking a deep breath, Bennett squeezed her eyes and groaned loudly.

She was in pain, and there was little Linc could do. Bennett gripped his hand tightly, but it had to be a tenth of what she was feeling. He used his free hand to push her hair back from her face.

“You’re a brave one, love. You can do this.”

She puffed again and pushed. And as she did, she stared at him as if she were drawing strength from him. He held her eyes, trying to show her how much he loved her, that he was there for her, and that together, they were strong enough to make it through anything.

The babe’s cry tore their attention from one another.

“Well, much like his mother, he has a set of lungs on him,” Jacinda said.

“We did it.” Bennett collapsed back on the bed.

“You did it,” Linc said, beaming at his tiny son as the nurses cleaned him up and swaddled him.

His son. Joy clogged his throat, and his chest tightened with love. In a heartbeat, his love for his little family was all encompassing. He couldn’t breathe. Tears burned his eyes.

Casey and Bennett were sobbing. He turned to smile at them, and that’s when he noticed Bennett’s face.

“Love, are you feeling all right?”

“I just had a baby, moron. I’m kind of tired.” The nurse put the child in her arms. She touched the babe’s cheek lightly. “I’m so glad you’re here. That’s your daddy. He’s not as scary as he looks. And that’s your auntie Casey. She’s going to spoil you rotten.” A flash of pain crossed her face. “Um, ow. I thought the hard part was over. My head hurts really…” Then her eyes fluttered closed.

“Jacinda?” Linc said.

The doctor frowned. “Her pressure’s high.” She checked Bennett’s vital signs and gasped, and the exposed emotion, so raw it couldn’t be hidden, made Linc terrified. “Nurse,” she said. “Get them out. Now!”

In a rush, a nurse lifted the baby out of Bennett’s arms. Her face had paled even more, and her breathing was shallow.

“What the hell is going on?” Linc demanded.

“Get out,” Jacinda ordered. “I need CT scan stat, and get the neurologist. Not Cawley. Call Branson. He was upstairs prepping for surgery. Move, people. Move.”

The bed was wheeled out of the room before he could process what was happening. He looked from his son to Casey, who was bawling.

“I’ll stay with the baby,” Casey said. “Go. Go find out what’s happening.” She waved him away.

He glanced one more time at the babe as if to assure himself his son was fine.

“His Apgar score is great,” the nurse said. “Go, be with your wife.”

Linc ran down the hall just in time to see the elevators close. “What floor?” he yelled at the woman at the desk.

“They’re taking her to four, but they won’t let you in.”

Like hell they wouldn’t. He raced up the stairs, grateful for his supernatural speed.

The team had paused just outside one of the surgical units. He raced to grab Bennett’s hand. She was so cold, where she’d been so warm before.

“Love, can you hear me?”

“She’s out,” Jacinda said. “Her pressure is really high. We’ve given her meds, but she’s not out of the woods yet.”

“What is it?”

Jacinda shook her head. “We don’t know. I just checked her eyes. Possible stroke. Has she had headaches? Dizziness?”

“Yes to both,” he said. “But isn’t that normal?”

“Yes, but not in this case. We’re scanning her, and if she needs surgery I’ve got the best man for the job ready to take her on. But time is of the essence. I can’t stand here and explain it to you.”

“Save her. Do you understand me? She is my reason for breathing. Save her.”

Jacinda put a hand on his arm. “I’m doing my best.”

“Should I call a mage?” He knew he should have called one of the healers to be on hand for something like this. Dammit.

“That’s why I called for Branson. He’s one of the best neurological surgeons in the world,
he’s a healer. He’s her best chance. But we’ve got to go now.”

Linc let go of Bennett’s hand, and they wheeled the woman who owned his heart away.

“Let’s go.” Nick’s arm wrapped around his shoulders. Linc hadn’t noticed him following him up the stairs. “Come on. Let’s check on your son. I talked to the nurses. They’ll call us soon as they know something.”

“I don’t want to leave her.” Linc’s voice was a whisper. Numb with fear, he wanted to crawl onto the gurney with her. Hold her until he knew she was all right.

“You aren’t leaving her. She’s getting the best care possible. But that baby needs you right now. You don’t want his first moments to be staring at strangers. He should at least be able to look at your ugly mug.”

“The baby…” Linc’s mind was a fog.

You must always protect our son. He comes first

Her words tore at him.

Bennett was dying.

He hit his knees.

“Hell.” Nick knelt beside him. “Look, she’s going to make it. Let’s take care of your son. They’ve got him cleaned up. Casey just texted me. She hasn’t let him out of her sight. I’m supposed to bring you down to the nursery. I know it’s hard right now, but you need to be there for your kid. He’s counting on you.”

That’s right. He had to be there for his son. He wouldn’t be like his father.

“And they’ll call about Bennett? I can see her as soon as she’s out of surgery? In recovery?” He glanced up to find his friend frowning.

“Yes. Jacinda or Branson will call as soon as they know something. They won’t let you down, and there aren’t two people in the world who are better at this sort of thing.”

Linc followed Nick down the hall, a hollow feeling in his gut. What should have been the happiest moment in his life had gone horribly, horribly wrong.

She hadn’t been strong enough to carry their child.

She was going to die alone in that room, and it was his fault.

He’d never forgive himself.

Chapter Twenty-One

Bennett tried to open her eyes, but the light was too bright.

“Nick, turn out the lights,” Linc ordered. “They’re causing her pain.”

Wow. Mr. Bossy was back. Ordering everyone around. She tried to think what had happened, but her brain hurt. The baby.

“Where’s the baby?”

“He’s fine. Nick’s holding him right now. Open your eyes and you can hold him yourself.”

She squinted, but it took her a bit to focus. Just as she saw Linc, the nurse came in the room and pushed him away. Jacinda and another guy followed the nurse.

“What’s with all the drama?” Damn her throat hurt. “Why are you guys staring at me?” she croaked. “What happened?” She glanced around the room. It was a regular hospital room, not…

Wait. Hadn’t she been in the birthing room? How had she gotten here?

“You scared the hell out of us,” Jacinda said. “Nurse, give her some water.”

The nurse held a straw to her lips, and the cool water slid down her throat. She sighed a breath of relief. That was
much better.

“Why didn’t you tell us you’ve had headaches the last few weeks?” Jacinda asked, and it wasn’t in her usually friendly tone.

Bennett frowned. “Jesus. What’s with the third degree? Did I pass out and hit my head? I can’t remember.”

“Your blood pressure went through the roof, and you passed out,” the guy who’d come with Jacinda said.

Holy hell.

“I’m Dr. Carlin Branson, a neurologist. Look at the light, please.” She followed his light. “Now, my finger.” She followed it.

“The headaches?” Bennett asked.

Jacinda crossed her arms over her chest. “You should have told us. Linc said you’d been having them off and on. It’s a sign of preeclampsia. ”

“I’d read that women get headaches all the time in the last trimester, because of changes in hormones,” Bennett said. “I didn’t want drugs for them, so I didn’t see any sense in complaining.”

“They weren’t hormonal,” Dr. Branson said. “Your pressure must have been high off and on. You could have had a stroke.” He held up his hand as she opened her mouth. “You
, but you could have. You’ll have to take it easy for a few months.”

“Jesus. Can nothing ever go right for me?”

“Well, you did a pretty good job with this guy.” Linc placed their son in her arms and beamed at her.

“Is it just me, or does he have my mouth and hair? Though the rest is all you.” She put a gentle finger in her son’s tiny hand. “He’s perfect.” Her eyes watered. Stupid hormones.

“That he is.” Linc stared down at their son with loving eyes. She couldn’t blame him. He was the most adorable baby ever.

It hit her. Shit. “God, I would have been the worst of mothers if I’d died.”

“Was never going to happen.” Linc said it as if it were a forgone conclusion. “I wouldn’t have allowed it.”

“If you could have been saved on sheer will alone, Linc would have done it,” Casey said. “He refused to believe you wouldn’t wake up.”

“Yeah, he was a right pain in the, uh…” Branson began, but then seemed to remember he had his professional reputation to uphold. “But he loves you, so that’s expected.”

Branson was right about that. She could see in the way Linc looked at her, and the way he held their son, that yes, he loved her. But there was also something different in his eyes. Something that made her now feel safe and secure.

Casey reached down and kissed her cheek. “Nick and I are going to run and get some stuff for the baby. We’ll be back in an hour. Do you want anything?”

“A cheeseburger, sweet potato fries, and a giant chocolate milkshake.”

Everyone laughed.

“Well, my love hasn’t lost her appetite. I’m glad to hear it,” Linc said.

My love. Those kind of words had always made her worry what would come next, how the relationship would inevitably fall apart, but the way he said them, she’d give anything just to hear them again.

“Is it okay?” Nick asked the doctors.

“She can have whatever she wants to eat,” Branson said. “And I read in the chart that you wanted to breast feed, but we had to put you on some medication. It would be best for now to give the baby formula.”

God, she was lucky to be alive. Too surreal. She glanced down at the little version of Linc in her arms.

Heart in throat, she sniffed. Her baby. He snuggled deeper into her chest, and she lost her heart for good.

“The nurse will take your vitals every few hours,” said Jacinda. “We’ll have to keep an eye on you for a few more days. The baby can stay with you in the room. If you need help, you need only push the button.”

So much to remember. So much going on. She held the baby a little tighter to her, unable to tear her eyes away from her child. “I…uh…”

“I’ll be here,” Linc said. “I’ll take care of her and the babe. Do you want to feed him?” he said to Bennett. “It’s about time for his two-hour feeding.”

“You do need someone with you at all times to help with the baby,” Jacinda said. “Right now, we don’t want you lifting him too much. He’s a hefty eight pounds. But you can hold him as much as you want. Just make sure you have a pillow for support.”

Bennett nodded.

“Now, on a scale of one to ten, what’s your pain level right now?” Jacinda asked.

“My head, probably about a six. My body, a twelve. I feel like I was hit by a truck.”

Jacinda smiled. “That’s a fair assessment. Labor is tough on you, but you’ll bounce back quickly. The nurse will be in later to tell you things to look out for with aches and pains. As far as your head, if you have a sudden onset of sharp pain, or if that pain inches toward a seven or eight, tell us immediately.”


“We’ll give you some time alone,” Jacinda said. “If you need anything push the button. Don’t tough it out.”

“Get some rest,” Dr. Branson said, and then he followed everyone else but Linc out and shut the door.

“Don’t ever do that again,” Linc whispered.

“What?” The fog in her brain was slowly lifting. She stared down at her perfect baby. “He’s healthy, right?”

Linc touched her cheek. “Yes. He’s as healthy as he can be. And you…” He paused and swallowed, and she saw again that flash of emotion in his eyes that made her feel safe and secure. Like she was home.

Something was different about him…

“Linc,” she said. “What do you want to say?

He took her hand in his. “I’ll do whatever you want. Abide any wish you want to make. You can go with your father if you must, but please don’t ever run away from me again. I can’t stand the idea of being in a world where you don’t exist.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you more than my own life. I would have given my life for yours if I could have.”

“Are you having sympathy hormones or something? I’m sorry I scared you, but I’ll be fine. You don’t have to make all these crazy declarations.”

“Bloody hell, woman. I love you. I think I have from the moment I met you.”

“Don’t cuss in front of the baby.”

He chuckled. “I meant what I said. I do love you. And I know now what that means. I’ll respect your wishes from now on. If you wish to take the babe…” His voice broke. “If you wish to go with your father… That’s your choice.” He cleared his throat. “I won’t stop you. I love you, Bennett, and I’m here to support you no matter what you choose.”

If she hadn’t been sure about her love for him, she was now.

Was it possible to be this happy?

“I’m a woman of my word.” She forced herself to frown. It wasn’t easy with the joy clogging her throat.

“I know that,” he said solemnly. “I understand why you need to go.”

not going anywhere. I told you that. I won’t take your son away from you. I have no idea what the future holds or how we’re going to do this, but I want us to do it together. I love you, you dumb jerk.”

The biggest grin broke across his face. “You do?”

“Well… You better give me a kiss, just so I can be sure.”

She grabbed his shirt before he could respond, and then she brought him close.

Damn, the man could kiss.

She pulled back and looked at the ceiling, as if considering it, then said, “Yeah. I’m pretty sure… I do. I love you. Probably loved you from the first time I met you. But don’t let that go to your head.”

“Never,” he said. And then he kissed her. Careful not to smush the baby, he showed her everything that was in his heart, and she gave it right back to him.

When they finished, he grabbed a tissue from the side table and dabbed her cheeks.

“Hormones,” she said gruffly.

He took a deep breath. “I want thou to be my wife. For all eternity, I want thee bound with me. I will be ever faithful and protect thee with my life. This is mine oath of fidelity to thee. I am thine. Thy partner in everything. Thy life mate.”

“Holy hell. Eternal oath? That sounds like a big deal.”

He brought her hand to his chest. “I’ve never made this oath before. I’ve never wanted to. But with you? I love you. I love your stubbornness and loud mouth. I love your kindness and your heart of gold. I even love your decorating skills. My home will never be the same, and I’m the better for it.”

Tears welled and spilled onto her cheeks. He loved her. “Moron. You’re making me cry.”

“The babe can hear you.” He dabbed her eyes with a tissue. “You have to stop with the swearing and calling me names. I don’t want him to grow up with a—what is it Casey says?—a potty mouth.”

“I’ll take it under consideration.”

He brought his face close to hers. “I’ll spend the rest of my life doing my best to make you happy,” he whispered against her lips. “Do you accept my oath?”

“I love you, uh, you big hunk of an Irishman. And yes, I accept your oath. I pledge my love to you. I don’t have a fancy oath, but I’m yours.”

He chuckled, deep and rumbling. She loved that sound.

Her heart was so full of love for this man and their child. And she was grateful to be alive. More so than she ever had been before. She would appreciate each and every day with them.

She cocked an eyebrow at him. “So partner… Life mate… Maybe now would be a good time for you to start on your fatherly duties and get me the baby’s bottle.”

“Yes, my love.”

“Bennett?” Her father rushed through the door to her hospital room and to her side. “They told me you almost died.”

Linc rose with the babe in his arms. He didn’t want her father upsetting her. One look from Bennett and he backed off. She wanted her father to meet their son. Fine. But this was tough.

And that was enough to quell Linc’s anxiety. No matter what happened, he and Bennett would face it together.

“Shhhh,” Bennett said. “Your grandson is sleeping.” She pointed to Linc, who held their son in his arms. “I decided to have some blood pressure drama at the worst possible time, but I’m fine. And the whole death thing was an exaggeration. I just passed out for a bit.”

Her father had a hold of her hands. “I was so worried when Nick called.”

“She only woke up an hour or so ago,” Linc said. He was standing on the opposite side of the bed from her father.

“Thank the goddess,” her father said. “Did they say when I’d be able to take you and the baby home?”

Linc suppressed a growl in his throat. She was his. No one would be taking her anywhere.

Bennett rolled her eyes. “I can see you getting all puffy, Linc. Calm down. You’ve been so good this afternoon. Don’t start now.” She turned to her father. “Dad, I–uh… Linc, you tell him.”

“We’re getting married,” Linc finished. “We love each other, and we don’t care about the outdated treaties or anything else you might use to keep us apart. She is my beloved, and she will be for an eternity.”

Bennett sighed. “What he meant to say before he got all cave man wolfy is that we love each other. And this baby, well, you should see his birth as a sign of peace, Pops. Linc’s going to be my husband, and you’re just going to have to nut up and get with the program.”

Her father arched an eyebrow. “Nut up?”

“As in suck it up. Be the king and tell people how it’s going to go down. I love him and he loves me, and I feel like I’m singing a fucking Barney song. Shit. I mean— Oh my Gawd, this not cussing thing is going to be hard.”

Linc sighed. “Sir, I love her. I will protect her with my life. And we will protect our son with our lives. But the lass and the babe will be staying with me. Not because I will it, but because that is her choice.”

Her father’s eyes narrowed as he turned to Linc. “May I see the child?”

Bennett gave him the stink eye. “Before you touch him, you swear an oath that you won’t do anything crazy. You won’t walk through a magical mirror or turn into a dragon and fly away.”

God, Linc loved her. She had no problem expressing feelings.

Her father stared at her like she was crazy. “I will not harm the child, nor ever dare to take him from you.”

Then he glanced up at Linc as if to ask if she was mentally stable.

Linc shrugged, then winked at Bennett.

“I’m not crazy,” she said. “Just protective, something you two should understand.” She smirked. “Okay, you can hold him. But I’m watching you.”

Linc reluctantly passed the baby across the bed to his grandfather.

The other man chuckled. “He’s heavy for one so new.”

Linc took Bennett’s hand in his.

Her father moved around the bed to sit in the recliner in the corner of the room.

“You’ll make a strong warrior prince someday,” her father said.

Bennett cleared her throat. “Dad?”

He smiled. “Just a phrase. And we are at peace, for now. But there may be a time when he will be expected to take the throne, and I will make sure, with your permission, that he is ready.”

This time it was Bennett who sighed. “For now, can we just focus on everyone being alive and here? I don’t know about you guys, and I’m not one who usually does this sort of thing, but I’m counting my blessings. I have a son.” She sniffled.

Linc leaned down and kissed her forehead. “We have a son.”

“And I have a grandchild.” Her father smiled. “A fine boy, who will grow up to be as smart and fierce as his parents.”

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