Baby's Got Bite (4 page)

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Authors: Candace Havens

Tags: #Entangled;Covet;paranormal;romance;PNR;Candace Havens;Take it Like a Vamp;werewolf;bad boy;one-night stand;Unexpected pregnancy;Bad boy playboy;playboy

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The doctor put her hand on Bennett’s shoulder. “You have about sixty days left in the pregnancy.”

Bennett yawned. She should be panicking, but she felt so tired…

“What is wrong with you people?” she said. “I’m not so good with the math, but even I know that isn’t right.”

Casey grabbed her hand. “Bennett. The father of your child is a werewolf. Well, technically he’s some weird Irish version, but potato, potahto.”

Bennett cocked an eyebrow. “Yeah, and all of our friends are actually ghouls and goblins, too.”

“Well…” Casey looked at Linc, who nodded at her, as though he was telling her to go on. “Actually, Nick is a sort of vampire-werewolf crossbreed, a Greek version. Doc here is a witch who can temper the emotions in a room. And I’m human, but I’m thinking about letting Linc bite me in a few years. It’s a lot to take in. Believe me. No one knows this better than I do. But you’re going to have a baby. And we can’t keep this a secret from you because—Bennett?”

She pitched forward, but Linc caught her and cradled her in his arms. “It’s all right, love. I’ll keep you safe.”

She glared at him. “You’re a monster. I’m having a monster’s baby.”

And then she blacked out.

Chapter Four

Linc sat beside his bed and watched Bennett sleep.

She was so beautiful.

She was the mother of his child.

And she was fucking pissed off.

He didn’t blame her. This was all kinds of wrong. He’d used a condom so she wouldn’t have to worry, but the truth was that he shouldn’t have been able to get a human pregnant. The magic that made him supernatural made it scientifically impossible. Which left one likely explanation. They’d know more after some of the blood work came back, but he guessed that Bennett might not be all human.

Funny how a life could change in less than a heartbeat. The crazy thing was, he liked Bennett. A lot. He was already intensely protective of her and the child. That was a part of his nature as protector, but that was all he could be.

He’d take care of her and the child. Make sure they never wanted for anything, but he could never be more to her than her child’s father. But he’d die before he saw anything or anyone hurt Bennett or their child.

As for the baby, he would be the best father possible. His father had always been involved with pack or council business. He’d been a harsh man who thought Linc’s choices were unseemly for the prince of the pack. It hadn’t mattered that Linc had beaten down every wolf that had challenged his father’s authority.

His father hadn’t believed Linc had what it took to be a true leader. And maybe he’d been right when it came to the pack. But Linc had proven himself a successful leader in other areas of his life, especially with the council and Nick’s army of supes. Now he’d be a good father to his baby. And God help whoever tried to stop him.

Bennett’s eyes fluttered open. “Hey,” she said.

He grinned. She’d gone a whole five seconds without calling him an asshole.

“How long have I been asleep?” She glanced around the room. It was decorated in his modern aesthetic, clean lines and no clutter. Definitely not the kind of comfortable place he figured she’d need.

He’d change that. Give her whatever she wanted. He’d make this place as comfortable as he could for her. He wanted her to feel at home.

“You’ve been out for a few hours, lass.”

She put a delicate hand across her mouth and yawned. “Have you been here the whole time? Don’t you have a fashion empire to run or something?”

“I had to make sure you were all right. What do you need?”

She shrugged. “All of this is…weird. I’m sorry I called you a monster. I mean, I saw the baby on the sonogram. It didn’t have a tail or anything.” She sighed. “We have a lot to talk about,” she said cautiously, “but I still have to get my head around this. And I have about forty thousand questions for you about the…”

“Weird stuff?”

She bit her lip. “You won’t hurt me or the baby, right? Like when the moon changes and stuff? That’s all I need to know right now.”

“No, it’s not like that at all. Everything in the movies and television is wrong. I’ve had a few hundred years to learn to control my beast. I don’t change with the moon. Hell, I can go years without changing.” And he had when he’d been imprisoned a hundred years ago, after one of the battles he’d fought during the Supernatural wars. Though lately, he’d been changing twice a month to run on a ranch he’d bought north of Fort Worth. It was a great stress reliever.

She held up a hand. “Okay. I think the only way I’m going to make it right now is if you just let me ask questions a little at a time.”

“Ask away.”

“Nick is a vampire?”

Her calmness was impressive. “Right, but he’s not a vampire in the sense you might think. He’s Vrykolakas. He began as a wolf like me, but he went through a change hundreds of years ago, so now he’s a bit of both. It increases his power, which he needs as the leader of the Supernatural Council.”

She waved her hands. “Whoa. Okay, this is more complicated than I thought. But I guess as long as I know he won’t hurt Casey, I’m good.”

Linc chuckled. “There’s zero chance of that happening. He loves her beyond anything I’ve ever seen. He would give his life for hers.”

“It’s kind of sickening how into each other they are.” She scrunched up her face.

“I’m with you on that. But it’s in our natures. We’re protectors. We look after the people we care about, no matter the cost.”

“You did go kind of alpha on me when I told you. And, uh, you didn’t even question if it was true. I still think that’s weird, especially since you thought there was no way you could get me pregnant.”

“You came straight to me,” he said honestly. “You’re an honorable woman, Bennett. I’ve seen the way you look out for Casey. If you thought there was a possibility of another father, you would have told me.”

“Huh. Well, okay then. And no, no possibility. I’d been so busy with work since the wedding, I didn’t even notice I was pregnant. So um…yep.”

“So is there anything I can get you? Are you hungry at all?”

“If I can be completely honest…I kind of want a steak and baked potato.”

Linc texted the kitchen downstairs to send up what she wanted and added his order to it. “Okay. I’ve sent the order for your food. What else do you need?”

“I’m okay. I can figure out the rest for myself.”

He kneeled in front of her and put his hand on her leg. “Bennett. I know this is an awkward situation, but let me do this for you.”

She bit her lip, like she was considering his offer.

“I’ll eat here,” she said. “But afterward, I need to go back home.”

He stood up. “About that. It’ll be safer if you live here for a while.”
Or the rest of your life.
But he didn’t want to scare her. One step at a time.

If he just came out and said that, she might get the impression she was some kind of prisoner. Not at all. But he had enemies who wouldn’t hesitate to hurt her as a means of getting to him. Like it or not, by carrying his baby, she was now caught in a world he was afraid she wasn’t prepared for.

“I don’t understand. I’m not going to do anything to hurt myself or the baby if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“Right. I’m not worried about that at all, but you’re carrying my child, and I want to make sure you’re safe from any threats.”

Her eyebrow rose. “
what are you not telling me?” In the short time he’d known her, he should have realized nothing but the truth would work with her.

Where did he begin? How did he explain this without terrifying her?

“There are all kinds of supernaturals. I won’t overwhelm you with just how many, but there are those who might want to hurt a child of mine.”

“Why?” Her knuckles turned white as she fisted the blankets. “What did you do?”

“It isn’t about what I did. It’s about who I am. In my world, I’m royalty. There’s always someone trying to take me out. It’s not something I have to worry about every day, but that’s because I’m careful. I have a security team that follows me around, much the same way they do Nick and Casey. You made fun of my posse before, but that’s why they’re always around.”

Bennett stared at him. “Holy crap. So you’re kind of a big deal?”

“I’m also Nick’s second-in-command. There’s always someone after him, too. That’s one of the reasons most of us live and work in this building. The security is some of the best in the world.”

She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around her legs. Linc’s stomach sank—he’d frightened her.

“I don’t know,” she said. “It all sounds…suffocating.”

He put a hand on her arm. She didn’t flinch this time, which was progress. “I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he said, and he meant it. “I would give my life for you and our child.”

She lifted her head and gave him a lopsided grin. She really was more beautiful than she had a right to be—and he was surrounded by beautiful women all the time. But hers was an organic earthiness that appealed to him.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” She took a deep breath. “I know I keep saying this, but it’s a lot of change. I hear what you’re saying, but I need my independence. Living here, well…this isn’t exactly what I’m used to.”

“What do you mean?”

“Um, well, my apartment is the size of this bed, for one. I mean, with the kitchen it might be a little bit bigger—but not much. I don’t have anyone chasing me—except I once had a stalker ex. I tasered him and kicked him in the nuts. Last I heard, he’d moved to Canada with some chick.”

Linc laughed. “I have no doubts you can handle yourself. And I want you to feel at home here. You can change things around however you want. This is my room, but there are three others. You can have whichever one you like best, and we can turn another one into a nursery. But I need to know you’re here. Safe. And I understand your need for independence. But this isn’t only about you any more. There’s someone else at stake now. That means compromise. For your sake and the baby’s.”

She bit her lip. “I don’t really have a choice, do I? Even if I say no and go home, you’re going to send a team of security men, and my one-room efficiency is going to be very crowded.”

Linc chuckled. “You have choices, but when it comes to keeping you safe, I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“What about after the baby’s born?”

“After the baby’s born…” He shrugged, trying like hell to seem nonchalant. “We’ll figure out what works for you but doesn’t put you in danger.”

“And what about…” She raised her eyebrows. “What about us?”

A flash of sadness passed through him, and he looked away, hoping she hadn’t seen it in his face. “There are some things…I can’t offer. For your sake. For everyone’s sake. It’s a matter of keeping you safe.”

“Uh-huh. So when we had our little adventure that night in Greece and said it was just sex, no romance, you were serious.”


She smiled, like she was playing with him. “So if I wanted to go on a date with someone, you’d be okay with that?”

The suggestion hit him in the gut. Shite. He hadn’t thought about that. And now that the image was in his head, he didn’t want Bennett hanging off of anyone’s arm except his own.

But it wasn’t like he had any claim on her beyond this accidental pregnancy. Hell of it was, the way she made him feel was about as close to romance as he’d ever felt. But he knew why he couldn’t go down that path. He’d just have to keep control over his urge for something more with her.

“If it comes up, we’ll deal with it. Does that work?”

“Okay. And what about you? Are you going to be bringing women home? Because that could get a little awkward with your preggers friend hanging around.”

He smirked. “So we’re friends?”

She shrugged. “Seems like we should at least try for that.”

“I have no plans to date anyone right now. I’m busy designing my next collection and promoting the one we have.”

And to be honest, he didn’t really “date” for the same reasons he’d never intended to be a father.

“So we’re going to be friends who live together for now, at least until I have the baby. Then we’ll figure things out? God, it sounds so simple, but this is some life changing shit.”

“Lass, it is. But we’re going to do it together.”

She grinned. “Sometimes I forget you’re Irish. Knocked up by an Irish werewolf, who happens to be one of fashion’s most successful designers. I never do anything small.”

He reached out and pulled her into his lap. There was something waifish and lovely about her that called to him. She settled in his arms.

“I’ll take care of you and the babe,” he whispered into her hair. “You’ll want for nothing.”

“I get that you need to keep the baby safe. But I don’t want you to go all out for me. I just want to be as normal as possible.”

He held her closely and breathed in her soft scent. He wasn’t as sure about normal, but he would protect her. That was a promise he would keep.

Chapter Five

Two days later, Linc didn’t know what surprised him more: how little a suitcase Bennett had brought into his place, or how quickly she’d rearranged everything he owned into a new configuration.

“More efficient this way,” she said.

He stared at the empty place where his couch had once been. “Whatever makes you more comfortable.”

“I know it’s a little eclectic, but you’ll see. You could use a bit of warmth in here. Everything is so sterile. For a fashion designer, your place is kind of plain.”

Plain…? Everything had been arranged with purpose. The couch so that he could see every possible entrance into the place. The television so that it reflected a clear shot of the area behind him.

It’s only for a few months

Besides, the more comfortable she was, the easier his job would be keeping her safe.

“Clean lines help me to focus creatively.” He tried to keep the judgment out of his voice.

She scrunched her face. “I’m the opposite. I need inspiration around me. Things that set my mind in motion.”

He grimaced. He sure was staring at a lot of motion.

“Did you talk to Casey?” he asked.

She nodded. “Yep. For the time being, she and I are going to work from the penthouse. It’s just easier.”

“And the security guards?”

“It’s going to scare the clients if they’re standing around.”

“But they need to be there.”

She sighed. “Fine. But you tell them to be invisible. If we lose a client because they see some giant’s shadow, I’m coming after you.”

“As long as you’ll let them do their job.”

She glanced at him and laughed. “This is driving you nuts, isn’t it? You’re a good guy, giving me my space.”

God, he loved her laugh.

Whoa, wait. Where the hell had
come from?

Get a hold of yourself, Linc.

“I told you I want you to feel at home. Whatever it takes.”

She jumped up and tiptoed through the junk. She was wearing leggings and a giant sweater. No makeup, yet she was still beautiful. Without her normal platforms or heels on, she came to about midway up his chest.

“Bend down,” she said.

He arched an eyebrow—what was she doing?—but did as she said.

She kissed his cheek. “This is some crazy shit we’re dealing with. Dammit. I swore I’d stop cursing. Shit. This kid is going to be white trash happy if I can’t stop.”

Linc laughed. “I like it when you curse. Especially when it’s because my mouth’s on your—”

She hit him on his arm, and he laughed. He knew better than to bring up those kinds of thoughts about her, but the temptation had been too great to resist.

“I talked to Casey for a long time last night,” Bennett said. “To be honest, I’m scared. Scared that I’ll have a puppy instead of a baby. Scared someone’s going to kill me before I can have the puppy-slash-baby. And scared that I’ll be the worst mother in the history of mothers.”

“Aw, Bennett.” He hugged her. “You’re going to have a baby, not a puppy. The wolf stuff doesn’t happen until the teen years. I’m going to keep you safe. And you’ll be an amazing mum. You’re kind, funny, and generous.”

“You’re just saying that because you don’t want me to have another breakdown.”

“Everything you’re feeling is normal. I’m expecting even worse.”

She shook her head and backed away. “Gee, thanks.”

He stepped around her and picked up
What to Expect When You’re Expecting
from the coffee table. “To be honest, it’s not just about keeping you safe. I’m thinking about everyone else, too.”

“Is that right?”

“This book says that your hormones are going to make you homicidal at times. So by keeping you here, I’m protecting the world from you.”

She laughed. “You may have a point. I couldn’t get my suitcase open a little while ago and I was ready to rip it apart. Casey suggested maybe yoga.”

Linc nodded. “I’ll do it with you. I’ve got a great instructor. I’ll have her come by tomorrow. And I had the guys set up an office for you in one of the bedrooms, and we’ll set up the other one as a nursery.”

“Wow. Nursery.” She rubbed the bridge of her nose.

Linc winced—she
just said she was a bit overwhelmed. “Too fast?”

“A little.”

“Sorry. We’ll postpone any further nursery talk. You get settled. Make sure you rest. Anything you feel like eating, you can call downstairs and they’ll bring it up. I’m borrowing Nick’s jet today. I’ve got meetings with some buyers in New York, but I’ll be back tonight. You have my cell. Casey will be here, but Nick’s flying out with me. If you need anything, call me.”

Bennett went to the corner where she’d moved his couch and sat down. “You guys are a little much. I’ve been on my own since I was seventeen and went to art school. I’m good. I don’t need other people to cook or clean for me. Or teach me yoga.”

“Got it.” He smiled softly. “Tell you what, just for now, maybe don’t be afraid to ask for some help now and then. Your body is going to go through a lot of changes really fast. Faster than a normal pregnancy. If you promise you won’t overdo it, I’ll try to back off. But you have to promise me something.”

She eyed him warily. “What’s that?”

“You’ll stay within this building unless I can go out with you.”

Her jaw dropped. “You’re out of your mind.”

“That’s the deal.”

“Or what?”

“There are people out there who would do you harm. You don’t understand our world, but being Nick’s second-in-command puts me in a spotlight of sorts. With our people, power is everything. And there are those out there who will do whatever it takes to gain power. I’m not asking this to make you a prisoner. It isn’t a joke about people hurting you or the baby. Like it or not, I won’t let that happen.”

“I get that. I do. But I’m not going to stay in here until the baby’s born. I’ll go nuts. You can’t expect that of me. And no one knows I’m preggers, so why are you so worried?”

He frowned. “There are spies everywhere.”

“You’re overreacting. The only people who know are you, me, the doc, and Casey—well, and probably Nick at this point.”

“And everyone who has access to Jacinda’s files in her office. Trust me on this, we have to be careful.”

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. She wasn’t going to bend.

“Okay. So. I’ll just be gone today. Promise me that you’ll stay here for that long at least. We’ll figure something else out when I get back.”

“I promise.”

Something in her voice made him wonder if she was telling the truth. He’d have to put more men on her security detail. He would’ve taken her with him, but judging by the dark circles under her eyes, she really needed to rest.

Now more than ever, he needed to make sure he could take care of her and their child.

He lifted her chin in his hand. “You’re scared. I am, too. But I’m here for you. Don’t ever doubt that. I mean it.”

She sighed. “I won’t do anything to harm your child, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

He gathered her off the couch and into his arms, and though he could feel the tension that she was trying to hide, she relaxed the longer he held her.

“That never crossed my mind,” he said. “I’m talking about being here for you. I feel like I did this to you, and you’re the one who has to go through the morning sickness and the pain of childbirth. I can’t take any of that from you, but I can act as a resource. I can give you the things you’d otherwise have to struggle for. So please, let me make life as easy as I can for you.” He kissed the top of her head. God, she felt good in his arms.

For a moment she stiffened again, but then she wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you,” she whispered against his chest. Her shoulders dropped. “Hugs are good.”

Fuck business. If what she needed was for him to be here, right now, he could reschedule a thing or two. “Do you need me to cancel my meetings today?”

She grunted. “As much as I’d like to stay like this for the rest of the day, you need to run an empire. And I have work to do as well. But thanks for offering. Now go.”

He squeezed her tight, careful not to crush her.

A few minutes later, he exited the building. As he climbed into the limo, something tugged at his heart. His gaze travelled up the sleek, glassy exterior of the luxury apartment complex to the twenty-fourth floor, where she was.

Crap. He cared about her. Sure, he’d expected to have feelings for her. She was carrying his child. But he hadn’t expected to feel like this. He had to maintain a certain level of emotional distance if he wanted to keep people safe. But this? How could he protect her if he cared so much? The thought of anyone touching her brought his blood to a boil. He’d murder the first—

He had it bad.

“I’m an idiot.”

“What’s new?” Nick asked as he climbed in the other side of the car.

“I don’t even want to think about what I’ll do when she really is in danger. And she fights me at every turn.”

Nick tilted his head. “Getting attached, brother?”

Linc shrugged. “I don’t know. I feel lost when I’m not with her. Could it be the child?”

“Perhaps. But she may be your mate. Odd, but it happens. If you’re feeling an intense bond, she could be your fated match. We need to learn more about her father. I had the mother checked out, and she’s as human as they come. May I dig deeper?”

“Would it matter? You’re going to do it anyway.”

Nick chuckled. “True. We can’t risk unknowns right now.”

“What did the blood test indicate?” Doctor and patient privilege be damned. Nick was head of the council, and he would know the results long before Bennett or Linc would.

“Inconclusive. It’ll be another week or so before they know for sure, but she has magic within her. Which will help her with the pregnancy.”

And what would happen when the council found out?

What would Bennett think if she discovered she was half supernatural?

She was already so overwhelmed. And if she was part supernatural, her magical ancestors might come for the child. In certain factions, the children were raised separately from the parents. And in others, they insisted the child
the mother live with them until the child was of age.

His fists clinched. He wouldn’t let that happen.
let that happen.

Don’t get ahead of yourself. Who knows? She might be half mermaid. Those fish people love to party.

Wouldn’t that be a blessing in disguise? Even if it meant agreeing to weekly pool parties until the child was born. There were worse things than a race that didn’t know how to do anything but have a good time.

“Whatever we find out, it stays between you and me for now. I don’t want to cause her any more stress.”

Nick pulled out his phone and dialed. “Mason, let’s dig a little deeper.”

Linc hoped they were doing the right thing. That old saying about the truth setting you free didn’t always work in the world of supernaturals.

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